![]() Shaped Pancakes- Chapter 1A Chapter by L. I. AvidanMy name is Mark, and I’m a famous youtuber who has been “enlisted” to take care of 2 jews, an asian, an annoying kid, and a boy and girl who will be married much later in life. I realize the last one is a little strange, but its true, just go with me. “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!” A high pitched voice rang out throughout the house, waking me up. My eyes flickered open before I watched as my bedroom door flew open, and a streak of blue and brown fluffy hair came running in. I braced myself for impact as the streak jumped on-top of me, all 50 pounds of crazy. I groaned loudly as he landed on-top of me and then again when the light was flicked on. I slowly opened my eyes, trying to get them to adjust to the light, as my vision tried desperately to deblur. I reached over onto my nightstand and grabbed my glasses, putting them on. I blinked a few times before seeing a mess of curly jew fro, and transformers pjs. “Umm… Mark?” a soft voice called out to me from the doorway. I looked around the boy who was sitting ontop of me, to the little girl in Sally pjs who was rubbing her eyes. “Yea, Suz?” I said smiling, before getting Danny to get off of me, so that I could sit up in bed. “Can you make us pancakes? Arin, Ross and Kevin are still sleeping….” Suzy asked, as she pushed her black hair back from her face. I smiled and nodded before getting up out of bed. Suzy wanted a blonde streak in her hair for her birthday, so Arin got one on his as well. Whatever Suzy wanted, Arin wanted almost immediately after her, he was attached to her at the hip. “Come on kiddos..” I said, scooting them from my bedroom and out into the living room. Suzy walked just behind me, as Danny ran around the couch to get in front of me, and then up into his favorite bar stool so that he could watch me make pancakes. “You wanna help me, princess?” I asked scooping Suzy up into my arms before setting her on the countertop. She smiled wide and giggled. I smiled and opened the cabinets above her, pulling out the pancake mix and a measuring cup. I then opened the drawer to the right of her, and pulled out a spatula before shutting that drawer and opening the refridgerator, getting the milk out. I set all of my ingredients on the counter beside Suzy before realizing I had forgotten the skillet. I bent down and opened one of the bottom cabinets getting a skillet out. I set the skillet on the stove and put a little bit of butter in the pan before turning the stove on. About 20 minutes later, all of the pancakes were made, and on plates for everybody. I grabbed the little cookie cutters from a drawer and cut everyones pancakes into their favorite shapes and stuff. Danny loved eating jew star pancakes, Suzy loved princess tiara shaped pancakes and skull and cross bones, Arin liked just anything covered in syrup, Ross ate the most pancakes out of all of them, Barry liked a jew star and a dinosaur, and Kevin….. I wasn’t quite sure yet, he hadn’t decided which shape he liked best. “Danny, do you wanna go wake the rest of the boys up?” I asked setting the plates on our kitchen table, before picking Suzy up from the countertop and setting her in her seat at the table. I walked back to the kitchen counter and picked out glasses before getting the milk and orange juice out. I poured Danny a glass of milk, Suzy a glass of orange juice, Ross a large glass of milk, Arin a glass of Orange juice, Barry a glass of orange juice and Kevin a glass of milk. After I finished putting the plastic cups on the table, the boys came trudging in. Kevin was the first to walk in and climb into his chair, Arin followed taking his seat next to Suzy who sat on the end closest to the bar countertop where Danny and I sat, Ross sat in his seat next to Kevin and across from Suzy, and Barry sat on the other side of Kevin, against the wall and across from Arin. “Good Morning sleepyheads…. After breakfast we all have to get dressed so we can go to the store and then maybe a trip to the park-” “Can we go by the video game store?! I saw a commercial on the tv about a new Pokemon game that just came out…” Danny said cutting me off, sitting up right in his stool. At the word games, Arin’s head popped up, some syrup drizzling down his chin. He tried to catch it with his tongue but he wasn’t quite fast enough. I chuckled before looking over at Danny’s toothless grin. He’d lost his two front teeth with about two days in-between, last week. He was growing up so fast. “If you help me keep up with the rest of the kids, sure Dan. We can go by the game store… but wouldn’t you rather wait for Trevor to call me and tell me that your N64 came in? He texted me the other day and told me he got the confirmation email that it shipped last week…” I said sipping my protein shake, looking at him with a “That sounds better, right?” look. He squealed, smiling wide, before shaking his head. “Nevermind, I don’t wanna go to the game store, I’ll wait for the call!” Danny said scarfing down his last pancake and rushing out of his chair and out of the kitchen to the room he shared with Arin. Ross, Barry, Suzy and Kevin all shared 2 bunk beds, but they had a bigger room than Danny and Arin. Suzy got up out of her chair and picked her plate up, and carried her cup, before putting her dishes in the sink. She sipped the last drop of her orange juice before skipping off to her room. Slowly but surely, Ross, Arin, Barry and Kevin followed in suit. I washed everyones dishes before going into Danny and Arin’s room. “Hey Dan, I’m gonna take a quick shower, so help the others get ready, and ya’ll can watch tv till I’m ready..” I said before watching Danny shake his head yes. I smiled and walked back into the living room and into my bedroom, going to take a shower. 20 minutes later, I emerged from my bedroom, clean and ready to start our day. I smiled when I saw everyone sitting on the black leather couch, everyone’s shoes tied except Danny’s. ‘Suzy must have tied them..’ She loved to help out, and normally I had to do that but she’d already done it for me. “Good job guys.. Danny turn the tv off so we can all go get in the car..” I said before walking back into my room, grabbing my car keys, wallet, and phone off of my night stand. Danny quickly tied his shoes before pressing the off button on the remote and standing up being the first one to reach the door. © 2015 L. I. Avidan |
Added on February 24, 2015 Last Updated on February 24, 2015 Author![]() L. I. AvidanNone of your business xD, TXAboutHaii c: I'm L. I. Avidan, and I'm Single.... I love Game Grumps, Ninja Sex Party, Starbomb, MCR, A7X, The Used, and ADTR. I'm currently Reading: Maximum Ride (1) more..Writing