A Sentimental Hug

A Sentimental Hug

A Story by Efxaris Arampatzi

"A Sentimental Hug" is based on the author's true story with the guy she loves, capturing heartfelt memories, dreams, and bittersweet emotions.

 I had no idea dreams that haunt existed. How could a person I love traumatize me without doing anything wrong? I'll tell you. A few weeks ago, as I was going to sleep, I fell asleep pretty quickly since I was tired. Suddenly while resting I started dreaming about the guy I am in love with even though he doesn't know that.
 Who is he you may ask? Well, my classmate who I fell in love with at first sight a little over 2 years ago, and that is Chandler. In the 7th grade he never noticed me as much because I only hung out with a past friend of mine the whole year and didn't wish to talk to him or anyone for that matter because of my shyness. A whole summer passed when I acted like my love for him wasn't anything serious but then 8th grade came by and I was more serious than ever. The whole year I talked to him, still not a lot but a decent amount especially compared to last year. He would take, and still takes, attendance in my class and I'm his substitute whenever he is absent but I still help him whenever needed so those roles alone got us pretty close. We even sat far away in class but still managed to talk sometimes whether it was about homework or maybe to make a joke or two. Nothing as interesting happened the whole year except for the fact that he would like my photos and I would convince myself that maybe he likes me but I still thought I was delusional. 
 Near the end of the school year, right when we got our reports for the second semester he texted me to ask what grade I got in general. He got the perfect score of 20 and I got a 19,9 because of my grade in history which was 19 instead of 20 like all the other subjects. It didn't upset me as much, I never was a fan of history except for the 3rd grade. At a random moment in our conversation he asked me if I wanted to hang out with him soon. When I saw that notification I started jumping, screaming of excitement, I could NOT believe that he wanted to hang out with me and I have my reason. The past 2 years he would talk with a lot of girls, not in a romantic way of course, but too many girls so I was worried maybe he liked at least one of them. That though did not stop me at all from agreeing. Unfortunately because finals were coming up I had to study so we didn't hang out the weekend when he asked me. However once the final exams ended he didn't wait a moment to ask me again if we would hang out, which showed me that he probably was as excited as me and it made me feel lucky to have met him. 
 Just two days later, on the 19th of June we hung out. It was a simple walk with some ice cream which he paid for!!! When he offered to pay it even though I said that he didn't have to, he made me smile since I thought he was such a gentleman. While we were talking he showed me one of his favourite singers, Natassa Bofiliou and a few of her songs for me to listen to! But a few moments later I ruined everything. We sat on a bench to chat and an old man from another country sat next to us and asked by pointing in a certain way, because we couldn't understand his language, if we were dating. Although I didn't understand it, I asked Chandler and I hate myself to this day for doing this. When he told me what the old man asked, I laughed... In a "I wouldn't date someone like you" way (or at least that's what Chandler probably thought). But I didn't actually laugh like that, I don't why I laughed, I suppose it was because I thought there was no way we would ever date because he doesn't like in my mind. I was embarrassed and disgusted by myself for doing that because I basically told the love of my life that I didn't love him. When I realized, it was too late, of course Chandler didn't say anything because this was a "casual" hangout. A little later we went to a cosmetics shop just so I could browse and I decided to buy nail oil. The gentleman he is, he offered to buy it for me but I didn't let him because I already felt bad. We continued walking and chatting and later I took a bus to leave as it was getting late. Of course that night I was kicking my feet since I couldn't realize that I had just gone out with my crush! 
 About a fortnight later I asked him to hang out again the upcoming Thursday. I was with my friend at that time at the pool and she helped me text him because I was nervous and didn't know how to ask him. He wasn't sure at first only because he would go out of town but we thankfully hung out just the next day. What shocked me while we were planning it is that he wanted to go to the BEACH, with ME! And I obviously said yes!
 On Friday, July 5th, we met at the bus station and walked to a beach bar. When we arrived we set all of our things. Then he asked me to rub sunscreen on his back which might not seem like a crazy favour to you but it was to me and I was happy to do it. We even had the same exact sunscreen! Just after that we went in the water to swim and it was super fun because we talked, laughed A LOT because he is hilarious, and played in the water! He would also splash water on the fish that was coming towards so they would go away and as "revenge" I would splash water right back at him but just for fun! After we got out of the water we ordered both the same drink, Peach Iced Tea and we played cards endlessly! When we left the beach bar we went to the cosmetics shop like last time except this time I bought a rice face mask and of course he joked about it because it sounded stupid for a face mask to have rice and it was funny I can't lie! While we were walking towards there he showed me a few more songs to listen to by Natassa and I wrote them down not knowing that I would absolutely love her and she would eventually become my favourite artist too! I left again by bus, this time not knowing it would be the last time I would hang out with him (hopefully for now).
 On August 23rd I went to my friend Anna's house where she told me that he had texted her to ask her advice on how to ask me out. They had spent a whole night talking about how the whole hangout with me would go and she even showed me the messages. After just the first hangout he never texted her again for any other advice or just to give her any kind of update which showed that he probably was uninterested after the first hangout. At that moment my heart broke, I could have shown him that I love him if only I knew he loved me back... I SERIOUSLY love him which is why this hurt me so bad. So bad that for an entire week after I learnt this, I cried myself to sleep every, single, night. 
 When we came back from summer break to school, we thankfully sat super close to each other despite everything that happened. I sat and still currently sit in front of him and he actually started kind of brushing my hair with his fingers during lots of lessons and annoyed me in a funny way (like tapping my shoulder and acting like he hadn't done anything when I turned around) especially on subjects we both agree are boring such as physics. Additionally it feels nice to know that we both like the same kind of lessons, the ones that have to do more with words than numbers, so there's one of our common interests! Moreover, this school year me, him, my friend Anna and his friend John, we work always, on any project that requires teams, together since we all sit together normally in class! We even have a group chat that I named "δυναμική τετράδα" where I'm basically calling the 4 of us dynamic!
 You might ask now, what is the point of this whole explanation of my relationship with Chandler? Was everything just a dream just like every common boring story? Well no, they are all memories. Memories that I saw in my dream. In the dream I was dating Chandler and he had come over at my house to hang out. All of a sudden he started crying because he had missed me and hugged me tight. We lay on the sofa while cuddling and then we both started crying. In the dream all of those memories I've told you about, raced through my mind at that moment. That hug was full of emotion, a sentimental hug you could say. While dreaming I felt every single emotion hitting me as sharp as a knife but I still slept peacefully that night. I loved him and hated him at the same time in the dream because he showed me his love so much and then never gave me the opportunity to give the love back. This hurt me, so I cried... It all felt actually real which adds to the emotion. It was all still just a dream, a dream that haunts me to this day, and dreams you can remember happen I've heard, so, let's see... I still love you Chandler, hurt me as much as you can but I will never stop. Your choice now if you want to love me back again or for the first time.

© 2025 Efxaris Arampatzi

Author's Note

Efxaris Arampatzi
This is my first ever story and it is actually based on my true story with the guy I have loved for about the past two years since the second I saw him! I have never written a story before so my storytelling skills may not be as good so just ignore any small errors. Oh and by the way, his name isn't Chandler, I just can't say it for obvious reasons :)

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Sadly, I suspect that the moment when he kissed and hugged you, and declared how much he missed you; may belong in the realm of your dreams.

But, that scenario of a love rat returning to a young woman's arms, after betraying her; is an endearing fantasy. In reality, young men at school, mere teens; often have multiple partners.

It's partly in the nature of guys, to conquer one woman's affection after another; with little regard for the consequences. So, you should try not to take the emotional hurt to heart; although I appreciate how difficult that can be.

Particularly, whilst feeling convinced that; he was the "one" for you. However, just a matter of time; until he lets down his current partner. Then, she will experience similar hurt; to what you have endured. Furthermore, he would not necessary have another young woman to take her place; if this relationship broke down for a different kind of reason.

What I have mentioned, can all apply; even if these relationships have been platonic rather than sexual. But, as teens; your hormonal sexual urges will be influencing your choice of potential relationships.

In this story, you have expressed it purely from your own perspective; and what you consider to be Chandler's perspective. And, it is like a kind of biographical romance.

Despite the emotional hurt which you have suffered, at least it shows that you care deeply; and have a natural desire to enjoy a genuinely romantic relationship. Thankyou, for sharing.

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Efxaris Arampatzi

2 Months Ago

Absolutely! Thank you for the review! Everything that happened is true just with the exception that .. read more


Given your age, I’m impressed with what you’ve done. And, that statement stands alone, and is not detracted from by what comes next.

I’ll not comment on the poem, itself, because of something everyone in your situation will miss. So... take a deep breath, because here’s what you missed:

Thousands of years ago, in your country, they began writing poetry. And since then, people have been working to improve the techniques, learn how to avoid problems, and, grab the reader by the throat and not let go. So, given that it’s poetry they were writing, and your school-day training is designed to make you useful to employers, who need us to write reports, letters and other NONFICTION applications, how much of that specialized poetic technique do you think your teachers have given you?

See the problem? They offer degree programs in poetry-related subjects. There’ve been endless numbers of books written on poetic technique. So...what are the odds that you, in turning to writing poetry, are going to “get it right without help?”

My point? Do what Wilson Mizner suggested: “If you steal from one author it’s plagiarism; if you steal from many it’s research,” And research! Make those skills yours and you stand on the shoulders of giants (and will get better grades on your writing for school assignments) Skip that step and you’ll be making the same mistakes they were long ago, and never realize you’re doing it.

And...the learning will be filled with things you never thought of, but will say, “That makes perfect sense,” when you read it. So the learning will add many unexpected options, and answer questions you didn’t know you should be asking.

For metrical poetry of the kind you’ve written here, Jump over to Amazon and read the excerpt from Stephen Fry’s, The Ode Less Traveled. He will amaze you with things unexpected about the flow of language.

For non-metrical poetry, try Mary Oliver’s, A Poetry Handbook. It’s filled with things that will have you saying, “Why have I never noticed that? And it will make a huge improvement in your writing.

And, since you’re also writing prose, too, another suggestion:

What you wrote was a narrative, and very well written. But when focused on fiction, while that approach can work, there’s a lot more to writing it successfully—again, with a very different approach from the fact-based and author-centric approach of reports, and, your story. With a goal of entertaining the reader, fiction’s approach is emotion-based and character-centric. So, if you plan to try writing fiction, grab a copy of Debra Dixon’s, GMC; Goal Motivation & Conflict:


And for fiction, you might want to check a few of my articles, and YouTube videos. They’re meant as an overview of the traps and gotchas that trap us all.

But whatever you do, hang in there, and keep on writing.

Jay Greenstein
Articles: https://jaygreenstein.wordpress.com/category/the-craft-of-writing/the-grumpy-old-writing-coach/
Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@jaygreenstein3334

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“Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader. Not the fact that it’s raining, but the feeling of being rained upon.”
~ E. L. Doctorow

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”
~ Mark Twain

“Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.”
~ Groucho Marx

Posted 1 Month Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sadly, I suspect that the moment when he kissed and hugged you, and declared how much he missed you; may belong in the realm of your dreams.

But, that scenario of a love rat returning to a young woman's arms, after betraying her; is an endearing fantasy. In reality, young men at school, mere teens; often have multiple partners.

It's partly in the nature of guys, to conquer one woman's affection after another; with little regard for the consequences. So, you should try not to take the emotional hurt to heart; although I appreciate how difficult that can be.

Particularly, whilst feeling convinced that; he was the "one" for you. However, just a matter of time; until he lets down his current partner. Then, she will experience similar hurt; to what you have endured. Furthermore, he would not necessary have another young woman to take her place; if this relationship broke down for a different kind of reason.

What I have mentioned, can all apply; even if these relationships have been platonic rather than sexual. But, as teens; your hormonal sexual urges will be influencing your choice of potential relationships.

In this story, you have expressed it purely from your own perspective; and what you consider to be Chandler's perspective. And, it is like a kind of biographical romance.

Despite the emotional hurt which you have suffered, at least it shows that you care deeply; and have a natural desire to enjoy a genuinely romantic relationship. Thankyou, for sharing.

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Efxaris Arampatzi

2 Months Ago

Absolutely! Thank you for the review! Everything that happened is true just with the exception that .. read more
Powerful work. Very well crafted.

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Efxaris Arampatzi

2 Months Ago

Thank you so much for your kind words Thomas! I really appreciate it!
This story was amazing, Efxaris. It seems like you had a lot of fun. Your relationship is getting stronger day by day. Make sure to be confident and kind to not break his heart. He will come around next time, I promise!

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Efxaris Arampatzi

2 Months Ago

Thank you so much for your review Martiya! I had a really fun time with him and I hope someday that .. read more
Martiya Daman

2 Months Ago

You're welcome! My absoulute pleasure!
Your story telling skills are very good and the writing was engaging throughout. I encourage you to continue to write more. I hope ‘Chandler’ comes around and your relationship grows stronger. He sounds like a pretty good fellow and a gentleman. Stay confident but don’t let him break your heart. Boys that age tend to be a bit immature and silly.

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Efxaris Arampatzi

2 Months Ago

Thank you so much! :)
Prateek Kumar Rai

2 Months Ago

Your story is awesome. And I hope you get a warm hug from 'Chandler' and he always love you. May you.. read more
Efxaris Arampatzi

2 Months Ago

Thank you so much for your kind words! I really appreciate it and I hope the same for Chandler :)

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5 Reviews
Added on January 19, 2025
Last Updated on January 27, 2025


Efxaris Arampatzi
Efxaris Arampatzi

Katerini, Greece

I am a Greek 14-year-old girl. I love music, writing, dancing, puppies, chocolate and the same guy for almost 3 years ♡ more..


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