Chapter 1: A Vision

Chapter 1: A Vision

A Chapter by Eemia

Wolf Bane meets 2 new people. But which is Friend or Foe?


Wolf Bane, this isn’t a good idea. It’s to complicated. How the heck is she going to help us?”

Wolf Bane shook himself awake - he ruffled his fur and spoke to the opposite wolf that stared at him.

“Have no fear Fenrir, she’ll help us. She has no choice.’ He spoke kindly but harsh at the same time. Fenrir didn’t look so sure plus he didn’t want to be on the same side as Wolf Bane but it was of course against the rules of being a god to attack your own kind of species. Fenrir was a blood-red colored wolf, with dark red wings that covered his body proudly as if protecting something that if anyone tried to touch he would surely kill. His claws like razors that could slash through any solid (or even liquid.) His eyes were the most magnificent, pure scarlet eyes that would make you shiver down to your toes if you looked into them. His teeth like a sabre tooth tiger’s, jagged and very unsafe to be by if you had a phobia of sharp things. He growled.

“You have no idea what you’re doing Wolf Bane! She’s going to be like all the other wolf cubs you’ve possessed with that power. They all died other than that it doesn’t matter does it?” Fenrir spoke cruely adding. “Think about all the mothers that lost their cubs because of you? Have you no heart Bane?!’

Wolf Bane’s eyes turned into a steely glint. He looked straight into Fenrir’s eyes. Fenrir whelped with pain, he had forgotten that Wolf Bane was Alpha around these parts. Wolf Bane circled Fenrir his gums turned into what looked like a menacing threat. Even though Fenrir did not back away Wolf Bane snapped at his heels making the poor wolf cry out even more.

Don’t you dare Fenrir, don’t you dare. The mothers WILLINGLY gave their cubs life away!” snapped Wolf Bane. Fenrir yelped. Not because he’d been attacked again. It was because he had bitten his tongue on purpose trying not to rip Bane apart. Wolf Bane’s eyes softened. The fire that had burned in them vanished unable to return, including the anger in his voice. Fenrir grinned evily, his teeth sparkling in the darkness. The trees were dancing with the wind as they twirled and shook together as one. The bushes sang with the trees boogieing as the two wolf’s eyes collided.

No mother would give their own child’s life away Bane. Can’t you see Bane? You’ll never find your cub. It’s lost. It doesn’t exist. The prophecy was wrong, why can’t we go home Bane? Living like God’s once more. Why can’t we do that Bane? Oh yeah. ‘I NEED TO FIND MY KID!’ Are you crazy? You’ll never find your wretched child Bane, she or he is either de-”



Fenrir looked up.

“Wolf Bane?” he called. He was gone. Wolf Bane was gone. Immediately his eyes glided towards the glass ball that was now glowing it’s bright pinky color even though the swirls kept changing different colors. Wolf Bane’s emotions? Aha! There was Wolf Bane himself. But Wolf Bane wasn’t walking or running neither was he skipping or even jogging at that. He was flying. Across hills, farms, dens, forests, even a big city full of humans. Now he was getting nearer into a dark, gothic cave near by the city however it didn’t look like he was going to stop, wrong. Wolf Bane glided into an awesome landing near the cave, maybe the prophecy was right after all. Wolf Bane didn’t look worried or even scared or even terrified in fact he didn’t look bothered still he cautiously peeped his head in the cave and sniffed, didn’t look like anyone dodgy was in there at Wolf Bane’s end. He saw Wolf Bane walk in nodding appreciatively at not getting hurt just yet. Yet.

Wolf Bane jumped as two wolves ran at him except when he tried to dodge but he was to slow, they all ran through him. He shook his head. Well that’s one thing good about this place atleast you aren’t noticeable to other species, that was always a good sign. There was wheeping, crying and an occasional sniff coming near the heart of the cave, what was going on? He steadily tracked his way through the rubble and corspes of dead deers that lay across the caves base. His eyes were crammed with sympathy as he saw dead wolves lying in a heap at his far right. Even though he had made a law never to hurt humans he wouldn’t mind killing one at the moment after what he’d seen. He ignored It and carried on his journey to the middle of this mysterious crying. A mother wolf protecting her cub she was growling at something that wasn’t there, it was obvious that poor wolf had been drove mad by the smell of rotting carcasses. Wolf Bane couldn’t do anything but watch, he watched as the mother tosses her cub at the side wall then howled in anger at herself for doing such a thing to her child. Then he stared at her as she fell quickly but ruthlessly to the ground - she was dead. He knew it before she had even hit the ground. He strided to the cub that was lying near a puddle of urine even if he could do something Wolf Bane didn’t do anything to help, but just watched as the cub struggled to it’s feet. He was amazed. The cub had been badly bruised and yet it was prepared to fight.

His silvery eyes widened. The blue mist he’d seen in the orb! The cub had the same color eyes that he’d seen in the orb nevertheless it could be just a coincidence, he chuckled (if that’s possible for a wolf.) He could always test it out, one bite from him would give the cub the power it might or might not be able to control. If it could. The cub would live. If not…Alavista Pup! Wolf Bane didn’t want to risk this anymore in reality he rather not do it at all, but he had to. He hadn’t got a choice either. If this cub can do it. It’ll be the last cub I’ll ever hurt - that he wasn’t going to complain to. Because even though he didn’t say so, he secretly agreed with Fenrir. It was wrong breaking the mother’s hearts of the cubs that he had tried so many times before. It was cruel and unfair.

Wolf Bane clawed Fenrir by the neck and threw him to the stone cobbled floor, the floor cracked a little causing a fisure. Wolf Bane’s silver lighted eyes had reached the boiling point - he was on fire. Blue fire.

“Don’t you ever, ever insult my child! Ever Fenrir! You’re lucky that you were even informed about this, so I’d make sure you shut that trap. And get thinking about what to do!” Wolf Bane roared with fury.

Fenrir gasped, got up, nodded then walked to his post and sat. Wolf Bane to the other his old, grey fur snagged on bushes but he did not care. Only one thing ran through his mind tonight. He snapped the branches off him with his quick,sly claws then sat at his post to look into the crystal ball Fenrir had stolen. Stretching out his paw he gestured to the oval, glass ball and said.

“What is it?”

Fenrir didn’t answer for a long time. His eyes transfixed to the orb that glowed so mistily that it was hard not to look at it without being hypnotized. Then. Out of the pink, pearly mist came another shade of mist but unlike the other mist it was…Scary to look at. Fenrir turned his gaze away unable to look except for Wolf Bane, he looked at the globe with such force that it seemed as if the beautiful orb was burning into his heart. His eyelids drooped dreamily. Trying so hard to shake sleep away but failing every time - Wolf Bane gave up and fell deeper and deeper into the mist…


But it could all end, with one little nibble…(c’mon do it!) He crept towards the cub further and further until their noses rubbed together. He opened his massive lean jaws then leaned his head near the pup’s long, furry neck and…

He hesitated. He closed his eyes although he knew very well that he didn’t have the heart to snap his jaws close.


Wolf Bane’s brain exploded with thoughts, dreams and visions - the dreams and thoughts moved quickly so it was hard to see what he was thinking about. However, the visions were slow but it seemed like fog was drafting through the setting. Fading…


“Zack! There’s a girl in town today, and my mommy say’s she’s stunning. Maybe we’ll get lucky.” a young black haired boy nudged his fellow companion grinning slyly. The boy called Zack shook his head and nudged his friend back, he didn’t seem that impressed but he was listening anyway.

“You mean I’ll get lucky! You’ve got no chance brother.” laughed the shaggy haired Zack. His brother jumped on him and started to bite his neck laughing when Zack tried to swat him away with his fists.

“Yeah right brother, now let’s go meet her! Mom said she’s interested in finding someone in the town.” he winked at his brother Zack then sprinted out of chamber into the wilderness near the town. Zack didn’t want to be left out at all as he dashed after his formidable brother. Stumbling through the thorns Zack dashed to keep up. “Hey! Wait up Zeke! I can’t keep up!” Zack called after him. Zeke stopped. Smiling at his scared little brother, he wanted to impress this lady. That wouldn’t be hard. He felt his stomach harden, it often did that when he felt guilty. He shrugged it off and waited for his brother on a smooth rock near the river. Zack caught up after a few minutes, breathing heavily and wheezing terribly. Zeke grabbed Zack and slung him over his back- thank god he wasn’t heavy.

Sorry Zeke…” Zack whispered in Zeke’s ear. Zeke smiled. He didn’t mind carrying Zack, he loved his brother and he’d carry him anytime to anywhere. The village was coming in sight, Zeke started to jog hurryingly - he didn’t want to miss the woman that would surely help his brother. Like his mother had said, the woman that he was going to meet would make his brother better. The only problem was, he had no bloody idea what she looked like. Hoping that she might be deformed or something Zeke trudged into the town of Mavlon (still grinning.) And there was the King. Stunning power that Zeke wished he could control one day, handsome looks which Zeke also wanted. The King was surrounded by a group of bystanders who wasn’t looking at him strangely enough. But someone behind him. The King was pushed out the crowed into the pavement. He didn’t look pleased at that but when he saw Zeke his smile grew.

“Hey Zeke! Just the man we we’re all looking for.” The King commented stepping forwards and leaning down until he met Zeke’s eyes.

“Are you here to see her?”

Zeke nodded, the King knew everything about him and Zack. Some people joked that the King was practically there father. Zeke was glad he wasn’t, Zeke wasn’t THAT fond on the King. The King beckoned him over to the crowed encouragingly - Zeke wasn’t sure that he wanted to tell the woman Zack’s problem with everyone listening excluding the fact that Zack’s disease was a secret from everyone apart from there mother, the King and maybe…This strange, wonderful woman. He blinked. Nobody was moving. Nobody at all. Wait. A woman. A striking young woman walked towards him, her clothes were unique. A black, leather trench coat that went down to her black combat boots, along with her smart, black, leather chaps. Her skin wasn’t pale but wasn’t dark either. She reminded Zeke of a mysterious vampire. Her eyes…no white. Just blue, gloomy mist engulfed them. A piece of Zeke wanted to run and hide with fear but another part told Zeke to stand his ground and face the woman that might be able to save his loving brother. Her brunette hair fastened up into a pony tail, she didn’t look evil. Just very strict but stunning at the same time. Zeke seriously wouldn’t want to cross paths with her. Her walk was simply amazing, Zeke had never in his life seen a girl walk so…COOL. The way she moved delighted Zeke and for a moment. For one mad moment Zeke imagined holding her in his arms.

“What is it that you need Zeke?” a voice interrupted his thoughts. He looked up, shaken and stunned that she had talked. To him! Oh man. Play it cool Zeke. He grinned boyishly pressed on to answering her question.

“Well…I need a lot of things in my life. Wealth, Romance and Power. I couldn’t be happier if I had all that wouldn’t I?” Zeke hoped that he hadn’t sounded to confident. She grinned. Zeke melted inside. Please let me impress her. Please, please and TRIPLE PLEASE.

She shook her head and tapped his nose disapprovingly but smirking all the same.

“Tell me the real reason.” she pressed on him. Her eyes darkened. He winced, he knew he had got her impatient. Zeke felt like crying. He had wanted to impress her so bad and now he was ruining it by TRYING to impress her.

“My brother Zack has got a rare predicament. And he needs someone to heal him…My mother told me that you were a Goddess and you could do almost everything…” Zeke looked at the soft soil that he was standing on hoping that his cheeks would not show. Zeke felt his brother being taken off his back and watched as the woman placed him on the ground. He gritted his teeth as he watched the woman stroke his brothers forehead smiling. Not the smile that she’d given him. Not the ‘Haha funny’ smile. But the ‘Aww aren’t you a cutie’ smile. He watched as her leather gloves tickled his neck until she got to a bite. She looked up at him. Fear in her eyes - she was terrified. She backed away from Zack. Sympathy now replacing the unmistakable fear she frowned and muttered a word Zeke almost didn’t catch.


Zeke nodded miserably and glared at his brother with hate. He didn’t understand. Why was this woman not attracted to him? He wasn’t the werewolf! He was a perfectly normal person who just wanted to be with this woman for the rest of his life. Was that to much to ask?! She kneeled beside Zack once more and placed her head on his chest and sighed. Zeke watched horrified as she rubbed Zack’s stomach whispering things in his ear - anger, hate, spite and jealousy clung to Zeke’s heart as he watched his brother being loved by the woman who had never even met Zack personally!

“I’m so sorry Zack…I’m so so sorry. “ she cooed in his ear. She looked at him finally, as if he hadn’t been there and she’d only just noticed him.

“I’m sorry Zeke…I can’t cure him. It’s impossible. It’s a shame. But you’ll look after him won’t you Zeke?” she beamed at him hopefully. Zeke had no choice but to nod curtly. Then something struck him.

“Can you die?” he asked morbidly. If she was shocked, hurt or even stunned by the statement she didn’t show it. As a matter of fact she grinned and shook her head. Well. That answered his question. She was still going to be alive when he hit 1000! She could make him live forever. Zeke knew she could, because his mother had said so and whatever his mother said went…

Another question waiting to be answered.

“Can you tell the future?”

This time she laughed out loud, she flashed a eyelid playfully at him however again shook her head. Zeke was getting frustrated and irritated at her for not talking to him.

“Can you talk?”

“Yes I can talk Zeke. Now. Honey. I’m pretty busy today, so yeah. Nice talking to you and your brother.” She nodded goodbye to him and walked towards the outskirts of the wilderness. She turned and waved at what seemed to be him, she was grinning happily. He turned and was traumatized to see that she was waving at his now awake brother Zack. She rounded the corner and soon vanished out of sight. Zack groaned, gripping onto his brother’s shoulder. Zeke grabbed Zack’s insecure hand and dug his nails into his little brother’s fingers and threw him hard onto the ground.

“Zeke! What’s wrong? Ouch! What have I done?!” Zack yelled. Zeke turned away from his brother and walked silently towards the wilderness that would lead him back to his home, his chamber, his mother and his mother’s cooking. He didn’t look back. Because if he had then Zack would have seen the pure loathing in his eyes…

Zeke heard shouts and yells towering at his back, all of them asking him to help his brother. But he ignored them. He didn’t feel guilty for leaving his brother anymore, in fact he felt alive. He strided silently towards home, the rocky outlet at the end of the road he was following. Almost there now…


Wolf Bane opened his dreary eyes once more, and looked around at his surroundings. He was expecting to see a dead wolf cub or a live one. But he did not see either. Stood before him was a woman. Her eyes overflowing with the same blue haze in the vision he had just stumbled upon. The woman was dressed in thick, wolf hide which draped her shoulders pleasantly. His daughter…

She bended down to Wolf Bane’s level and gazed into his eyes, searching for something Wolf Bane did not know. Wolf Bane circled her - not believing what was in front of his eyes. She turned away from him and howled to the full moon which replied to her calls. She slowly began to crouch onto her all fours, mumbling in pain then screaming out for her mother. She still had the mind of a poor, defenseless little wolf cub that would not make it through the winter without the mothers milk and warmth. He looked away, it did not matter. She was his child. ‘

He snapped his heads towards his child once more to see if she had spoken such words. Nothing. He wasn’t looking at a woman anymore either. A black wolf. A black wolf with a golden stripe down it’s back. The sign of a god. But not any old god. The most strongest god to ever live…Her eyes were still the same but a little bit clearer. She stepped forward towards Wolf Bane and opened her massive jaws wide…

Wolf Bane had been worried about this, his child could choose if they had wanted him to live or not then again he was ready to die. Wolf Bane was old, frail and not prepared to look after the world like the other wolves had told him to watch over.

“Take me back to see Fenrir Father.” she spoke softly as if a ghost.

Wolf Bane closed his eyes and everything went dark once more…













You’ve made a mistake Bane…’


© 2008 Eemia

Author's Note

Read and Review. Much appreciated <3
Ignore my grammer problems.

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Please keep writing this is awesome

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Added on February 20, 2008



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