GhostA Poem by AmoreDistante
Fat. Ugly. Invisible.
I walked those empty halls a living breathing ghost. Pain ignorance and loneliness my only host. Everyday day my face a contorted silent scream living my empty nightmare not a child s' dream. Behind a mask i couldn't break. my tear stained face raised up in disgrace asking why, did i get such cruel test of fate. I drowned that little girl with the sad lying eyes in ice cream with sprinkles and all things super size. pizza by day and cream puffs by night. Each sugar rush that brought a small wisp of light. adding to my thighs, my belly and pain. i dreaded each morning walking past those echoing mouths, fatty. loser. lard-a*s, and stampede would abound. who knew gestures could be so hurtful with small hands and large rotund motions. they sent my smile deep within my tormented oceans, lost like treasure that might never be found. i let that little girl go, it was easy, painless really. because you see, no one knew me. you cannot miss what you did not know. they didn't know me because i was a ghost.
© 2013 AmoreDistanteAuthor's Note