News comes each day. But is it worth reading? It’s the same depressing reiteration of the the worlds sorrows. Deaths, murders, natural catastrophes; these are the headlines that fill our gaze upon grasping a news paper. Perhaps the news paper should be banned, for the negativity it renders must surely overwhelm the human psyche. If not banned, at least modified, for news be not all gloom. News is simply the conveyance of matters one may deem important. Why not then, are more happier matters conveyed, after all, some matters of happiness are of importance.
We, human beings - when I say human beings, I speak not of those whom have the pleasure of living lavish, living free, living without worry or pressure. But I speak of those humans who are ordinary, the humans whose presence is only relevant to those immediately around them. And if that human were to perish or to live on, it would be an indifferent affair. For these humans are simple in nature, they are citizens of the world, but more so citizens of one another. That is to say, they behave in manners to provide joy to those that matter to them. But joy is hard to come by for the ordinary - for the simple.
Though it may be, its presence [the joy] is rarely felt, when it does seep into the emotions of the ordinary, its overwhelming to say the least. My concern is not for whether joy is rarely felt by the common man, or even why, but rather understanding the moment when that joy is delivered.
For it is that moment that removes all woes of the past. It is however, only a moment, and moments are temporary...