Getting to Know You

Getting to Know You

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Alleania gets to know her grandchildren, while in Flux, Eioldth, Sirya and Aranthi are given an aerial tour of their new home.



Getting to Know You


Eioldth had never seen such things as those that were waiting for them inside the large building that Deborah explained was a ‘hanger’.   The single room was probably as large as the palace in King’s Reach and parked in two lines, one on each side of the building, were the Watcher’s incredible flying machines.


“Most of these are from just a handful of parallel worlds that Drake and Kinzer visited before the Great Gathering.   These, along with a museum full of various artifacts, as well as the Archmages’ private collections, are all that remain of these former worlds.   Yesh allowed everything that existed in Flux at the time of the Great Gathering to continue to exist afterwards.   I was willed these jets and planes by Drake.”

“What are they called again?”  Sirya asked, fascinated by the strange devices.

“Aircraft, collectively; though there are a few that are actually capable of flying through space as well.   Most of them came from worlds that were very close mirrors of the Prime World.   Usually with just slight variations from each other.   In one of these worlds, for example,  a war might have been won by another nation, or a disaster occurred that didn’t in the others.   Drake charted all the variations in order to calculate his theory of what the Prime World was actually like. “


“Did all of these aircraft exist in all of the variations of the Prime World?”   Eioldth wondered as they looked at each machine.

“Some did, but others didn’t.   There are some very fine machines here.”

“How did Drake acquire them?   They are so large!”   Sirya asked Deborah as she touched the metal of one of the aircraft.

“He opened large dimensional doors and they would be flown inside.   Usually the pilots would be controlling them, so he’d teleport them back to their worlds with a spell of forgetfulness clouding their minds.   I imagine it created many tales of mysteries and UFOs!”  Deborah laughed.

They all wondered what a UFO was, but Sophia politely suggested that they all board Deborah’s jet for the aerial tour of Flux. 

They walked to the last spot in the hanger, next to the huge doors, where a sleek white craft stood. It had what looked like portholes running along the sides from front to back.   Three humans and a Halfling were doing some work on it and bowed respectfully to the Elven Watcher as they approached.

One of the men came forward and spoke to Deborah for a few minutes, apparently about the craft, and then the three workers left.

“It is all ready for flight.” She told the group, walking over to a hatch on the side of the craft and pulling it down, which revealed some stairs set into the other side, “Climb aboard, please.”


A few minutes later they were all seated in some very comfortable, leather covered chairs inside the long cylinder shaped cabin.

“This is a Leer jet.   In the Prime World and the variants that used to exist, it was used to fly wealthy people across the world in comfort.   A ‘jet’ is a type of engine that propels the ship.   Somewhat similar to some of those arcane vacuum tube engines that the quicker airships use in Synomenia.   But these burn fuel and are faster.    Strap yourselves into the seat by the belts and I will taxi us down the runway for take-off.   I’ll talk with you by two-way intercom.”

“Sophia, if you would like to take this opportunity to speak with us, I can assure you that we are quite secluded in this plane.”


The Drow lady nodded, struggling with frustration at getting the belt to fit around her huge pregnant belly.   Eioldth helped her from the seat next to her and Sophia smiled in appreciation.

“Okay, I’ll tell you why I want your opinions, then.   I’ve been monitoring the situation in Westmark and they have defeated Earl Redburr’s army, though they probably wouldn’t have succeeded had it not been for the Dwarven army arriving to assist them, as well as Eleazar using the Whuo-Nao statue.”


Eioldth looked up excitedly, “He was able to use it?!   Sophia, that means he is a King!”

The Drow lady nodded, “Yes, his voice animated it.    Thankfully my little sister apparently has a knack for persuasion as well as a great memory, for she remembered perfectly all that I told her.   So my first question to all of you is this:   You all have insight into Eleazar, and yet he is very hesitant to claim the title of King and unite the demi-humans and humans who support them under his banner.   Do you think he has what it would take to be a King and rule Northmarch?”

“Absolutely!” Eioldth spoke up immediately, “He has all the qualities that a king needs.   He is compassionate, humble, brave, intelligent and very concerned about his people as well as serving his God.   I think that he and Aurei will both make wonderful rulers of Northmarch - or whatever kingdom is carved out of it.”

“What about you two girls?   You know your father well- do you agree with Eioldth?”   Sophia asked her cousins’ daughters.

“I think he would be a very good king.”  Sirya said quickly, “I know he won’t want to be, as he really feels awkward lording over people, but he is certainly capable enough.”

“I agree.”  Aranthi added, “He doesn’t like all the courtly stuff, but he is very efficient in running the duchy.   Of course mother balances him out, but she will certainly stand by his side.”


Sophia nodded, then glanced up at the ceiling, looking into a little box set into the wall, “Deborah, what about his chances against General Fortatius’ legions?   Can he defeat them, even if he does rally the demi-humans and most of the humans of Northmarch and neighboring lands around him?”


“That will be difficult.” Deborah’s voice came from the box as the jet began to slowly roll forward out of the hanger, “The legions are well-trained and most have a lot of combat experience.   They have a huge amount of resources and Fortatius is a highly skilled strategist.    Even with the Empire under Torrin’s control, and renouncing the use of magic, they will be hard pressed to defeat them.”


“That is what I imagined.  I have learned some news that is quite recent.   Apparently, Aurei’s mother, Alleania, has visited them during a council of war.   She came to the meeting in the open and offered some help.”  

Sophia outlined the conversation between the vampire and those in Westmark, as well as their seeking of Yesh’s will.   “The demon that she mentioned was of course known to us.   He has been here since the time of the Great Gathering.   Yesh did not bring him here, but he allowed him to stay.”

“He allowed a demon to stay?”   Eioldth asked, incredulously.

“Yes, but you need to understand that this demon was active in the Prime World as well.   Yet all he can do is tempt humans to do evil.   He doesn’t control any of them; he only whispers ideas into their thoughts.    Those bent on selfishness, greed or lust will find his whispers meaningful.   But those who are righteous will reject it.”

“So all he can do is suggest evil things?”   Sirya asked, concerned greatly about her family.

“Yes, and only to humans.   That is not to say that this demon is the source of all evil, for that isn’t true.   He simply amplifies the evil present in some humans and helps them go further down that path.”

“So why would Alleania be so alarmed about him?”   Eioldth asked, “If this demon has been doing this already in our world?”

“Because her spies just learned of him.   They won’t be able to destroy him, nor permanently constrain him.   The spell that she mentioned to them will only neutralize him for 66 years, and I doubt that any of the followers of Torrin or Nunmontu will suddenly reject the path they are on. “

“But the demon is behind the Nunmontuite and Torrin cults?”   Aranthi wondered.

“He fueled it on and certainly has increased their zealousness and hatred against Yesh, demi-humans and magic, but the decisions each of them made was their own.   They could have ignored the whispers of this demon.”

“So what will my parents decide to do, then?”  Sirya asked her cousin.


Sophia smiled, “I don’t know that, yet - nobody does.   But I suspect they will reluctantly agree to Alleania’s proposition.   She’ll tell them about the Ward of Helios the Mad and they will go off looking for it.”

“What is it?”  Eioldth wondered.

“It is a spell in a madman’s spell book.   Helios was an insane wizard who lived about 600 years after the Great Gathering, at the time when civilization was beginning to flourish in Synomenia.   The Great Faesidhe forest extends far to the west, as you all know.   You’ve probably heard of the ‘Valley of Helios’:   It is one of a large number of wooded valleys where the Faesidhe forest meets the northern mountains.”

“It’s on the northwestern part of the Faesidhe forest and is very difficult to find.  That is not by accident, for Helios was a recluse, who sought privacy for his experiments.”


“I know I’m not going to like the answer, but what type of experiments?”   Aranthi hesitantly asked.


“He wanted to make the 'perfect race'.   He believed that somehow he could take what he considered to be the strongest aspects of various races and combine them through selective breeding as well as spells, into a ‘perfect race’."


“Did he succeed?”  Aranthi followed with another question.

“He created some horrible monsters and caused much pain and suffering.   Finally Yesh ordered Drake to go and put an end to it, free any of his creatures, but he wasn’t allowed to destroy any of Helios’ monsters.   So Drake did as he was commanded.”

“So this spell book belongs to this Helios fellow?”   Sirya wondered.

“Yes.   You see, he foolishly thought he could even breed demons into his ‘perfect race’ and so he captured and tortured several priests of the Creator God - for Yesh hadn’t come to Synomenia yet- until they crafted with him a spell of warding and binding of a demon.   It is said to be the most powerful warding spell ever created.”

“So why didn’t Drake just take this spell book with him when he defeated Helios?”


Sophia grinned, as the jet began to move out onto a long narrow strip of pavement, “Ah, that is the crazy part.   You see, Helios was afraid of being killed and his magic being stolen.   So he had crafted a spell that he cast upon his wizard’s tower in the middle of this valley.   It was like an Autocaster ring in some ways.”  

“First, the person that succeeded in killing him would, as soon as he died, be teleported back to where he had come from immediately upon Helios’ death.   Second, at that point, his castle would be completely sealed by magic, and anyone not of the purest heart and soul would not be able to get into the tower.”

“Why?”   Sirya asked.

“Well, he figured that whoever would successfully kill him was after his magic and would be selfish and greedy, so would of course try to return and take his stuff, even after they were teleported away.   So since they were selfish and greedy, the ‘pure of heart’ stipulation would keep them from gaining access to his magic.”

“That is very crafty.   Did it work?”   Eioldth asked as the jet began building up speed.

“Yes, but not just because of that; for an assassin could have found someone pure enough to enter for them - if they tricked them into believing that their reason for accessing the tower was a noble one.   But Helios had one last arcane protection on the tower.”

“You see, the tower vanishes and reappears at another location in the valley now.  The valley is square shaped, but it still is about 5 miles wide, so it is more difficult to find.   But worst still is that anyone inside the tower when it vanishes and reappears will not reappear with it.   They simply die.   Several have gained access to the tower, but each time the tower vanishes and then reappears in another part of the valley, and those inside die without exception.”

“Couldn’t they just watch the tower and see how long it lasts in one location so they’d know how long they would have inside of it?”   Eioldth wondered.

“They could if there was any set pattern to the duration of time it remains in one place, but there is not.   It may last several hours or even a day, or mere minutes and sometimes even seconds.”

“So his spell book is still there?”   Aranthi asked as the craft began to suddenly accelerate down the paved strip.

“Yes” Sophia replied and then paused as the jet began to lift off from the ground.   Aurei’s daughters and Eioldth watched through the porthole-like windows in amazement and apprehension.   The Drow lady laid her head back, closed her eyes and rubbed her belly, needing desperately a Dart’loxinchu cigarette right then, but knowing Deborah would not allow it.


As the jet leveled off and those around her looked out in awe at the view, she pondered asking the four ladies the next question:  should they seek permission from Yesh to intervene and stop those in Westmark from sending a party to try to access Helios’ tower?

She knew that binding the demon for 66 years might help slow or even end the madness gripping the world, but it was only temporary and very dangerous.   Plus, she doubted Yesh would approve of their intervention this time.


But just like Alleania, Sophia could not help but feel the strong bonds of family with those in Westmark.   Khord was down in Helios’ very creepy valley right then, charting where Helios’ tower teleported to each time, to see if he could come up with a pattern.


She would love to assist them, but Yesh had ordered the Watchers to intervene less and less, as it took away the free will and faith of his followers.   It is easy to believe in someone who always is there to protect you.   But if they didn’t help them, members of her family and other innocent people would die.  So Sophia needed advice.


“How is everyone doing?” Deborah’s voice asked from the cockpit.


They all responded favorably and from the cockpit Deborah began to happily tell the newcomers all about the topography of Flux.   Fidgeting in her seat, Sophia just sighed and was silent.   She’d have to wait a while, but she’d ask them all what they thought she should do, though she was very sure they’d wholeheartedly agree that their loved ones needed assistance.   Deborah was the only possible negative vote, yet her vote carried far more weight as she was one of the most important Watchers.


But for now she had to just wait and wonder what was going on down in Westmark.




For a few minutes there was very awkward silence in the room as Alleania’s four grandchildren, along with her niece Allea, stared at the beautiful Drow lady.  They were not certain what to say to her.   Aaron and Aedric sat there suspicious of some sort of trick or trap that the Vampire lady would spring suddenly upon them.


But Alleania just sat there smiling; her Drow eyes a brilliant red as she looked upon her grandchildren and niece.   Finally she stood up and walked over to them which caused them all to look a bit alarmed.   Aedric had his hand on his sword, but Alleania just knelt down in front of Snoe and smiled at little Aidan.

“I just had to see this adorable little baby!   She has such beautiful eyes!”

“She may not like you.”  Amala warned, with her hands on the hilts of her swords as well.

Alleania just slowly reached out and squeezed the baby’s tiny hand.   Everyone was as tense as a bowstring, but she tried nothing else.

To the Vampire’s extreme delight and everyone else’s wonderment, the baby grinned cheerfully and laughed at her grandmother.   Alleania suddenly didn’t seem so sinister or dangerous as she made baby sounds back just like any proud grandmother would do when seeing her grandchild for the first time.


Amala glanced over at Aedric and Aaron and they just shrugged slightly.


“I am so glad to finally meet all of you.”  Alleania said as she held out her arms to the baby.   Snoe shot a glance to her older sister, who nodded, and she handed Aidan to her.   Alleania cooed with delight and kissed the baby, who seemed to like her very well.

“Thank you for letting me hold her.”  She said to Snoe and Amala, “I have craved this since I saw her birth.”

“Saw her birth?” Amala asked in alarm.

“Oh yes, I saw all of your births, actually.   Through scrying devices.   I’ve watched all of you grow from afar.”

“All of us?”   Snoe wondered, “You just sit and watch us all the time?”

Alleania laughed, “No, no, child.   You see, there is a specific spell that can be cast upon a crystal ball.   It is designed for a mother or father to keep track of their children.    Once cast, the crystal ball can show me highlights of your lives from whatever time I desire.   It only works for the parents of the children, as it requires a drop of one of the parents’ warm blood.”

“Then how did you manage to see us?”   Gamel asked her.

“Well, since I drink some of your mother’s blood each day, I used a drop for the spell, that’s… oh… by your reactions I see you are alarmed.”


The four older grandchildren were horrified at what she had just said.   Alleania nodded, “I see that she didn’t tell you.   I assumed she would have.”

“Told us what?” Amala demanded, her hands now firmly grasping the hilts of her swords.

“The jug that your mother asked about.   She told you about that, I suspect, but not that she used her blood inside it.   Each day it fills back up, magically, when a bit is left inside.   Your mother put her own blood in that jug, and then gave it to me, to keep me from seeking other sources for blood.   Don’t worry, the refilling of it does not take any of her current blood, it only copies what was placed there.   Each day it is as if it just came from her vein.”

“That is disgusting.” Snoe said with a sneer.

“Well, it was your mother’s idea and as a result it has kept me from having to kill or injure anyone.   In fact, I even had the two vampires in my Household construct vessels like this jug.   I paid a huge sum for two servants to use their blood in the jugs.   They did it freely and were not killed or bitten.   It is actually an ingenious way to help a vampire survive around people.”

“It still seems disgusting, thinking that you drink anyone’s blood.”  Snoe replied frankly.


Alleania didn’t seem offended in the least and kept smiling, “It is much more pleasant to eat food and drink like you do, that is true.   Snoe, I didn’t choose to be a vampire, you know.   I was bitten by Chal - your grandfather- but he did not kill me and so I didn’t know I was infected until after I died.”

“But you never felt so revolted that you tried to kill yourself.”  Amala said.

“No, I believe in surviving, Amala.   It is a trait that we both share.”

“How would you know that?”

“The scrying device, child.    I watched you battling those Orcs alone, in that mountain pass.   It was incredible to see.   You are one of the finest swordswomen that I have ever witnessed.   You fight much like my sister Tholmi fought.  Your mother wears her armor into battle.   She fought fiercely and skillfully, just as you do.”

“So you’ve watched all of us growing up?” Snoe wondered.

“Oh yes, it is what I would do on my casual time.   I was overjoyed when I saw your birth, Snoe.   Szarkai are considered great blessings in the Underdark.   The word means-“

“- ‘Ghost Spider'; yes, I know that.”   Snoe replied.

“I saw all that you went through growing up, and what you witnessed when your sister was murdered.   I saw all of it, child.   I was so angry that I nearly returned to the surface to search out and kill those that did it.”

Aedric squirmed, uncomfortable with the topic.   The vampire saw his unease and glanced his way, “Do not worry, Aedric, I do not blame those connected by blood, only those who offend.   You helped this lovely girl regain her voice, and for that you are in my good favor.”

“So you saw Sirya and Aranthi die as well?”   Gamel asked her.

“Yes.   It was their deaths that finally convinced me to come here.   I did not want to see any more of my grandchildren die.”

“And that is your only reason?”   Gamel pressed.

“Yes, child.   Survival for you and for those in my House in the Underdark.   In fact, survival for all the non-human races.   Torrin will not spare even Half-Elves in his zealousness to purify the world.”

“So where is this powerful spell that can fight the demon you told us about?”   Snoe asked.


Alleania hesitated for a moment, but then decided to confide in them without knowing what answer Zeatt, Aurei and Eleazar would get from their God.   She told them what she had learned of Helios and how the spell was said to remain in his disappearing tower.

“The Faesidhe had stories about Helios.”   Aedric told her when she finished telling the tale, “They called him the mad wizard.   Periodically strange beasts would appear in the forest, usually coming from the area nearest Helios’ valley.   It was an off-limits area for all the Faesidhe and they said that his spirit still haunts the valley.”

“It is a dangerous place, “Alleania agreed, “but his spell of warding can imprison the demon.”

“Perhaps,” Allea spoke up, “But mother told me that it is seldom that a major demon is permanently bound.”

“Very true,” Alleania said to her niece who had been named after her, “But from what I have learned, this demon could be cast out, or at least imprisoned - if done correctly- for 66 years.   This would give enough time to defeat Torrin’s followers and strengthen your Duchy.”

“But even if we were to acquire this spell, how would we find this immaterial demon to imprison him?”  Amala asked, still giving her grandmother very wary glances.

“He has bound some of his essence into the Gem of the Oscinate - if cast on that gem, it will bind him.”

“But what happens after 66 years have elapsed?”

“Amala, I do not have all of the answers, but we would have time to figure out a strategy.”

“You say ‘we’, Alleania; don’t you mean ‘you’?   You’ll simply retreat back into the Underdark and we’ll have to deal with the released demon.”


Alleania laughed, “You are so much like my sister, Tholmi!   She was extremely cautious and suspicious of everyone.”


Amala shrugged, “Can you really blame me?   We get a visit from our long lost grandmother who is a vampire, who tells us she has all the answers to our problems, if only we will do all the leg-work.   She wants us to trust her and journey all across the world to achieve the ends that she imagines will be beneficial to all of us.”


“Do you have a more viable solution?”


Before anyone could say anything else, the doors to the meeting hall opened and Duke Eleazar motioned for all of them to come inside, while Aurei went to tell the others waiting downstairs to reassemble for their decision.




“Very good!”   Alleania responded with satisfaction when the half-Drow Duke told her that through their time of seeking Yesh’s blessing, they had been given permission - and a sense of encouragement- to work with her.


The result had Zeatt, as well as Aurei, to a lesser degree, looking somewhat unsettled.   Alleania told them about the Valley of Helios and talk quickly turned to an outline of what they needed to do and who needed to do it.


“We have two missions before us,” Eleazar told them, “both need to be completed at the same time.   The first one will be to journey to the Valley of Helios and find that spell book, the other one is to Aeropolis to try to get the Gem of the Oscinate, capture the Emperor or Torrin or, if that is not possible, to kill them for the harm they’ve done.   Grim and dangerous work either way. “

Eleazar looked around at those seated there, “I am going to lead the group going against Torrin and the Emperor.     I’d like Aedric to lead the other group that will search for the spell book.   We’ll try this democratically first: everyone select which group you want to be in."


Within a minute Aedric had his team assembled:   Amala, Gamel, Aaron, Allea, Carn the Bugbear, Mutt the Goblin, Sintore and Snoe.   The others would join the Duke, while Alleania’s Drow assisted them.   If all went well, they would be able to seize the Gem of the Oscinate, bring it back to Westmark, and then Aedric’s group would arrive with the spell and it would be cast, imprisoning the fiend.


“You know the Faesidhe forest better than anyone else here, Aedric,” The Duke told him in response to Aedric’s question of why he was chosen, “All of my children have selected to follow you on this quest, for which I am indeed glad as I suspect Aeropolis will be much more dangerous.   We’ll make provisions tomorrow and plan on leaving the following day.”


After a short time of discussion with those in his group, they dispersed for the evening.  Alleania teleported away to make preparations among her House, and told them that she would know via scrying device, when they were ready to meet. Aedric walked with Mattleos down the stairs to check the condition of their grandfather.

“Matt, I want you to stay here in Westmark with the archers.   I’m fearful that when Redburr learns that his son has been killed, and that Duke and Duchess Dullerm are not in the city, he may order a new attack.   I know the Duke has his forces ready and that the Dwarven army will winter here, but they may need more help.   Besides, King Travin needs some family near him until he is fully mended.”

“I understand.   Tell me, will your party be in danger on the journey to Helios’ valley?”

“Well, Duke Dullerm has control of the forest, but that amounts to the main roads through it.   The less travelled roads may harbor many rebels.   In fact, I suspect it.   We’ll have to go cautiously.”


As they rounded the last corner to the Sylvan King’s room, they nearly bumped into a serving maid hurrying down the stairs.    She looked up in alarm for an instant, before diverting her eyes and mumbling “Excuse me”.   A second later she disappeared down the stairs.


When they opened the door to the King’s room, they immediately knew why the girl had hurried.   Slumped back against his chair sat one of the Sylvan guards, with his neck slit from ear to ear.   They rushed in, drawing their swords and hurried over to the bedside.   King Travin lay on his back, a pillow covering his face and a dozen bloody stab wounds covering his chest.

“GUARDS!  GUARDS!”   Aedric screamed as he and his cousin rushed from the room to pursue the assassin they had passed moments ago on the stairs.


They caught a glimpse of her on the bottom landing as they raced down behind her.   Rushing toward her were half a dozen ducal guards, alerted by Aedric’s call, all with weapons drawn.   She seemed to realize she could not get away.


The girl stopped, brought something up to her mouth, and just as Aedric and Mattleos reached her location, she fell to the floor, violently convulsing and foaming at the mouth.   By the time they knelt beside her, the poison she had taken had ended her life.


Aedric pounded the floor in grief and frustration.


© 2014 Eddie Davis

My Review

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"Aircraft, collectively, though there are..." The second comma should be a semi-colon so as to help break up each thought, while still keeping it in the same sentence.
"Then how did you manage to see us then?" You can get rid of a "then."

Oh my golly! I did not see that awful.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Eddie Davis

10 Years Ago

Thanks, Elina, believe it or not, I didn't see it coming either -- my Muse took the story down a new.. read more

10 Years Ago

Don't you love when that happens? Haha! I know I really enjoy seeing where my characters take me.
Eddie Davis

10 Years Ago

Please note that I had to change the size and shape of the Valley of Helios in this chapter -- it is.. read more

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1 Review
Added on May 18, 2014
Last Updated on July 5, 2014
Tags: Drow, Elf, Albino, Fantasy, Swords and Sorcery, Knights, Paladins, revenge, Marksylvania


Eddie Davis
Eddie Davis

Springfield, MO

I'm a fantasy and science-fiction writer that enjoys sharing my tales with everyone. Three trilogies are offered here, all taking place in the same fantasy world of Synomenia. Other books and stor.. more..

One One

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Two Two

A Chapter by Eddie Davis