![]() Inside ManA Chapter by Eddie Davis![]() After his escape from the clutches of the Necromancer's Guild, Sir Alvis tells King Haroldris and his companions about the plans that the Guild has for Northmarch![]() 51. Inside Man
An hour later, Aurei had the Ducal Guard’s breakfast finished,
and she hurried the food over to them, while Zeatt and Rori (who had reported
to Aurei as she had been ordered to do) followed with food for the Royal couple
and Sir Alvis. They were all assembled in the drawing room of the Master
bedroom, when Aurei finally joined them, out of breath from her frenzied early
morning. “Why are we meeting in here instead of the Great Hall?” She
asked as she squeezed into the room. “Safety, Duchess; I don’t suspect any spies would expect a
meeting to be held here.” Sir Alvis
replied. “They wouldn’t be able to fit in here if they were spying on
us.” She commented, weaving through the
crowd. Present were Thorm, Lute, Siris, Vinth, King Haroldris, and Eioldth,
Pectros, Neal, Zeatt, Rori, Sir Alvis and Eleazar.
They were seated everywhere, on stools, chairs from other rooms
and divans. Across the room, Eleazar
sat at the head of a Méridienne next to Neal.
She purposely crossed the room, her eyes glowing slightly red as she
came to stop in front of the two men with her arms on her hips. “Move.” She said, with a hint of annoyance. Neal jumped to his feet and moved quickly to
another chair. Eleazar also began
moving. “Not you!” She pushed him back down on the Méridienne and
plopped down next to him, reclining back against his chest. He quickly leaned in and said softly, “Uh, Aurei, I don’t know
if we-“ “Shut up, and give me your hand.” She whispered and he knew it
was wise to obey. Taking his hand she
rested it on her stomach and entwined her arm in his as she surveyed the
reactions in the room with a challenging look.
“Well, I’ll be an ugly goblin!”
Thorm exclaimed, grinning at them, but Siris, seated with Lute close by,
swatted him on the head and gave him a non-verbal rebuke. The reactions were a mixture of surprise and
amusement, but all seemed pleased at her not-so subtle silent announcement of
her relationship with Eleazar. For his
part, Eleazar blushed at everyone’s glance, but still put his other arm around
her waist, thrilled with her nearness. “Okay”, Alvis said, ending Eleazar’s awkwardness by turning
everyone’s eyes upon him, “Are we all here?” “Except Aeric and Alis.” Aurei replied. “We can fill them in later.
Time, I fear, is not on our side.
I’ll get straight to the point.
A short time ago, Neal asked me why we weren’t having this meeting at
the church, where we knew we wouldn’t have any Vampire spying on us. The answer to that question is because I
would find the church very uncomfortable.” “Why?” Siris asked, “Is it because you were nearly a Death
Knight?” “No”, Alvis said somberly, “It’s because I am a Vampire.” Everyone in the room’s mouth fell open, except for the royal
couple and Zeatt. “Vampire?!” Thorm
exclaimed. “Yes, or more accurately, a Vampire Minion.” “What in blazes is that?”
The Dwarf asked. “I’ll explain that in a minute.
For now please know that I am NOT undead. I am as alive as all of you and I have no
desire to drink blood. I was made like
this, as are all those turned into Death Knights, in order to control me, to
assist in turning me into a Death Knight.” “A Death Knight did that to you?” Aurei asked, greatly concerned. “No, one of Soric Potollis’ Vampire Lords did the job. There are 12 of them, four serving each of
Soric’s Lich Lieutenants.” “Perhaps you should give them more information on how you came
to know this.” Zeatt suggested, having obviously
already heard the tale. Sir Alvis nodded, leaning against a table. “When I was taken by Thantes to the Necromancer’s Guild’s hidden
complex near Aeropolis-“ “Thantus!” Aurei interrupted, “The Death Knight?” “No, no, not Thantus, but Thantes, with an ‘es’. The guild favors names that are variations
of words for death. Thantes was one of the
lesser wizards of Abbadox, the Death Knight.
When he took me from Abbadox as a gift to Soric, I was brought to a
Senatorial manor about 50 miles outside of Aeropolis. It did not have even the slightest hint that
it was a stronghold for the Necromancer’s Guild. It was light and beautiful, with wonderful
fountains and gardens. Hundreds of
servants worked all around in the vineyard picking grapes. It was the last place you would expect to
find as the hidden headquarters of the Necromancer’s Guild.” “But it was?” Thorm
asked. “Oh yes, it was indeed.
The Senator was Karlos Sanyala and he-“ “What?!” Rori interrupted, “Who did you say the
Senator was?!” “Karlos Sanyala; he was - and is, I imagine- a high
ranking member of the Necromancer’s Guild.” “That’s my father’s name!” She stammered, “But he
can’t be a member of the Guild… I would have known!” For a few minutes, Alvis spoke with the young
Sorceress, comparing a description of the man he knew to be Karlos to her
memory of her father. The girl was
horrified to realize it was him. “He
went to church! When I was in the
Guild, I never heard from him or saw him!
Surely he would have known I was there!
I used my own name! Why didn’t
he try to… to get me out of it?” She
began crying; the pedestal she’d put her father on, now having shattered. Zeatt comforted her while Alvis spoke
privately to her for a few moments, giving Aurei a chance to talk to Eleazar. “How’d it go with the King and Sir Alvis?” She
whispered. “Amazingly well.
I confessed everything and told them I needed to step down from my
position and they wouldn’t allow me.” “You told them EVERYTHING?” “No, not detailed information and nothing
embarrassing to you. I just said you
were struggling with a problem. But the
Queen was there too and apparently she and your Aunt saw us asleep in your
room.” “Yes, I know; Aunt Zeatt and I had an argument about
that.” “Oh no.” “It turned out okay. She told me more about Ssinssrigg-Chath and how bad it really gets. She said that none of my Mother’s family
ever went through it, but some Drow women went almost crazy when they
experienced it. She told me a rather
wild story too. Laz, it can last a year
or longer. That scares me.” “Scares
you? It scares me even more!” She hit him lightly,
giving him a smirk at his humor, just as Sir Alvis continued his discussion. “I am very
sorry to hear about Rori’s father. How
horrible that must be, but that is what the Necromancer’s Guild does; it tears
up families and communities. Getting back
to my tale; I found that they were very concerned about hiding their
location. Secrecy was of the utmost
importance when it came to their base of operations. They brought me there, though, assuming that
I was lost to ‘the world of the living.’” “This
senatorial estate is only a temporary base for them. I learned that they have finished setting up
a permanent base of operations in the “Where is that,
Sir?” Neal asked. “Nofesylvia is
the name of the region; with the Nofesylvis range of mountains the key
geographic feature. The region is to
the northeast of Aeropolis, across the “Lovely
place.” Aurei murmured. “The Guild has
been shifting their base to this region, but they still have feelers all over
the world. With the Southern Empire now
under their control, they will fear very little.” “So what are
their plans?” Eleazar asked. “Not what we
were led to believe. For many years
they have made the nations think that an undead army was being formed to invade
various regions. They do indeed have
many undead troops, but their plan of conquest is much more complex then a land
invasion. This is a ruse they’ve
maintained for years. It is designed to
make them seem shadowy and powerful. It
also forces each government to focus time and resources on a military type of
defense against a perceived invasion force.
To help drive this fear, they try purposeless raids on various places,
such as Westmark experienced last summer and fall. Another fear tactic is to plant a few low
level Necromancers in a population to reanimate small numbers of dead. This creates the illusion that they are
creating their armies at the various places where they plan to invade. But this too is simply a ruse to generate
fear and keep terrified people unaware of their real plans.” “What they are now in the process of doing is a silent invasion
of the Southern Kingdom and the client states.
You have to understand the Hierarchy of the Necromancer’s Guild. Soric Potollis is the leader of the Guild
and he is indeed the same Soric as the man who ordered Yesh to be killed. In form he looks almost as if he was alive,
but he is an Archlich. I fear some
demonic force has possessed him, for his power is very great and he radiates
evil stronger than I have ever felt before.
I am certain that we would not be strong enough to destroy him, though
perhaps we could neutralize the evil that possesses him.” “Did you speak to him?” Pectros asked. “He spoke to me, while I was being transformed into a
Minion. His voice is almost
hypnotic. I don’t remember the exact
words he spoke to me, but they were effective, as I gave up hope of salvation
upon hearing him." "Soric has 12 Death Knights that serve as sort of generals and
thugs for him. One of the twelve was
killed by Aurei with the Light of Yesh.
This event did not go unnoticed by the Guild, Duchess, and you are one
marked for death by them.” “Terrific; wait until they hear about ol’ Thantus.” “I’m sure they will know about that very soon. There is another Death Knight that was
destroyed last month by the Swordmasters of the Prince of Laayam, so there are,
today, 9 remaining. Soric has three
lieutenants, all of them Liches. Four
Vampire Lords serve each of the Lich lieutenants, for a total of 12 of
them. Aurei’s use of the Light of Yesh,
unknowingly, killed one of them at the same time the Death Knight was
destroyed. Another Vampire Lord was
killed, I learned, during the civil war in Aeropolis, by St. Kinnis
himself. I’ll tell you more about these
Vampire Lords in a moment, but there are 10 remaining.” “Each Vampire Lord has 3 ‘lesser’ Vampire lieutenants. Then there are the Vampire Minions. There are 240 of the greater Vampire Minions
and 480 lesser Vampire Minions serving each Lich lieutenant of Soric, and an
unknown number of Ghouls, Ghasts, Zombies, Wrights, Wights, Spectres and
ghosts.” “So there are over 2100 Vampire Minions?” Aurei asked, alarmed. “Yes, though I’m sure the number varies.” “And you are one of these Minions?” Siris verified. “Yes; I am one of the lesser Minions. Allow me now to explain about the Greater
Vampires and their use by The Guild.” Sir Alvis took a deep breath and continued. “The Vampire Lords are the Greater Vampires. They are more powerful than the ‘regular’ or
‘lesser’ Vampires. The main difference
between them and the lesser sort is that they have the ability to make Minions
of those they bite, but do not kill. If
they do kill them with their bite, the victim becomes a ‘regular’ vampire after
he or she dies. But a Minion is a
person bitten by a Vampire Lord, but not killed by them. The lesser Minions, such as me, often times
do not realize they are even Minions.
They have an aversion to sunlight, but can go out in it. They feel as if they have the flu when they
do so, sweat and are very weak, but that is all. They eat normally; they don’t sleep in
coffins or anything like that. Holy
symbols can be worn by them, though holy water will burn them slightly and
going into a sanctified place such as a church will affect them the same way
that direct sunlight does. Lesser
Vampire Minions can be killed by normal means, too. In fact, there is very little difference
between a Minion and a normal person.
Except that whenever a Vampire Lord telepathically calls them, they
immediately do his bidding. They will
be able to tell others around them that they hear a voice in their head calling
them to do something, but they cannot resist.” “What about the greater Minions?” Siris asked. “They are Minions bitten twice -but not killed- by a Vampire
Lord. They still live, but they crave
blood, though they don’t have to have it to live. They are in pain in direct sunlight or in a
sanctified place and cannot function in either place, though they do not die
from exposure to them. They have fangs
like a Vampire and must avoid garlic, mirrors and holy symbols. They are very weak in daylight hours, though
they don’t have to sleep during this time.
Usually they do, however. At
night they are slightly stronger than an average human, though they cannot
change form. They too can be killed by
normal means. When a Minion is killed,
if the body isn’t decapitated following death, they will rise as lesser
Vampires, still under the Vampire Lord’s control.”
"So these Minions are part of the Necromancer’s Guild’s plan to
infiltrate the whole world?” Aurei
inquired. “Yes. Their real plan is
to send Vampire Lords out around the world, usually mixed in with small,
seemingly pointless attacks by the Guild.
The Lords can change their shape to a bat, wolf, fog-like mist, rat, or
any humanoid shape from a Pixie to an Ogre.
They will usually take an animal form, bite a person and then
escape. The bite will heal after a few
days with no other effect. Or so it
seems. In truth, a Minion is a
different creature. They are like
Vampires in that they are immune to sickness and disease and do not age. Vampire Lords will plant seeds in various
places by creating small handfuls of Minions; most don’t even know they are
Minions. Then, when the Guild wants to
control that specific area, they simply call their Minions and they must
respond to their master’s call.” “Most Minions are like me; lesser Minions - as we seem normal
and can better infiltrate society.
Vampire Lords usually try to make Lesser Minions of only the more
important people in an area who control things. You see how effective it would be, if, say,
a town the size of Westmark had, for example, four or five Minions who did not
know they were Minions, living here and serving as leaders in the
community. When the time came, the
Vampire Lord would call them and would soon gain control of that area. Greater Minions know what they are and
cannot resist their master, even when he doesn’t call them. They are the guardians of their Lord’s
coffins during daylight hours. They
have duties like that.” “So you can be controlled by your Vampire Lord?” Eleazar asked, concerned. “Yes, that is why I wanted to have this meeting
immediately. It is believed that when
their specific Vampire Lord is killed, his Minions cannot be ordered by another
Lord. They are free of the control of
other Vampires. My Lord is Varnlov
Impattius and if he was destroyed, his control over me would be broken. When he finds out about the destruction of
Thantus, he will no doubt try to summon me.” “Why did they let you in on all their plans?” Aurei wondered. “Arrogance on their part; they knew I’d submit to the will of
Thantus and become one of the Death Knights.” “Do you think they are trying to create Minions here?” “Most definitely; in fact I recalled a conversation that Thantus
had with some of the lesser Vampires that served the Vampire Lord who was
coming here. This Lord’s focus was to
be ‘the Elves’ in Westmark. That meant
you, Duchess, Sir Eleazar, Matron Zeatt, Queen Eioldth while she and the King
are still here, and probably Aeric and Alis.” “Oh!” Lute suddenly
bellowed and stood up, looking alarmed, “I just thought of something!” “What?” Alvis asked. “Aeric was bitten by a rat during the battle with the Snow
Golems, and later that same day, Alis had a weird encounter. She saw a baby in the snow and went over to
it, picked it up, and it bit her. It
seemed to change form into a large hairless rat and ran away. We thought it might have been a Wererat.” Alvis shook his head, “No, I’d say both were the same Vampire
Lord.” “I had a bat try to bite me, too, but it failed.” Zeatt added. “Thank Heavens for that.
There are no cures for the Minion status, I fear, though death of the Vampire
Lord will end the slave status of the Minion.” “Aeric and Alis aren’t here now; could the Vampire Lord have
summoned them?” Aurei asked Alvis. “Perhaps; Vampire Lords have to return to their coffins each
day, as do the three ‘regular’ Vampire lieutenants that travel with them. I imagine the vampire that the Queen and
Matron Zeatt encountered last night was one of these lieutenants. That means that the Vampire Lord has set up
his coffin somewhere nearby.” “How near?” Eleazar
pressed. “They can be some miles off, but never further than a couple of
hours walk, so they can retreat to it if they are made to turn gaseous.” “So somewhere in town he has hidden his coffin?” Aurei shivered at the thought. “Yes, though with the number of Paladins here, I’d suspect he’d
favor somewhere a distance from town. Are
there any old cemeteries here?” “Not here in town, no.”
Aurei answered, “They were all dug up and any bodies not decayed were
burnt, about 30 years ago, when the Guild started spreading across the world.” “So where would be the nearest cemetery?” Aurei looked over at Pectros and Neal, and the three of them
thought for a moment. “You know, Duttontun had a cemetery that was never dug up,
because it was so old, the bodies would long ago have rotted, so they figured
the Necromancer’s Guild wouldn’t be able to reanimate anything there.” “No, they probably couldn’t, but are there any crypts or family
mausoleums there?” “Several large ones, but they are empty.” Pectros replied, “We checked them out right
after our problems in Thurgood.” “I’ll bet they are being used now, by the Vampire Lord and his
lieutenants. I suspect he probably
already knows about me, and called Aeric and Alis to him, as well as any other
townsperson whom he bit yesterday. He’ll
use them as guards.” “Will they be bitten again or killed to make them full-fledged vampires?” “I don’t know, Duchess, but I’d say the longer they are there,
the more danger they’ll be in.” “They could just still be out on patrol.” Neal countered. “Possibly, but I’d recommend we pay a visit to the Duttontun
cemetery during the daylight hours and see for ourselves.” “It would take the rest of the day to get there on horseback in
this snow.” Pectros proclaimed. “But we have an airship.”
Queen Eioldth stated and immediately they began formulating a plan.
© 2014 Eddie Davis |
2 Reviews Added on December 16, 2013 Last Updated on May 13, 2014 Tags: Drow, Elf, Death Knight, Undead, Fantasy, Adventure, Swords and Sorcery, Magic, Knights, Paladins, Good versus Evil Author![]() Eddie DavisSpringfield, MOAboutI'm a fantasy and science-fiction writer that enjoys sharing my tales with everyone. Three trilogies are offered here, all taking place in the same fantasy world of Synomenia. Other books and stor.. more..Writing