![]() Letter From PrisonA Chapter by Eddie Davis![]() Aurei and Zeatt figure out a way to communicate with the outside world![]() 53. Message from Prison
It was a damp, cold, bleak evening in the town of
In a dark corner, Sir Eleazar sat hollow-eyed, staring blankly
at a pint of Elven Honey Mead that he had ordered only to honor the memory of
the Drow girl that he had shared the beverage with last. Sir Aeric and Alis sat to one side of the
knight, equally as blank-faced from their losses. Across the room, Thorm drank heavily,
determined to numb the pain. Lute sat and watched the dwarf drink and comforted
Siris, who would occasionally begin weeping.
Only Pectros and Neal were absent, both having volunteered to take a
large detachment to the site of the Wyvern attack to retrieve the personal
effects Darv, Aurei and Alvis had left behind when they were taken. As for the Sorceress, she sat chained in a cell in the Ducal dungeon,
with Eleazar’s enchanted silence stone to keep her company, and to prevent her
from casting any spells to escape. They
had no idea what to do with her, but that was a concern for another day.
Eleazar was about to tell his fellow Paladins that he thought he’d
just go on to bed when a scream from across the room brought him, and everyone
in the room, to their feet. In the
middle of the tavern, hanging in mid-air, was a giant disembodied eye - the
size of two men’s heads and glowing red.
Everyone jumped back from the apparition when suddenly a loud female
voice seemed to come from it. “Did it work? I bet I
messed it up, didn’t I? I knew you
should have done it! I’ve never read a spell
scroll before. WAIT A MINUTE!! I SEE THEM!!” The eye began looking around the room,
everyone cringing as it passed over them.
Though the voice seemed artificial, and unnaturally loud, somehow it
also sounded familiar. “Hi, everyone!” the voice called, “Can you hear me? It’s Aurei!” For a full minute the room erupted into chaos. Everyone talking and yelling in excitement
at once, others trying to shut them up, but finally it settled down and
everyone looked on expectedly at the giant eye. “I can see you and hear you, but please let me talk. I don’t have long and I have a lot to tell
you. First, I am NOT a ghost, I am
alive and for the moment safe and very comfortable.” The eye moved over to where Eleazar and the
others that had escaped Thurgood stood together. Tears formed in the giant eye when it fell
upon them. “Hi friends. Brother
Darv, Sir Alvis and I were taken by Wyverns.
The Airship you saw was indeed a Necromancer’s Guild craft commanded by
a Death Knight named Abbadox.” Aeric and Eleazar both gave out groans at the news. “Brother Darv… is… dead.”
The voice of Aurei cracked as she told the news, “He died from injuries
caused by the Wyvern poison. Sir Alvis
was taken prisoner and Abbadox sent him off by Wyvern to his master to be made
into… a… a… Death Knight.” “Yesh preserve him!”
Eleazar exclaimed, sinking back against the table as Aeric openly wept. “I am sorry, I could not stop it; I was unable to move due to
the Wyvern poison. They were going to turn
me into a vampire then send me back to you to terrorize the town. But they had to heal me from the poison for
the Vampire’s bite to work. I had
scooped up the Light of Yesh when Brother Darv dropped it before we were taken,
and as soon as I was healed, I threw down the gem onto the metal deck of the
Death Knight’s Airship. Brother Darv
was correct; it does indeed destroy everything around it when it shatters. Abbadox and everyone on the ship are
destroyed. I was thrown off the ship,
but Yesh allowed my chainmail to snag on a mooring line beneath the craft and I
hung there blind, unconscious, and nearly dead until I was rescued.” Everyone in the “Here is equally important news: my rescuer was from another Airship. This
one belongs to the Emperor Fendoris Maximus - he is in exile on his Airship
with his court, and an elite guard, after a coup attempt against him earlier
this week. Armored knights dressed as
Blood Knights attempted to murder him in the Imperial Senate. There is civil war in Aeropolis and the
Emperor blames the “Except for Matron Zeatt, the Archbishop of the Drow of
Aeropolis - she alone refused to flee and surrendered to the Emperor, who took
her as a prisoner aboard the Airship.
When they found me hanging from the still levitating hull of the
destroyed airship, they of course were suspicious. But they brought me to her, and through the
mercy of Yesh, she completely healed me.
And Laz, you were right about the family connection between us. Right now we are both being held in the brig
of his Airship, but we are quite comfortable, though we are still prisoners. His
Excellency has cast truth detection spells on us both, but he is still very
suspicious. I’m not sure what he is
planning to do, but we cannot escape, and it is probably best if we didn’t even
if we could, for he already dislikes followers of Yesh.”
“Matron Zeatt had a scroll with this spell on it, which, believe
it or not, I actually read and cast. I
am afraid it is about to end soon, but I want to quickly give you some
instructions.” “First, send messengers to King’s Reach and tell the King of the
situation, and have him warn the churches in Northmarch about the coup
attempt. Tell them that I and Matron
Zeatt will do our best to show His Excellency that the “Until then, I appoint Eleazar, Alis, Aeric, Thorm, Pectros,
Siris, Lute and Neal as my council with the authority to make decisions
regarding the Duchy, by democratic vote among them. Pectros will be in charge of the Ducal Keep
and has all authority to do with prisoners as he sees fit, in my name. Krys and Brandi are given charge of the
Muddy Boot and have the authority to make purchases and run it in my name, as
best they can. “ “Please keep vigilant
with your watches, for I suspect the loss of Abbadox will not please his master,
and there may be more attacks against Westmark. I am afraid that the spell is ending, as the
vision of you is fading, please know that I miss all of you and I will return-“ Suddenly the eye disappeared with a pop, leaving the people of
Westmark standing by with a lot to think about, and even more to do.
“Your Excellency, what shall we do?” The wizard asked the Emperor as he waved his
hand over his crystal ball and the scene of the Muddy Boot faded. Fendoris Maximus leaned back in his chair and scratched his chin
in thought, “I should have them executed for the act - contacting Westmark and
then ordering them to warn Haroldris of my plight. The insolence! “ He paused, envisioning the
two incredibly beautiful Drow women, and in spite of his common sense, his mood
softened. He laughed, “They are indeed a
head-strong lot - these Drow ladies. They
are as fiery as their eyes. No, I won’t
let them know of our spying on them.
From Duchess Bugley’s words, she seemed to have no desire to see me
dethroned and I suspect she nor Zeatt have any part in the coup. But I also don’t want to let them go free
yet until I can learn just where their loyalties lie. Since the tavern wench plans to contact
Haroldris, perhaps we shall fly to King’s Reach and see if the King of
Northmarch remains faithful to his Imperial lord. Yes, we will head for King’s Reach. We’ll see how Matron Zeatt and Duchess Bugley
react when their plans are ruined. For
their sake, they had better stay loyal or I will put out the fire in their eyes
To be continued in 'The "Knights of Northmarch" © 2015 Eddie DavisReviews
2 Reviews Added on October 26, 2013 Last Updated on May 14, 2015 Tags: Drow, magic, fantasy, undead, necromancers Author![]() Eddie DavisSpringfield, MOAboutI'm a fantasy and science-fiction writer that enjoys sharing my tales with everyone. Three trilogies are offered here, all taking place in the same fantasy world of Synomenia. Other books and stor.. more..Writing