![]() A Ghost of a ChanceA Chapter by Eddie Davis![]() A restless spirit stands in the way of Aurei's party escaping from Flatloaf Mountain![]() 47. A Ghost of a Chance
There was very little resistance to their advance and they only
did very brief battle with four zombies and one ghoul before they stood in
front of the large red doors of their destination. One door was very slightly ajar and with a
glance back at everyone to make sure they were ready, Eleazar quickly opened
the door, his sword out in front of him as he and Aurei peered within.
For an instant, Aurei couldn’t see anything, but then her
superior Drow vision adapted to the nearly pitch black interior and she made
out the heat signatures of four horses standing quietly in stalls to the left
of the doorway. She saw no movement,
but that meant little as undead left no heat trace. Pectros, Alis and Siris moved cautiously over to the stalls and
one of the horses whinnied in mild alarm at their approach. "Four of them" Pectros announced happily, "and
they’re saddled up too." "Take them" Sir Alvis said from beside Brother Darv, "That
will give us six." "Look!" Lute pointed to the dark opening directly in
front of them across the length of the barn, "That must be the passage off
this mountain." "…And to the ghost."
Alis added.
After a few minutes of gaining the trust of the four horses,
they made themselves ready for the descent into the dark tunnel, which seemed
just large enough for two columns, walking their horses, to pass. Eleazar verified that everyone was prepared,
and then opened his lead box. Suddenly
everything went perfectly quiet and with a motion for everyone to follow him,
Eleazar and Aurei led the group into the pitch blackness, their red Drow eyes
glowing eerily as they went into the cave-like passage.
Aurei expected at any moment to have something leap out from
some shadow in the rough walls of the passage, but they walked along in a
gently spiraling descent without any sign of anything for many moments. She suddenly felt a tingling feeling, as if
something was nearby. Aurei glanced at
Eleazar, who seemed to understand what she sensed. The Half-Drow nodded, to indicate that he too
felt it. As they rounded a corner, they both almost fell over a crumpled
form on the passage floor. Eleazar pushed
it over with his foot as Aurei and Lute held weapons inches away from it. It was the corpse of apparently a human,
probably one of the Necromancers by his black robes. The corpse was that of a shriveled old man
and Eleazar had just raised his hand to warn the party of the potential danger
when suddenly something slammed hard into the back of Aurei’s neck, sending her
stumbling into Eleazar in total silence.
She turned around to find Neal, his eyes wild and different, now taking
a berserk swipe at Lute. The Half-Ogre
used his thick leather gauntlet to block the blow and Thorm and Siris tackled
the man, knocking him to the floor without a sound being heard. Aurei ran to help them secure Neal but suddenly in front of her
was the most horrible form she had ever seen.
It looked like a decaying corpse filled with a pale baneful light that
caused it to glow as it materialized in front of her. The ghost’s skull-like mouth opened and
apparently it tried to moan but no sound came out thanks to Eleazar’s silence
stone. Aurei’s long sword flashed out,
slicing at the spirit's neck, and though her sword only seemed to pass through
air, she saw the ghost flinch backwards as if struck, the light in its eyes
flashing in anger. A long claw like
hand swiped out at her and she parried with her sword. But then the ghost was gone and she spun
around only to feel the icy touch of the spirit as it rematerialized behind her
and then struck her face. Aurei felt the coldness rush all over her body, but still managed
to swing across the chest of the ghost, her blow again seeming to pass through
the air, but causing the creature to reel a bit from the blow. Again it disappeared, only to appear
directly in front of her face, its hands on her throat. Inches away, she could feel the ghostly
hands trying to squeeze the life from her.
She felt herself going numb as her eyes were transfixed on the white
fire in the spirit’s form. All at once there was an explosion of sound as apparently
Eleazar closed the lid on his box. Alis
was screaming and Lute was trying to push everyone back away from the danger as
the horses whinnied and snorted in terror.
Then, out of the darkness came the booming voice of Brother Darv,
yelling at the top of his lungs the name of his God, "YESH!" Light filled the room, brilliant, blinding white light and
instantly the ghost disappeared with the sound of a slight pop and the hint of
brimstone in the air. Trembling, Aurei
fell to her knees, and at once Eleazar, Alis and Aeric were at her side;
turning her around so they could see what had happened to her.
Eleazar and Alis’ faces flooded over with relief as they saw
her, and Aeric looked extremely surprised as he exclaimed, "You didn’t
age!" "J-j-just c-c-cold!"
She replied, her teeth chattering. Aeric looked up at his captain, "The thing had her around
the neck with both hands - even a Drow should have aged after that!" Eleazar just waved him off with his hands, "I’ll explain
later, let’s just get her warmed up." Both knights took their cloaks off and wrapped them around
her. Aurei smiled at their concern and
looked back at Brother Darv, who still held the Light of Yesh aloft. The brilliance had dimmed a great deal, but
still lit up the dark passage. "T-t-thank y-y-you B-brother D-d-darv." She said to him. "It's a miracle!"
The Priest said, peering at her, "Yesh preserved you from aging." Aurei just shot Eleazar a glance, but nodded, not wanting to
spoil his faith. "Can you stand, Duchess?" Aeric asked her. "Y-yes, I t-think so."
She was feeling somewhat warmer and she squeezed Alis’ hand as she
helped her stand, "I’m alright." "I don’t see how!"
The girl said, tears in her eyes, "I thought you’d be a toothless
hag by the time we got to you." "Granny Bugley" she kidded. "That’s not funny, Aurei!" Alis hugged her and Aurei was glad for the
warmth of her friend’s body. "Never mind me" she said, "What about Neal?" "He’s alright." Thorm answered from the floor of the
passage where he and Siris sat on top of him.
"Let’s let him up." Siris suggested and the two got
off the man, who sat up looking wide eyed and scared. "Duchess, I am so sorry!" He murmured to Aurei. "I’m alright, Neal."
She felt the back of her neck and Eleazar pulled her chainmail coif up
to look underneath. "You’ll have a nasty bruise." he told her, "But
your head is still intact." Neal moaned slightly, shaking his head, "Oh God, I could
have killed her!" "But you didn’t," Aurei smiled, "and that nasty
thing is gone… isn’t he?" She turned to Brother Darv, who shrugged, "I hope so, but
it might be a good idea to get out of here, just in case, while the light still
shines." They all agreed, and so after calming the horses a moment, they continued
down the passage, the sense of evil now much, much fainter to Aurei as they
walked. "I guess you are immortal." Eleazar murmured to her a
minute later as they rounded a corner. "For once I’m glad of that." "You may not have seen it, and certainly didn't hear it, but
the ghost grabbed my arm before he reappeared in front of your face." "And?" "Same as you… nothing." "Thank Yesh for that!" All at once the passage ended as it exited out into a shallow
cave. The group all stopped for a
moment, cautiously glancing around, suspicious of the ease in which they had
entered. But nothing was to be found
inside the cave and they could see from the entrance, the dim daylight of early
evening. Cautiously, they led the horses toward the entrance of the cave,
weapons ready for an ambush, but they progressed unmolested. A minute later they all were standing outside,
off the dreaded mountain with relief evident on all their faces, though they
were still grim at the thought of the loss of Brolen as well as anxious for the
ride back. "We've got to get back to Westmark." Alis urged them, "Sir Alvis still needs
attention and I don't think that was all of the undead back there in that
pumpkin patch." "I'm quite sure of that." The Knight Commander agreed, "They were
waiting until dark and Aurei's vision mentioned them waiting in the ruins of
Duttontun." "So once they learn that we've broken through their
defenses and escaped the mount, they'll be sure to come after us." Sir Aeric added. "The other two villages need to be warned too." Aurei spoke up, "Kendill's Rest and Tally
Station could be attacked next, if they haven't already." "But we need to get Sir Alvis back to Westmark." Alis protested. "I know, don't worry, I haven't forgotten him. What I propose is that we split into three
groups. One heads for Kendill's Rest,
warns them what is going on and stays there overnight. The second group -- including Sir Alvis--
heads back to Westmark and raises the alarm there. The third group goes on east to Tally
Station and warns them." "It will be dark by the time anyone could get to Tally
Station -- or maybe even back to Westmark." Brother Darv said. "I know," Aurei sighed, "But I've got to warn the
other communities. I'll volunteer to
ride to Tally Station -- the road goes most of the way to Westmark before
branching off east, so the group heading back to Westmark will not ride
alone. Kendill's Rest is closer, but
only if someone goes overland." A round of discussion and volunteering commenced then, as
everyone was eager to get far away from
So less then five minutes after exiting the cave, they started
out, watching with nervousness as the two half-Elves, Thorm and Neal rode off
through the tamer section of the Rattooth hills in a Northeast direction in
order to get to the village before night fell. Aurei hated to see them go and said a long, silent prayer of
protection to Yesh for their safety. The other two groups followed the east side of
© 2014 Eddie DavisReviews
StatsAuthor![]() Eddie DavisSpringfield, MOAboutI'm a fantasy and science-fiction writer that enjoys sharing my tales with everyone. Three trilogies are offered here, all taking place in the same fantasy world of Synomenia. Other books and stor.. more..Writing