![]() RestorationA Chapter by Eddie Davis![]() Aurei takes Eleazar to the local church so he can make peace with Yesh, while a mysterious airship is seen in the distance by the tower guards![]() 35. Restoration
The church was dark and he felt her take his hand, leading him
up the center aisle. "Uh, Duchess, I can see in here as well as you can." She turned and her red glowing eyes met his red glowing orbs. "Oh yeah!" she said happily, "I forgot!" She didn’t let go of his hand, however and hurried to the front
of the church, where a pair of kneeling benches lined the front of the congregational
section. She quickly knelt, pulling him
down to join her and with yet another sigh he knelt beside her. “So here is what I want you to do - I want you to pray to Yesh
and ask forgiveness for your sins and especially your doubts of your standing
with him. Pray to be shown what is
right and while you are at it, pray for Westmark and its people. Meanwhile, I’m going to pray for those
things too, especially that Yesh will shake some sense into you and see that
you are here by his will in order to help us.
Now get to praying!" Without another word the girl bowed down until her forehead
touched the kneeling bench and with her eyes tightly closed, began communing
with her God. Eleazar looked up at the
carved image of Yesh in his agony on the dreaded cross of bane - the enchanted
black cross of torture and death that Soric Potollis had ordered the
Necromancer’s Guild of Fedoloth to craft and then enchant to use to put Yesh to
death. He had died on that evil black cross with the arcane runes of
death glowing red on them, and Soric bragged that he would reanimate Yesh’s
corpse after he had watched it decay for a week. For three days the corpse of Yesh had been carted
around the city of Glancing around the church in the dim evening light, he could
see stained glass pictures displaying the various scenes of Yesh’s
passion. His story was all about
renewal and rebirth. Eleazar wondered
if he could be renewed. With a deep
breath and a swallow he bowed his head, closed his eyes and began to pray,
Duchess Aurei’s warm hand still clasp tightly in his. A comforting warmth began to fill him as he
spoke silently to the God he served. Without a sound he found himself weeping, and he frantically
tried to stop, ashamed that the Drow girl would see such a display, but he
couldn’t contain the tears. Yet he had
nothing to fear, for Aurei kept her eyes tightly shut and was herself deep in
prayer, not about to disturb his fellowship with Yesh.
While the two young Elves were praying, on top of the Ducal
Keep’s ramparts, a group of guards were squinting in the rapidly dwindling
twilight at a distant reddish-orange light that appeared many miles away, only
visible due to the darkening of the sky bringing out the faint glow. "What is it?" Lute the Half-Ogre asked as he hurried
over to join them. Pectros had summoned
him to the tower to see the display for some reason. "Lute, I know it’s a long way off, but can you make out
anything in the dark - your eyes see better in dark than ours do." Pectros asked, and Lute squinted as he tried
to focus on the faint glow. "It looks like it is above the ground a bit… hovering. A ball… no, more of a ring…I think.
I can hardly tell. It’s too far
off." "Is it moving toward us?" asked one of the guards. "It doesn’t seem to be - if anything, it might be drifting
away from us." Some footsteps behind them made them turn to find Sir Alvis and
Sir Aeric also joining them. Aeric held his hand over his brow and took a long look with his
half-Elven eyes. "It's far off… hard to make out… but it looks like a red
ring surrounding something. In the air,
I think." "Airship!" Sir Alvis said to the men standing nearby, "It’s
the glow from a fire elemental being used as propulsion. They imprison it in a ring that surrounds
the ship." "Are you sure?"
Lute asked the Knight, very alarmed at what he was hearing. "I’d say that was what it is." Sir Aeric answered for his commander, "I’ve
seen several of them and that would make sense to me as well. I’d guess that it’s probably seven miles
away from us, maybe more. Hovering over
the ground probably about the same height that we are from the ground now." "What do you think they are doing?" Pectros asked, though he was pretty sure he
knew the answer he’d receive. "I’d guess they were dropping off something or picking something
up. They usually don’t use these types
of ships for moving large things. Those
types are either attack vessels or command craft used by their captains." Sir Alvis squinted as he looked into the
distance but he could just barely even see the glow and certainly not well
enough to make out anything from it. "Should we raise an alarm?" Another guard asked both Pectros and Sir
Alvis. Alvis shrugged, "I don’t
think they’d come straight upon us - they should know of this tower as well as
our Order’s new tower, so they would expect we’d have men watching. I’m guessing they want to avoid us, but may
be giving us a distant view to make us afraid." "Let’s not get everyone nervous." Pectros finally said, "We have double
guards due to the ghouls that were prowling around outside the wall last
night. Tell all the men to keep
extremely alert and to immediately report any lights moving toward us as soon
as they see them. Let’s not worry Aurei
yet, she deserves a rest, we’ll tell her in the morning if there are no further
developments. I will let the Dwarves at
the workshop know so they’ll be ready to assist. I’ll send a couple of men out to the
outermost farms and let them know though so they’ll be ready if something does
happen." "I’ll go." Sir Aeric volunteered, "I’ll take a
few of my students with me -a good night exercise for them." "Thank you Sir Aeric.", Pectros said, and then to the
others, "Keep alert, I’ll come back and keep watch as soon as I pass word
to the dwarves. I fear this may become
a nightly occurrence." "I just hope they haven’t released any more beasts." Lute commented and his fear was shared by all
those assembled. A long tense watch
would certainly follow.
Eleazar was pleased that Aurei still was praying when he had
finished his own prayer so that he had time to regain his composure before she
saw him. He knelt there quietly, the twilight
now completely gone and leaving only the faintest light from a partial moon to
light the sanctuary, but to his Drow eyes it seemed well lit. He glanced around the church, feeling a
satisfying sense of peace about him and more-over, no animosity toward the Drow
girl kneeling beside him and still clutching his hand. Finally he felt her move and he looked down to see her red eyes
looking at him hopefully. He smiled and
nodded once, really hoping he wouldn’t have to give an account of his restoration
to her. Thankfully she didn’t ask and
only squeezed his hand with a smile and then stood up, her knees popping from
the extended time spent kneeling. He
stood as well and she was looking up at the icon of Yesh on the cross, "Thank
you." she said aloud and turned to reverently leave the sanctuary, Eleazar
following with equal reverence.
© 2014 Eddie DavisReviews
StatsAuthor![]() Eddie DavisSpringfield, MOAboutI'm a fantasy and science-fiction writer that enjoys sharing my tales with everyone. Three trilogies are offered here, all taking place in the same fantasy world of Synomenia. Other books and stor.. more..Writing