![]() Rallying PlanA Chapter by Eddie Davis![]() Aurei addresses the people of Westmark for the first time as their new duchess![]() 14. Rallying Plan "I-I… I’m really trying to figure out just what I should
say right now. I… I want to -of course-
thank their majesties for their great kindness to not only me but to the memory
of Duke Gamel and his family. I know
Baron Pinel shares in my appreciation of our King’s generosity to us." Pinel nodded in agreement, still glorying in his newly acquired
status. "I take this office that King Haroldris has bestowed upon
me as the absolute most important thing I will ever do. I know that I am not human like most of
you. I am 73 years old and I am told
that in Elf and Drow years, I am merely a very young woman. But though I am a young dark elf in body, my
whole life has been spent in Westmark and I cannot think of any place other
then this town as my home. I have seen
several generations of residents grow up and raise families. I’ve even seen many dear, dear people pass
into the arms of Yesh.” “Through it all, I have always felt that the great Creator has placed
me here to -in some very small way- help the good people of this duchy. Father and Mother Bugley - for this is now the
role I realize they gladly partook on my behalf- taught me that it is a far
greater thing to give and to help than it is to desire to be served. I believe Duke Gamel held himself as a
member of this community, not as a lofty noble separated from his people. From the outpouring of love and support from
all of you, I see that you also felt that he was one of you." Aurei took a deep breath to calm her nerves and continued,
amazed how the attention of everyone was focused on her every word. "I want you to know that by stepping into Duke Gamel’s
role, I plan to continue to be a part of this community. I stand before you today in a dress covered
in flour and smelling of dough, and though I apologize for my unkept
appearance, it does reflect how I plan to operate among you - by serving." "Including Ale?" came a male voice from somewhere in
the crowded Hall, and the question made a chorus of laughs and yells fill the
air. Aurei smiled. "I plan on still serving ale at the Muddy Boot as much as
my position allows. But as Duchess,
please know I can have any drunken hands that pinch my fanny or grab other
parts cut off now." She grinned mischievously
to accent her jest. The hall roared with laughter. "My main concern right now is the presence of the
Necromancer’s Guild in our Duchy. We
cannot forget what happened to the Flydros family. Leah Flydros is officially under my
protection and I will personally pay for her care. With his Majesty’s permission, I would also
like to increase the number of our ducal forces and have them trained more
intensely. In fact, I would like to
propose that all of the residents of the Duchy - men and women- receive weapons
training so they can defend themselves if we are attacked. I’m not drafting everyone into a militia; I
merely want everyone to be able to handle a weapon if the need arises. I will of course pay for this training and
if it is possible, purchase weapons and armor for everyone." The people all applauded, but those on the platform seemed somewhat
troubled by her words. Aurei wondered
if she had just made her first mistake. Suddenly from one end of the platform, Thorm stood up raising
his hands to get attention. "On behalf of the Armor Guild of Forgestone, of whom I am a
representative, I pledge 500 long swords and shields as a gift to the people of
Westmark in honor of their new Duchess!" The Dwarf’s words once again caused the Hall to roar with
applause and cheers and Aurei was relieved to see that the troubled look had
left the faces of those seated near her. She was surprised when Duke Frampbrum of Dullerm seated opposite
of her at the King’s table, stood, causing the hall to quickly quiet. "The duchy of Dullerm has long been known for our archers
and our duchies have long maintained close ties. I now give on behalf of the people of
Dullerm 500 longbows and as many quivers of arrows needed to equip the new Duchess’
forces." More cheering from what was turning into a rally. Aurei bowed to the Duke, "I thank you, Duke Frampbrum, my
father considered you and your good lady to be his closest friends." She turned to Thorm who now was seated with
his ale, "And to you Thorm Thannendwaf, my dear friend. I thank you and
your guild for their great kindness to us." "You are welcome, DUCHESS." His emphasis on the title was not lost on
Aurei, who smiled sweetly at the Dwarf. "It seems as if I have made a right choice." Haroldris
spoke up, "The Duchess has already secured weapons and shields for her
troops. I think I may be able to give
something, too. Upon returning to
King’s Reach, I will send a message to St. Kinnis, the leader of the Blood
Knights order about training your troops.
I know the reverend saint has desired a location for a Paladin training
stronghold. It would greatly benefit
our Kingdom to have the Blood Knights place their order’s training facility
here, and I can think of no better place than the duchy of Westmark -that is
if Saint Kinnis is so inclined and if Duchess Bugley gives her permission…" Aurei looked at the people assembled, who gave warm applause as
their approval. "Would we be required to build the stronghold for them?"
she asked the King. "No, no, the order would do that - they would purchase the
land under the agreement that their land is sovereign only to the Blood Knights
and their parent organization, The Bitter Dregs. In return, they swear fidelity to the Duchy
to defend and protect it as well as the Kingdom. A fair trade-off, I would say." The people of Westmark cheered again and Aurei and the King stood very pleased at the proceedings. Unnoticed by most everyone, a pair of merchants, both very drunk and
holding on each other to stand up, slowly got up and swayed out of the Keep, zigzagging
down the path and nearly bumping into the people milling about on this special
day. The two turned and disappeared
around the side of the Muddy Boot and straightened up. "I think we’re safe here" the first one said to the
next, looking around to make sure no one was nearby. "We’ve got to get word back to Dunto’s Bane - this could
change everything." "Relax- Westmark or Dullerm, either will work." "So do we change our plans?" "No…no, we go ahead, it may only cement Haroldris’
determination to bring the paladins here.
We’ll bring up the beastie tonight and release it south of town, then
bring up ol’ Jack and put him in the hills east of town once the King’s
procession heads back home." "We could take them all out - right here- if we brought
everyone up from Dunto’s Bane." "That’s not the plan, Jacchov. It’s a slow plan, you know that." "I know, Thantes… but we could kill them all." "Yet we won’t. We
don’t want to make the Master mad. Now
you get word to Dunto’s and get Jack and the Beastie in position. The King and Frampbrum will leave tomorrow
morning, so you know where to set the Beastie." "Yes. I’ll get
moving." "Then lay low after that, until I tell you." "Yes sir." "Now get going." The second man hurried off to fulfill his mission as the first
one slipped around the side of the © 2014 Eddie DavisReviews
StatsAuthor![]() Eddie DavisSpringfield, MOAboutI'm a fantasy and science-fiction writer that enjoys sharing my tales with everyone. Three trilogies are offered here, all taking place in the same fantasy world of Synomenia. Other books and stor.. more..Writing