![]() Night PatrolA Chapter by Eddie Davis![]() Aurei joins the patrol checking on the Flydros family.![]() 6. Night Patrol
Aurei had the foresight to grab a long sword in its scabbard out
of the chest full of Drow armor and weapons before they left the Keep, and as
they mounted up for the ride, she slipped the short sword and scabbard that
Thorm had given to her onto the other side of the Drow sword belt.
She wished she could have ridden Vanyasulie, the beautiful
stallion her father had purchased shortly before he began getting sick. But as the horse would soon belong to Pinel,
she reckoned that one of the Thorm was struggling to get his short legs into the horse
stirrups but finally managed to plop down onto the seat, Aurei swinging up
behind him. The Dwarf snorted, "If
anyone had told me that tonight I’d be riding through the night on a horse
behind a Drow matron in plate mail, I’d said they were insane or drunk, but
here I am." "Don’t worry" Aurei leaned in and whispered in his
ear, "I won’t let you fall off." "Fall off? Duchess,
I will ride this blasted horse over a cliff before it throws me." "Don’t call me Duchess, Thorm. If Pinel hears you call me that when he gets
here, we’ll both be locked up in the dungeon." "Hah! I’ll have my
axe in his bald head before he tries to arrest me." "Still, don’t call me that, okay?" "The way ye look right now, I should call ye Matron Mother." "Matron Mother?" "Aye, their society is ruled by their women. The head of each noble house is called
Matron Mother, she rules the roost.
Kind of like a Duchess." Thorm grinned mischievously and Aurei just sighed, clicking to
get her horse to follow Pectros and Brother Darv’s steeds out of the stable,
with Neal and Brolen falling in behind her.
The night air was very cool, even in the middle of summer and
Aurei always enjoyed its briskness. As
they rode along quietly, she glanced around the landscape, taking in the
scenery with clarity that none of the others could in the light of the quarter
moon. "It’s a beautiful night." she said to her party after
a while of riding. "Too quiet." Pectros replied from the front, "Not
even that many crickets. It worries me." "Why?" "I don’t know, Aurei " something doesn’t quite seem
right. Animals sense it too."
Aurei looked down at her horse; he wasn’t spooked, but did
indeed seem to be very focused on every sound around them as if he expected
something to rush out of the night at any moment. "What would frighten them in this way?" She asked the
Captain of the Guard. "Something supernatural, or magical - or both." "Wonderful." Thorm mumbled in front of her. "It may be nothing."
Brother Darv tried to reassure her, "However, keep your eyes open." "Don’t worry" she replied, scanning the
landscape. Her Drow night vision could
easily make out small animals at various places, but they were not scampering
around hunting or prowling about, instead all seemed to be stationary as if
they were trying to remain very still or perhaps were hiding. "Aurei, can you see anything unusual?" Brolen asked from behind her. "The animals are all very still." she told the guard, "They
are not moving about very much. But
other than that, I don’t see anything." "I don’t like this." Brolen said, mostly to himself,
and they rode along in silence for a while, all of them scanning the darkness
for anything.
As they neared the farm, Aurei rode up to the front of the group
and peered down at the Flydros farmstead.
She saw no heat registrations with her superior heat vision other than a
few birds roosting in a tree near the farmhouse. The air remained deathly still. "Do you see anything?"
Pectros asked after a moment. "No " a couple of birds in a tree, but no large animals -
not even the guards’ horses - and wouldn’t they be tied up by the stable? I don’t see anything. No movement at all. Wait… wait a moment… something is moving in
front of the barn, but I don’t see a warm heat pattern."
Thorm squinted in front of her on the saddle, being the only
other member of the party with night vision, though not as sensitive as her
sight, "I think I see it too " it's not something alive - or else it's
heavily wrapped up." "What’s it doing?" Pectros demanded. "It looks like it is sort of shambling forward… it’s a
humanoid form, on two legs, about man size, but moving very odd."
Thorm looked back at Pectros and Brother Darv, "Zombie. Or worse." "Zombie?!"
Aurei’s eyes were wide in surprise, a million questions running through
her head. In all of her years, she had
never seen an undead being, a trend she wished dearly to continue right then. Pectros held up his hand and they all stopped. He beckoned Aurei and Thorm forward so he
could whisper to them, "We need to think out a strategy here. If that is a Zombie, that will most
certainly mean that there are others and probably Necromancer Guildsmen
controlling them. How do you want to
Aurei’s head spun; The Necromancer Guild here in Westmark! Why was he asking her what to do - she had never
seen a Zombie in her life! "Uh, I think we need to find out what happened to the
Flydros family. I’m afraid if we wait
for reinforcements from town it might be too late for them " if it isn’t
She looked hopefully at the captain of the guard, praying she
had said something at least halfway sensible.
To her relief, he nodded. "I agree. But
understand that it could be a member of the Flydros family that you see walking
around undead. The Guild is said to do
that - kill someone and then reanimate them to make up for those lost in
battle. So be wary of anyone you see up
Brother Darv, who had leaned in and heard their conversation,
nodded in agreement, "Before we approach, I want to cast a protection
spell on us. I know the sound of my
chanting may let them know we are here, but it should offer us some degree of
Without waiting for their approval, the Cleric began chanting as
he held his hands out over them. Though
he tried to keep his voice as low as possible, since it was the middle of the
night, and only a short distance away from a farm probably infested with
undead, it sounded to them as loud as thunder.
Slowly a light blue glow began to outline his fingers and then grew
until it formed a sphere around the group.
As the magic surrounded them, Aurei looked nervously down the hill to
where she had spotted the Zombie only minutes before. The creature was now nowhere to be
Alarmed, she stood in the saddle, scanning all around the area,
but it had vanished. "The zombie has disappeared!" she whispered loudly to
the others as Darv’s spell came to an end.
Brother Darv had just begun to say something when a high pitched
scream suddenly filled the air coming from the direction of the Flydros
Aurei’s sensitive eyes saw the movement of a small form, running
quickly from one of the farm buildings, its warm body showing clearly with her
night vision. Three non-living forms
were chasing it. "They’re after a child!" Aurei shouted, and before anyone could
respond, she had rammed her heels into the side of her startled horse. With a loud whiney the horse took off at
full gallop, nearly unseating Thorm from the saddle. Aurei leaned over the Dwarf, her eyes glued ahead
of her. "Lass, what in blue blazes are ye doing!!" Thorm
hollered. "Take the reins!"
Aurei didn’t wait for a reply but thrust them into his hands and using
her legs to stay seated on the galloping horse, she pulled the short sword the
Dwarf had given to her free from the scabbard at her side. She then quickly unsheathed the Drow long
sword that she had pulled from Gamel’s trunk earlier that night from the
scabbard she had hung from the saddle. "Are ye mad, lass?!"
Thorm asked wide eyed at her actions, "Do ye know what ye are
a-chargin’ into?" She did not answer him, for ahead of them, she was horrified to
see that the lifeless creatures had now cornered the child. "NO!" She
screamed, and from somewhere within her came forth the shrillest howl of rage
she had ever voiced. The sound blasted
through the night, causing the undead preparing to attack the child to pause
and turn to face her. She gave another
scream, both swords raised above her as she and Thorm crashed down upon the
Thorm had no time to slow down the steed before Aurei, with
unbelievable agility, slid off the still rushing horse, landing on her feet
with only a slight stagger. She didn’t wait a moment but managed somehow to run in the crazy
high heeled Drow matron boots, making enough noise with her howling scream to
wake everyone for many miles.
In front of her was one of the Flydros’ little children curled
up on the ground, with four clearly undead creatures standing over her, though
their attention now was clearly focused on her. "GET AWAY FROM HER!"
She roared, hearing Thorm somewhere nearby trying desperately to stop
the terrified horse. The undead things crouched suddenly, all of them growling much
like a mountain lion about to spring.
They were sickly white in color with shining black eyes, long yellow
teeth and equally long dirty nails. A
horrible smell nearly stopped Aurei in her tracks as she neared, yet she didn’t
pause, tightly clasping the swords as she charged.
With a snarl, one of the larger things leapt supernaturally
high, its mouth and claws stretched wide as it dove at her. Instinctually she found herself swinging both swords in a
flashing crisscrossing swipe.
The long sword found the face of the creature, slicing deep
across its lower face, while her short sword cut two fingers off its left
hand. Having knelt down as she was
swinging the swords, the undead thing sailed over her, collapsing on the ground
with an anguished scream of pain. But
she had no time to focus on it though, for from her left and right, two of the
other creatures tried to flank her.
Her swords shot straight out to either side and the first one
impaled itself on her long sword where it screeched for a second then slumped
limp, sliding off her blade. The other one stopped its advance, but circled around her,
stalking like a great cat. She knew
what it was trying to do - maneuver her so that she would have her back to the
remaining creature. Sure enough, the
other undead thing lunged as soon as it thought it was out of her sight, but
before Aurei could spin around, Thorm was suddenly in between her and the
creature, his Dwarven Axe flashing with lightning quickness.
The Axe found its mark and sent the gray thing collapsing to the
ground, where it sprawled out, now truly dead. Turning to the one remaining foe, she found it already
attempting to come in at her low, hoping to knock her off her feet with the impact
of its body.
Aurei stepped gracefully aside, bringing both swords straight
down on the thing’s back. It too screeched
and clawed at her leg, finding only Drow plate armor. Her sword flashed out and a moment later one
hand was no longer attached to its arm.
Thorm’s axe ended the undead monster's existence and it sank down onto
the damp grass. "What in thunder is wrong with ye, lass?!" Thorm raged as he worked to extract his axe
from the head of the creature, "These are Ghouls! That first one ye killed was a Ghast! Ye are lucky ye weren't turned into one of them! Thunder!
What got into ye?" Aurei paid him no mind but ran up to the hysterical child trying
desperately to crawl under a small bush. "Leah?" Aurei called out to the terrified girl, "Leah,
don’t be afraid, it’s me, Aurei Bugley!
We’re here to help you." The little girl seemed to recognize Aurei’s voice, but still
stared at her wide-eyed in terror. "Stay away from me!"
She sobbed. "Okay, it’s okay.
Where are your parents? Leah,
where are your parents?" "I-I-I don’t k-know."
She began hyperventilating and Aurei threw her swords down and rushed in
to the girl who was frozen in fear. She
snatched her up, hugging her tightly, "It’s okay, hon. It’s okay."
A moment later Brother Darv, Pectros and the guards caught up to
them, and before they could say anything she held out the girl to the Cleric, "She’s
hysterical. She doesn’t know where her
parents are." Brother Darv's presence seemed to somewhat calm the girl and he
took her back and placed her on his horse. Aurei turned to Pectros, "I’m going to check the
farmhouse." "Wait a moment!"
Pectros yelled to her, but she had already retrieved her swords and was
running lightly across the farm lot toward the Flydros farmhouse. "Foolish girl!"
Pectros hissed, leaping from his horse to follow her, but turning to
address the Dwarf as he rushed past, "Nice work, Thorm -- four ghouls!" "One was a Ghast " Aurei killed him and that one over there
--by herself." Pectros and the guards’ mouths fell open in surprise, but they
had no time for conversation as they and Thorm ran after the dark-elf girl.
To her left Aurei saw movement as she neared the Flydros' barn
and she spun in time to see the register of a warm body before a bolt of blue
energy slammed into her chest. The
magic bolt knocked her backwards against the side of the corral fence, but to
her amazement, it seemed to dissipate.
She turned and ran toward the very surprised caster of the
spell. The Necromancer, one of four
controllers of the scouting party of undead was indeed surprised. For running toward him was the very definite form of a Drow noblewoman,
her dark Elven swords held wide to strike him, as her glowing red eyes hinted
at the torture he would no doubt experience at her hands.
Frantically he stumbled over a Fireball spell, his terror
causing him to stammer in the hurried chant.
Not that it would probably affect her, as the legendary Dark Elven
resistance to magic had already turned aside the deadliness of his Magic
Missiles. The spell failed to burst
forth and he backed away, swinging his gnarled staff at her, which she easily
knocked aside. "Mathos!
Ephret! Recco! Help me!" he called out to his fellow
Necromancers, but before any aid could come he found himself slammed against
the side of the barn, the Drow’s short sword pressed against his neck. "Shout again and I will slit your throat!" She hissed and he nodded. "The Flydros family - where are they? If you have killed them…." She pressed
the blade slightly more against his neck, drawing a slight trickle of blood. "No," he gasped, "No - in the farm house…they are
in the farmhouse!"
To his amazement, she didn’t slit his throat but turned abruptly
toward the house. He saw a chance and took
it. With a shout he leapt forward, his
plan to run as quickly as his robes would allow him to run, toward the west
road where he knew his comrades were.
But he wasn’t fast enough.
Catching movement out of the corner of her eye, Aurei swung out with her
long sword, expecting an attack.
Her sword caught the Necromancer in the back of his unarmored
chest and ran him through. With a
gurgle, he slid down the side of the barn, dead. Aurei felt suddenly very sick at her
stomach, for she had just killed her first living being. But she could not give into her emotions
right then. She was halfway across the yard when she heard the sound of
battle coming from somewhere past the farm lot, but still close. Thorm and Pectros raced up to join her. "Sounds like its coming from the western road. The family may have fled to the road." She suggested to them. With only a glance to each other, they all began racing toward
the sound of combat. © 2014 Eddie DavisReviews
1 Review Added on September 11, 2013 Last Updated on April 10, 2014 Tags: Drow, undead, fantasy, Necromancers dark elf Author![]() Eddie DavisSpringfield, MOAboutI'm a fantasy and science-fiction writer that enjoys sharing my tales with everyone. Three trilogies are offered here, all taking place in the same fantasy world of Synomenia. Other books and stor.. more..Writing