![]() ArduousA Chapter by ebonpinion![]() Chapter 6 of Mistaken...Dramione fanfic![]()
After I watched Professor McGonagall walk away I gathered my bag, said
bye to Ginny and rushed to my first class of the day, Runes. Since I had
fifteen minutes to spare I decided to think over what Ron had said to
me. He practically told me that Malfoy would kill me if he had a chance
to get away with it. This thought did not settle well into my mind since
I was currently sharing a common area with him. I thought about
storming back towards McGonagall and demanding that my room assignment
be changed but I could not bring myself to do it. If Dumbledore assigned
us to be Head Girl and Boy then there must have been a reason behind
it. I also could not help but wonder if this decision would have been
different if Dumbledore knew that Malfoy was going to try to kill him. I
shook my head because I knew that was not the case. Dumbledore was
always ahead of everyone by two steps. He must have had a reason of
putting me with Malfoy.
"Granger do you mind stopping the incessant pacing?" I jumped and turned around to find Malfoy leaning against the door frame of the classroom. "Sorry, I did'nt know I was pacing". Did I just apologize to Malfoy? "Really", he drawled, "because I was getting motion-sickness just from watching you." I wanted to ask him why he was watching me, but a group of students made their way into the classroom and Malfoy followed in behind them. I followed suit and sat in one of the front desks. Runes were a favorite subject of mine. A lot of my classes seemed to become mediocre but I always found that this class always challenged me. At the end of class I felt refreshed with the new knowledge I learned and was genuinely looking forward to the essay we had to write for next week. My next class was Potions. I rushed to the classroom hoping to find Ron and make up from our earlier argument. Due to a derailment in my path, provided by Peeves, I only made it to class with few seconds to spare. I glanced quickly around the room to find that my customary seat with Ron and Harry was taken up by Ernie Macmillan. "Please do have a seat Miss Granger." Professor Slughorn ordered. "Class is about to start." I sighed and turned around to find a seat in the back of class. My heart fell to my stomach when I realized that the only available seat was next to Malfoy. He noticed the predicament also and smirked at me. "Granger, I won't bite. I promise." For some reason that mental image made me blush, so I quickly sat down and buried my face in my potions book. I think he noticed my reaction though because he let out a low chuckle. "Welcome to your final year at Hogwarts", Professor Slughorn exclaimed. "This year will be beyond challenging yet very exciting. Class, today we will be starting on a very advance potion that will take a month to correctly brew. Because of the delicacy of this potion I will assign you a partner for the month." A few of the students let out a groan of disappointment. I understood because having assigned partners never seemed to work out. "Students on the second and fourth row I want you to look to the one sitting to the right of you. That will be the person to whom you are assigned to sit next to for the duration of the month." I slowly turned my head to face Malfoy. At least I was happy to see that he was as pleased with the assignment as I was. "Is this man daft", Malfoy asked in a whisper. "First they assign me to share a common room with you for a year, now they want me to sit next to you in class for a month". "You think you are the only one to suffer? I have to sit next to someone who has made my years here a living hell." "A living hell", Malfoy asked with a smirk. "Yes, and apparently something you take great pride in it seems". Malfoy puffed out his chest and stuck his pointed nose into the air. "I find getting under your skin a great art that I have taken great care and time to master." My right arm involuntarily lifted itself in an attempt to smack Malfoy's smirk off. Luckily the professor thought it was for another reason. "Yes, Miss Granger. I knew you would know the answer", he stated excitedly. My ears started to burn when I realized that I did not completely follow him. "Yes, Professor I do know the answer but can you repeat the question one more time so I can make sure that I am one hundred percent sure." "Ah yes, you are a smart girl. The question I asked was indeed meant to stump the class. I asked if anyone knew the base ingredient for the Unctuous Unction potion." "Well", Hermione started, "to say that there is one base ingredient would be wrong. There are two base ingredients for the Unction potion which are ashwinder and lovage. Ashwinder is used commonly in love potions and lovage is used in confusion and befuddlement draughts." Professor Slughorn beamed at me. "As expected you are correct Miss Granger. The two ingredients are used as a base in the Unctuous Unction potion to set the stage for trust and confusion. Now who can tell me why we need to instill trust and confusion in order for the potion to work?" I must have been off my game because Malfoy beat me to the punch. "Sir, trust and confusion are needed in order for the receiver of the potion to become confused enough to wholly trust that the first person they see, usually the giver, is their best friend." "Oh, yes you are correct too Mr. Malfoy." I giggled when the professor seemed to do a little jig of joy. "I am truly proud that the two of you are informed about our new project. You may just give Potter a run for his money." Slughorn gave Harry a little wink as if saying that was a long shot. I secretly did a little jig of joy inside remembering that Harry did not have the Half-Blood Prince's notes anymore to aid him. "Today class we will start the theory process of the potion. Wednesday we will start the complicated task of putting the potion together." I was relieved that I did not have to do any close work with Malfoy until Wednesday. Hopefully I would be in the swing of the new school year, back to talking terms with Ron and in command of all my Head Girl duties. After class I stood outside the door to wait for Harry and Ron. "Wasn't it great that we did not have to concoct a potion today?" "Hermione, are you feeling well", Harry asked. "You're usually jumping up at the chance to do busy work." "Well, not this time. I have Malfoy as a partner. I am just hoping our animosity does not get in the way of an outstanding grading." "Only you would worry about a grade while in possible grave danger", Ron stated. "Ron, what danger am I in while in the presence of Professor Slughorn?" "Hey, I nearly died of poisoning in his chamber right under his nose and in the end it was Malfoy's fault", he exclaimed. "Ron, I will be fine. If I get poisoned Harry will save me by sticking a hair ball down my throat." Harry looked between Ron and me to see if it was okay to step in. "Guys, let's get to lunch before the next period. I don't know about you guys but I'm starving." The rest of the day went normally. Ron and I were on better terms and my other Professors gave me more busy work to do for the afternoon. After dinner I was looking forward to relaxing in front of the fire in the common area and getting started on school work. Professor McGonagall had different plans for me. "Are you Hermione Granger", a first-year asked me on my way out of the Great Hall. "Yes I am." "The Head Mistress has asked me to tell you that you and the Head Boy must do an hour of rounds before turning in for the night." "Thank you for giving the message to me." The first year disappeared within the sea of students as Ginny appeared. "Hermione, are you ready to show me your new quarters?" "Oh, Gin I forgot." "Hermione, how could you", Ginny asked in mocked hurt tones. "I am sorry Ginny. Today has been a rather long and trying day. Besides I just found out that I have to patrol tonight. Ginny's face lit up with interest. "Is this a lone assignment or do you have someone to accompany you?" "I have to patrol with Malfoy." "Wow, now that will be interesting. You forced to walk alone with Malfoy around the deserted hallways." "Yes, how ever will I survive? By the way do not tell Ron. He is still on about me being in danger around Malfoy." "Don't worry. I won't mention a thing. We probably would have to bind him to keep him from stalking you tonight." "Thanks Gin. How about we take a rain-check on the tour of the new common area?" "That is okay by me. Besides after tonight we will have way more to talk about." "Do you really think so?" "Yep, I do", she replied with a wink. "Anyways good night and have fun patrolling." As soon as Ginny walked away I felt a presence behind me. "Are you ready to get this patrolling business over with Granger?" I turned around to face Malfoy who wore his customary look of boredom. "Sure Malfoy. Besides I have a lot of work to do tonight and would like to get to bed at a decent hour to be refreshed for classes tomorrow." "Well Granger, lead the way." © 2011 ebonpinion |
Added on May 1, 2011 Last Updated on May 1, 2011 Author![]() ebonpinionLAAboutWriting and music is close to my heart. I mostly write poetry but I have also been known to write short stories, plays and song lyrics. I love to listen to and play music. I play the violin. My .. more..Writing