Think back and try to remember that little voice inside your mind that guides you in life.It is true that you might not have listened to it always but at a time when you are required to make your life's most important decision but you are in a dilemma as to what to do or who to listen to,it is this voice that guides you.Even the most mature human being is not able to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong,and what do we do? We pray to god for help or think twice before we take a decision.This so called voice is our conscience.They say that every human being has a god within him/her and that god is nothing but our conscience.It is a person's moral sense of right and wrong.Conscience is just a guide to life which helps in narrowing down our path by taking us in the right direction,but it can not be said that a person will always follow his instincts by taking the right path.There can also be cases of regret ,for instance when a person commits a sin and then feels guilty about it.We all pray to god for help but how much can one god do to take away millions of our problems? and that number is just for one person,so for million people there will be million problems! Ofcourse there is absolutely nothing god can't do but in order for our problems to be solved instantly we can always count on our conscience.Conscience is nothing but the god that lives within us and our lives will be more vibrant if we seek it's help.Why pray to the god outside when he lives within you!