Aidan-Chapter 25

Aidan-Chapter 25

A Chapter by Angie Diane♥♥

Chapter 25

                “Good morning is Margo Morales there? I would like to talk to her please, sir?”

                “Yes, hold on a moment. She is really busy today.” The guy on the other line said. Aidan heard the man put the phone down and yell for Ms. Margo Morales.

                “Hello, this is Margo Morales and how may I help you, sir?”

                “Hello Ms. Morales, its Aidan how are you on this fine afternoon?” He had a smile on his face even though he was on the phone with her.

                “Ah Aidan, what can I do for you today, honey? I’m that busy at the moment. I know I will be busy a little later.” She said with a little sigh because she was thinking about how much work she had a lot of work to get done. Ms. Margo Morales grabbed a piece of paper and a pen because she needed to write what Aidan needed.

                “You still have the document right? I would like to know if there are any other fingerprints besides mine of the document. I want to know if my father’s fingerprints are on it.” Aidan said with a cold tone. Ms. Margo Morales could tell that there was tension within the house. Aidan was still mad at John for telling the lie.

                “Yes, I can analyze the document. That will be a fun task. I promise to call you when I get this document analyzed. You are the first on my list. I will call you when I find out anything.” She said with a heartwarming tone. Aidan smiled again.

                “Alright I won’t be home. I will leave you my cell phone number. If you find anything out just call me as soon as you can.” Aidan responded. Margo wrote down his number and they hung up. She was going to analyze the document right away. Aidan sent a text to Chris to let him know that they could hang out.

                “Hey Chris, we can hang out if you want. My father is at work at the moment. I don’t want to be in the house. We can meet up with Randy and Chloe if you want. I know you haven’t seen them in a while. It’ll be more than two people this time.”

                “Alright I will be at your house in about five minutes. I have to escape my parents though. My parents are arguing about my little brother. I am watching him at the moment. Do you mind if I bring him with me? I don’t want him to be there with all the fighting going on.” Chris asked.

                “I don’t mind if you bring him with you. You can put a baby seat in Chloe’s car if he is coming with us.” Aidan responded.

                “I will ask my mother if I can bring him. Hold on for a moment.” Chris sent back.

                “Alright,” Aidan responded. Aidan was excited to be hanging out with Chris again. He was also mad at his father for kicking one of his best friends out to talk to him. Aidan couldn’t be around his father anymore because he lied.

                “He can come with me, but I have to keep a good eye on him. I will do that because he is still too young to care for himself. I really want to know why my father came here with us.” Chris sent back. Aidan could tell that Chris was getting a little angry about this. Chris hated when his father made his mother angry or cry. He hated to see his parents upset and arguing. Chris was always there to witness the arguments anyway.

                “Chris, calm down a little bit. Don’t be angry in front of your brother. He doesn’t understand anger yet.”

                “He is sleeping and I’m holding him at the moment. He is cute when he is sleeping.” Chris said as his attitude depleted. Aidan was glad that he was calming down.

                “Alright then that’s good. I’m going to come pick you up in Chloe’s car. I don’t want you to walk over here if your brother is coming with us.” Aidan said. Aidan walked out of his house and walked down the street to Chloe’s house. Randy came home a couple of days ago and was relaxing a lot. Aidan knew that he was staying at Chloe’s house the night before. Aidan knocked on the door. Chloe’s mother answered the door.

                “Oh hello Aidan, do you want to speak to Chloe and Randy?” she asked in a happy tone. Her eyes showed that she was blazing with anger and disappointment. Aidan guessed Chloe told her that she was pregnant.

                “Yes, ma’am, I would like to speak to them.” Aidan said keeping his demeanor.

                “Okay, hold on a minute.” She said and walked away to get Chloe and Randy. Aidan didn’t walk into the house though because he wasn’t invited in the house in the first place. Randy and Chloe were at the door within a few seconds.

                “Hey Aidan, what’s up?” Randy said.

                “Do you want to hang out with Chris and I today?”

                “Chris is here! Sure it’s better than being home at the moment. I hate how my mom is acting.” Chloe said happily. She hadn’t see Chris in a long time.

                “Chris is bringing his brother so we need to go pick him up. I will drive to get him. I don’t want you to get hurt again, Randy.” Aidan said. He knew the accident wasn’t Randy’s fault, but he knew that Randy’s parents didn’t want him to drive for a while. Randy nodded at Aidan and Chloe gave him her keys to her car.

                “Did you see Chris?”

                “I did see him the night before you got into the accident.” Aidan said heating up a little bit. The conversation between him and his father drew heavily on his mind. Aidan couldn’t bond with his father anymore.

                “Are you okay, Aidan? You seem a little tensed up about something.” Chloe asked with worry in her tone. Aidan didn’t respond as they pulled up in front of Chris’ house. Chris was standing outside with his brother in his hands. The baby was smiling up at his older brother.

                Chris walked over to Chloe’s car. He had a smile on his face. Aidan smiled when Chris came over. Chloe was still worried about Aidan because he didn’t answer the question. She was always worried about him when he was being unresponsive. Randy took that as a bad sign too because he knew how Aidan could be. Randy had only seen his anger a couple of times. Those were the only times that Randy was actually scared of Aidan.

                When Chris came up to the car the baby looked inside the car and smiled. He smiled at Aidan, Chloe, and Randy. He giggled just slightly.

                “Hey guys I hope you don’t mind if I bring this little guy.” Chris said with a smile.

                “I don’t mind if you bring him.” Chloe and Randy said together Chris already knew that Aidan didn’t mind if he brought him. Chris set up the car seat in the back of the car. Randy moved to the front seat with Aidan. Chloe and Chris sat in the back with the baby. He started to cry when Chris put him into the car seat.

                “Awe what’s wrong with him?” Chloe asked.

                “He probably wants to be held. He doesn’t like being in the car seat all that much. I’m just going to let him hold my finger. He probably wants to see my face as well.” Chris said giving his little brother his finger. He calmed down as soon as he knew Chris was in the car.

                “I say we go to the part and put the baby on the baby swings. He will probably love it.” Aidan said in a happy tone. Chris nodded as his brother started playing with his fingers.

                “He is such as adorable little baby.” Chloe said smiling at him. The baby smiled back and made baby noises. He reached out for Chloe, but was sad when she didn’t pick him up. He cried for a couple of seconds. Chris have him a pacifier and he was content with it.

                “He is a good baby.” Randy said.

                “He doesn’t cry that much. How old is he?”

                “He’s a couple of months old. He is a happy little baby. You can hold him when we get out of the car if you want.” He said to Chloe, Randy, and Aidan.

                “I would love to hold him.” Chloe said smiling happily.

                “I promise you he loves everyone. Well except Dad sometimes…then again I understand why he doesn’t really like Dad all that much. My father doesn’t see him all that much. It’s sad actually because my father is moving away because he doesn’t love Mom anymore. They are going through a lengthy divorce. I don’t even want to be part of it, but I have to be involved because they are fighting for custody over my brother and me. I know that custody is going to be awarded to my mother. She is a better fit parent than my father is. My father is always at work and he doesn’t even play with my brother. My brother is not used to him at all. I wish everything was just so much simpler. It won’t be until the divorce is over.” Chris said feeling a little said. Chloe felt a little bad for him because she sort of knew what he was feeling like. Her parents had gotten a divorce and then gotten remarried.

                “Don’t worry, Chris, your mother will get custody of you. Like I said in the letter and you are saying now…your mother is better fit to take care of you both.” Aidan said with a smile. Chris smiled and he knew Aidan was right.

                A couple of seconds later they were at the park. Chris picked the baby up and carried him to the swings. At first the baby was confused and then he was enjoying the swings. He was giggling a little bit when he was in the baby swing. Chris after that held him and they went down the slide. The baby smiled again.

                “What is your brother’s name?” Chloe asked.

                “His name is Michael Alexander.”

                “Awe, that’s a really sweet name.” Chloe said smiling at the baby. The baby smiled back and reached out for her. Chloe took him in her arms and he smiled.

                “He likes you at least. He likes almost everyone. If he doesn’t like you he starts to cry and screaming. If my mom or I take him then he is fine. He will even go to my dad if he doesn’t like the person that is holding him at the moment.” Chris stated. The baby was playing with Chloe’s hair and fingers when she was holding him. He was blowing spit bubbles too and was just over all happy. She smiled as the baby was playing. After a little bit reached out for Randy. He liked Randy and Randy was happy about that. Randy held the little guy until he reached out for Aidan. Michael had a bigger connection with Aidan. As soon as Aidan held him the baby calmed down some. He started to fall asleep in Aidan’s arms. It was a really sweet moment for Aidan. Chris smiled at Aidan.

                “You are doing a really great job. Michael would normally only fall asleep in my arms or my mother’s.” Chris said. A couple of minutes later Aidan’s cell phone went off. Aidan handed Chris the baby who stayed asleep.

                “Hello,” Aidan said walking away from the group. Aidan knew that he had to take this. He needed to get the results of the note.

                “Hello Aidan, its Margo Morales. I have the results to your questioned document. I couldn’t find any of your father’s fingerprints on the document. I did find another finger print, but there was only a small part. I couldn’t really identify who the person would be. I don’t really have much else to tell you. I know that it is hard for you to hear this news. I wish you all the best for everything in your life. I have other cases to get to today. If you need me for anything else please let me know.” She said. Aidan was angry that he didn’t find any evidence to help his case build against his father.

                “Thank you for telling me about this. I just wanted to make sure. I thank you again. You were a very big help to me.” Aidan said.

                “No problem honey. Have a nice day.” She said and hung up.

                Aidan could feel a headache coming on. He wanted to get home and fast. He went over to his group of friends. He had a weird look on his face and he knew that, but he wanted to just get home.

                “I want to go home. I will talk to you all tomorrow. See you later.” He said as he walked away. Aidan had a lot on his mind and he really didn’t want to deal with anyone at the moment. As he walked away Aidan kicked something and he almost hurt himself. Aidan knew he was boiling with anger and he tried to calm down.

© 2011 Angie Diane♥♥

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So John covered his tracks or something, did he?

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow no fingerprints of the father! Covered his tracks or innocent? And love the cute baby :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 5, 2011
Last Updated on July 24, 2011


Angie Diane♥♥
Angie Diane♥♥

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Hello, I'm Angie! I'm going to be 32 soon. Writing is something I love doing. I'm glad to be creating again. Also, I love anime, reading, and many other hobbies. Lately, I've been making YouTube v.. more..


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