Aidan-Chapter 19

Aidan-Chapter 19

A Chapter by Angie Diane♥♥

I love this chapter. It was really fun to write. :)


Chapter 19

                “Aidan, do you want to hang out with me? It’s Courtney that is calling you. I got your number from Chloe. I hope that it’s okay?”

                “Hello, I don’t mind her giving you my number. Sure, I’ll hang out with you. I just have to get ready for the day. I just woke up.”

                “Did I wake you? I’m so sorry.” Courtney said a little upset.

                “No, you didn’t. I have to make breakfast for my dad. He is leaving in a half hour. I’ll be out around twelve. Do you want to meet up at a restaurant or something?”

                “Sure, let’s go to the Eat and Bake restaurant across town. I heard there food was pretty good. I have never been there. Have you?”

                “No, I think that restaurant just opened a couple of weeks ago. They are getting good business already I heard. I will pick you up. You don’t have to drive. I’ll borrow Randy’s car. See you in a few hours, okay?”

                “Okay, see you later.” Courtney said and she sounded like she was hyper. Aidan heard the phone shut off.

                “Is she hyper? It’s really early in the morning. I’m never this hyper in the morning. Well I should start getting ready for this date I guess. Wait I’m going on my first date. Oh my God, oh my God! I can’t believe it! I need to call Randy as soon as possible to tell him I’m finally going on a date! I still can’t believe this!” Aidan thought in his mind. Aidan had a smile plastered on his face. He was finally going on a date, but he wasn’t that prepared for it. Aidan picked out the clothes he wanted to wear for the day. Aidan brushed his hair down and then ran downstairs. The smile was still plastered on his face as he was making breaking for John.

                Aidan made his father his breakfast and that was a batch of pancakes. John didn’t look up at Aidan. John was too busy reading over some medical notes of the recent person that died. He had his brow furrowed up. Aidan tapped John on the shoulder.

                “Hey Dad, your breakfast is done. I hope you are hungry.” Aidan smiled at his father.

                “I sure am. Are those your famous pancakes I smell?”

                “It sure is my famous pancakes. I hope you like them. I haven’t made them in a while. Been too worried about those dreams I’ve been having.”

                “I know you haven’t. You only make them when you are in a really good mood. So my guess is that you are in a really good mood. Why is that son? I understand that.”

                “I’m going on a date today.”

                His father sat there in shock. Aidan never had gone on a date before. A smile reached John’s lips. He was happy that his son was finally going to go on a date.

                “Well I hope you have fun today. You don’t have to worry about doing any chores. I want this day to be great. I hope you have fun on your d-a-t-e. In fact I know you will have fun on this date.” John said spelling out the words.

                “Thanks Dad. I am going to just get ready. I’ll see you when I get home from work to tell you how the date went.”

                “You still have a ten o’clock curfew though, young man. Don’t be late or you will be grounded until your thirty.” His father said sternly, but also with his tongue sticking out.

                “I know, Dad, relax. I always come home on time. I don’t think we are going to be out that long. We are hanging out around twelve and then I think I’m going to take her to the movies or something. We are going out to eat first. I promise you I will be home on time. I don’t want to be grounded until I’m thirty.”

                “Alright well I hope you have fun. I want to hear all about it when I get home today.” John said as he put some of Aidan’s pancakes on his plate. Aidan ran upstairs and got in the shower. He washed his hair and was singing the song “Hallelujah” by Jeff Buckley. That was Aidan’s favorite version of the song. 

                Aidan jumped out of the shower and put a towel around his waist. He dried his hair off and brushed it down again. He put some clothes on and picked up his cell phone.

                “Randy, I have some great news to tell you. It’s amazing news actually.” Aidan sent a text to Randy.

                “What is it?” Randy asked back in a text.

                “I have a date today.”

                “ARE YOU SERIOUS? Who are you going on a date with?”

                “You might not like the person I’m going with. I’m going out with Courtney.”

                “Oh well it doesn’t matter to me. She is a good person and you two seem like you would be a perfect match.”

                “Did you tell Chloe to give her my number, Randy?” Aidan asked.

                “Yes, I wanted you to go out on a date. I mean you met her before and she likes you. I just thought it would be a nice gesture. Plus it will take your mind off your mother and her killer. You have been so worried about this. I thought this would give you a nice break. I hope you aren’t mad at me.”

                “I’m not and I think you are right. I think it will take my mind off of everything going on. This dream really did creep me out.”

                “I know it did and I just want you to get your mind off of it. I have to go. I have practice in a few minutes.”

                “Alright, I will speak to you later. Oh yeah. I have to borrow your car if you don’t mind.” Aidan responded.

                “No, I don’t mind. I am going to be at practice. Just stop by my house. My mother will give you the keys to my car.”

                Aidan went over to Randy’s house to pick up the car at 11:30. Randy’s mother had smile on her face when she handed her keys to Aidan. Aidan hugged her and told her to have a nice day. Aidan knew that Randy’s mother thought of him as a son. She knew all about what happened to his mother.

                “Hey Courtney, I am in front of your house. I am waiting for you whenever you are ready.” Aidan said through text.

                “Alright, I will be out in a few seconds.”

                When she walked out Aidan noticed she was wearing a black mini skirt with leggings on. She was also wearing a light pink tank on. She waved at Aidan as she walked out to the car. Aidan waved back and smiled at her.

                “Hey Aidan,” she said when she entered the car. Courtney kissed him on the cheek and he blushed a little. She giggled when she saw his cheeks turn red. Aidan just pulled away from the house. Aidan was being a little quiet at first. That was normal if he was by himself with a girl. If it had been two other people in the car it wouldn’t have been as awkward for him.

                “Hey, do you want to go to the movies after lunch?”

                “That’s a great idea! I would love too!”

                “What movie do you want to see? I don’t really want to see another girlie movie. How about we go see an action movie?”

                “I don’t know. We can pick something when we get to the movies. Alright we can do that if you want.” Aidan nodded at that and smiled. They got to the Eat and Bake restaurant and got seated a couple of minutes later. They sat at a table near the window.

                “So Courtney, what made you want to go out on a date with me?” It was Courtney’s turn to blush.

                “I just thought you were a sweet person. I noticed that you were a shy person as well. I never really got to know you. I always wanted to know you better. I thought today was a good day to start to get to know each other you know. I really like you a lot.”

                “Alright, what would you like to know about me?” Aidan asked her.

                “I know that in kindergarten you were more active. What happened to you? After kindergarten you got all quiet. In first grade you would barely talk to anyone. I was in all your classes. Everyone tried to talk to you, but you stopped answering. The only person you would talk to was Randy. Everyone was worried about you because you were becoming more of a loner. I couldn’t believe no one could break through to you.”

                Aidan didn’t know how to really answer that question. Aidan didn’t really want to tell someone he barely knew about his past. Aidan stayed quiet for a couple of minutes. “It’s not really something I talk about in the open. It’s hard to explain what happened to me right after kindergarten. I don’t know you that well yet. I know I stopped talking, but I have my reasons. I’m just glad after a little while they stopped trying to talk to me. It would have just made me go more into hiding. The only person that could really break through to me was my best friend. Randy is my best friend. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

                “Aidan, I know it’s probably hard for you to tell a stranger, but I want you to think of me as a friend. I know you went through a lot as a child, but I don’t know what you went through. I tried to get it out of Chloe, but she didn’t tell me. I just want us to get closer, Aidan. I know in the past we didn’t talk much. I want you to trust me as much as you trust Chloe. I am her best friend and we are pretty much the same. We have the same personalities. Please Aidan trust me. It would help us become closer and friendlier. Will you trust me?” Courtney said.

                “I can’t just yet and like you said we barely know each other. I can trust you eventually, but not just yet. Chloe, Randy, and my family know what happened to me. I can’t tell anyone because it is too painful. I hope you can understand that.”

                “I do understand that. I just wish you could trust me.” She had a small frown on her face. Aidan felt bad, but it was not like she was telling him her past. Aidan couldn’t handle the pressure anymore.

                “I’m sorry, Courtney. I truly am. I will tell you eventually when I trust you more. I want to be your friend though. You seem to be a good person.” Aidan said smiling. Courtney had to smile back at him.

                “He has the cutest smile ever!” She thought in her head.

                “You have such a cute smile.” Courtney heard herself saying.

                “You do too.” Aidan said with a smile. Courtney started blushing at his comment. Aidan chuckled a little and ordered some food.

                “What would you like, sir?” the waiter asked in a rude tone.

                “I would like a burger, fries, and a Sprite.” Aidan said.

                “And for you, ma’am?”

                “Same thing please.”

                “Alright I will be back in ten minutes with your food.” The waiter said walking off in a sour mood. He got them there drinks within five seconds though.

                “Boy was that waiter rude.”

                “I know he was very rude!” Courtney said.

                “Hopefully the food will be good though. If not then this was a waste of a trip.” Aidan said with a little tone of anger.

                “I have never heard you sound angry before. It’s actually kind of cute.” Chloe said making Aidan blush a little. Courtney giggled and put her hand over his. He felt a little weird, but he just let her continue holding his hand.

                “You’re pretty cute yourself,” he said. Aidan was realizing that he liked her. Courtney glowed bright red.

                A couple of more minutes passed by and the waiter finally brought their food out.

                “Finally! I am starved,” Aidan said digging in. The food was as delicious as people were saying it was.

                “At least the food isn’t as crappy as the waiter’s attitude. I wonder if he just hates his job and he takes it out on the customers. If he hates his job then why is he working here?”

                “I couldn’t agree more. It’s probably because he couldn’t get a job anywhere else. I say we don’t leave him a tip because he was rude to us. Anyway are you ready to go to the movie.”

                “Sure, I am ready to go see the movie.”

                “Alright let’s blow this joint. I will pay you don’t have to worry.” Aidan said like the perfect gentlemen he was trying to be.

                “Thank you.” Courtney said hugging him. Aidan smiled and paid the bill. They didn’t leave a tip because the waiter was crappy. Aidan felt bad that he didn’t

                When they got to the movies they saw what was playing. Courtney changed her mind and wanted to see crappy chick flick while Aidan wanted to go see a comedy. They got into a little argument. After they argued they decided to play rock, paper, and scissors. Courtney won all three rounds of that. Courtney dragged Aidan into some crappy chick flick. Courtney, of course, liked the movie, but Aidan didn’t. The movie was boring in the start and boring in the ending. The story line didn’t make any sense to him. Aidan didn’t care for the movie. Courtney cried through most of it because it was sad. Courtney would grab Aidan’s hand.

                At the end of the movie Aidan grabbed her and tickled her. She was laughing really hard.

                “Do you want to go to the park?”

                “Sure, I would love to.”

                They ran off to the car his hand in hers. Aidan was smiling most of the time that they were holding hands. Aidan drove off to the park. Courtney was texting someone was she was waiting for them to make it to the park.

                “Courtney, I have to admit something to you.”

                “What is it?” She asked suddenly worried she did something wrong.

                “I think you are really pretty. I wish I had met you sooner. You are so nice and sweet. I know I can trust you now. I will tell you all about my past, but how about later? I don’t want to ruin this moment.”

                Courtney had tears welling up in her eyes. She never thought she would hear Aidan say those words. She liked him, but she never was able to admit it to him. Now that it was out in the open she could admit anything to him.

                “I like you too, Aidan. I have liked you since first grade. I just wasn’t able to tell you because you never talked to me. You kept to yourself or you would talk to Randy. I just hope we can become closer. I trust you too.”

                “I do too. I really like you a lot.”

                “I’m glad.” She said with tears rolling down her cheeks. She was happy that Aidan liked her. Courtney wanted to be the girl of his dreams.

                “Awe, don’t cry. It’s cute when you cry, but I don’t like to see people cry.”

                “Alright, I’ll stop.” She said with laughter. As soon as they got to the park Aidan chased her. Courtney was laughing the whole time and when he caught up with her he tackled her. Aidan kissed her like mad when they were lying on the ground. Well Aidan was lying on top of her and she was enjoying the kiss. If Randy were there to see it he would have been proud of him. When they stopped kissing he got off and smiled. Courtney's lips tasted sweet. She was just smiling at him. Aidan didn’t know what it felt like to be in love, but he could tell that Courtney was the one. She was the one that was going to break through to him. Aidan smiled more and kissed her again.

                “Aidan, I like you a lot more.” She said kissing his cheek once they were leaving.

                “I like you a lot more too. You are the first girl that I ever could connect with. I like the feeling.”

                Courtney noticed the time and she had a scared look on her face. Aidan noticed the look and he was a little worried.

                “What’s wrong, Courtney?”

                “I need to get home. Now! I will explain later can you please just drive me home?” Aidan nodded and drove her home.

                “I enjoyed our time together. Thank you for the fun day.” She said and she ran into the house. Aidan was worried about her, but he couldn’t do much but text her later.

                Aidan drove to Randy’s house with a big smile on his face. He knocked on Randy’s door and Randy answered.

                “Hey Aidan, I was wondering what time you were coming back. Thanks for bringing my keys back. Do you want a ride home?”

                “Sure, I would love a ride home. I hate walking home in the dark. My dad would kill me if I walked home alone anyway.”

                “I know.”

                “Did you have fun?”

                “I had a lot of fun. Courtney is really cute.”

                “I never thought I would hear you say that.”

                “Me either, but I like the feeling. I like her a lot too. She’s so nice.”

                “I’m glad. I would love to hear the details, but I’m tired. Can you tell me tomorrow?”

                “Sure, I wasn’t planning on telling you yet anyway.” Aidan had a smile on for the rest of the night. Aidan was in such a good mood that his father couldn’t stop smiling when Aidan told him about the date.





© 2011 Angie Diane♥♥

Author's Note

Angie Diane♥♥
I put a little more into it.

My Review

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AWWWW THAT'S SO CUTE! it's about time this boy goes on a date. They are soo cute togetherrrrr :D :D :D :D :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

Finally.... Aidan gets to go on a date.... :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

Good old Aidan, finally!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Aw, I'm so happy for him! i wonder why courtney was in a rush to get home...
. I know you probably went through a lot as a kid, but you can trust me. I know we barely talked in the past, but I want you to trust me now. I want you to trust me as much as you trust Chloe. I- i know you don't know me that well,but i want you to know you can trust me, just think of me as chloe.( eh idk about that last sentence i put.)

Posted 13 Years Ago

YAY!! Aidan got some love action!!!~ X3

Posted 13 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on May 2, 2011
Last Updated on July 23, 2011


Angie Diane♥♥
Angie Diane♥♥

Not like you need to know..., NJ

Hello, I'm Angie! I'm going to be 32 soon. Writing is something I love doing. I'm glad to be creating again. Also, I love anime, reading, and many other hobbies. Lately, I've been making YouTube v.. more..
