Aidan-Chapter 14

Aidan-Chapter 14

A Chapter by Angie Diane♥♥

Chapter 14

                Today Aidan decided that he was going to visit Will at the hospital. Aidan hadn’t seen Will since the day that they brought him to the hospital. He was ashamed that he hadn’t seen him since, but he was going through things. He didn’t want Will to see him at his weakest point in life. Plus Aidan was still blaming himself for what had happened.

                Mary called Aidan earlier because Will wanted to see Aidan. It was twelve o’clock and Aidan was getting ready to go out. Aidan received a phone call from Chloe and Randy.

                “Hello,” Aidan said into the phone.

                “Hey Aidan, what time do you want us to come over your house?” Chloe asked on the other end.

                “I’ll have to call you and Randy back later. I’m going to visit Will. Will has been asking to see me for a long time. I haven’t had the courage to see him. I didn’t want him to see me at an emotional time in my life. I don’t want my ten year old cousin to see me cry, you know? I have been crying a lot lately.” He responded.

                “I know you have been going through a tough time Aidan, but you have us if you need us. Alright then, just give my cell phone a call when you are ready for us to come pick you up. We will be ready at anytime.” Chloe said. They hung up after saying goodbyes. Chloe was letting Aidan get ready to go visit his cousin. When he hung up the phone he went over to the mirror. He brushed his hair down so that it didn’t look so wild. When he was ready he grabbed his cell phone and key and left the house. He walked over to his aunt’s house because he was getting a ride to the hospital from Mary.

                “How is Will doing today? How are you doing, Aunt Mary?” Aidan asked as soon as he sat in the seat. Mary was chuckling at him a little bit.

                “He is doing so much better. They just are keeping him at the hospital for a while just in case. He has been in a lot of pain recently. They gave Will morphine to keep the pain down. When he is on the morphine he is loopy. It is pretty entertaining to watch him on morphine. He is really funny when he is on it.  I’m doing fine, dear. It’s been hard having my little boy in the hospital. I hate having to see him in there. He hates being in the hospital all the time. Will just wants to get up and run around, but they don’t want him to hurt himself. I don’t want him to hurt himself either. I make him stay in the bed. The only time he really gets up is to go to the bathroom or to take a walk.” Mary said with a smile on her face. She was thinking of the times she saw Will on morphine. Mary thought it was kind of funny to see her son acting loopy.

                “I’m glad he is doing better. I’m glad that you are holding in there too, Aunt Mary. You are a strong woman because you have endured so much in your life, but you always hold it together so strongly.  It sounds funny when you see people on morphine. I wouldn’t let him out of bed either if he was my child. When is Will getting out of the hospital?”

                “I don’t really know when they are going to release him. The doctor wanted to give him enough time to recover. It was a really massive surgery that they performed on him. They are looking for signs to see if the tumor was going to relapse. They doubt it will, but they just want to keep it from happening a second time.” Mary explained. Aidan nodded and looked down at his feet. Aidan was a little nervous. He hasn’t seen Will since he passed out at the bowling alley and he didn’t want Will to see how nervous he was to see him.  He also didn’t want Will to think that Aidan was avoiding him. That was far from the truth. He wanted to see Will. It was just that Aidan was too nervous.

                “Aunt Mary, I am nervous because Will hasn’t seen me in a while. I just don’t want him to think that I am a terrible person. I couldn’t bring myself to see him after the surgery. I was blaming myself because I didn’t see the warning signs. Will wasn’t showing any pain until he had fainted. I was just in shock to see him crumple down like that,” Aidan responded. Mary understood that he hadn’t seen him a long time. Mary would have been nervous too if she was in Aidan’s shoes.

                “It’s alright, Aidan. We know that you have been going through a lot of things lately. Aidan you aren’t a bad person. Don’t think like that. I know things have been hard and stressful on you. I know it wasn’t your fault. We don’t blame you, honey. We don’t blame anyone, but ourselves because we didn’t notice anything either.” Mary said. It was very true that he was going through a lot. John had been acting really strange when he was around Aidan. His mother’s anniversary was the day before. The three of them spent a good amount of time speaking about Ashley. Aidan was glad that his father had started to go back to normal. Aidan couldn’t take his father not being normal anymore.

                A couple of minutes later they were at the hospital. Mary and Aidan got their visitor sticker. They went up to Will’s room. Will had a private room all to himself. That was a pretty good gesture in Aidan’s opinion. When Will saw him his eyes brightened up a lot.

                “Aidan, I missed you.” Will said with a wide grin.

                “I missed you too, buddy.” Aidan said. He gave Will a hug. Aidan also gave him a card that read: “I hope you’re feeling better. I want you to get well soon.”

                “Where have you been, Aidan?”

                “Just around with friends and my dad. How have you been doing since the last time I saw you?”

                “I’ve been feeling a lot better than I have been. How have you been doing, Aidan?” Will asked.

                “I’ve been doing okay. I’ve just been worried about you since the incident at the bowling alley.” Aidan responded with a smile on his face.

                “That’s good. You shouldn’t have been worried about me. The hospital is taking great care of me. Do you think when I come home you could come over and have a rematch in the video games?” Will asked a smile sprouting over his lips.

                “Of course, I want to beat you in the Wii game we played.”

                “You wish you can beat me in that game.” Will said while was laughing.

                “I know I can beat you in that game.” Aidan said. He was laughing now too. A few minutes later a nurse came into the room to take Will’s blood pressure and pulse rate. The results he received were that they were normal. Mary was happy about that. Will was been very nervous the first few times. The nervousness made his heart rate go up higher than it should have been. That wasn’t a good thing for a little ten year old boy. Mary was on medication for high blood pressure. Peter had normal levels of blood pressure. The machine said that his heart rate was seventy-six beats. That was a regular rate for the average person.

                “Aidan you won’t even have a chance to beat me when I get out of this joint. I will make you eat those words for breakfast.” Will said with a laugh. Aidan laughed along because he knew that Will was right about that. Will was smiling up at his cousin.

                “Do you want to play cards or something? I know you must be bored being in the bed the whole day. Do you get out of the room at least?”

                “I do get out of bed a lot. I walk down the hallways to get to the room where we can sit and relax instead of being in the room. I walk down there every day because I don’t want to be in bed all day. Some days I am in bed all day except when I have to go to the bathroom. I will just lie in bed and watch what’s on television. Normally nothing good is on the morning so I wait for the afternoon to come. Or if nothing good was on I just fall back to sleep. It is really boring being in the hospital. I don’t want to come back again. I hope it doesn’t relapse. That would devastate me,” Will said with a frown on his features now.

                “Well I don’t want you to go through it again either. I know that it would devastate you. The doctors don’t think that it will come back. I doubt it will come back as well. If it does than it will devastate me too. I don’t want to see you in pain anymore. Your parents don’t want to see you in pain anymore either.”

                “I don’t think anyone wants any of us to be in pain.”

                “That is true.” Aidan said looking at his watch. He picked up a pack of cards because Will wanted to play. They played a few rounds of gin rummy 500. Aidan won the first game. Will won the second game and they were even. For the next two hours Will was watching television. He was tired and he needed to relax. He didn’t want to overdo it. He was still in the hospital after all.

                By the time it was four o’clock Aidan was about ready to leave. Aidan was going to be hanging out with Chloe and Randy for the remainder of the day.

                “I will see you again tomorrow Will okay? I have plans for the rest of the afternoon. I will talk to you tomorrow. My friends are going to pick me up from here.”

                “Oh, okay, I will see you tomorrow than, Aidan.” Will said with a sad expression written on his face. Will didn’t want Aidan to go. He wanted to have more bonding time with his cousin. He knew he would get more time with him once he got out of the hospital. Aidan walked out of the hospital room and went the elevator. He went outside to make a phone call.

                “Hey, what’s up, Aidan? Are you ready for us to pick you up?” Chloe asked him. Aidan thought she sounded a little upset.

                “Yes, I’m ready. Can you guys come get me at the hospital? I will be waiting,” Aidan said. Aidan was going to have to wait 15 minutes for them to get there. Aidan pulled out a book while he waited. He got through 30 pages by the time he saw Randy’s red car pull up. He climbed into the back seat of the car. He smiled at Chloe who didn’t really smile back. Chloe was upset about something, but Aidan didn’t ask right away. He was focused on looking up at the window of the hospital. Aidan saw Will standing up waving at him with a small grin on his face. Aidan waved back and relaxed in his seat. He didn’t blame himself for the bowling alley incident anymore. Seeing Will’s smiling face just changed his life.

                “Chloe, are you okay?” Aidan asked looking at her closely. Chloe had some scrapes and bruises on her arms and face. Randy looked completely angry and Aidan had to calm them down. Aidan played the peacemaker in everything.

                “No, on the way home from the park this girl jumped me. I couldn’t hit her back and that devastated me. I really don’t understand why some girl wanted to fight me. I never did anything to her. I never did anything to anyone.” Chloe said with a defeated tone and she was near to tears. Aidan saw Randy’s look soften at Chloe’s tears.

                “Honey, it’s not your fault that you didn’t know self defense. Maybe Aidan can teach you. He is in martial art classes. He knows a lot of cool moves that he can teach you if he is willing to teach them to you.”

                “I didn’t know you were into that type of stuff, Aidan.”

                “Well I can teach you a few things. It will help you a lot, but you have to be willing to take a few punches too. I had to learn to hit people as well even though I never liked fighting. I learned how to hit back with everything I have. We can start lessons today and work on them for the next few weeks.”

 “Sure that will work out perfectly. I would love to learn defense moves. I am not good at defense at all.”

                “Then let’s head to the park. I will teach you defensive moves there. I don’t think my house is really that safe.” They headed over to the park. Aidan taught her how to block moves from others. He also taught her some other tricks that he knew. Aidan had her try blocking some of his punches. She got that down after about twenty punches were thrown. Aidan could punch fast and at times you couldn’t see them coming at you. Aidan taught her how to get out of being pinned. Randy had fun with that lesson since he did the pinning. Aidan said he wasn’t going to pin down someone else’s girlfriend. After that the lessons were over for the day.

                Aidan and Chloe were sweating from their hard day’s practice and it was only the first one.

                “Hey Aidan, do you think we can go to your house and chill for a little while? We can watch something or play video games. Or we can just sit there and talk.” Randy said.

                “Sure, I just want to relax for the rest of the night anyway. Today has been one of the best days I’ve had in a few weeks. I’m tired from training, Chloe. I have never taught anyone what I have learned in class. I am always prepared to fight when I have too.” Aidan responded with an amused smile on his face. Randy was laughing at the face that Aidan had been in fights. Aidan was one of the most sensitive kids on the planet. No one would ever expect him to be as good as a fighter as he was.

                They got to Aidan’s house in record time. Randy was driving wild like her normally was. Chloe and Aidan hated when he did that because they were scared of getting in an accident. When they got to Aidan’s house Aidan checked his mail while Chloe and Randy walked inside. Aidan went through the mail and saw that he had a letter from Chris. Aidan opened the letter within five seconds. The letter read:

Dear Aidan,

Hey dude, guess what? I’m coming to visit in two weeks! I am super excited to see you. How are you today? I hope you are as excited as I am.

                I know that it’s been hard on you. Your mother’s anniversary was a couple of days ago. I hope you had a great day with your father. You told me all about your tradition. You are keeping your mother’s memory alive. Your mother would be proud of you, Aidan. You have been strong and you know have. I know it’s tough sometimes, but you are stronger than you believe.

                Well anyway my mother and father are arguing. My father wants custody of us, but my mother is the better care taker of us. If I were to live with my dad he wouldn’t be around enough. I would be the one caring for my brother since he wouldn’t be around. He is attached to my Mom. My brother doesn’t like to be held by dad that much. I’m surprised that my little brother likes me even. I hold him all the time when my mother is napping. When he starts to cry I just give him a bottle or a pacifier. Sometimes I have to change his diaper. It smells so bad, but I just have to deal with it. When he is hungry we feed him baby food or my mom breast feeds him. I’m not in the room for those times.

                Lately my mother has been in a better mood. She is happy and smiling again. It’s great to see my mother smile again. I did talk to my father about how I felt. I was honest with him. He didn’t really have a reaction to it. I just hope he takes my feelings into consideration. By the way I helped comfort my mother like you said. It worked out great!

                Well I should wrap up this letter. I will see you in two weeks!

From your buddy,


                “Randy do you remember Chris?”  Aidan asked sporting a wide grin.

                “Yes, I do remember him. Why?”

                “He is coming to visit in two weeks! I haven’t seen him in forever! I am so glad he is going to be visiting!” Aidan said in an enthusiastic voice.

                “That’s cool. Hey Aidan, I have to bring Chloe home. I’ll see you in a couple of days.”

                “Are you going to practice tomorrow?”

                “Yeah, I hate going to practice.” Randy frowned.

                “Don’t complain. I’ll probably visit Will at the hospital. I did promise him I would see him again soon. See you later, man.” Aidan said. Chloe and Randy left his house.

                Aidan sat down with a pen and piece of paper. He wrote to Chris to respond to his letter. Aidan wrote:

Dear Chris,

                I am excited that you are coming to visit! I haven’t seen you in a very long time. I’ve been okay considering my mother’s anniversary. I am as excited as you are.

                It has been hard on me, but I just have to push through it. We did have a great time. My Aunt Mary joined us. We talked about some of our favorite memories of her. Yes, we are keeping her memory alive. I know mother would be proud of me. I don’t really believe that I’m strong. People say I am, but I bottle everything up inside. I don’t really know how to release my pain. I know I have cried so much over the last few weeks. It’s helped me through the tough times though.

                It’s not cool that they are arguing, dude. Your father shouldn’t get custody of you or your brother. He is barely around you around enough to have custody of you or your brother. Your mother is going to win this because she is like you said a better fit parent or care taker. Well your brother still needs to have a bond with him. It’s not weird for a baby to not like their own father. Babies normally have a stronger bond with their mothers anyway. It’s good that he likes you. Babies do need the support. He probably loves you a lot. You are his older brother. It’s good you get to have these moments with your little brother. I wouldn’t be in the room either if my mother was breast feeding. I am glad that my advice worked out. That is always a good thing.

                I’m glad your mother is in a better mood. Well your father just doesn’t understand how to talk to you. I believe your father is just a distant and cold person. It was good that you were honest with him though. He probably is taking your feelings into consideration. I would think your father would want him in his life.

                See you in two weeks!

From your buddy,


                After writing the letter he had a giant smile on his face. Aidan couldn’t wait to see one of his best friends. He hadn’t see Chris in years and he didn’t think that it was fair that Chris moved. Randy, Aidan, and Chris had been best friends since kindergarten, but they hadn’t been hanging around together as friends since Chris moved away. Aidan still wished that Chris had still lived around where he lived. He would then have another friend that understood what he was going through. He would be there for Aidan when he needed him because that was all that Aidan needed. Aidan was always going to be around for Chris as well.



© 2011 Angie Diane♥♥

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Great chapter as always. Im going to read one more chapter then probably sleep...

Posted 13 Years Ago

I like the letter writing! lets see how Chris will affect the story!

Posted 13 Years Ago

He is barely around to you around enough - he is barely around,
U mentioned a couple of times that aidan felt bad about his couslin being in he hospital. We alrady know that. it sucks that Chloe didn;t know how to defend herself. i can't wait to get to know chris. ^^

Posted 13 Years Ago

Ooooh! Im liking the sound of this Chris character!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on April 29, 2011
Last Updated on July 21, 2011


Angie Diane♥♥
Angie Diane♥♥

Not like you need to know..., NJ

Hello, I'm Angie! I'm going to be 32 soon. Writing is something I love doing. I'm glad to be creating again. Also, I love anime, reading, and many other hobbies. Lately, I've been making YouTube v.. more..
