![]() Aidan-Chapter 13A Chapter by Angie Diane♥♥Chapter 13 It was two days after getting advice from Mary. Aidan gave his father some space like Mary said. It worked out very well, but he also kind of knew that his dad was going through a lot of things at that point. Aidan was going through some of the same things. He knows that a loss of someone could trigger some unwanted emotions. It could make them feel less of a person like Aidan felt every day after the loss of his mother. “Aidan, do you want to go out to eat today? Or do you want to do some other things as well? I don’t really mind if we do other things. I just want to go out and have a nice day.” “Sure dad, do you think Aunt Mary can go? She wants to share some memories with us. Aunt Mary wants to tell us some memories from when mom was a kid. I would really like to know what Mom was like back then. I’m wondering if she was like me or if she was completely different.” Aidan responded. “Of course she can come. She asked you what the tradition was, right? I knew she would. Mary wanted to know for a while, but I just didn’t tell her.” John asked him and chuckled. “Yes, two days ago when I went over to her house to talk to her about a couple of things. I’m glad she had the time to talk to me. She seemed like she was still stressed about Will. I can tell that she was. I understand why she would be stressed though.” Aidan responded. John nodded and then they walked out the door to go to one their favorite restaurants and to pick up Mary. John drove over to Mary’s house. Aidan hopped out of the truck and knocked on the door. Mary answered the door and smiled. Her eyes were a little red from crying. Aidan knew the feeling because he has been crying a lot lately too. “Do you want to go out to lunch with us? We are going to share memories of mother. I would like to hear some of what you were thinking.” Aidan said to her. “Sure, let me just get some shoes and tell Peter that I am leaving.” Mary responded. She closed the door for a minute. Mary told him and Aidan said okay. Peter probably had forgotten that it was his sister in law’s anniversary. Mary had to remind him and he hugged her before she went to get her shoes. Meanwhile Aidan walked back over to the car and got back in. He sat in the back so that Mary could sit in the front with John. Peter came outside and waved to them. His father waved back and Aidan just smiled out the window. Peter started to walk over to the car. Aidan guessed that he wanted to have a few moments with his father. “I’m still sorry for what happened to your wife. Did they ever find out who the killer was?” Peter asked while shaking his head at the thought of poor Ashley being killed. “No, they never found any clues as to how she had gotten killed. Someone must have hid the murder weapon really well if they can’t find it. I don’t know what to do with myself until they find the murder weapon. No one will be jailed for this horrendous crime. I really want justice for my wife. I hope the police look harder.” John responded. “John, I hope that they find the guy that killed her. He can’t be that far away. They will find him someday. I am sure of it. We all want justice for Ashley’s death. No one deserved to go out like that.” Peter responded putting his hand on Aidan’s dad’s shoulder. John seemed a little uncomfortable under Peter’s touch. “I hope they find her soon too. I think they will find the murderer too. I know he or she will be put behind bars soon. I will pray they will catch the person responsible soon.” John said and gulped. “Well I’m going to let you all go. I hope you have a really nice time today. I know it’s hard on all you. It’s hard on me as well. I did love her because she was always there for my wife and me.” Peter said and walked away from the car. Mary walked out of the house and they were off to their favorite restaurant. They were going to sit and have a long conversation about Ashley or Aidan’s mother. “Aidan, would you like to go first in the story telling? I would love to hear what you have to say this year.” John said. Aidan smiled and he was waiting to share the story he was thinking about. He kept that memory in his mind since he had been in the movies that day. Aidan’s Memory It was back when I was four years old. I remember I was swinging on the play set in the back yard. Mommy had been screaming and jumping up and down happily. “What’s wrong, Mommy?" I ran inside and asked her. She looked at me with a smile on her face. She was so happy and she picked me up and twirled me around in the air. She hadn’t answered me yet, but I didn’t know why. “I’m finally getting published! I can’t believe it!” she said happily. She was writing a book and she had finished it and she sent it out to a publisher. It had taken her a few weeks to get feedback from the publisher she sent it to. It was probably because they lived states away from each other. “Yay! I am so happy for you, mommy. I know how long you have been waiting for that book to be published. Now that it’s finally happening you can be happy.” I yelled gleefully with her. “Do you know how long it took me to write that darn book?” she asked me. “I think it took you at least a month to write it,” I responded. She laughed at my response, but it made me smile because I loved hearing her laugh. Her laugh was really angelic in my opinion. “No, silly, it took me almost a year to write it,” she responded. “Why, mommy,” I asked her. “I had lost inspiration and taking care of you of course. You are the most important thing in my life.” she said with a smile. She was proud that she got to take care of me. “Who inspired you, Mommy,” I asked her. “You did, dear; you have been my inspiration for as long as you have been alive. It’s just a few years ago I didn’t have time to write. I was taking care of you. You always cried for me when I tried to put you down. It was cute that you loved me that much. You wouldn’t ever really go to your daddy. You would always cling to me,” she said. “Really,” I asked her. “Yes, honey, you wanted me all the time. You were a baby though so I do understand. I remember that my little sister would cling to my mother. She was so adorable too. She still is and I hope you have a great bond with your aunt.” Mother said and smiled. She was in such a good mood for the rest of the day. “I remember that she called me and told me at work. She was in a really good mood that day. I was happy to see her so happy. She hadn’t been all that happy in a while. The only thing that was really bringing her joy was you.” John said and smiled at the happy memory of his wife. “I know and her laugh so angelic that sometimes I dream about it. I miss her laugh. I miss everything about mom.” Aidan responded in a gloomy way, but he did keep a smile on his face. “I loved her laugh too because it was really soft yet you still could hear it. That I always found to be strange, but oh well.” Mary said. “Dad, I would really like to know when you and mom first met and when you started to date and how you’re first date had went. I also want to know about your wedding day as well.” Aidan said grinning widely. Aidan never heard those stories because he thought it was too painful for John. “Alright, I’ll tell you all about those two things. Which one do you want to hear first? I will tell the second one will be told after your aunt shares something. Is that alright with you, Mary? I know it’s hard for you to talk about you’re older sister, but I think you of all people can handle it. You are a very strong woman. I still remember when I first met you.” John said with a wink. “I would like you to go first, John. I’m still thinking about which one I would like to share with you both.” Mary responds. “Alright then,” John said. John's Memory I was sitting down in class waiting for my teacher who was always late in the morning. When he had walked in he had mentioned that we had a new student in class. Ashley walked inside with a big smile on her face. In her eyes was a little bit of nervousness. I understood that it was because she was a new student and she didn’t have any friends yet. She also looked happy at the same time. “Hello, my name is Ashley and I just moved here about a week ago. I am new to the school and haven’t made any friends yet. I can’t wait to get to know all of you.” she said and smiled again. She flashed her pretty white teeth. All the boys were staring at her. Ashley looked a little uncomfortable. They were only staring because she was wearing a mini skirt. Ashley had nice pretty long legs that all the girls would die for. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Ashley. Would you please take your seat? There is one seat next to John. John, raise your hand so that Ashley knows who you are.” my teacher said sternly like normal. I raised my hand and she was smiling at me as she walked down to get to her desk. I smiled back at her because I knew we were going to get along just fine. She was pretty and she looked really sweet. Ashley didn’t seem like a bad girl. “Hello, you must be John,” she said and shook my hand. “Yes, my name is John,” I responded. Ashley smiled at me again and then I asked to see her schedule. We noticed that we had a lot of classes together. All of our classes were together actually. Ashley asked me to show her around the school. I told her that I would so that she knew how to get to each class every day. “So why did you move here?” I had asked when we were sitting together at lunch. Ashley didn’t seem too energetic after I had asked. That made me feel a little bad about that, but I really wanted to know. “Well before we moved here my dad had gotten a new job. Before we moved my dad had got murdered. They found out who it was and it was his coworker. The police suggested that we still should move for safety if his coworker ever escaped from jail. I really hope that he doesn’t because that would scare me. That would also scare my mother.” she told me. “I’m sorry that you lost your father. It was a good decision that the police suggested that. He will never be able to find you. You will always be safe here. You have people that would do anything to protect you.” I said and smiled at her. Ashley smiled back at me then I pulled her close to me and kissed her. She was shocked for a minute, but she started to kiss back. I was sort of surprised by that. We had just met after all and we were already kissing. After that day we talked more and more every day and we became really great friends. We were closer than ever, but we did decide to remain friends for the mean time. It was a nice long friendship all the girls were jealous of her. Most of the girls had a crush on me, but I had a crush on Ashley. We had a couple of months before prom and I didn’t have a date. I didn’t want to go out with any other girl, but your mother. We were just best friends we didn’t want to do anything that would compromise the friendship, but I wanted to ask her to the prom. “Ashley, would you please go to the prom with me? You are the only girl I want to go with with. Will you please go with me?” I asked her the next day after thinking about it. She had a really sweet smile on her face. I knew she didn’t have a date to the prom and she was my first choice. I really hoped she would say yes. “I would love to,” she responded. I kissed her on the cheek and I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend, but I don’t know if she wanted to. Besides I was too shy to ask her and if she said no that would just make me feel bad. I decided to wait a few weeks before I asked her to be my girlfriend. Weeks later I was not nervous anymore I wanted to ask her if she wanted to be my girlfriend. I was going to take my chances then and there. When I saw her walking in the building with a few of the girls from my class I went over to here. “Hello, Ashley, do you think we can talk in private for a minute?” I asked. “Sure, of course,” she said with a little bit of shock on her face. Ashley was sporting a blush on her face as well because she was with some of her new friends. They were smiling at her and they mouthed something to her. I couldn’t make out the words because I didn’t feel like paying attention to them. “I just wanted to ask you…” I said when we were alone. “What is it,” she said. “Would you like to go out with me? I was thinking since we liked each other and we both know it that we should go out,” I said. “I will be your girlfriend. I was waiting for you forever to ask. I really like you. You are such a nice person. I couldn’t wait for you to ask me because I knew what my answer would be.” Ashley said and she hugged me. I saw her run off and tell her friends. They were all happy for her. Prom Day I had gotten ready for the prom and I was waiting for a call from my dad. He was away on a business trip that week. He wanted to be there for my Prom, but he had to work. I didn’t want to be the reason he wasn’t there. I called Ashley and told her that I would be at her house in a few minutes. She said okay and she hung up on me. I was thinking she was still busy. I had the corsage ready and then I got into my car to drive over to her house. Before I left my mother had taken pictures of me. She was so proud that I had a date to the prom. She had met Ashley before and she liked her. She only liked her because she was a sweet, sensitive girl that had cared a lot about me. I was guessing that was what my mother had always wished for. When I got to her house Ashley looked beautiful. Ashley had on a black dress and her hair was straight and beautiful. I kissed her on the lips while her mother took pictures of us. She blushed when she looked into my eyes. I smiled and took her hand into mine. We took a picture in front of her pond in her yard. We took a picture of us looking into each other’s eyes. It came out to be a beautiful picture. At the place we went to for the prom we danced on the dance floor. All the people had their eyes on us. I kissed your mother again on the lips. The lights were bright over us, but the kiss was worth it. The girls were smiling at her though they were jealous you could tell by their eyes. They all had wanted me, but your mother who was the one for me. About an hour later they had announced the Prom King and Queen. We ended up being the winners. The crown was very big, but it was kind of too big on your mother. She was laughing as they put the crown on her. We kissed once again and a nice long one. We were definitely happy to win the Prom king and queen crown. “I remember that day when Ashley came home she was happy. She was crying from happiness because she had won the crown. You two were the cutest couple in the whole school. You both deserved those crowns.” Mary said with a smile. “That is pretty cool that you won the crown, Dad,” Aidan responded. “It was cool back when I was a teenager. I can’t wait to see you go to your prom. I will be really proud to see that.” John said. “Dad, I haven’t had a girlfriend. I don’t really talk to girls really. I am a very shy person when it comes to girls except if it is a family member. Or if the girl I’m talking to is Chloe because I trust Chloe. She is a really good friend to me.” Aidan said. “That’s very surprising, Aidan,” Mary said. “You would be such a good boyfriend. You are caring and compassionate, Aidan. Not many guys are like that. You should consider going on a date with someone. You need to see the possibilities to having met someone you enjoy being around.” John said. “Hey, Aunt Mary, do you want to talk about my mother now,” Aidan asked. Aidan wanted the subject of dating to be dropped because he was getting embarrassed. “Sure, why not,” she said and smiled wide. Mary’s Memory “Sis, why are we moving away? Is it because something bad just happened?” I had asked her. I didn’t really understand why because no one was explaining it to me. I don’t think anyone really wanted me to know. I was too young to understand what was truly going on anyway. “Mary, I have to say that we lost daddy. Now we are moving to another town so they make sure it’s safe. We don’t want the murderer to come find us.” Ashley had responded. I started to cry and she hugged me. “We are going to be safe, sis,” she assured me. I fell asleep on her shoulder. My mother was driving to our new home. I woke up when I heard Mom scolding Ashley for telling me. By that time we were at our new house. I ran up the steps with Ashley behind me. I was excited for the new house though I didn’t want to move. I had very good friends up there anyway. Ashley did too, but she was excited for the new place. I could tell that things were tense between her and mommy. When we got to the new place she wasn’t as tense. A couple of days later my sister and I spent the night talking about a few things. “Ashley, I really miss Zoey, Blain, Stella, Chris, Ben, and Crystal,” I told her. Blain was my boyfriend before we had moved. “I miss my friends too; honey, but soon we will be making new friends in the school.” Ashley said and smiled at me because she was trying to reassure me of that. “Well I think we should try to go to sleep,” Ashley said. “No, I need advice older sister,” I responded. “What do you need advice about?” Ashley asked me. “I need advice about Blain. He seems very distant lately, but we only live an hour away from them. I want him to come visit, but he isn’t responding to me as much.” I responded while my eyes were filling up with tears. “Honey, I think he is cheating on you. Text him again right now. I want you to give me your phone. I will answer everything he says to you. I will pretend to be you, but I am going to make sure he is being sincere about loving you.” Ashley said. I handed her my phone, but before I did send a text to Blain that said hey. He didn’t respond for a couple of hours. Ashley read the text out loud to me. “Hey, honey. How are you? I miss you so much. When are you coming to visit? Or do you want me to come to visit?” he asked me. “Tell him that I want him to visit,” I responded. She sent him the text I said. He responded with an okay. He would be here tomorrow. “Now when he comes I will be hanging out with you. Also if he smells like another girls perfume you know he is cheating on you,” Ashley responded. The next day Blain had come over. He was so happy to see me, but I wasn’t really happy to see him. Ashley was sitting on the couch next to me. “Hello Ashley,” Blain said and smiled. Ashley just smiled back, but I could tell she was angry. I could smell some perfume on him or on his jacket and so could Ashley. I started to burst in tears. Ashley was right. I smacked Blain across the face. I didn’t see what Ashley did, but his mom picked him up an hour later. He was in pain, but I was happy he was gone. He sent me a text asking me if it was over between us. My response was yes, you idiot. That night I cried in my sister’s arms while she comforted me. “Honey, don’t worry about him. You are a cute girl. You will find someone else that will love and cherish you for who you are,” she said. I fell asleep though. That was how the night ended. “Wow, Aunt Mary, I’m sorry you had to go through that. Mom was good at advice and she was very strong in those times. I think it’s good that you had someone that you could always go to when you needed help.” Aidan responded. “Ashley was always strong. She was a good person that didn’t deserve what happened to her. The person who did this to her will be ashamed for what he did. I’m starting to think that it was someone close to her, but I wouldn’t know who.” Mary responded. “I agree,” Aidan said. “I think we should tell my other memory next year. It could be a new story for you then, Aidan. I don’t feel like ruining your chances of getting a new story.” John said yawning. “Alright, Dad,” Aidan said. He was yawning too and Mary looked like she was ready to go. Mary was going to go visit Will after she finished with them. They left the restaurant and dropped her off at the hospital. Peter was over at the hospital anyway. They went home and the two men went home and Aidan fell asleep with good dreams.
© 2011 Angie Diane♥♥Author's Note
5 Reviews Added on February 7, 2011 Last Updated on July 21, 2011 Author![]() Angie Diane♥♥Not like you need to know..., NJAboutHello, I'm Angie! I'm going to be 32 soon. Writing is something I love doing. I'm glad to be creating again. Also, I love anime, reading, and many other hobbies. Lately, I've been making YouTube v.. more..Writing
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