![]() Aidan-Chapter 12A Chapter by Angie Diane♥♥Chapter 12 Aidan woke up and was still feeling guilty about everything that happened two days ago. Aidan did know that it wasn’t his fault that Will had a brain tumor, but he still blamed himself anyway. Aidan wasn't able to see that his cousin wasn't feeling well. He didn't ask if he was in pain. All Aidan saw was him pass out from the pain that he was feeling in his head. Well anyway Aidan had to get ready to go to the movies with Randy and Chloe. Aidan didn’t really want to because he was really depressed, but he needed to get out of the house. Aidan hadn’t been out of the house since the bowling alley incident. The only reason for that was because he was depressed. He didn’t want to leave because he was inactive when he was depressed and normally Aidan was an active person. His Dad was home for the day, but he wasn’t talking to Aidan. It was very strange because usually talks to Aidan. Aidan was scared that his dad didn’t like him anymore. He wanted John to love him because Aidan loved him. Aidan felt that his father blamed him for what happened to Will. John didn’t blame his son for what had happened. His aunt and uncle didn’t blame him either. “Dad, I’m going out with Randy and Chloe. We are going to see movie.” Aidan told John. He was going to hang out with Chloe and Randy at the movies. Lately Aidan has been spending a lot of time with them. He didn't really understand why he was spending time with them because he knew that they needed to work on their relationship. Although Aidan needed a distraction because he had a lot of things on his mind. They have been there for Aidan for weeks and Aidan is really grateful for them. If Aidan was going through this on his own that would not be a pretty sight. He knew for a fact that it would turn ugly. Aidan knew how he could be. He didn’t really want to act like that since his mother’s anniversary was in two days or three days. Aidan lost track of the days. “Alright, see you later. I will be going out to lunch with a coworker of mine.” John said finally responding to something Aidan said to him. Aidan then started to realized that in two days it was the anniversary of his mother’s death. Aidan figured that his dad was just acting weird because of that. Aidan figured he would worry about that later. He heard a car horn and he walked outside. Randy was waiting outside and Aidan noticed that Chloe wasn’t in the car. “Hey Aidan! How are you dude?” Randy asked when Aidan got into the car. “Hey, are you picking up Chloe and I'm fine. How are you?” Aidan asked. Aidan didn’t really look fine in Randy’s opinion, but he wasn’t going to argue with him. “No, she said that she would meet us there. I'm fine too,” he responded. Aidan knew that Randy was telling the truth. Aidan couldn’t tell the truth at the moment. “Oh alright,” Aidan said. Aidan didn’t really have much to say. They were going to see a random chick flick because Chloe wanted to see it. The boys didn’t really want to go, but she insisted that they should go. They just gave up the argument and decided to go to the movie to make her happy. Randy was talking to Aidan, but he wasn’t paying attention. Aidan was too busy thinking about his mother because her anniversary was coming up. Aidan was trying to remember some positive things about her that he could talk about with his father. On that day they normally just share some memories that they have about her. Aidan was trying to remember one of his favorite memories of his mother. The tradition they had started when he was seven so that he didn’t forget anything about her. The only thing that Aidan didn’t really know about was when his parents had first got together or when he was born. His father never wanted to tell them that anyway. “Aidan, are you listening to me?” Randy asked. “Sorry, I wasn’t.” Aidan replied honestly. He still was thinking about the memories he wanted to talk about with his father. Aidan knew Randy apparently forgot that his mother’s anniversary was coming up soon, but he wasn’t going to remind him of that. Aidan wasn't really in the mood to explain why he wasn't talking. Randy should know why. Randy knew what day was coming up in two days. “It’s fine. So what do you want to do after the movie?” Randy asked him with a worried and bored expression. Randy was really going to be bored through the gushy chick flick movie they were going to see. “Do you think you can drop me off at my aunt’s house? I need to talk to her about something,” Aidan responded. “Sure, of course, Aidan,” Randy responded. Aidan smiled and then they continued the drive to the movies in silence. That gave Aidan a lot of time to think. When they were at the movies Chloe was waiting on the side. Chloe already had a ticket in her hand. She was talking to someone that was sitting next to her. It was her best friend, Courtney, who was with her. Randy didn’t really like Courtney all that much. He only put up with her because she was Courtney’s best friends. When Aidan saw Courtney he just smiled. Aidan saw the look on Randy’s face and laughed. He had a fake smile on his face. This reminded Aidan of The Outsiders in a way because Ponyboy says that Steve only puts up with him for Soda’s sake. Since Steve and Soda were best friends and everything. That was the situation between Courtney and Randy. There was nothing wrong with Courtney in Aidan’s eyes, but for some reason Randy didn’t like her. Aidan accepted that because he knew she had a bad past that she doesn’t like to share with anyone. Aidan understood because he didn't like to share the story of finding his mother dead in the kitchen. Aidan figured no one liked sharing stories like that with anyone. “Oh hello Courtney,” Randy said through gritted teeth. “Hello,” she said to both of the boys with a smile that showed her nice straight teeth. She had long light brown hair that she had tied up in the back. Aidan also noticed that she had hazel eyes. “Hello,” Aidan responded because he didn’t want to be rude. He thought she had a cute face. “Hey Randy,” Chloe said. Chloe had a smile on her face like normal. Randy smiled at her, but Aidan could see that he was uncomfortable because Courtney was around. Randy was always uncomfortable around her, but Aidan didn’t know why in the first place. Randy never liked to explain why he hated being around Courtney. Randy told Aidan while they were in middle school. Aidan didn't really have a reaction to what Randy told him. Aidan didn’t really know Courtney. He told Randy to never judge a book by its cover. “Hey honey, you ready to see this movie,” he asked. Courtney was trying to talk to Aidan, but he wasn’t really paying attention. Aidan still had a lot on his mind since his mother's anniversary was coming up. Aidan didn’t think his mind would be clear until everything settles down with his father. Also dealing with the anniversary of his mother’s death was another part of the puzzle. “Of course I am,” Chloe said giving Randy a playful chuckle because she knew he wasn't ready to see it. Courtney shot Chloe a worried glance because the expression on Aidan’s face was unreadable. Chloe just shrugged her shoulders and asked Randy was up. “I don’t know. Aidan has barely been talkative at all today. I think something is coming up. Wait let me think about this for a second,” he said. “Does it have something to do with his mother,” Chloe asked. “I think so,” Randy said. “What happened to his mother?” Courtney asked. “I’m sorry, but we can’t tell you. You’d have to ask Aidan about that. He doesn't like to share that story much. You can ask him. Maybe he will tell you, but don't get your hopes up.” Randy responded. They dropped it at that and they went into the theater they were assigned to go into. Aidan and Randy both watched the movie. The movie made the girls cry because it was a really sad ending. It did soften the boys up a little bit, but it didn’t make the boys cry. “That was such a good movie,” the girls squealed once they got out of the building. “It was pretty good,” Aidan responded. “I agree,” Randy said. “Well we should get going. I have to go talk to my aunt about something really important,” Aidan said. Randy and Aidan walked off to Randy’s car. Randy drove him over to his aunt’s while they talked about the movie. “I can’t believe that teenage girl had breast cancer. That was a really scary thought. I don’t know what I would do if Chloe ever got breast cancer. I know that would destroy me.” Randy said. “I thought she was going to die. I am worried about Chloe now too. I hope she doesn’t get it either.” Aidan added in. “Me too, but I’m glad by the ending she was better. She was about to die, but it was a miracle that she didn’t,” Randy said. “I agree that was a really great ending to the movie.” Aidan said. “I do have a question though,” Randy said. “Go ahead,” Aidan responded. “In two days it’s your mother’s anniversary right?” Randy asked suddenly remembering that Aidan got quieter than normal around this time of year. “Yes, it is. That’s why I have been so quiet. Besides my father hasn’t been talking to me much, but I guess I have to let his wounded heart heal a little bit before he talks to me. I know he is going to talk to me on the day of the anniversary. We always talk on that day. I never will forget Mom if this continues to happen. I don't want to lose any memories of her. I never had much time with her since I was only six when she died. I was close to my mother before she died and I know if she was still alive today we would still be close. I always believe that it is good for a child to have a bond with their mother. Their mother brought them into the world.” Aidan said. “I knew it had something to do with your mother, but I didn’t really want to bring it up at the movies. I don't really think you wanted Courtney to know about it. Yes, I know you would be close with your mother if she was still here. I saw how close of a bond you had when we were younger. I think your mother would be proud of you. I agree with you on that one.” Randy responded. “Well I’ll talk to you later. I just need to go talk to my aunt about a few things concerning my dad. I need to get some advice on what to do about him. He is cold and distant from me. That is not normal for him. He normally would talk to me in moments like this,” Aidan said. He got out of the car and Randy waved. Randy drove off down the road to his own house. Aidan slowly walked up the steps to his aunt’s door. He rang the doorbell and Peter answered the door. “Oh hello Aidan,” Peter said and smiled at him. “Hi, is Aunt Mary home,” he asked. “Yes, she is. Come on in,” Peter said. Peter stepped out of the way and Aidan entered the house. Aidan really needed to talk to his aunt about his father because he was acting strange in Aidan’s opinion. He had never acted this way before. This was very unusual for John. “Aunt Mary,” Aidan said to his aunt. She was on the phone and she turned around and smiled. “Hey, sweetie can I call you back? My nephew is here and I think he needs to have a chat with me.” Mary said hanging up the phone. “Hey Aidan, is everything okay? You don’t look so good.” “It’s okay, but I am a little concerned about my dad. He has been acting really strange in my opinion. He is very distant from me lately and I know he's going through a tough time. Shouldn't a father talk to his son even though he is going through a lot? I just feel as if I am being ignored.” Aidan responded to his aunt’s question. “Do you think it’s because of your mother’s anniversary? I know it’s very tough on him every year. He has explained the pain is harder to get through. He just doesn’t want you to see him cry. He wants to be strong for you. He should be there for you, but he is going through his own eternal struggle. Just give him some time. He will eventually come around, Aidan,” Mary explained. “I know he wants to be strong for me, but he is ignoring me right now. It’s really starting to creep me out that he isn’t really talking to me. He is being really quiet now. He responded today, but it was because I told him he was going to the movies with friends. I guess I can try to give him some space. I think it would help him work out some inner demons within himself." “I’m sorry, Aidan, I know it’s a hard time for the family. I don’t really believe that it’s a good thing that you’re father is ignoring you. He should tell you what’s going on in his mind. You are his number one priority. Like Will is my priority. All mothers and fathers should take care of their child before their own needs. In my opinion that is what a good parent does. I also think that you should give him at least a little bit of space. He might open up to you if you are willing to give him the chance. Like I said before he needs time as well. He is dealing with a broken heart.” Mary responded. “It’s alright and I think I agree. I will give him some space. I will also give him time as well. How is Will doing? I hope he is doing better from the last time I saw him.” “Oh he’s alright. He has been asking about you actually. Why don’t you go visit him after your mother’s anniversary? That will make him brighten up. He misses you,” Mary responded. “Sure, I would love to see him. I miss him too. Like I told my father I want to have a bond with him,” Aidan responded. That brought a smile on his face. He would love to see his little cousin. “I will pick you up and bring you there when I go to visit him. I am going to visit him the day after your mother’s anniversary. Will knows that I am. His father is going to go visit him when I don’t go.” Mary said. Aidan nodded and he hugged his aunt. “Thank you for talking to me, Auntie. It made me feel better. I do understand that my father is going through a lot with work as well. I think he is stressed out and just doesn’t want to talk about anything. I will give him all the time and space he needs. I know he is going to talk to me in a few days anyway. I am somewhat quiet around this day as well. I know I scared my friend today because I was being quiet. I just have a lot of my mind.” Aidan responded. “I also agree on that as well. I actually talked to him on the phone a few days ago. He was being pretty quiet which isn’t normal for your father. I know John said that you guys have a tradition on the day of your mother’s anniversary. What is the tradition? Also I understand why your friends are worried. It’s like me worrying about you and your father when I don’t get to see you.” Mary responded to him. Mary never had known about the tradition that they had. “We just have a day of a where we get to talk about her and some of the memories we remember about her. I remember a couple of things that I want to share in a couple of days. It’s a really nice day though. We normally don’t cry, but sometimes we do. I don’t know it just started so that we could keep my mom in our memories forever. Plus I get to know what mom was like before I was born. That is the side I would never see of her.” Aidan responded. “That is a good tradition. Do you think I could join in? I have a few memories I would like to share about your mother. You can get a glimpse of her from when she was a child. I know you would like to learn more about her. I will help you guys get to know her better.” She responded with a sad smile. “Sure, I’ll let my dad know that you are coming. I don’t think he minds if someone else joins us. You are her sister as well as that. You know a lot more about her than he does. Well I don't know really. I can’t wait to hear what mom was like when she was a child." Aidan responded. Mary hugged him and then Aidan said that it was time for him to go. He walked home and he felt a little better that his dad would get better and be able to share some memories with him about his mother. He was excited to hear about when his mother was young. He wanted to know if she was just like her when she was a child. © 2011 Angie Diane♥♥Author's Note
4 Reviews Added on January 31, 2011 Last Updated on July 21, 2011 Author![]() Angie Diane♥♥Not like you need to know..., NJAboutHello, I'm Angie! I'm going to be 32 soon. Writing is something I love doing. I'm glad to be creating again. Also, I love anime, reading, and many other hobbies. Lately, I've been making YouTube v.. more..Writing
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