Aidan-Chapter 11

Aidan-Chapter 11

A Chapter by Angie Diane♥♥

Chapter 11

                Aidan was in a panic because his younger cousin was passed out. Aidan pulled his cell phone out and called the ambulance again. Aidan was extremely nervous and scared for Will's life. Since he wasn’t responsive in the seat. Aidan was really upset about what was going on at the moment. He started to freak out just a little bit.

                In the meantime, Chloe was trying to keep Will breathing. She was certified in first aid and CPR. Chloe had gotten the certification in school when she was a junior. Chloe afterward volunteered at the hospital. She knew the drill and how to keep people breathing.

                “Is he breathing? Aidan is really freaking out right now. I need to try to calm him down, but I don’t know what to do.” Randy asked while trying to calm down Aidan.

                “Yes, he is. The ambulance should be getting here soon. Aidan, please calm down. The ambulance is on its way.” Chloe responded. Aidan had a worried look written on his face. Aidan was afraid he was going to lose another family member. He couldn’t push that thought out of his mind. Aidan didn’t really want to think that, but he was worried. Aidan’s heart started to race.

                Chloe saw that Will had thrown up on himself. She had to turn him over because he needed to have a clear air way so that he could breath. Chloe needed to check his breathing and pulse as well after she turned him over. She learned that she had to turn him over every half hour. She could hear that he was breathing and that he had a pulse. She was relieved that he was breathing. Chloe smiled a small sad smile at Aidan, but he didn’t smile back. He had the complete opposite on his face. Aidan was sporting a scared, sad, and worried expression on his face. That made Randy and Chloe frown because they were also worried about Will as well.

                A few seconds later the paramedics showed up at the scene. Aidan felt relief wash over him when he saw that the paramedics showed up. They had put Will on a stretcher after checking for breathing and a pulse.

                “Are you his legal guardian?” asked one of the paramedics.

                “No, I am his older cousin. Do you think that I could ride with him though? I don’t want him to be alone. I think he needs someone to be with him. I can't leave him. I don’t want him to wake up scared and alone in an ambulance.” Aidan responded in a fast manner.

                “Alright, well we need you to get his parents on the phone. Can you tell them to meet us at hospital? Also tell them that you are riding with him to the hospital. They need to be informed that their son is being transported to the hospital.” said the paramedic. Aidan nodded and called his aunt and uncle.

                “Aunt Mary, Uncle Peter, its Aidan, Will passed out at the bowling alley. He is going to be on his way up to the hospital. I will be riding with him in the ambulance. I don’t want him to be alone. I know he isn’t awake though. Can you please get to the hospital as soon as you can? It is really important that you come.” Aidan yelled into the phone. That was unusual for him because he was the quiet type. His uncle never thought he would hear Aidan yell, but he could hear the worry in Aidan's voice. Peter was very worried as well as that. Mary heard every word Aidan had said and started to get scared.

                “We’ll be there right away,” he heard his uncle while he was trying to bite back a sob. Aidan had tears welling up in his own eyes which Chloe and Randy saw. Chloe nor Randy was not shocked by that, but they hadn’t seen Aidan cry in a long time. Aidan wanted to strong for his little cousin so he bit back the tears as well. Aidan climbed into the back of the ambulance. Once he was in he held Will's small palm in his hand. The ambulance drove off while Randy and Chloe followed behind. They wanted to be supportive of Aidan when they all arrived at the hospital. They knew that Aidan would need all the support that he can get. Randy knew and felt that Aidan was scared. Randy knew that Aidan didn't want to lose another family member. Randy saw how hard he took it when his mother died. He didn’t want to see that happen again.

                “I hope that Will is going to be alright,” Randy said while he was driving. Chloe nodded and had tears in her own eyes. She hadn’t had to use CPR at all. That was the first time in a long time that she had to besides in school or when she was in the hospital. Chloe would never forget that experience of saving an old man from dying. Chloe was branded with that memory of the old man. She couldn't get that memory out of her hands. She saved a life and he was grateful to her. Chloe loved saving people.

                “Do you know any symptoms that Will had,” asked one of the paramedics.

                “No, he looked well all day. He didn't show any pain on his face. He had a huge smile on his face, but I don't know what happened. All I could do was just make sure that he was okay. So I don't really know what his symptoms were.” Aidan was torn up in side. Aidan didn’t know any of Will’s medical records at all because he wasn’t his guardian. The paramedic knew that and the rest of ride was silent. The only thing that they could hear was the beeps that the heart monitor was making. When they got to the hospital fifteen minutes later they rushed Will in. They rushed him into the emergency room so that the doctors could run some tests on him.

                Aidan sat down in the waiting room. He was sitting by himself because Randy and Chloe didn’t show up yet. A couple of minutes later he saw his Aunt and Uncle walk into the hospital.

                “Aidan, what happened? Do you know anything yet?” Mary asked him in tears. Aidan felt bad to see his Aunt like that.

                “I don’t know. He was fine one minute and then the next minute he passed out. He looked like he was in pain before he passed out. He didn't really tell me anything. I didn’t hear anything at all.” Aidan responded. Mary went up to the receptionist desk to ask how Will was. The receptionist didn’t have a response, but she needed them to fill out information on Will. They filled out forms and Mary started to break down more than she was a couple of minutes ago. Peter and Aidan hugged her and tried to comfort her, but it didn’t work until fifteen minutes later. Peter was trying to be strong for his wife and nephew even though he wanted to cry himself.

                About an hour later a doctor came out with a frown written on his face. That was not a good sign to Mary, Peter, and Aidan. Mary just put her head in her lap. Peter looked very uncomfortable and Aidan looked really upset with himself. He was still beating himself up for not noticing that there was something wrong with his little cousin. Aidan wanted to be strong, but Aidan knew he couldn't handle the pressure. He wanted to cry and let all the tears out, but he stayed strong. Well as strong as any sixteen year old could in these situations.

                “I’m Doctor Wringler and well I have some bad news. We ran some tests on your son and we found something on his brain. We figured that William has a brain tumor. We need to see if he had any symptoms that could be reported,” the doctor said to them all. He had a frown still written on his face and that made the whole group feel uneasy. Mary was not taking the news very well. Peter had also started to down. Aidan was trying to stay strong, but he couldn’t and cried. He blamed himself because he couldn’t that Will was in pain. He would not have been able to because Will was good at hiding the pain from everyone.

             “We need to perform surgery on him. We will be able to get the tumor out. He won’t have to suffer anymore. What day do you want the surgery done?”

                “The soonest day possible because we want our little boy to get better. We want him to be healthy and home soon.” Peter said

                “We have an opening next week. We will make sure that your son is healthy,” the doctor responded this time with a soft smile.

                “Can we see him?” Mary asked through her tears.

                “Of course you can. He is in room 108. I will speak with him when he wakes up. I need to still know what kind of symptoms he had. I don't really think that he will take the news that entirely well. Most little kids are afraid of getting surgeries. I understand completely though. It will take a while to get the tumor out. We don't want to damage his brain or make a mistake, but please you need to trust us. We will make your little boy strong again. We will make him healthy and he will be able to play like he normally would. ” said the doctor. He had walked away because he was done with what he needed to say. The whole crew went to go see little Will. Aidan was still torn up inside. Aidan was still crying when he saw his little cousin laying in the hospital bed looking all lonely. When Will saw Aidan he blinked, but smiled to reassure his cousin that he was going to be okay. Aidan knew he was, but he still blamed himself for not seeing the signs.

                A week later Will had his surgery and the doctors made him healthy again. They saved little Will and his parents were grateful. They kept Will in the hospital for a little while longer though because they wanted to make sure that he was okay.



© 2011 Angie Diane♥♥

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Brain Tumor? Oh great. Great chapter, anyways...

Posted 13 Years Ago

Nice angle with the whole Will scenario, ouch brain tumour! Glad hes survived just in time :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

I'm so pleased Will is well! Great turn of the story!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Whoa, didn't think he'd have a brain tumor, it's good they managed to save him on time. A little later and he might have been a goner, I wonder what Aidan will do now. Interesting chapter, keep it up.

Posted 13 Years Ago

maybe this means Aiden has a brain tumor too?

Posted 13 Years Ago

Amazing. So sad. i though he was going to die! I cried! haha. Your very talented angie :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

brain tumor? damn that was bad for him, great chap, at least he is saved, that's good, keep it up

Posted 13 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Added on December 23, 2010
Last Updated on July 21, 2011


Angie Diane♥♥
Angie Diane♥♥

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Hello, I'm Angie! I'm going to be 32 soon. Writing is something I love doing. I'm glad to be creating again. Also, I love anime, reading, and many other hobbies. Lately, I've been making YouTube v.. more..


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