![]() Aidan-Chapter 10A Chapter by Angie Diane♥♥Chapter 10 Aidan set the alarm on his phone to go off at nine in the morning. Aidan wanted to get dressed to go pick up Will. He did promise him that he would take him out today. Aidan wanted to eat breakfast first before he got in the shower. He went downstairs and his Dad was sitting in the kitchen. John was looking out the window. He wasn’t really staring at anything in particular. “Good morning, Dad.” Aidan said starling John a little bit. Aidan saw him jump and John could feel his heart pounding. “Oh good morning, son,” he said with a fake smile on his expression. “Did I scare you?” Aidan asked while going to the fridge. He got the milk out and was making some eggs for the both of them. “Just a little bit. Not too much,” John responded sheepishly. “Oh sorry, Dad. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Aidan responded while mixing some eggs in a bowl. “I have a question,” John said. “Yes?” Aidan responded. “Have your headaches lasted more than thirty minutes long? Have they lasted for hours or days?” John asked. “Yes, they have lasted longer than that amount of time. Why do you ask?” Aidan asked. John just stared at him and then frowned. Aidan thought it was something bad and frowned himself. Aidan didn’t want it to be anything to terrible. Aidan was a little scared now because John looked a little upset. “I think I know what you have. I was doing some research last night and I discovered some information. I asked some of my co-workers about it. It's actually pretty common.” his father said. “What do I have, Dad?” Aidan asked interested in what he had been getting lately. Aidan didn’t like it, but he had to live through it. “I think you have chronic tension headaches. The symptoms that you have had have led me to make that decision. I am not an expert on this, but I think that's what you have. We can go to a doctor if you would like.” John responded nonchalantly. “What are tension headaches exactly? I don’t really want to go visit a doctor.” Aidan asked his father in shock. Aidan never heard of tension headaches before in his life. Aidan didn't really think that he knew anyone that has ever suffered through them. Well he wouldn’t know because he doesn’t know what they are himself. “Well they are headaches that can last from thirty minutes to a few days. Do your headaches make your head throb or not? Or does your neck, temple, and the back of your head hurt?” his Dad asked in response to Aidan's question. “Now that you mention it they don’t throb at all. Yes, my head, neck, and temples normally hurt. Why,” Aidan asked. “That is what a tension headache is. If you have throbbing then you have a migraine. When you feel like your head is throbbing then normally it was a migraine.” John said. Aidan just nodded and went back upstairs to get ready to hang out with little Will. Aidan was in the shower for twenty minutes. After the twenty minutes he got out and got dressed. He ran back downstairs to see his dad off for work. “What do you have planned today again? I forgot from last night.” John asked him with a laugh. “I’m going to be bringing Will to the roller rink and bowling alley. He hasn’t been out most of the summer and he wants to hang out with me. I have to call Randy to see if he wants to come too with Chloe. I want them to meet Will. I think you are starting to lose your memory, dad. That means you’re getting old.” Aidan said jokingly. Then he went over to the phone and dialed Randy’s number. “Hello,” Randy said. “Hey, do you want to go roller rink with me and my cousin,” Aidan asked. “Sure, can I bring Chloe?” Randy asked him. “Of course. I want both of you too meet my little cousin,” Aidan said. “Okay, see you soon then. I have to call Chloe to ask if she wants to come in the first place.” Randy said and then they hung up. His Dad was putting his shoes on to get ready to leave for work. “Well, I have to go now son. Have a nice day. Oh and by the way I’m not getting old. I am just losing my mind.” John said in a joking manner as well. He walked out the door just before Aidan set the table. Aidan sighed then the door opened again. John came back in smiling. He grabbed a paper plate and put some of the food Aidan cooked. He put foil over it then walked out of the door again. Aidan heard John drive off down the road. Aidan smiled knowing that his father was going to eat his food when he got to work. Aidan was starting to wonder how John could eat in a morgue. That would have to be really disturbing. Aidan picked up the phone and dialed Mary's number. He wanted to see if little Will was ready to be picked up for the fun day of they were going to be having. The phone rang for a few minutes before someone picked it up. “Hello,” said a man’s voice into the phone. “Hi Uncle Peter, how are you today? If you don’t know who this is its Aidan.” Aidan asked Peter. Aidan didn’t see his uncle the day before when he was over there. Peter was out with some of the guys. “Pretty good, thanks for asking, Aidan. How are you doing? I heard that you were hanging out with Will today. He is really hyper right now. I don't think he is on sugar either. I think he is just extremely excited to see you.” Peter responded with a smile on his face, but also with a little shock. “I am doing pretty well. Is Will ready to go?” Aidan asked Peter. “Yes, he can’t wait for you to come over. He is jumping up and down as we speak.” Peter responded with a laugh. Aidan could hear Will screaming in the background. Actually Will was yelling happily which made Aidan smile. “I’ll be there in a couple of minutes,” Aidan responded. “See you when you get here,” Peter said. They said their goodbyes and Aidan walked out of the door. He walked to his Aunt’s house and before he could ring the doorbell the door opened. Aidan saw little Will all ready to go with a giant smile plastered on his face. Aidan smiled back at his little cousin. “I see that you’re all prepared to go. Let me just say hi to your mother and father first. Then we will head out, alright?" Aidan said to Will who was pouting. Will wanted to get going all ready. He was really hyper as Peter said. Aidan had to chuckle at his little cousin. “I am prepared to go. Hurry up I want to leave now!” Will exclaimed. Aidan laughed at Will and walked into the house. Peter and Mary were sitting on the couch watching a television program. The show looked like a soap opera. Aidan figured that it was one. “Hi Aunt Mary, Uncle Peter, I am ready to take Will. He is really excited to be coming out today,” he said with a laugh. Aidan was staring at Will. He was bouncing up and down and smiling like crazy. His parents chuckled and Mary got up and patted Will’s head. “I hope you two have fun,” Mary said with a smile. “My friends are coming with us. I hope you don’t mind,” Aidan said. “We don’t mind because they are good kids, right?” Peter asked. “Yes, they are good kids don’t worry, Uncle Peter. I won't let them do anything to Will. Randy and Chloe are both great people. They wouldn’t harm a child ever. Chloe has an older brother and a younger brother and Randy has a younger sister. I think I can say that they are good with children.” Aidan responded. “Alright make sure you bring Will home by seven. Bring him to your house if you get bored. I don't want you boys over here until seven. I am going out with your uncle and we won't be back until around seven,” Mary said. Aidan nodded and went over to the door. He motioned for Will to follow him to his house. Aidan was happy that the kid calmed down a little bit. Will wasn’t jumping up and down anymore. “I have to make a phone call. Wait on the couch and don't break anything.” Aidan instructed Will. He nodded and sat down on the couch. Will looked at the pictures of his cousin from when he was a little kid. Aidan kind of looked like Will when he was a kid. He just had longer hair than Will. Aidan dialed Randy’s number into the phone. “Are you ready to go, Randy,” Aidan said. “Yes, I’ll come pick you up after I get Chloe. She just called me and she told me she was ready. I’ll be there in five minutes. Be ready when I get there. Where are we going first?” he asked. “We are going to go to the roller rink first then we are going to the bowling alley,” Aidan responded. Aidan looked over at Will who was sitting patiently looking at the photos on the wall. Aidan could see him staring at the picture of his mother. She had a very bright smile written on her lips. Aidan could feel tears coming into his eyes, but he held them back. Aidan didn’t want his little cousin to see that he was crying or about to cry. Aidan never wanted to cry in front of people because it was very embarrassing to him. He wanted to seem stronger than he really was. He didn’t want to be weak to others because Aidan really wasn't that weak “Aidan, are you there?” Randy questioned getting a little impatient. “Yes, I am sorry I was looking at something,” Aidan responded. “It’s alright, dude, I said I was going to get off the phone. I will be there in a minute or so.” Randy said. “Are you talking on the phone and driving again?” “Yes, but I have you on speaker. I’m about to be there so I’m going to hang up now. Bye,” Randy said. Aidan didn’t respond because Randy had hung up the phone. He heard the horn beep. Will was already near the door while Aidan was still near the phone. “You ready to go, Aidan,” Will asked. “Of course I'm ready to go,” Aidan said. Aidan grabbed his cell phone from off the counter. He wanted to have it just in case there was an emergency. Then they both walked out of the door. Aidan locked the door behind them and followed Will over to the car. He gave Randy an uneasy look, but got in the car. Randy frowned at Aidan when he sat down. “Hi, Aidan, how are you? Is everything better from the other day?” Chloe asked in the front seat. Her long dark brown hair was neatly put back into a ponytail again. Chloe smiled at Will and Will smiled back at her. Aidan smiled at Chloe too. “I’m good and how about you? I’m better from the day before. Thank you for asking.” Aidan asked because he didn’t want to be rude. “I’m doing alright. My mother has been having issues with me lately. I don’t even know why. No problem and thank you as well.” she said trying to start a conversation. Aidan didn't want to start a conversation, but he was being dragged into the one he was having. “I don’t know what to tell you. Randy, please drive carefully. My little cousin is in the car and I know how you love to drive wildly. I'm not trying to get us all killed now. My aunt, even after I was gone would never forgive me for us getting killed. I would blame you for the accident though.” Aidan said. Randy laughed at his comment, but he knew that it was true. Randy did drive wild sometimes because it was fun to him. Sometimes Randy wanted to be a drag racer, but he could never be a drag racer. Neither Chloe nor Aidan approved of that. Randy’s parents would never approve of that either. Then again drag racing was something really dangerous and they didn’t want to lose Randy. That would devastate everyone that loved him. “I will drive carefully. I knew there was going to be a kid in the car today. I wasn't going to drive wild anyway,” Randy responded with a laugh. "Yeah, right. I know you, Randy!" Aidan exclaimed. Randy laugh at Aidan's remark. “So how old are you, Will,” Chloe asked making conversation with Will. He wasn’t included in the conversation that was going on. “I’m ten,” Will responded. Will seemed rather bored. Aidan gave him a game to play with before they got to the roller rink. Will was glad when they got to the roller rink. He hadn’t been there in ages because his parents haven’t been able to take him. They were always working or they were on dates or something. Will always loved going to the roller rink because he liked skating. He liked any type of skating whether it be boarding or roller-skating. They roller-skated until they were all bored with it. Randy was yawning by the time they were leaving. Chloe was bored and was twisting her hair around her finger. Will was trying to play video games. Aidan was getting chips from the vending machine for everyone. “Are you all ready to go?” Randy asked when Aidan came back with the bags of chips. Everyone nodded and they all hopped into the car. They were driving to the bowling alley. Will started to develop a headache, but he tried to ignore it. Will was getting random headaches that only lasted for a couple of minutes. Will didn't think he had anything to worry about. Will didn’t show any signs of pain on his face so no one knew that he was in pain. The headache was really bad, but he wasn't willing to tell anyone. They got to the bowling alley about ten minutes later. Will felt the headache getting worse, but he didn’t want to ruin their day. He figured that the headache would go away soon like they normally did. Will didn’t think they were just going to get worse. “Will, are you okay?” Aidan asked with a concerned voice. He could see the pain on the younger boys face. They were playing their first game of bowling. Will had won a stuffed animal for Chloe. Randy and Aidan also won a stuffed animal for her too. Will nodded his head to reassure his cousin that he was alright. Will could still feel the pain. His knees were starting to give out underneath him. He collapsed in the seat. Aidan ran over to his cousin. He was more worried than he was before. Aidan tried to wake his little cousin up. Will seemed like he was in a coma like state. Aidan wasn't sure that he was in a coma. “Will, are you okay? Will, Will,” Aidan called, but he didn’t receive a response from his cousin. Will was laying on the seat unconscious. He was not moving and not responding to anything.
© 2011 Angie Diane♥♥Author's Note
6 Reviews Added on December 22, 2010 Last Updated on July 21, 2011 Author![]() Angie Diane♥♥Not like you need to know..., NJAboutHello, I'm Angie! I'm going to be 32 soon. Writing is something I love doing. I'm glad to be creating again. Also, I love anime, reading, and many other hobbies. Lately, I've been making YouTube v.. more..Writing
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