Aidan-Chapter 9

Aidan-Chapter 9

A Chapter by Angie Diane♥♥

Chapter 9

                Aidan walked up the stairs of his house. John was sitting on the couch with a tired look on his face. He also looked like he was in serious thought. John heard the door open and Aidan walked through the door. He smiled up at Aidan and of course Aidan smiled back.

                “Hey Dad, what are you doing home so early? Don't you normally work late today?”  Aidan asked with a suspicious tone in his voice.  John was never home this early. He was always out late working on cases even when his shift ended. John always made sure he was caught up.

                “I got off early today. I forgot to tell you, but that's because I wanted it to be a surprise.” John said with a smile. He picked up the mail and looked at it. It was all bills and he had a smirk on his face because he knew they would be bills.

                “That’s cool,” Aidan said. Aidan went into the kitchen to check to see if the answering machine had any new messages. The answering machine had two new messages. Aidan clicked the play button on the answering machine. He also looked through the caller I.D. to see who called. He noticed that he had a missed call from Randy.

                “Aidan, its Randy. What’s up, dude? Do you want to hang out with me? I am extremely bored. I don't have much to do. So call me back when you get this.” he heard Randy’s voice. Aidan was going to call him back because he didn’t want to be rude. He picked up the phone and dialed Randy’s cell phone number. Within two rings he picked up the phone.

                “Hello,” Randy said.

                “Hey its Aidan, I’m sorry I wasn’t home all day. I was hanging out with my cousin Will. He is a good kid. I haven’t seen him since he was seven. I just hung out with him all day. Plus I was checking to see how my Aunt Mary was doing.” Aidan said.

                “It’s cool, dude. I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out at your house. I was extremely bored and I still am bored. I didn’t have much to do today.” Randy said.

                “Were you going to bring Chloe with you to come visit? I mean it would have been totally cool if you wanted to bring her. I wouldn’t have had a problem with it if you wanted to bring her. I trust her now.” Aidan responded.

                “No, we had a little bit of an argument. She is texting me right now and I’m about to apologize to her. I’m glad you trust her now.” Randy said.

                “Why did you guys argue?” Aidan asked concerned.

                “Well she wanted to hang out with her girlfriends, but we had plans today. We were supposed to go out to lunch and then go to the beach. She wanted to go get her nails done and hang out with some of the girls. She wanted to blow off our plans to hang out with them. Chloe and I aren’t able to hang out as much and I just wanted to have a special day with her. Instead she wanted to go out with her friends. It just really frustrated me.” Randy said.

                “Did you get mad and yell at her again? You do know she hates being yelled at, right? Then again every person in the world hates being yelled at.” Aidan said in response.

                “Yes, and that is why I am apologizing to her. I didn’t mean to get so mad, you know? It's just I didn't think it was right that she blew off our plans. We haven't been hanging out all that much. I want to spend quality time with her and everything. I know people hate being yelled at. That was my own mistake.”

                “Yes, I know what you mean, but don’t forget I have never been on a date before. I know you haven't been around her much. Chloe has been busy and you have too. You know that. Chloe probably wanted some time alone, you know? She needs personal time too, but I understand why you got upset.” Aidan responded.

                “I know, but when are you going to go on one? I know we both have been busy and I feel bad that I don't get to spend time with her. She probably did, but I need her. We both need personal time at some point. I just figured today would have been a great day to hang out. It was a beautiful day.” Randy said.

                “Not sure, but I don’t want it to be anytime soon. I know you need her. You know she probably needed some space. You need space too. I think this will blow over soon and you guys will hang out. I know it was such a good day. Hopefully tomorrow isn’t going to be too bad.” Aidan said.

                “I see well I have to go. Chloe is calling me. Speak to you later.” Randy said. They hung up and Aidan walked back out into the living room.

                “Aidan, who were you on the phone with?” his father asked him.

                “I was on the phone with Randy, Dad.” Aidan answered.

                “Oh, okay. Well can you take a quick a shower and put on something fancy. I want you to look nice tonight.” his father said. Aidan looked a little surprised, but went upstairs and took a quick shower. Aidan put on something fancy like his father asked and he went down the stairs. John was still sitting in the chair, but when he saw Aidan he got up. John ran up the stairs and jumped into the shower. John put on something fancy as well and they were out the door. Aidan wasn't at all concerned about what was going on. His father drove to a restaurant. Aidan saw why his father wanted him to dress fancy. They only dressed fancy when they went out to eat dinner. Aidan should have guessed that they were going out to dinner. He wasn’t really thinking straight. They went to Red Lobster and they were seated pretty quickly. Normally it would be full, but not today.

                “So Dad how was work today? It seemed like you didn’t really have a lot of cases to do.” Aidan asked with a sheepish grin on his face.

                “Pretty good, son. I didn’t really have any cases today. That is why I got home early today. I’m glad I didn’t have as much as I normally would. People die every day and it is normally not normal for them to die. Some people are really health before they die. That’s why it is shocking. ” John said.

                “That’s good. I know what you mean dad. A lot of people die young and they don’t deserve to die. I get the point.” Aidan said with a smile on his face. He hadn’t been to Red Lobster in forever. Aidan had always loved crab, but when he was younger he didn’t like it. John had been too busy to take him, but he had enough money to go, but Randy wasn’t available either. Aidan had forgotten that his Aunt lived around the corner from them. He could have asked her, but he didn’t remember until today. The waiter came and they ordered their beverages. Aidan got a Sprite and John ordered a Coke. The waiter went to go get the drinks. He came back five minutes later with the drinks. While they had been waiting for their waiter they looked at the menu.

                “What are you going to get, Aidan?” his father asked.

                “Cajun Chicken Linguini Alfredo. What are you going to get tonight?” Aidan questioned.

                “Snow Crab Legs,” he said. John loved crab and as much as Aidan did, but he didn’t want crab today. John was kind of surprised about that.

                “I knew it,” Aidan said.

                “I’m surprised you aren’t getting crab tonight.” John said.

                “I wanted to try something else. I love crab and all, but I don’t want to get that every time we come here. I want to switch it up a little. Try new things on menus. Some things I have never tried before,” Aidan said.               

                “That’s true. It's always good to try new things,” John responded. Sometimes John ordered lobster. Aidan wasn't really that big on lobster. He wouldn't order it unless he wanted some which was hardly ever. That is why he would get some crab or shrimp. His father wasn’t that big on shrimp. He always thought his father was weird because he didn’t like shrimp, but he knew that not everyone likes it as much as he does.

                “I see you want crab though, dad. Like you normally get."

                “So what do you want to talk about,” John asked.

                “Anything you want to talk about Dad,” Aidan responded.

                “How is Randy," John asked him.

                "Pretty good, but he got into a fight with Chloe though.  I think he is a little shaken up about it because they barely argue when they do it is very surprising. They probably just need space from each other. They should take some time apart. They need the break and then arguments won’t happen between them." Aidan said.

                "I see that is never good. Arguments with women are always difficult. I remember arguing with your mother. It wasn’t a very pleasant experience. I felt terrible after we did and I was glad when she finally forgave me for the argument." John said.          

                "Women are difficult at times," Aidan responded with a smirk. His father laughed at that statement.

                "That is not always true, son. Some women aren’t all that difficult to figure out. You can read them like a book, but others like your mother were not as difficult I knew what to do when she was upset. The only I could do was console her," his father responded.

                "What are you talking about? Most women are difficult. I don’t see how you can say that, dad. I guess it’s because you are married and you understood more than I do. I guess I have to experience to truly understand what you are talking about," Aidan responded.

                "Your mother really wasn’t all that difficult to figure out. You could always tell what was on her mind. She was a very special woman to me. I think you need to see the qualities in some woman then maybe you will understand them better. They are just more emotional than we are. You are correct in your logic though. You do understand woman just yet. You will in time son," John responded. That was a very true statement.

                "I guess you’re right, Dad. I also agree they are more emotional than we are. I can tell because of Chloe. She is always emotional and Randy can’t understand what she saw in him. I think I know why she likes him. It is because all of the good qualities inside of him. Am I right, Dad," Aidan asked

                "Yes, you are right. Randy does have some good qualities that others may not see. Chloe can just see that inside of him. Some woman can do that others can’t. Eventually he will understand why she is with him. He just can’t see it yet, but he will one day," he said with a smile. Then the waiter came back and they ordered their food. It took at least a half hour before they got what they wanted. Then John paid the bill and they got up to leave.

                "What are you doing tomorrow," John asked Aidan.

                "I’m going to bring Will to the roller rink and then bowling. He was so excited when I told him. He really wants to hang out with me." Aidan said.

                "He has probably been bored, son. He doesn’t always get out and he deserves some time out of the house. I think its good you are hanging out with your cousin though. You two can have a good bond. It’s always nice to have a bond with a family member." John responded.

                "I think you are right though, Dad. He seemed like he was when I went to see him today. Aunt Mary had a smile when I took him out to the park. I do want a bond with him. I’m going to start spending more time with him." Aidan responded. Aidan was going to ask Chloe and Randy to go. Both of them were probably going to say yes anyway. They would never refuse an offer to go skating or bowling because they enjoyed doing both.

                John and Aidan got into the house and it was nine o’clock at night. Aidan did some of his chores and then he watched a movie on television. Aidan was watching a kid movie. He loved watching those types of movies. Aidan watched the movie until it went off at eleven. Then he decided he was going to go bed to get up early tomorrow.


© 2011 Angie Diane♥♥

Author's Note

Angie Diane♥♥
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Good so far. Really, good. Can't wait to read on! :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

im happy that Randy said he was sorry to Chloe lol liking the shrimp :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Loving the detail, shrimps and all! There is something about him for sure!

Posted 13 Years Ago

man, i can't take the mystery haha hopefully something nuts will happen soon.

Posted 13 Years Ago

cool chapter, good development with his dad

Posted 13 Years Ago

Is just gets better and better :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

That was a little odd... i still think his father is..strange, and not because he doesn't like shrimp... LOL

Posted 14 Years Ago

So many crabs and shrimps... I'm allergic to those, it was good development with his father, I think he needed it, anyways, great chapter in all, keep it up, I hope something big happens in the next chapter, it can't all be happy.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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8 Reviews
Added on July 31, 2010
Last Updated on July 21, 2011


Angie Diane♥♥
Angie Diane♥♥

Not like you need to know..., NJ

Name: Angie Diane Age: 22 Birthday: You can guess. -.- I don't feel like telling anyone... Add me on facebook if you want... Also just let me know that.. more..


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