Aidan-Chapter 7

Aidan-Chapter 7

A Chapter by Angie Diane♥♥

This is dedicated to Shin...haha


Chapter 7

                Aidan woke up later than he had the day before. It was eleven o’clock by the time Aidan jumped out of bed. John had already left for work. Aidan walked quickly down the stairs because he was hungry. He started to make breakfast for himself. Aidan's stomach growled for food.

                Aidan saw that a note was left for him on the table it was written by John. He saw the sloppy handwriting and just chuckled at it. He had neat handwriting like Chris did. The note read:


                I have gone to work early. I noticed that you were still sleeping when I woke up. I didn’t want to wake you up so I let you sleep in this morning. Make sure you call your aunt today. I really want you to check to see if she is doing okay. I haven't spoken to her in a long time.  Also I left you some money to order a pizza or something. Have a nice day.


                Aidan sighed as he read the note, but he didn’t want to go against his Dad’s wishes. Aidan went over to the phone and dialed his Aunt’s number. Aidan could have gone to go to visit his Aunt instead of dialing the number. They lived two minutes away from them. They didn’t live too far because his Aunt Mary wanted to live close to her sister. Mary was really close with Aidan’s mother, Ashley. They were sisters after all. 

                “Hello,” said someone on the other end of the phone.

                “Hello, who am I speaking to?” Aidan asked.

                “You’re speaking to Will,” said the little boy that answered the phone.

                “Oh hi Will. How are you doing? Do you know who this is,” Aidan asked.

                “No, and I’m good thanks for asking and how are you?” he responded. Will didn't want to be rude.

                “I’m good and this is your cousin, Aidan. Do you remember me?” Aidan said with a smile on his face. He hasn’t seen Will since a little get together when Will was seven. Will was ten years old now. He was born the year that Aidan’s mother died.

                “Oh well whom do you want to speak with? And yes, I do remember you and it's nice to hear from you.” Will responded with a smile. Aidan could tell that his cousin is maturing well.

                “Your mom if that’s okay,” Aidan said.

                “Okay, hold on,” Will said.

                “Hello,” his Aunt Mary said a few seconds later.

                “Hi Aunt Mary, its Aidan I wanted to know how you were doing? I haven't seen you since mother's funeral. How are you and Uncle Peter doing?” Aidan asked.

                “Aidan, it is so good to hear from you. Uncle Peter and I are doing really great. So how are you, dear? How is your father doing?” his aunt Mary asked with a smile on her face. She hasn’t seen Aidan for three years or so.

                “I’ve been okay. Dad is doing okay. He is just working a lot. I have had Mom on my mind a lot lately,” he said.

                “I have too, dear. Her anniversary is coming up pretty soon. I hope you come to visit soon. I haven’t seen you in over two years. I know you're father hasn't wanted to talk to me. Our last real conversation was ten years ago when your mother died,” Mary said sadly on the other end.

                “I can stop by today because I have nothing else better to do. It would be really great to see you,” Aidan said with a smile on his face. Aidan wanted to see Will anyway because he loved Will.

                “Alright, well I’ll see you soon then,” she said with a smile forming on her face.

                “Okay bye,” Aidan said and hung up the phone. Aidan decided that he was going to take a quick shower before he stopped by his Aunt’s house. Aidan didn’t want to be smelly or anything. Aidan took his shower quickly. He came out and towel dried his hair. Aidan put his normal attire on and grabbed his cell phone. He was out the door within ten minutes. He walked up one street and turned left. He walked up to a house with a long driveway. Aidan was happy to visit his Aunt since they didn’t live too far away from him. Besides he could hang out with his little cousin, Will.

                He went up to the door and rang the doorbell. His Aunt Mary opened the door and smiled at her nephew. He smiled back and walked into the house. Mary hugged him and Will was standing in the hallway watching. He had a nervous expression written on his face. He hadn’t seen Aidan since he was seven.

                “Aidan, I’m glad that you made it here safely, dear,” Mary said with a smile.

                “Well I literally live right up the road. I don't think anyone would hurt me or anything, Aunt Mary. How has your day been so far?” Aidan asked Mary.

                “Pretty busy because I had to get Will up for practice and the practice only lasted an hour. Then I had to cook breakfast for Peter. He has off this week and we were planning to take a vacation. We were going to invite you and your father, but your father has been really busy lately hasn’t he,” Mary asked with concern in her voice. She hated that John has been working a lot. She wanted him to be around for Aidan a lot more.

                “Yes, he has been leaving earlier than usual for work lately. Something has been bothering him though. I can see it on his face. He is hiding something, but I don't ask him. You know how I am, Aunt Mary. Other than that he seems to be doing okay,” Aidan said to describe more than from the earlier conversation.

                “Maybe he just has a lot on his mind. Besides your Mother’s anniversary coming up; he could be tense,” she said.

                “That is true as well he could be tense. I think he is getting a lot tenser since the date is coming up in a few days. I know it's hard on the both of us. My father does try to stay strong for me. When he doesn't really need to because I know how much this affected him as well as it affected me,” Aidan responded. Aidan was pondering a few things for a moment, but he wasn’t thinking about his Mom. He wasn’t thinking about her death either because he didn't really want to be thinking about that. Aidan was thinking about his Dad now. Aidan saw his Dad cry and that was not a normal thing for him to see. He always thought that his Dad was a strong man. Normally he is except on the night of his Mom’s death he cried then too. John only cried because he lost his wife that night and that would be hard on anyone unless that person was unfeeling or emotionless. Aidan knew a couple of emotionless people and he knew John was nothing like those people. If he was Aidan would lose respect for the one person he knew he shouldn't.

                “You seem tense yourself,” Mary said. She looked at Aidan worriedly. She was like a mother to him now. Mary was always worried about Aidan even when they weren't speaking to each other.

                “No, just thinking. I want to hang out with Will for a little bit. I want to catch up with him since I haven't seen him in a long time,” Aidan said spotting him in the corner. Will smiled nervously and walked out to see Aidan.

                “Aidan, do you want to go to the park to play catch or something?” Will asked him suddenly warming up to his cousin.

                “Sure, I would love to play catch. I haven't played catch in a couple of years. Well since the last time I saw you,” Aidan said feeling a little guilty. They walked a block away from Mary’s house to the park. The park was empty and Will was happy about that. Will brought his baseball glove and his baseball. Will had an extra one so that Aidan could play with him as well. The two also brought a basketball and soccer ball if they got bored with baseball. Aidan liked basketball although he wasn’t really good at other sports. He didn’t really play a game he just liked to shoot. They played with the baseball for a few minutes and then they got bored with it.

                Aidan picked up the basketball and walked over to the court. Will was already over there since he ran. Aidan was taking his sweet time to get over there. That was because Aidan didn’t feel like running over to the basketball court. He was lazy at times. They shot hoops for a while. Aidan had made at least twenty shots within the first few minutes. Will had shot the same amount. The two of them got tired after a little while and sat on the swings to talk about things. 

                “So Will how is school going for you?” Aidan asked.

                “Pretty good, but I hate going to school. It's boring and we learn about boring things. I only like certain subjects,” Will said.

                “I understand how you feel,” Aidan responded.

                “You’re in high school though. You’re lucky you have two more years left!” Will exclaimed. He truly hated school like every kid in his grade. Aidan hated school too, but not as much as Will did. Aidan had certain subjects that he liked in school.

                “What’s your favorite subject,” Aidan asked Will.

                “Well I think I like science the best, but I also like Social Studies. I don’t know which one I like better though. What is your favorite subject,” Will asked Aidan.

                “I like English the best actually,” Aidan said.

                “Oh that’s cool,” Will said. He got off the swing and got the soccer ball. Aidan could tell he was full of energy, but that’s because he was ten. Aidan got off the swing they kicked the ball around and then they heard Will’s stomach growl.

                “I’m sorry, but I’m hungry do you want to go back to my house and eat something? Do you think you could play some video games with me,” Will asked all hyper. Will loved to play video games especially if someone was playing with him. Will owned the Wii, the Playstation 2 and 3, and he also owned a PSP.

                “Sure, let’s get something to eat first. I can hear your stomach growling. I am a little hungry as well,” Aidan said with a chuckle. Aidan was hungry too although he had eaten a couple of minutes ago. Aidan also liked to play video games.

                “Do you want a ham sandwich,” Will asked Aidan.

                “Alright,” Aidan said. They were walking back to Will’s house. Will was so excited that Aidan had come over now. Will hadn’t been hanging out with too many people lately. He was bored out of his mind, but now that his cousin came over he wasn’t so bored. Even though they were six years apart in age.

© 2012 Angie Diane♥♥

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Another great chapter. Don't know what else to say, but great chapter. Reading on...

Posted 13 Years Ago

A very charming chapter, great to see it, a breather before we find out more about the suspicious acting father I think!

Posted 13 Years Ago

yay! :D i read next chapter soon! :) after i write something D:

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is great :) I cant wait to read more!

Posted 13 Years Ago

This was a pretty nice change of pace. Aidan was able to not thing about his mom's death and have a little fun with his cousin.

Posted 14 Years Ago

very nice cousin-to-cousin scene. :) i hope you continue writing this and will post more! very nice story!

Posted 14 Years Ago

awwwww, thats nice. i'm glad will and Aidan are becoming friends. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

very good chapter,those 2 playing together look nice,it got aidan out of thinking of his mom XD and his mother complex as Shin says Xd i hope to read more soon!

Posted 14 Years Ago

I like Will, the dialogue in this chapter was well written; it allowed you to get a good grasp on what Will is like without outwardly stating his personality. I appreciated that this chapter was a little slower than the previous ones, just because there can't be action in a book all the time. Nice work.

Posted 14 Years Ago

It was a nice chapter, it got Aidan to sway his mind out of his mother, I like little Will, he looks as lonely as Aidan, but without mom complex, XD, I liked the chapter, I hope to read more soon.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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10 Reviews
Added on July 22, 2010
Last Updated on September 12, 2012


Angie Diane♥♥
Angie Diane♥♥

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Hello, I'm Angie! I'm going to be 32 soon. Writing is something I love doing. I'm glad to be creating again. Also, I love anime, reading, and many other hobbies. Lately, I've been making YouTube v.. more..


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