![]() What Nightmares Are Is Wonders To MeA Story by arishiasayswoah![]() A girl who mysteriously dissapears while playing tag with her friends.Her friends have to figure out what happened to her,but only one really cares about finding out she is what happened to her......![]()
Emily would play with her friends Shenile, Moregalle,and Andy everyday at 6;30 pm. One day they were playing hide and go seek; Shenille was it and counted to 40 seconds. The others all ran; Moregalle hide in a tree,but what she didn't know was that the tree she was hiding in had a wasp nest right above her head. Meanwhile Andy hide behind a bush which was covered in poison oak. Lastly Emily hide behind some ones backyard. Shenille was done counting and was running to find all her friends. She said ,"ready or not here I come".Morgegalle got caught first because she sneezed and Shenille heard it so she looked up. As she was getting down from the tree the wasps next fell on her she jumped down and broke her leg. Unable to run she was getting stung by many wasped and so Shenille hurried and called the ambulance.They came five minutes later and Moregalle was hardly breathing,;she said to Shenille "Pray For Me Please". She did as her friend asked.She prayed for her friend to get better soon.As the doctors were putting the needles into her friends body trying to keep her from dying she continued to search for her other friends. Moregalle was recovering slowly,but just to make sure she was going to be okay they took her to the hospital to stay their for a couple of days.Shenile looked for Andy next and found him because his feet was showing from behind the bushes he was covered in poison oak and said,"You found me now im going home because i need to get this taken care of", she said "okay Andy". The time that she found Andy was the moment Emily got abducted. A man came out his house in the backyard and caught Emily. She tried to scream as loud as she could, but the man covered her mouth,took her in his house in a dark room tied her up and slice her neck and watched her bleed to death.After she died he smiled.Shenile went to go look for her behind the mans house,but only found her bracelet.She ran home,as she ran home the man saw her leaving from his backyard;he knew he had to kill her next but how?She slept in bed when she got home thinking about why her friends bracelet was in that mans backyard. The next day her friend was reported missing on the news.She had to tell her parents she ran to her parents room,but they were dead to their was no where for her to go but to Emilys house.If she could make it there in time before her own death was amoung her.She called the police,but no one answered she ran half a mile tired and out of breathe she made it and said,"Policemen my parents are dead and my bestfriend Emily on the news shes dead to and this man that lives on the block killed them.The police laughed girl are you okay? Are you sick? She showed her the bracelet and said this is my friends bracelet. It had a bit of dirt on it and the mans finger prints. They left the police station and went to his house and found her friends dead body and called for back up. No one ever found the killer..................
© 2014 arishiasayswoah |
Added on August 21, 2014 Last Updated on August 21, 2014 Author