A Poem by Amorette Duvannes

for them


You are the most loved, even now

Loved absolutely, here �" and how?

I do not care; I will weep

When I contemplate your sleep.


Love as tight as promised tomorrow;

A love that consists despite grey sorrow.

Love truly, widely, deeply

Grieve lovingly, hauntingly and meekly.


A statute persists despite the storms

Yet my adoration recoils forlorn.

The most-loved phase of my life has come to pass,

The red-hot furnace of your love yet to amass.


I don’t care; I will weep

I want to join you in your sleep.


Every Friday my blood runs still

Our laughter I cannot seem to will.

The most-loved phase of my life has forever died

My joy and laughter so painfully defied.


I wait in hope for better days

Without you, this brand new phase �"

And what is to be, I do not know

I know that I love you sorely though.

© 2024 Amorette Duvannes

Author's Note

Amorette Duvannes
in my old age i've decided a rhyming meter isn't lame

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Added on March 17, 2024
Last Updated on March 17, 2024
Tags: grief, suicide, mental health, death


Amorette Duvannes
Amorette Duvannes

Oh, aren't I silly - I'm just so silly. more..
