Slice Of Life (03-09-23)
Hello world.

Well what am I doing right now ? Listening to Vogon poetry, of course, with my Godfather. Yes it is the "Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy," the BBC series from 1981 which does go on for some time as it was a miniseries.
That and I treated for two Domino's Pizza, their new Loaded Tots, and to polish it off with frozen chocolate creme pie.
Because friends are so far and few at my time of aging and getting older, I always try to treat and cater to my guests. Make them as comfortable as possible, especially in my video room where we watch all movies and eat all kinds of snacks.
I am also making a new attempt to rekindle the friendship that I have had for years with Chris. I know we separated and went our ways yet - I'm lonely.
I'm sorry, I'm really lonely.
And heaven help you if you try any of those accursed dating sites. The ones that cost money.
I had tried them.
The ones that may or may not have a human being on the other end of communication and the one I have unsuccessfully discovered ALL are trying to get personal information from you such as:
Your Social security #
A photo of your credit card
Any photos you send they will record for later use
Really anything that could be used to steal your identity
I learned the hard way. So - I have to give up that avenue.
So dear readers, now is where you come in. Wha ? What are you talking about ? What crazy look in my eye ?
Hey, sit down. Yeah you in the back. You too, you can go to the bathroom after this. How about you ? Hey. Sit. Sit ! I mean it. I'll - oh, okay. Thank you. Sorry, I don't mean to be rude.
Yes I think you know what this is leading up to - it's really awkward, more so for me than you, so let's just get this over with. Then you can decide what to do with it.
To clarify, I am not 1,000 miles of desert, yet some may describe me as 25-miles of uneven pavement. And to me - part of the mystery of meeting someone is not knowing what to expect. A true blind date.
I do want to set out one primary address as well as it will be referred to later.
Wal-Mart I shop at: 6300 Oakmont Blvd
Let me continue. It's strange I suppose for a writer to request friendship from their readers. Yet - some of you reading this do already know me personally or may have already seen me out and about.
So when I am out and about I will usually be sporting my bad-a*s Savage Teddy Bear t-shirts. And since I can't find these anywhere in Amazon or even Google Image Search (they were a gift from K), I must assume they are one-of-a-kind designer originals - and will make it that much easier for you to find me.
Clearly you don't live far from me. You may have seen me out shopping or in a restaurant. I like Fort Worth for both the Hulen Dollar Tree and Wal-Mart although I can be seen in the Arlington Dollar Tree on the odd occasion when I visit Rose.
Sometimes I eat at the local Hulen Wendy's, Burger King, or Chili's - and not really too many more places than that unless it's a special occasion.
When you find me, there is the fellow that I'm walking behind all the time to show my respect.
He is sporting silver hair in the back and he was in the war. That's my Godfather. We'll just call him G from now on. You don't mess with him, and he looks out for me.
Sometimes his granddaughter is also there - easy to spot for her bubbling personality and self. She can wear a Rainbow Brite jacket but make no mistake, she knows Karate and you also don't mess with her.
Usually him and her get together with me on Wednesdays and Sundays and we shop sometimes Wednesdays at 1:15pm - 1:45pm, but not always.
Other times however I am with this tall black woman, goes by the name of K.
Just "K." I'm not making that up. It's not an abbreviation like G for my Godfather.
She is from the government and has a phone up in her ear which she talks to other important people all the time. We meet on Mondays and Fridays although usually only go out to shop at Wal-Mart (address above) on Fridays from about 11am to noon. Sometimes I am also at the Dollar Tree just across the road.
She makes sure I stay healthy and we often go out to do some shopping, sometimes we'll eat out on special occasions like Cici's - and she also makes me home cooked meals and does light cleaning besides.
Now you're probably wondering why I am not just an independent person ?
Well, age is one. I'm 56, and despite being pretty muscular I have torn insteps and bone spur in both feet and while I can walk a great distance, standing in place for minutes at a time can be quite painful. I actually have to sit on the floor, inside a supermaket if required.
Embarrassing but there ya go.
I'm also taking anti-psychotics, split-personality is a mild way to put it although the exact term is schizoaffective, and I have been hospitalized in the past for it - but I think you already knew this. If not look for Nancy Principle, another book I wrote, that one being non-fiction about my life as a teenager.
I also voluntarily gave up my driver's license having lived in Dallas for a year. The traffic there will traumatize anyone. So it is either my G or K I am with. Seldom am I on my own. One or the other is usually not too far away and I have them both on speed dial.
So If you do want to be my friend or blind date me one time, maybe to come by and watch movies (I have over 6,000 BluRay movies for instance) or just to play some videogames on my Gamecube or something.
Well - you don't even have to introduce yourself.
Hell you can just come up, place in my hand a Bazooka Joe comic wrapper alongside your Email address, and walk away. I may nod, trying to remember what you look like, and then write you Email when I come back home, provided I can read it.
And I WILL be writing you back in Email when I get home, and it will be favorable for you having taking time out of your schedule to find me with the partial clues I've left here.
I prefer to meet people my age or older. I am saying now I am white caucasian and gay - and also have a girlfriend for now nearly 40-years.
I'm complicated like that - and her and me do have our private and intimate moments. She means the world to me and just because I bend one way doesn't mean I don't pamper her in every other way. She's a queen and deserves it.
So no hanky panky if you're a woman trying to hit me up for a baby. I'm already spoken for in that respect.
But my G/F does give me free reign in the other spectrum of the gender coin - guys. Now initially though I am looking for something platonic and definitely friends before lovers. A single date with me won't kill ya though.
Maybe someone to get together on the weekends, hell we could check out a museum, the downtown Fort Worth library which isn't too far or stay at home with ordered pizza and chill to widescreen of remastered classic Star Trek.
Total Files Listed:
215179 File(s) 7,139,698,683,632 bytes
35931 Dir(s) 859,267,223,552 bytes free
I have MORE than enough videos to watch with pretty close to 47 terabytes of offline storage if the truth be known. All categories, all appetites satisfied.
Maybe you'd like to go to the church with me ? Or maybe you have a church you are going to you want to invite me to ? I'm game either way.
"All Saints," the one I am going to, is at 5001 Crestline and you can reach it from Camp Bowie and the red brick road. But you may not recognize me from there except that I always wear a solid blue T-shirt and jeans and have a black shoulder case which houses my Bible.
My G and me usually attend morning services from 10:30am to 11:30am dutifully every Sunday.
Actually I carry that case and Bible all the time, even wearing my teddy bear T-shirts since the Bible was a Christmas gift from my G last year. And what can I say, the Bible =Is= a good read when you're waiting in line for something.
And that would just be totally awesome if you came to introduce yourself to me before or after services.
... and maybe you yourself have been looking for a friend yourself - and possibly for years.
Well, here I am. Let's check off a few things, shall we ?
Writer ? obviously.
Philosopher ? Possibly.
Intelligent ? So they say.
Idiot ? Accomplished. Ph.D.
Fool, always ... take a bow, fool. All that applause is for you ...
So - the points could meet, just introduce yourself as a reader to me from Writer's Cafe. I can certainly treat for lunch or duo coffee and - we'll go from there.
And you can tell people that you are dating the FAMOUS (or infamous) dw817 ! That right there surely covers the cost of admission. Your courage to meet a total stranger.
(Or if you read my work thoroughly, I may not be such a stranger at all).
And that does give you the right to pick apart my brain since I have easily written over 1,000 articles in Writer's Cafe not counting the large number of fan-fictions and whole volumes and books. Just put a nice hot cup of coffee in my right hand to get my motor going.
So now you know how to find and reach me ... so ... um ... quantities in stock are limited and we have friendly and active operators standing by to take your call ...
-tapping my fingers nervously-
OK, let's get back to Slice Of Life.
My niece is now engaged in very good and useful activities at the church I go to. She is now a fully recognized acolyte and I couldn't be prouder. You know I was an acolyte myself years ago so I can only smile that she is taking some of the very steps my sister and myself have followed.
And the church, yes, while we attend dutifully every Sunday - we did go to the big gala Fat Tuesday which was February 21st. If you're not familiar with Christian occasions, well this is the one you show up to where there is unlimited bacon, unlimited sausage, unlimited pancakes, syrup, and whipped cream.
Hmm ... the possibilities, but *cough* it was supposed to be where you enjoy and indulge in - well - things that aren't probably good for you.
And that was all good and well. We even played a type of Biblical Scrabble. We had a reading teacher on our table so we actually did quite well on score.
My G with the limited consonants and vowels we were issued for the game created the word HALO so that earned us big points as it was truly a Biblical word.
Well the next day, all 3 of us were sick. By that I mean sore throat, fever and raised body temperature, dizziness, with all the symptoms. So as it could not just be a coincidence.
Now consider this. I think what happened is the front door to the church was open and -someone- perhaps not a member of the church, perhaps unsavory, perhaps being quite ill - smelled the bacon and unable to control himself, hungry, came in, and infected the lot of us due to their -umm- diligence of avoiding water and soap.
I'm not being discriminatory yet the fact so many of us that got sick - and for the count - something had to have happened to create such a rapid illness.
And yes there were metal instruments we handled without gloves so - germs all around everyone !
Hmm ... Anyways it is just NOW I am getting over it. I feel great and good now but NOW I am also thinking it may not be such a good idea to attend church when they have food - such as the Lenten Soup And Supper which lasts for 6-weeks.
However going to church on Sunday. Well I never got sick from that nor do I think many people will - and I'll be glad to get back into the swing of that.
I'm pretty easy to pick out. My Dad told me years ago I got my perfect pitch from my Mom. Back when I was a junior acolyte myself I was in the choir. It's a bit embarrassing to say now but back then I had some lovely pipes. I even received a gold award for my voice.
I wore pink robes with the other girls and had a flawless soprano. Today - not so but my voice still apparently does lead people to believe over the telephone anyways that I am a woman and I am always addressed as, "ma'am."
This is also reflected in my main protagonist, Dev. I tried to model him as closely as I could after myself. And of course the other characters, except Dev's Dad, after my own friends and relations.
Now Dev's Mother is definitely modeled after my own Mother. She would've been quite happy to have me live forever with her - possibly even marrying her. That is after all what my own Mom offered to me years ago.
Dev's Dad, Harold - I wanted him to be mostly ineffectual. Not really maintaining a particular personality. Thus I often had his personage buried behind a newspaper, much like some of the early TV shows in B&W Father-like figures.
For my own Father would steal the show if I had his actual personality in my books. If I hadn't mentioned, my Dad, my REAL Dad was a Ph.D. and Mensan. Very bright and intelligent before he passed away.
Yep he would be awesome in here, however the story was supposed to be about Dev & Tyr mostly. So I left him out except in very special instances where he helped me with chess and when I was kidnapped which did actually happen to my sister and me years ago.
Tyr of course is based on Celeste my 3rd grade girlfriend. In real life she was the queen bee above all else and those girls who chose to follow her would be reminded of their position beneath by smooching her lily white butt with whatever lipgloss they were wearing that day.
And of course Celeste was not there when I changed schools and I think it was more she that lost track of me than the other way around. I'm pretty sure we would've stayed the odd friends we were just so long as we both went to the same school over time ...
Yet if you read the Future Barrier story you will see I did not cover that aspect of her personality, running a gang of mean-spirited girls. Instead Tyr in my story while indeed sharing many characteristics of Celeste, being a queen bee was not one of them.
Instead I wanted her to be a bit of a loner really, like Dev. A bit of a dork, wearing glasses and even if not incredibly intelligent, she was curious enough about the world to make the effort. :)
And whereas Celeste never actually stood up for me, more like knocking me down when she could, I had Tyr do the opposite and be quite defensive; a wildcat in a fight in truth.
A real girlfriend for me as I never did like fighting. She would fight for me. I also made Tyr more possessive as usually when Celeste was done with me - she would walk away like I was a used piece of toilet paper. And in some cases with what she did with me, that's exactly how I felt.
I may eventually try to work some of these missing bits of Celeste's personality into Tyr, but I'm in no hurry. I've only just started writing in the 5th book.
Now I had never actually met Celeste's own Mother in real life so ... I designed Annie with the understanding that she would be tired, almost haggard, of her daughter's demanding and expectant ways. That Tyr had a total disregard of authority as well as in keeping with a devious mind for always getting her way.
I also wanted Tyr to be adopted. So her actual Mother is a bit of a mystery - and even several years later on through book 5, her true original has not been revealed.
Lilly is a different person entirely. She was based solely upon the definition that my G/F Rose gave me. Even down to the tattoo on the young girl's leg of a man fallen in his own blood. As for her fascination with blood and blades, that was also Rose's doing.
Rose described it to me. That her drinking blood, like from Dev's leg you remember that one time back in the 1st book of Future Barrier, the 45th chapter, "Taken Advantage Of."
Well to Lilly it was something arousing and stimulating to suck blood.
The squirrel you remember she had as an actual pet.
And that's it - so for now - what ? Hey ! Now I know there are a bunch of hands up out there. Yeeph ! What are you guys, in a classroom now ?
No more questions about these primary characters for now. Or even the new ones. I may do a special on Stefani Charteiris as she was quite the lady based upon many bad babysitters I had. And one for Nikki, my niece's creation. But later. Let's continue with Slice Of Life.
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I am closing the book on Pico-8. I know this was kind of my goal yet - I didn't think it would happen so soon. Now I'll be there to help out other coders and all yet - I hunger - to go back into BlitzMAX. I realize I should be working in a more advanced language, I just don't think old as I am, I'm going to pick C++ or Java or whatever right up and start cracking into it.
Not today. It's sort of like downstairs where I live. I have many boxes from when I first moved in and I haven't even opened them. Today I don't even know what could possibly be in them. Memories. I'm sure of that - yet I'm not so sure what they could be. Hurtful. Probably. Best to keep them boxed I suppose.
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And that's it. Please enjoy a new chapter of Future Barrier. We are going to take a different direction here. I've had plenty of time to think about what I want to do and - hopefully - I won't be breaking any tried and true tropes nor my own previous chapter storylines.
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Well with that let's return back to Dev and the not-so-to-be-trusted Dr. Seisbee in his following.
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