Secret Technology,
Unrequited Love, Absolute Vengeance
© July 2022
- Written by David
Please do
not reprint without permission
Slice Of Life (07-29-22)
Hey and hello.
I know it has been a-while since I last wrote in here. Do I sound older ? I think my voice sounds older than the last time we talked. Not so high pitched as it was when I was a teenager, isn't it ?
Strange time in my senior years for my real voice to finally catch up with me.
. . .
Well what was keeping me busy from writing was a lot of things in truth. Well this CARD program for one:
I wrote it because quite simply there is nothing else out there like it. And I wanted to stay busy. And it is pretty smart. That is if you save a table with turned over cards and then load it back later, those cards that are turned over will NOT have the same values as if they were drawn from the deck.
No, they are intelligently and randomly picked from the existing deck, meaning you could lay down 52 face-down cards, then turn them over and find they have different values altogether from the last time you viewed them.
I can't find a program like this out there, especially for the cellphone where I want it. No, most programs in fact just show one big playing card in the center of the screen. You tap or swipe it, it shows the next. No, that is not good enough.
My program gives you a clean table where you can place down in a 13x11 grid area grid boxes (for reference), a gold coin, used as a counter or identifier, a face down card, or a face-up card.
It's smart too in that if you hold down X and Z together and press an arrow key it will automatically pull a random card from the deck, lay it down face up, and then go in the direction the arrow key sent you letting you make a line of cards face up this way.
Anyways, so yeah I'm back into programming - too many good ideas to pass by, including, do you remember ? Puzzle Knight ? I will be doing that in time. Time is about what I have now.
. . .
And ... life, as the case might be, or death as the truth of it was. I have lost two of my close aunts in the past 6-months, spending time with them weekly, and it was eating me up inside.
I know I mentioned this earlier but for those of you reading this anew, I made a quote. And it is a powerful one.
"There is no greater sorrow than remembering happy times that no longer can be."
Yet the opposite is also true.
"There is no greater joy than imagining happy times yet to come."
Such is the human heart and spirit.
We have to move on ... those are the important words. I know it seems silly that I learn this from a science-fiction movie yet I remember the people from the original Alien movie wearing spacesuits are descending into a pit on an alien planet and this happens:
The woman says: "Let's get out of here."
And he says: "We've got this far. We must go on. We have to go on."
And those simple words made a big impact on me. "We have to go on."
The world will most definitely spin with or without us. Which is why taking your own life is so incredibly pointless.
Sure you may stop yourself from hurting from whatever but those people you leave behind - and they don't even have to be family - will suffer greatly because of what you have done.
That burden will be with them the rest of their own lives even after they have cleaned up after your life into death.
So instead we tell ourselves, "We have to go on."
Those people who have died of natural causes, them shining down from heaven, they don't want to see us truck with grief.
As my sister said when she passes on, which I hope is a long time from now, she said she doesn't want a funeral but a celebration of life, of those people still with us. To celebrate their birth, the people they have met, and the friendships they have formed.
Despite this, I did attend the funeral of my older aunt. I did offer what kind words I could about how great a grandmother she was to me. And how I knew everyone would sorely miss her. And I was brimming over with tears when I said it ...
Yet someone once said it is not what you do in life that matters, what matters is what people remember you for when you have passed on - what you will be known for long after you are gone.
. . .

I also know I stated earlier that Katy said she would be leaving Carlos in the event of Gramma's death. And that has happened.
But no, she changed her mind and now more than ever she wants to stay with Carlos, in his custody. And I'm glad for that.
Since she's going to stay local I hope to see more of her so I can teach her some pitfalls I had in my own life - and how to avoid them.
In an unusual way perhaps I'm hoping as she gets older she will be stronger than me - for resolve - for self-esteem - and if she ever does meet any bullies in her own life - that she meets them head on, to stop them in their tracks, not just to protect herself - but those around her who cannot.
. . .
Off subject a bit if any of you are fans of Final Fantasy 7 for the PSX, you should totally look to the Remastered Final Fantasy 7 for the PC.
I have it now, played it won it, am playing it again, and =AM= a little bit disappointed that the game goes as far as the motorcycle challenge then suddenly lurches into a final boss fight - and - the credits ... ?
"To be continued."
Yep, they're going to milk it for all its worth.
As a bonus though for finishing the main game, you get a nice side quest with Yuffie. And the voice actor who did Yuffie went above and beyond the call of duty to voice perform. Simply perfect in every possible way.
The game is no slouch either, decompressing at over 180gb ! You'll likely need a terabyte drive or something to handle all that. Good game overall. Every single line is spoken.
And if you start a new game you get to keep all your experience points from the previous time giving you more of a chance to explore dangerous territory and discover new things.
One negative, the game uses SO much memory on my computer I have to literally either reboot my computer or shut down damn near everything in it before it will run. So - that is about the only problem I have with it - and likely will have with modern games in the future. My computer will just not be powerful enough to run them.
. . .
Regarding games I was quite pleased to find this interesting and clever dice game over at Ollie's for $7 called, "The Little Prince Planet Game."
Having seen the new movie I was impressed to see this is actually a marvelous thinking game for kids and adults, where you roll 3-dice and then with all the wooden round chips up, try to find a match.
There are 6-images in all. The Fox, Girl, Mom, Man, Boy, and Rose. And the wooden circles are not all 3-images.
As it's possible to roll the dice and get all roses, one of the wooden circles has just the rose on it.
What an incredible and interesting game ! And I got it for a good price, too. $7 at Ollie's and saw it selling for no less than $30 on Amazon. Still if I had the finances I would definitely pay $30 for it.
It's timeless, forces you to think, and is fun for the brain. A real winner. And I'm certain the game idea is not original as it uses permutations. Likely from an earlier century there were games based upon other popular trivia yet essentially the same game.
Still great to play in this format. I may even try to write a Pico-8 version of it, 1-player mode, using colored squares instead of pictures as you remember Pico-8 only has a resolution of 128x128 pixels.
. . .
I also posted my "ultimate" idea for a programming language to the computer group I am in - as they did request to know what it was. So I wrote up about 25+ pages for it. Posted it where they can see it. And then ... silence.
I feel like I must once again be The Little Red Hen and bake the damn bread before anyone will arrive to give me the time of day. And if you haven't read the story of the Little Red Hen and her bread, you should. It has quite the moral tale to it.
In any case, *SIGH* frustrating I have to do this but life can be that way at times where no-one wants to help or do the hard work yet are more than happy to share in the finished and final product.
. . .
I guess one other thing is worth mentioning. As you know I collect teddy bears, all kinds. Well, Katy has gotten so violent with one of my teddy bears that both the neck and back opened up with stuffing coming out.
I was pretty dismayed to see this happen yet I knew when her and me were talking in the tent about problems at school and her life in general, I let her take it out on one of my teddy bears.
I since used safety-pins to repair the bear, placed on a shelf, but told her - no more teddy bears. You can tear up a pillow I can buy for $2 or so, but no more teddy bears.
I realize she is more than frustrated having lost both her Mother and Grandmother both in 6-months time, yet I really don't want her taking it out on my teddy bears. Many of them are old and antique.
. . .
I can't think of too much more than that. Winter Thank God is finally on its way and not before time. While we may not get snow at least we can see a break in the horrible triple-digit temperatures we've had for months now !
If you look to the progression of Earth it is unfortunate that we are not headed for another Ice Age, no, a Heat Age, where every year it will be getting hotter and hotter.

I was talking with Carlos one time about taking away 25% of the heat of the sun and what problems would that cause ?
He was firm, PLENTY, he said. Many people rely on the light and heat of the sun for solar collectors. So plants have enough sunlight to grow into fruits and vegetables we eat. Gravity would be affected as well. We would likely flip out of orbit and smash into another planet.
As for me - that will be a topic I will address in Future Barrier 5, and yes I will be continuing onward from here.
If I hadn't mentioned it earlier, this should be the last book in the series. And what an adventure it has already been ! There is still yet the climactic conclusion of Darceon and what power he holds over the world and why he needs Dev to enable its destruction.
So turn off your TV, turn off your radio, and open your mind to yet another crazy chapter of Future Barrier starring Dev, Tyr, Lilly, and new Nikki. As they meet and greet whatever amazing adventure befalls them.
And that begins ... now !
. . .
Janet having entered the codes to the control tower.
She stated falsely that she was transporting the mayor of Wannabee to a new destination impelled the helicopter forward to the top of a new building. Some type of business. From there she carefully landed and bid us all exit.
We did so and saw we were downtown - and it was nighttime. I really wasn't paying attention to how late it was - but it was.
Janet then turned to look at us. "Borne, Cryshta, Venier. Parents. As you know your homes have been destroyed by the government - in their search for Dev. I have a friend who lives in Wannabee so that's where we're going now - to regroup and decide what to do."
So saying she opened the door from the roof of the building and we saw a welcome elevator in front of us. We entered within and started to head for the bottom floor. We arrived in a short time and when the doors open I immediately saw a reception desk ! We would be caught !
But fortunately there was no-one there. Maybe they went on bathroom break ? We quietly left out the door. I noted how different the air was compared to Mr. White's domain, the air was definitely not as clean and had a distinctive aroma of greasy and roadside food cooking and carbon monoxide from all the vehicles.
We hurriedly walked with her until we passed an electronic shop that had a TV running. Suddenly I saw my face on television !
I stopped cold in my tracks to listen to the audio beyond the television.
"Have you seen this boy ?"
"I'm not a boy !" I demanded for the umpteenth time when Janet bid me hush so we could hear the rest of it.
"His name is Dev and he is an important witness to a federal crime. It is vital we find him as soon as possible ! The reward for information leading to him is now up to $200,000 dollars ! If you see him don't hesitate to call the following phone number to claim -"
I turned away from the television with tears in my eyes, "I'm a wanted - criminal ?"
Janet was there to console me, "Now, Dev. They didn't say criminal, they said witness. Nonetheless we need to be very careful. The whole city could be out looking for you."
As we stepped away to the street a rumble of thunder pierced the sky. Clearly it was going to rain.
One tall man in a trench-coat leaned in to get a better look at me when Tyr suddenly leaned forward to jump in the air punching him in the face while yelling, "Boo !"
All that pent up energy was unleashed in her small fists and he immediately fell over like a fallen sack of potatoes.
"Tyr !" Janet hissed, bidding her to behave.
"He was getting too close to Dev !" she said back.
Suddenly someone down the block said, "Dev ! Is he here ?"
Nikki sighed looking ahead seeing this was going to be more difficult than she thought. "What are you waiting for ? Come on ! We're too visible out here on the sidewalk. I know a shortcut around this block."
So saying she grabbed my hand hard and darted down an especially dark alley with me in tow. Yet the others were not aware of this !
I was trying to tell her we were leaving the others behind, pulling on her hand, trying to get free when we had had already traveled about several feet down to the middle of the garbaged-out alley when suddenly someone stepped out from the shadows. A sinister looking youth - staring at me with a hungry look in his eyes.
"I know you ! The whole city is after you ! That reward money is as good as mine ! If you know what's good for you you'll come with me !"
Nikki suddenly let go of my hand to start to crouch down in an attack stance when suddenly she trembled frighteningly and fell over.
"Nikki ... ?" I asked in a quiet voice. Strangely she was snoring yet it sounded awful and raspy.
The youth came close to remove a pin that had a wire on the end of it from her chest. "Hah ! That taser I ripped off from that cop earlier definitely paid off."
"You !" he pointed to me. "Come here !"
I stayed where I was still crouched down looking over Janet hoping she was okay.
As I did he grumbled and carefully bundled back the wire into the taser gun he had. It took about a minute, then he pointed it at me and spoke, "Now ! Unless you want to experience some electric sleep like her, you'll get up now and come with me, shrimp !"
"She's going to be okay ?" I asked.
His face drew up in a terrible grin when he heard my quiet high-pitched voice. Nonetheless he nodded, "Yeah. She'll be fine. Look we'll bring her along, okay ?"
So saying he whistled high-pitched and two more teen youths appeared. "Grab that girl. Collateral. Now let's move, people !"
"That's you too, Dev, money man !" I nodded. I didn't want to be left behind in the alley.
"What about my folks ?" and I pointed behind me.
"Whatta mean your folks !?" he snarled pointing the taser behind me, trying to peer past the darkness.
"They don't know where I am - Nikki - she pulled me away - "
"They'll be fine too provided we leave now. Anymore questions ? No, then shaddup and come here !"
I closed my mouth. And came forward. Suddenly he snapped a ring of handcuffs over my right arm to connect to his left. "You ain't getting away now."
"Let's go, people !"
Then we headed out. I looked to see one large teen had Janet lurched over his back and was surprisingly strong for his small size.
"We'll go to my crib." he told his gang.
We back-traveled a few blocks when suddenly he came up to what looked like an elevator opening with a lock but not button.
He fumbled in his pockets, pulled out a key, and then the door opened sliding away. Yet there was no elevator room ! Instead it was a badly constructed series of wooden beams leading across to what looked like someone took dynamite or some other percussive explosive to the other side to make a kind of makeshift doorway.
"It ain't gonna break !" he told me, pushing me across.
The wooden beams creaked but fortunately did not fall as I could see the elevator went far underground.
Everyone piled in. He hit a button on the other side and the elevator door closed. Then made an awful shuddering sound but did not change.
"Yeah, I got that elevator all rigged. Best security ever. And here we are !"
So saying he thrust himself and me into the room. It was spray-painted and graffiti clearly from his team was everywhere.
The big teen had set Nikki down to the side where she continued to snore in electric sleep.
"Money money money !" my assailant said and then reached for a phone that was plugged in, clearly calling the number.
"FBI hotline." the masculine voice on the other side spoke. "Do you have a tip for us ?'
"Yeah, this is Mowery. I got your golden boy right here."
"Do you mean the recently sought after Dev Borne ?"
"Yeah that's the one. He ain't going nowheres. Now when do I get my money !?"
The voice on the phone changed to one with a slight amusing tone, "Mowery is it ? No worries. We have traced your call and location. We'll come by to pick up Dev within the hour."
"And then I'll gets my reward ?" Mowery said rubbing one of his hands together eager for the reward.
The voice on the phone spoke, "What ? Oh yes, Mowery is it ? You will then - get it."
The line clicked closed.
Then the whole team was whooping and hollering with excitement and all started talking about what they were going to do with their money.
Mowery wouldn't have it though and spoke exasperated, "Hey you mugs, =I= found the dollar dude ! The reward is mine and mine alone !"
There was unhappy grumbling now.
"Hey, no worries. We've got what, 10 people in our team ? I'll give you each a cool thousand for making it this far - how does that grab you ?"
The grumbles turned to loud cheering and huzzahs.
"Buncha idiots can't do math." he mumbled under his breath.
Then he turned to look at me, "Hey Mr. Moneybags, you hungry ?"
"It's Dev, if you please, sir."
Mowery rolled his eyes, " 'If you please sir !?' Oh God I am dying here !" He laughed nastily. "Yeah, you're hungry. Hey Mitch heat us up some pizza tots will ya ? Mr. oh-so-refined-to-be-rude here's belly is a-rumbling and mine is too !"
I then just carefully sat on the floor. Mowery sighed and pulled up two chairs, one for me to sit on and then one for him.
There was a TV set ahead of us with slightly broken glass. Mowery reached for a remote and turned on the TV.
Suddenly I heard the familiar voice of Captain Circumference !
* * *
I leaned forward eagerly to look when Mowery spoke, "Oh God ! I wish they'd get ridda this crap ! Anything is better than this !"
He was getting ready to change channels when an advertisement appeared. The screen faded to white, a large FBI medal appeared in the center of the screen and then receded to the bottom-right-hand corner of the screen like a watermark.
A man dressed in full FBI gear appeared and pointed a finger to the screen, "Have you seen this boy ?" At which point he faded from view to show a photo of me again. It really was an awful one, as if I were a deer caught in someone's headlights.
Mowery laughed, "Hey ! They're talkin' 'bout you, moola man !"
The advertisement continued.
"His name is Dev and he is an important witness to a federal crime. It is vital we find him as soon as possible ! The reward for information leading to him is now up to $200,000 dollars ! If you see him don't hesitate to call the following phone number to claim your reward."
At this point a bright yellow phone number appeared below. The voice continued, "That phone number is 555-7214. That phone number again is 555-7214. Please do not call unless you are certain you have information on him. Thank you."
After a moment the screen went dark and Captain Circumference returned.
Mowery clicked his tongue, disgusted, and changed the channel to some teenage girls in bikinis dancing to some hip hop. I looked away, uninterested.
Then Mitch arrived with a dirty metal tray that had little orange squares on them, hot from the oven.
"Pizza tots !" Mowery exclaimed and taking one gingerly off the tray blew to cool it before popping it in his mouth. He grabbed another. Ate it. Then motioned I do the same.
I really didn't want one until Mitch gave me a dirty look like I better. So I was reaching for the hot tot when suddenly there was a gentle knocking, coming from outside the elevator door !
At once Mowery's team reached for knives, nun-chuks, brass knuckles, and of course Mowery had his taser-gun at the ready. I swallowed in fear making a silly high-pitched sound getting a grin out of most of them.
Then Mowery huffed in amusement. "Arms down, fellas. These are the folks that are gonna pay us the big bucks for the return of Lucky Louie here !"
The knocking happened again, only this time louder.
Mowery screwed his face up in a frown. "Just in case this is something else." He removed the handcuff from me. At once I tried to get up to see Nikki but he pulled me back with an easy grip.
"She's fine ! Sit in here for a second, will ya ? You'll be alright." So saying he pushed on one panel of a wall and it opened revealing furry carpet walls on the inside. Then he shoved me through closing the panel. It was like a small secret closet.
I fumbled trying to find a way to stand comfortably as it was so small and there was definitely no room to sit. Mowery spoke, "Notta peep. You don't wanna make any noise if these are the wrong people."
I then tried to be very still peering out of a crack no bigger than the width of a nickel to see what was happening.
The knocking was now really loud indeed as if something metal were being hammered up against the door. Mowery sighed, "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming ! Keep your panties on !" Then raising his voice spoke, "That reward better be in dollars - no gift card or coupon crap !"
I then heard him walk out of the room to open the elevator door.
Despite being in this small closet I could hear what was going on.
The door opened and I heard a very confident male voice speak, "I am here for Dev."
Mowery speak, "Yeah ? I got your credit card kid right here. So where is my reward ?"
"You will be paid in due course." I heard that very confident voice speak again.
But Mowery wouldn't have it. "No ! That's not good enough ! YOU go back from where you came and GET my reward ! Cash, all of it. Then we'll talk about a trade. And not until then !"
The voice spoke with no change to his tone, "I see you wish to be paid in full now, that can be arranged." and then I heard the unmistakeable sound of a silencer pistol !
There was a loud thump that could've only been Mowery hitting the ground.
His team was ready though. "Did you hear that ? Someone shot Mowery ! Let's get him !"
The pistol shot two more times and then there was silence.
The killer spoke in the uncomfortable silence, "Three of you are now dead. If you wish to maintain your mortality I suggest you show me where Dev is."
There was silence. The pistol shot again.
"Four dead. Shall we make it five ? Five is a lovely number after all." It was uncanny how the killer clearly didn't care if he killed every one of them.
There was silence again. "Oh you think I have a limited number of bullets do you ? This is an advanced weapon. It shoots a high-velocity puff of air that is just as deadly as a bullet. I have more than enough ammunition to kill each and every one of you ten times over. So - I say again, where have you hid Dev !?"
Suddenly I heard rapid footsteps and the area in the closet I was suddenly inverted and I was face to face with a handsome gentleman in a lovely business suit wielding a vicious looking pistol with a silencer on the end of it.
"Dev I presume ?" he spoke.
I nodded, fearful that he would shoot me next.
As I was gathering the courage to speak someone behind him spoke, "You can't just take - " but was cut off as Ash without taking his eyes off of me pointed the gun behind himself and shot, perfectly, killing him. A shot between his eyes.
"Shall we go, Dev ?" he spoke in even and careless tones.
"Go ? Go where ?" I asked.
He laughed slightly and I wondered for an instant if he was a robot as it had a weird sound to it, his voice had a grating to it as well. "Away from this den of evil. The very scent affronts my nostrils. Doesn't it you ?"
I stepped forward when he started to lead the way. I hesitated. He came back. "Dev, you are a reasonable man. If you do not go with me I will shoot and kill someone else. And it doesn't have to be within this ... home."
He looked over my shoulder, "It could be a perfect stranger on the street. It will be your responsibility. Do you really want that on your conscience ?"
"Nossir." I said.
He nodded, clearly in control of the situation. "Then follow me and do exactly as I tell you or I will not hesitate to kill someone else." Still holding on to his pistol he lowered it slightly and extended a gloved hand, "You can call me Ash. That is what my friends call me."
"Ash ?" I asked, shaking his hand noting it was very cold indeed.
Then he suddenly pulled me forward so I was face to face with him and he had a grim expression on his weathered face. "Ashes to ashes and dust to dust. Refuse me and die you must." His face screwed up into a terrible smile.
He then let go to hold his arm up in the air as if addressing the heavens, "Every person who is born on this planet will die. No-one escapes death, Dev, I doubt even you. Why our great creator in heaven has said in scripture that he does indeed want to meet every one of us."
He twirled the gun upward, "So why don't I just send them on their way ? It is after all what He wants - I am here to deliver that prophecy - at no additional cost !"
With that he laughed and it reminded me strongly of the hyenas I had heard in the zoo. It was painful to listen to. I grimaced at how weird it sounded.
Then he turned to regard Nikki who was still unconscious, snoring, in a clump. "Who - or what is that ?"
I was quiet.
"Dev, I asked you a question. I expect it to be answered." He pointed his gun to one hapless teenager that stayed too close to watch what was happening. Ash fixed his eyes on mine. "Now ?" The man was clearly a trained killer. I saw now he didn't even need to look where he was shooting. He was obviously a trained assassin.
I couldn't think of anything else except to stop the senseless killing. "Uhh, that's Nikki ! She's a friend of mine - catkind."
"She's what ?"
"Do you mean to tell me she is part human and part cat !?"
I nodded.
He lifted up her tail and tugged on it gently. "Real tail. Interesting find." He touched a button on his waist which made a digital beep and suddenly another agent rushed inside. Ash merely snapped his fingers and pointed to Nikki whom he hoisted over his back and quickly took her out. The door closed again being on a spring and this time all the remaining teenagers were in the room with us watching carefully.
"Open the door." he told the lot.
One tripped over his own feet in his haste to get the door open for us.
With the fear that Ash would randomly shoot someone else dead, I stayed close to his side.
As we stepped out into the street he spoke back to the remaining teenage gang. "Listen to me you maggots. Money doesn't solve everything. Ask your leader, Mowery that, will you ? He's the one lying in his pool of blood !"
Ash then did that weird laugh again this time spinning the gun professionally in his grip on a single middle index finger so fast it was like an electric fan blade.
It was frightening the amount of both mental and physical control this man had !
Less than a block away was a beautiful black limousine with not so much as a single finger smudge on the windshield, glass, or frame. I saw the agent that entered earlier to pick up Nikki standing attentively by, this time wearing big black sunglasses - in the middle of the night.
To punctuate this gruesome scene the thunder rumbled again and this time a few cold drops of rain fell from the sky.
"Any trouble ?" he asked Ash.
Ash smiled revealing a long scar coming up the side of his cheek to his right eye. "None to speak of. You don't hear THEM talking, do you ?" He turned to regard me as I were his friend or something, "You see that's the good thing about the dead, Dev. You seldom get an argument afterwards." He did that scary laugh again.
Then he turned his head and had his undivided attention on a woman walking by on the other side of the street holding a newspaper above her head trying to stay dry.
Ash spoke continuing to face her and not me - and this time in a strange higher-pitched voice he spoke, "Dev, please make yourself comfortable inside, won't you ?"
I saw now what he was doing. He was pointing out to me his next target if I didn't do what he said ! He would murder that woman !
I hurriedly tapped on the glass and the door opened showing another agent. He scooted over and I sat inside.
Then Ash stepped in and I was sitting in the middle of the two agents.
Ash tapped his gun on the heavy bulletproof glass ahead getting a loud clinking and the driver ahead started the ignition and we were off.
It was quiet for a moment. Then I spoke with urgency, "About Nikki I - "
Ash cut me off, "Depending upon how cooperative you are will decide whether or not she lives or dies - it makes no difference to me either way."
I was aghast, "But you said she was unique ! You couldn't just - "
Ash nodded, clearly bored of the conversation, interrupted me again, "Indeed. Half human and half cat. An interesting find perhaps. Yet that is nothing compared to you. I don't believe I need to explain myself further."
He stretched his back on the luxurious cushion, "Please, just be quiet, sit back, and enjoy the ride."

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