FB5-11 "That Devil Darceon"
A Chapter by dw817
Now while I thought something lewd was going to happen, I was completely mistaken. Suddenly Telaya reached forward, greedily and BIT off one of my fingers, crunching it in her teeth ! 

Secret Technology,
Unrequited Love, Absolute Vengeance
© May 2022
- Written by David
Please do
not reprint without permission
Slice Of Life (05-11-22)
Hello my fellow readers.
Well I guess I should state that the first thing I did a couple of days ago was to create a comprehensive profile of myself for this free dating site I am on.
Yes, I am feeling the pinch now that I no longer have Chris's shadow to ride in. Loneliness. Oh yes, I remember that (b)witch well. The way she casts a spell over you to make you believe that you are worthless and unloved. Bad business that. No-one deserves to be alone.
So I am making a real effort to find someone compatible with myself, hell even just some friends that can watch TOS Star Trek with. I will have to see how that turns out.
On the line with Gayle, she is still in the nursing home and - wants to come home but then says she'll refuse to take any shots. She is in such critical condition if she DOES NOT take her shots, she will die. And she says she's good with that ... I don't know how I'm supposed to interpret this.
Carlos you remember, her husband and my Godfather, God bless his heart, at 88-years old is beyond frustrated at what to do and is so exhausted. Combine that with Katy's (she's 13) now 18 cats roaming Carlos's house. Oh Katy is as happy as she can be except that only =1= of them is potty trained so you guessed it.
Cat poop absolutely everywhere which she says she's picking up but even then I bet those cats can get into spots she can't easily and defecate there. Nice.

It's also not as if Carlos isn't trying to get rid of the cats too. He called up the Humane Society and they said they would schedule him in tomorrow, they will call when. And - did not. So after picking up Katy from school he had about 10 of the cats in cat carriers. I let him borrow one of my big ones. He got there and they refused for him to enter.
They said they apologize for not calling, but there is absolutely no way they can take on a single other cat. They they were so completely full of cats that he could not step one foot inside the door.
So ... he had to take the cats all back home again.

Now Katy visits me I think as much as she can because I keep my place a lot neater than Carlos, I have all the cartoons and videogames, and also I let her do just about whatever she wants. In any case she called me and said she was in the car and the cats were back in the house.
I asked if she was visiting which she normally does on Wednesday. She said POPPA (Carlos) won't wake up. She's been pulling on his arms and he won't wake up !
So I said Katy you know the difference between when someone is tired and when they need 911, yes ?
She said that she did. So I said, check on Carlos, see if he needs 911.
I waited 5-minutes and she said no, he's just tired.
I then said we can cancel the day if he's too tired. I'm fine with that. I need to do some writing anyways.
"No !" she shouted then apparently ran over to him sleeping on the couch and said, "Wake up ! Wake up ! We got things to do, Poppa !"
I heard him grumble but get up. He then came to visit 10-minutes later. I fed him as he hadn't eaten yet, fed Katy too. Then we went upstairs to watch the new movie, "Bad Guys." We got halfway through it when Katy said she was bored and wanted the Talk Tent.
I said, okay, we can do that. I looked back and Carlos was already asleep. Wow. In the Talk Tent we also toss one of my old teddy bears around. She gets pretty violent with it, I guess as a way of working out her aggression from school. And that's fine. I can always buy another if it breaks.
Katy herself is still not doing well physically. She had strep-throat and is just now getting over it slightly. The problem ? She shrieks. All the time. You remember "Shrieky" from the Care Bears ? Well there ya go that must be her role-model cause she is definitely piercing my ears all the time. I tell her to stop talking in dolphin. She knows exactly what I am talking about.
And when Carlos comes to visit, I start a movie for him and a very short time later he is already asleep and snoring. Katy thinks this is great and gives her a chance to run all around Christendom and everything without consequence.

As for me, as much as I like Katy (in small amounts), it is really showing me that I should NEVER have a child, either in this life or the next. It's not so much that they are annoying as selfish to the point that boggles your imagination.
Perhaps by my being brought up in such a sterile and protective environment, it's just shocking to see how she interprets things in life.
I have not talked to my sister since last. I'm still concerned about how thin she is. I'm hoping it's not related to any drug activity but I cannot say for certain.
Anyways, I know what you're here for. What's happening with Dev and Nikki ? Well that is about to be explained.
. . .
I continued to sleep when I started to dream. And it was the familiar one I was familiar with. With Tyr and me, naked, playing by a small waterfall that was only a few feet taller than I was standing. But the ice cold water was splashing absolutely everywhere.
And just like before I noticed that Tyr had the same apparatus I did as a man. And it made me smile.
But then as if a fountain turned off, the water suddenly stopped and Darceon appeared looming above it.
"Dev." he said. It was not so much a flat sentence as a question.
"Yes ?" I asked.
He jumped down and suddenly grabbed Tyr between her legs to reveal ...
He then apparently painfully picked her up by it, using it as a handle to hold her. Tyr had frozen up as if she were a lifeless doll.
He spoke, "You do realize this is impossible, don't you ?"
"What ?" I asked, confused.
"What do you think !?" he said raising his voice and dangling her by her ...
"That there is a waterfall here ?"
"That we are both naked ?"
"That the water is cold even though the sun is hot ?"
"What ? No, the OTHER thing !"
"What is that ?"
He sighed, shaking his head and suddenly leaned back to swing Tyr around by her and finally hurl "tyr" off into the distance.
"Wow you've got a lot to learn about girls. But look, I'm not here for that. Where do you think you are ?"
"By the waterfall ?"
He shook his head, "No, I mean in real life."
"By the waterfall ?"
He was losing patience, "No, you idiot ! You're dreaming right now. Again, where do you think you are ?"
I had to think for a minute, "Oh ! I'm - at some kind of hospital."
He stepped a little closer, "Is that what you think ?" He reached into his metal jacket and pulled out a little crystal ball that he rolled professionally around his needled fingers.
"I think you better look at THIS before you decide you're safe."
He tossed it to me and I caught it if a little clumsily. I gazed into it and could see as clearly as if my own eyes were there.
The pretty stars in the sky were suddenly extinguished and Telaya stepped in. She looked at me asleep in bed and pressed a button by the covers which suddenly and rather frightening really, wrapped themselves around me.
Another woman stepped in. "So we have more meat after all ?"
Telaya's demeanor which was so friendly and helpful before now took an ugly turn, "Sure looks like it, Maislen."
Now while I thought something lewd was going to happen, I was completely mistaken. Suddenly Telaya reached forward, greedily and BIT off one of my fingers, crunching it in her teeth !
Maislen now spoke, "Now, Teleya ! You need to wait for the harvest ! Can't you wait until then ?"
Telaya's face looked unusual too. Not just her mouth, bloody for biting off my finger but it also appeared as if she was wearing some kind of rubber mask that was tearing around the neck and beneath that was bright and pale yellow skin. There were clearly not humans as they portrayed themselves earlier to me !
In fact, my brain struggled to think what other danger they could present.
"Invasion." Darceon said, simply.
"Yes, if you had helped them get their time machine to work, these beings, the Acutions, from the root Acuti, would love nothing more than to travel to your future time and devour humans as their main course.
"You wouldn't allow this to happen ?" I asked Darceon with a bit of desperation in my voice.
He turned to smile at me most unpleasantly for a few fateful seconds. But then finally shook his head, "No, I cannot permit this. It is not written that way."
"What - what is written what way ?" I ask him.
But he had already taken back the peering globe and moved on, "I will return you to your form but you need to get up and leave. There will be a door marked with 3-wavy lines. Go through that door and a friend will be waiting for you."
With that he steps back and places both his hands forward to me. Sweet-smelling air suddenly pumps from somewhere in his suit out of nozzles directed in his palms.
And then suddenly I was awake ! Back in the same bed with the beautiful star design above.
I heard voices outside my door and waited for a moment, pretending I was asleep. Then the voices faded.
At that point I was up and dressing back into my clothes. I checked pulling on the door as earlier I knew it was locked, yet now it wasn't - likely due to Darceon's interference.
* * *
I carefully opened the door and started to step out. While I was watched by a few "nurses" no-one took any action to stop me.
It was only when I got to the doorway with the 3 wavy lines above it did a nurse come to me.
"Oh, you silly boy ! What are you doing here ? Aren't you tired ? Didn't you have something to eat yet ?"
It was then I realized the food had to have been drugged, but Darceon must've removed that poison from me.
"Oh, I'm sorry." I said in a clearly innocent voice.
She smiled, "Well let's get you back in bed, shall we ? You need your sleep ! It's already late, pumpkin."
She started to take my hand when at the last minute I pulled away and jumped through the door Darceon direct me to earlier. She yelled in surprise only once and was then quiet.
Once I stepped through there was a glowing red button behind me on the door and I quickly depressed it.
At once I could hear dull thumping on the door. There was a little switch near where my head would be by the door. I pressed it and at once a plate of glass with a curious cross-hatch pattern of thin silver lines appeared so I could see on the other side.
It was not just the one nurse now but a bunch of them and they were all trying to force the door, and further still they were bending their limbs in impossible movements for humans !
Now I really was scared. What if these alien beings in fact had no bones at all ?
Clearly I hadn't much time to do whatever I was supposed to do in here !
I looked around briefly and saw this massive stone ring clearly 20-feet tall or higher and there were hieroglyphics all written around it.
To the side of me was a wooden box with a bunch of unusually shaped and rounded what looked like legs to a chair.
On a table in front of me was a long scrap of parchment with what appeared to be broken symbols. Now I knew a bit about Egyptian hieroglyphics as I studied nearly everything in the world.
At once I was familiar with what was happening here.
I took the parchment and wrapped it around my arm and I could see the symbols become more clear but not to the point I could understand them.
so then I looked at the parchment and fiddled with it some more, trying to fold it in a kind of cylinder. Looking at the parchment and back to the wooden box I reached and fiddled around with the "legs" in there.
Finally I settled on one that seemed to be what I wanted. There was now a clear dull booming outside the door as clearly more nurses must've decided brute force is the way to open the protective door. I hadn't much time !
I took the long strip of parchment and started to wrap the wooden "leg" with it. The leg got wider and skinnier in parts and I was expecting this. Finally I had wrapped the leg entirely with the parchment and all the symbols were clear now !
I looked to a console and hit the 5-clear symbol buttons that I could see in the wrapped parchment.
At once the giant stone ring came to life and started to spin ! It spun faster and faster finally distorting the hollow center to appear as the eye of a hurricane.
"Dev !" I heard a voice yell and saw Nikki was bound hand and foot in a corner. A note was placed beside her with read, "Interrogate and eat."
I unbound her. "What's happening ?" she asked me, panicked clearly cause all of the technology around us had absolutely nothing to do with 6th century England.
"No time for that, come on !" and with that I took her hand.
"We'll die !" she said pulling back on my hand, not at all wanting to enter the fearful center of the spinning stone ring.
"No, we'll be fine ! And we'll get back to where we need to be !"
With that last bit she trusted me enough I could hold her hand and we both jumped through the spinning stone ring together.
Perhaps it was our mass or weight, something, but once we were safely through the ring and on the other side of the dimension - the ring started to spin lopsided. Sparks appeared at the console. A fire broke out burning the important parchment as well as the "leg" I had used to translate it. Seconds later a deafening explosion took place blowing out the door that all the "nurses" that were trying to force it open.
But we were free of this.
It was as if we were underwater but could breathe all the same. Whole stars and galaxies whizzed past us. We looked to our feet to see there was just the slightest trace of galactic matter adhering to them accelerating our speed even faster. I then saw our entire universe but then it was too much for me.
Whether it was the knowledge that we were traveling many times the speed of light or I just couldn't take anymore of this fantastic voyage, I passed out, maybe even fainted.
I woke up a short time later to see Tyr leaning over me as I was on my back. I jerked up in an instant to hug her, "Oh my God ! I made it back, I made it back !"
"Back from where ?" Tyr asked, puzzled.
"Back from ..." and then it seemed as if what I had lived through was a bit of a fuzzy dream. This always happens when you have a super-vivid dream and then are suddenly thrust back into reality.
"I mean - I was ... I time-traveled, I remember that !"
"So do I !" I heard Nikki's voice pipe up and she was running to me.
I looked around. I was back in the centrifuge room and with all of Lilly, Tyr, Nikki, and Janet.
But then Tyr looked at Nikki. "What's that you say ? You both had the same dream ?"
We nodded. Then both spoke together, "I time traveled to 6th century England."
Even mature Janet had to look at us quizzically now. "I imagine that is a fantastic story, but let's see if we can get out of here. We can't be too far from the surface now."
Staggering over the rubble of the remainder of the centrifuge, we went through one crumbled door and sure enough there was a clear door marked EXIT with a flickering yellow light above it.
We ran out the exit to a blissful starlit night and as it might have been day when we first entered, it was nighttime now.
Outside we found an emergency electric car and Janet drove us back to where our parents were waiting and worrying.

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© 2022 dw817
Added on May 11, 2022
Last Updated on May 12, 2022
Tags: davidw, cannibalism, carnivore, Star Trek, too many cats, Humane Society, 911, The Bad Guys, beatup teddy bear, Shrieky, Care Bears, skinny dipping, invasion, Acuti, Darceon, time machine, heiroglyphics, Nikki, Egypt