Secret Technology,
Unrequited Love, Absolute Vengeance
© January 2022
- Written by David
Please do
not reprint without permission
Slice Of Life (01-06-22)
Hello hello !
Yes, you can probably tell by my voice that I'm still pretty creaky with I guess what must be the Flu. I am getting myself tested for the Covid proper this Wednesday (01-12-22).
Nose still a little squeaking, have a very bad dry cough, and an almighty headache that will not be suppressed by Tylenol or really anything I have. Watery eyes. Congestion in my chest. Pretty well the works.
Anyways, despite all this I am going to write up a new chapter.
First some of the good news. Katy is seeing a counselor at school regarding her Mother's death. Thank God for that. I know she wasn't showing any grief and now she must face it proper.
Rather than smoothing it over with money and gifts like her relatives did. No, she needs some one-on-one counseling to talk about the situation professionally. I'm glad that's happening.
Kay came yesterday morning (01-05-22) and did much more than wash dishes and prepare me a meal. No, as she stepped in she yelled at me, David, you there ? You stay in bed. I'll take care of everything.
And she did. She organized my cabinet, refrigerator, freezer, even my upstairs bathroom, she straightened up the counter top there and cleaned everything down. I didn't realize this later until she left though I did call her up to thank her for the extra effort she put out.
Some of the bad news. Katy has been having health problems. Not good for being only 12-years old. She throws up about 1-2 times every 2-weeks. It's not anorexia or bulimia either, she just, her belly can't take it. And she is far from overeating, she nibbles at her food, I guess because she knows she can't keep down very much.
I asked my sister about it and she said she was the same way growing up, low blood sugar, fainting, and throwing up.
So maybe this is something pretty common with girls. Fortunately she has never gotten sick at my house. If I prepare something for her I always ask her if she can finish it first. If not, we pick something smaller for her to eat.
And to date, no, we still don't know what killed her Mom. I've added a few new culprits to the list as I've been giving it some thought.
1. Stress leading to heart attack, a lot of people die from this
2. Emphysema from smoking cigarettes
3. Overdose of some drug we are not aware of, she has been known to dabble
4. Overdose of Primatene, my sister says this is unlikely though
5. Covid related
6. Something to do with being overweight
Those are my guesses. But as of this date the hospital has not done an examination yet. I'm guessing they are probably pretty busy with other Covid related deaths.
And let's consider my situation too. I have had all =3= Covid shots and still I got laid up by what I hope is the Flu. I will let you know if it is the Covid, however, I should have those results by 01/13/22. If it is and you guys have NOT gotten your shot, I suspect you are in a much more likely situation to get it, and worse, than I have.
Anyways that's enough negative.
The positive is Chris did help me return the cellphone joystick and ordered me the correct one, exact same kind and company, just this one is designed for my cellphone.
My new carry case arrived. Despite it being 2x the size it has about the same storage maybe an inch less than my original carry case.
I should get the new Joystick this Friday and will let you know how that turns out.
So how have my dreams been ? Incredibly weird, but I think you get that if you are running a fever and have a high temperature, which I have the past few days.
. . .
In any case, let's return back to the story, Dev's adventures in 6th century England.
. . .
Nikki took the key and climbed the tavern steps to see the rooms there ...
While she was getting a room for the night, the party with the King and me was just getting started.
Two burly men brought out a huge metal cast iron pot as wide across as I was ! There was applause to this and everyone sat down to rudely thump up and down their knives on the table in unison. The king looked to me. I looked back. What ?
Then the pot was set in the middle of the table and the King was urging me out of my chair. To stand on the table ! With a huge knife. The lid was lifted and inside was a collection of roasted vegetables and slices of burned and braised meat.
The King knocked a knife against his glass again to get attention. "Our guest will serve the meal this evening."
Me ? A plate was thrust before my legs and I carefully picked up the big knife and - well - tried to skewer one of the potatoes but the knife fell from my grip and whizzed past my ear to land behind me.
I tried to turn around to get it but it had pinned and cut into my leotards revealing the humiliating panties that Felicity had given me - so I was trapped and couldn't move with my butt sticking in the air.
The whole table now erupted with deep and ferocious laughter at seeing the thin pink fabric and me wiggling all around them in my haste to pull free. The King shook his head muttering to himself and standing on the table himself, pulled the knife out of it so I could be released.
"Sit down, boy." he told me. I dutifully got back to my chair, smoothing down the cut fabric so as not to reveal more of myself than had already happened.
"I will cut the meat." He said clearly disappointed that I couldn't even heft a proper knife for cutting meat.
Then plates were presented from all sides and he neatly filled them all. He started to walk back to me seeing my plate was empty.
"Aren't you hungry, lad ?" he asked.
I nodded.
He looked at me. I looked at him. He looked at me. I looked back him. I smiled.
Suddenly he erupted with anger, "Give your plate, Dev, if you plan to eat this evening that is !"
I quickly handed him my plate.
He looked at me curiously as I held it in the air instead of just pushing it forward. He sighed again. Took the plate from my grip and put on two half potatoes, some sliced carrots, and a small serving of meat.
Then he returned it to the me the same way. Not like everyone else but holding the plate above the air for me to take back to my table. I did so.
I started to skewer a potato when he slapped my hand. He tapped his glass again. Clearly no-one was eating. He held aloft his cup and spoke, "For the glory and victory of Dalamier ! DIG IN !"
Then everyone started into their food, even Felicity across the way lost interest with her Footsie play. Me ? I was looking around for an eating utensil, something besides a knife. Then I saw it. One of the noble women across the way. I got out of my seat to address her.
"Yes, milord ?" she asked.
I reached up to her hair and touched something there. "May I have this please ?"
She nodded, "If it would please, milord."
I took it, "It would. And I will return it."
I took the device and went back to my meal. Then using her hair pick as a fork I managed to cut off a small section of meat.
Those in front and to the sides of me stopped to watch this curious action. There. I did it again. They were absolutely mesmerized by the fact you could use a metal hair pick which was much the size and shape of an American fork to hold your meat and use a knife to cut it.
Even the King took notice. There was quiet around the table as they watched me with great courtesy eat my food ...
But then as if the magic moment was lost, everyone went back to barbaric eating jabbing the knife in the meat and bringing it up to their face to pull and chew making an absolute mess out of their faces, mustaches, and beards from the meat sauce that lingered around it.
There were no napkins either. I carefully dabbed my face on the tablecloth in front of me. the King continued to watch me eat and swore to himself he never saw anyone eat food in such a - well, feminine - no, that wasn't the word, such a dainty way so as not to get a single dot of mess on my face or clothes.
And I did finish my meal about the same time as everyone else.
* * *
And everyone else looked like they could use a bath. A water trough was brought out and nastily enough the knights shoved their own faces it in blowing horrendous bubbles and laughing all the while to each other. This apparently was their idea of a wetnap.
When it came time for Felicity to do it though, she quickly thrust her head in the water then jerked out with a sword in her hand to smash the pommel into the Knight that had deliberately come up too close behind to look at her undies.
His face was bleeding but he was beaming a grin from ear to ear, and his fellow Knights patted him on his back, consoling him. "Maybe next time."
I was offered to wash my face in the same way but surely didn't need it. The other knights looked to me.
I realized without the protection of the King there I would've probably had my clothes ripped off, my head thrust in the trough, and been fncked "in the arse" by every one of them who saw my gentile ways as being a bit more than gay and pompous.
Fortunately the King was there. "If our guest doesn't want to cleanse himself, he doesn't need to."
Then laughing slightly added, "And it certainly doesn't look like he needs to."
"Yeah, the frilly catamite." One of the burly knights said watching me closely.
The King grumbled uncomfortably. It was clear he was hoping that if someone from the future did visit they would've at least have been up to Page standards of muscle and bravery, but not me. More and more the King believed I could do less and less for the kingdom itself.
Dessert was brought out which was basically frozen fruit and sugar. I was amazed that ice was even available yet this did seem to be a pretty prosperous kingdom.
Seeing I had finished all my food, Felicity had come up to me, latching her pretty arm around mine. "Now I get MY dessert !" she said.
The King looked to his only daughter and shook his head. Finally he spoke, "Fel, can I at least suggest you go easy on our guest ? It's clear he's quite fragile and delicate. Don't break him - if you can ?"
This brought about some hooting of the knights that were in earshot.
"No worries, Papa." she said. "Tonight I fnck a boy but tomorrow he'll be a MAN !"
The King nodded. Sighed, and left.
"Come along, you." she said. It was clear to her I didn't want to get fncked in the arse or otherwise. Nonetheless she had some loyal Mollies follow to make sure I didn't escape or get away.
I was quickly led up a ring of stone stairs to her room. The Mollies left making sure I was locked in her room and i could see there were two chalices. One of which had pink jewels on it, the other blue jewels, possibly sapphires. Beside the blue cup was a little pill.
As I observed this Felicity spoke, "Give me a moment to change, loverboy. Then we can get to it !"
Thinking quickly I took the pill and mixed it in the pink chalice.
I carefully put the cup exactly where I found it. Then she came out wearing some kind of sexy see-through underwear.
"You ready to become a man ?" she asked in a savage tone.
I swallowed hard getting a high pitched sort of hiccup coming out of me. She ran to me, "Oh my god, I could just devour your innocence, like glutting myself on a sugar stick - for days !"
I reached to the tray. "Ah, but first we drink, right ?"
She looked to the tray and the pill was not to be found. "We were going to do that after." It was clear she was now looking on the floor to see if the pill had rolled off. It was also obvious she didn't want me to know about the pill or she would've merely replaced it.
I insisted, "No, drink now. And - whatever follows in the night."
She smiled and leered, "I'll drink to that !" and taking her chalice drained the contents immediately.
Then looked to me, "Now you."
I nodded, "But of course." I brought the drink up to my lips but did not drink setting it back down.
"Nice." I told her.
Then full of energy she bounced on to her bed and patted the side of it. "Come sit next to me, fragile boy from another world."
I set the chalice down and did so.
At once she started to massage my back. Oh my God did that feel good ! She did that quite professionally I might add, as if she were trained.
For a moment I wondered if the King had taught her all the graces of seduction in an effort to marry her off to the first opposing kingdom's horndog and be done with her so he could bring a new daughter into the world, one that was more refined in the social graces.
I turned to ask her something but now eyes looked dilated and she had a silly smile on her face.
"Oops." she said and fell right back in the bed. Her eyes rotated crazily then shut. A moment later she was snoring.
I sighed in relief. Then I reached in my pocket to see what it was that Molly gave me earlier ...

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