FB5-04 "Safety Pin Payment"
A Chapter by dw817
I had something else to say but then the King clouted me on the head so hard this time that I nearly fell into my seat. "That's enough questions for today, miboy." Then louder, "Let the feast begin !" 
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Secret Technology,
Unrequited Love, Absolute Vengeance
© December 2021
- Written by David
Please do
not reprint without permission
Slice Of Life (12-28-21)
Hello again, and welcome to a new chapter of Future Barrier.
Life again ... I wish I could say it's all great, but it's not. Christmas Eve I spent with my family and the absence of my Aunt, Kathy, was quite visible and painful indeed.
Katy, my 12-yo niece, I'm not sure what to make of her. When I visited Christmas Eve she spent most of her time playing Lollipop Chainsaw - apparently some kind of Playstation video game where you get fanservice for cutting zombies in half. Near as I could figure it.
Me personally ? I treated everyone with Wendy's takeout of 4-kids meals. I thought maybe a silly toy might take our mind off of the grim situation. It did sort of for me anyways. I got two toys. One of which was a cardboard mask of some animals, the other, more interesting, a bunch of stickers and puzzles to solve.
And isn't that what we do when facing tragedy or something we DON'T want to face ? Right, we stay busy.
When my Dad died 20+ years ago I found the very best way to handle it was to stay busy. And it's not like I could forget it. Oh no, every single dream I had for months was all about Dad. While Katy seems chipper and cheery I suspect strongly she is dreaming about her own Mother too.
So how did Christmas day go ?
It was pretty good. I think I kind've ruined the White Elephant thing by telling Carlos which was my present with the Angel Lamp in it. He really wanted it and afterwards it was clear he wasn't going to trade it for anything else.
The whole point of me bringing it was to give it to a Mom that had kids, that they might all enjoy it. Anyways, that's fine, I can always buy another for next year.
So what have I been doing ? Well I just recently found out that you can attach a joystick to your cellphone. Not that I'm an avid gamer, well in the sense of racers, fighters, battlers, shooters, platformers, and so on.
I =WILL= play a JRPG to the end though, no matter the platform. All the while I was at the Christmas party I curled up on the couch and was playing NES Earthbound Zero. A rather good little JRPG with funny dialogue and interesting modes of turn-based combat.
The kids ? Screaming at the top of their lungs running in and out of the house and during their White Elephant present exchange, different from ours, boy did they yell and howl and carry on about everything.

Katy must've gotten over $500 in gifts including designer purses, clothes, and raw cash. I'm pretty sure the Moms there knew that Katy had lost her Mother and thought they could smooth it over with money. And - maybe it worked. Katy was always in front of me saying, "Look what I got ! Look what I got !"
"That's nice, Katy." I told her. "Be sure and thank the others."
"I already did !" she said angrily and then would run off. *Grin* To be that age again.
So, let's get back to what I said I was doing. Obviously I'm back into programming or I think I might've found the time to write 2-chapters every week. And that's fine. I think Barrier 5 will be the last book in this series. I'll close it up like the last one, 'round about 90+ chapters, and I have a ways to go before that.
So as mentioned you can buy external joysticks for your cellphone. One that especially took my interest was a collapsible one. That you could carry with you and attach to your phone.

And I'm using some surprisingly powerful free software on my cellphone called, "RetroArch." Now before you start putting it down I realize the PC version you must be nearly a rocket scientist to figure out, however on the cellphone it is quite a bit simpler and downloads are automatic for any libraries you need.
And it is stocked. Autofire. Load/Save state. Cheat entry. Cheat search. Cheat database. Rewind ability. Turbo, Reconfigure keys, and, if I'm lucky, it'll perfectly recognize the external joystick I bought for it. Just waiting for Amazon to send it.
It also has for download for free many gaming consoles including the ones I added, 8-bit Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sony Playstation 1, B&W Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Game & Watch, and Gameboy Advance. Yet it has many many more consoles available to download like Watari, Atari 2600, Gamecube, WII ... the list goes on.
And once you've downloaded them and got your roms in place, preferably on an external SD, not your main, you can pull the plug and run the whole thing in Airplane mode (disconnect internet).
So that should certainly keep me busy. I've already started playing Wild Arms for the PS1 again and have always been enchanted especially with the music. That and good old standby Final Fantasy 7.
And yeah if you put enough on your dinner plate, like writing a diary, sorta what I do here, write up book chapters, code in Pico-8, engage in the Pico-8 community and post answers and tutorials, and play videogames.
Chances are you have precious little time to worry and be miserable over what life has thrown you, in this case, death.
And when there is the funeral and there WILL BE according to Carlos, I will be ready and dressed as nicely as I can. At that point during the funeral I can and WILL release all my pent up all my sad emotions there. I'm saving it for there.
. . .
Back to Future Barrier 5. Katy has asked me WHEN I'm going to put Nikki in - and that will be today. So while I will brush briefly on Dev's situation, this chapter will focus primarily on Nikki and what has happened to her.
. . .
I stepped in through the doorway and saw a banquet was prepared. And while those nearest there immediately noticed the silly outfit I was wearing and murmured amongst themselves. What bothered me the most was the laughter that was now starting up.
Fortunately the King stood up and started applauding which stopped everyone to also join in the clapping. Now my face pinked up in embarrassment. Some woman around the table yelled, "Let's hear it for the man of the future !"
I nodded taking in all the applause yet still realizing it was only taking place because the King himself stopped the laughter. He sat back down and then it was hushed whispering all around with some half-hearted giggles and laughter.
"Sit next to me, Dev Borne !" the King ordered.
"It's just, Dev, your majesty." I told him.
The King roared in laughter, "So modest ! Well, just Dev, sit. Sit next to me nonetheless that I might see you better."
As for Felicity she got ahead of me and sat directly opposite of the table of where I would be sitting. And she had a silly grin on her face.
I sat down and the King patted me on my head, a little condescendingly, but I took it and nodded back.
Everyone was now all abuzz in whispers and talking. The King lifted up a knife and tapped one of the crystal glasses getting everyone's attention.
Everyone suddenly got quiet to look forward.
He started to stand up and I stood up with him when he suddenly pushed a hard hand on my head, clearly wanting me to stay seated.
He began, "As you know providence has found us in the form of this young boy." and he hovered a hand over my head.
I grumped to myself. I'm not a boy ! I'm just now 18.
He continued, "And a time traveler no less ! Why this very morning I was presented with proof of this from this penny !"
He held up the penny for all to see. Then quickly pocketed it, clearly not going to share it with the others lest it get stolen.
"So tonight we celebrate two things. One, the arrival of Dev who can tell of us the future to come, and the other, the END of the Catkind that has been a sore sight in our eyes just on the edge of Mairbrook. For tomorrow morning we set it afire to their village and kill all those who do not throw themselves on our gracious mercy !"
My eyes grew wide. Was he referring to the Mollies and Tommies I met earlier ?
I stood now and he looked at me with an angry smirk. Quieter he spoke, "Yes, Dev. Do you have a question ?"
I spoke and the whole table interrupted me erupting with laughter at my timid and high-pitched voice. One brazen gentleman yelled, "Is this a boy or a girl ? I say take him to my chamber after the meal and I'll fnck him in the arse all the same !"
This brought up new laughter and cheers.
The King then spoke gravely and loudly, "You shall say and do nothing ill of this boy, Darmeron ! He is going to be our salvation in these dark times."
Everyone grew quiet. The King bid me speak, "Go ahead, Dev. We're all listening."
I had my questions ready.
"Who are the Catkind ?"
Everyone now grumbled uncomfortably. How could any traveler not know who these are ?
The King spoke seeing no-one offered to answer, "The Catkin are these half-human half-cats you see employed in our service here. That's all they are good for, servants !"
Darmeron lifted up a steel tankard of ale and yelled, "Aye, and catching mice !"
At which point the whole table erupted with laughter.
It was then I saw a Molly that met my eyes. She looked very unhappy, almost to the point of tears. Then suddenly she turned around for a second. I noticed her tail which was switching left and right, almost as if she were in deep thought. What was she doing ?
My next question was why they weren't treated as equals but then the King clouted me on the head so hard this time that I nearly fell into my seat. "That's enough questions for today, miboy." Then louder, "Let the feast begin !"
The Molly then turned around and fixed her eyes on me ! Suddenly she came around the table. Then to me !
She nodded respectfully and spoke in a trilling sort of purring voice, "Wouldst I fill your tankard, milord ?"
I nodded. She asked, "What is your pleasure ?"
"Pleasure ?" I asked, confused.
The King thumped a heavy hand on my back. "The boy will have milk !"
This brought up new laughter around where the King sat.
"Milk." she repeated. Then had a silver goblet to pour in my glass. "Sugar ?" she asked.
I nodded. Heaven knows how bad milk tasted being made in this early year of time. I doubted very seriously it was even pasteurized. "Say when."
She poured a little brown bag in. "When." I said.
Then she leaned in close to kiss me. I let her when she fumbled a piece of paper in my hand.
* * *
Then she pulled away to attend the other guests. I quickly crumpled the paper in my pocket. Fortunately no-one had seen me.
I took the only table instrument in front of me, a knife, and stirred my milk. I tasted it, but no, it wasn't bad at all ! In fact it was indescribably good ! I took a deep drink and smiled at the King.
"Not from a cow." he explained. "But from the best of our Mollies."
Now my face turned in sickness. "What ? I was drinking breast milk from a Catkind ?" Yet even in my sudden queasiness my tongue found the milk absolutely delicious. So despite me knowing where it came from, it was the sweetest, freshest, and most tasty milk I had ever had in my life.
As for those around me they were guffawing heartily that I did not choose ale or some other 'man's' drink.
Yet I didn't mind. I took another deep drink when suddenly I felt something soft and warm jab up against my crotch !
I looked and sure enough it was Felicity from across the table determined to drive home her point ! In this case, her socked foot.
As I fought to maintain a straight face things were happening outside the castle. Things happened before I had gotten there in fact.
Even before I was found by Pelinoire, Nikki had entered the room where the centrifuge was starting to spin and grabbed on to it hoping to stop it. But it would not happen. I was so caught up in my own fears I did not even see that she was clinging to the outside of it.
There was a sudden moment of dizziness, bright flashes of light, and then she suddenly appeared in the same time as me, but thrust up into the branches of a tree.
She quietly watched me from the tree, Pelinoire questioning me laying down in the strawberry field but made no move to give herself away.
When the two finally rode off she jumped down to look around. With her exceptionally strong eyesight she saw a signpost and approached it.
There were two directions she could go, "Castle" was clearly marked and even seemed to be etched in the wood with copper making it shine brightly. The other said, "Catkind" and was marked through with many daggers as if it was a blasphemous thing to say.
"Catkind." Nikki said to herself, her tail twitching in thought. "That sounds good to me." And with that she got down on all fours and ran, faster than even a horse could and with miles to cover, headed towards the unknown Catkind Village.
In less time than she thought she had arrived. At once she was confronted by armed guards with pikes but seeing her, her tail, her fur, her ears, just as they were, they bid her enter. And inside was quite the sight !
For Nikki all this time had thought she was one of a kind. That she would never find anyone even remotely like herself. And yet here was a village entirely of people just like her ! Her ears twitched in eagerness and very quickly she found a tavern called, "Cat's Tail."
She entered through a leathery door and inside everyone stopped to suddenly look at her. She didn't like the attention. She hissed angrily and bared her claws. Apparently that was enough. Everyone went back to their drinks and conversation not paying her any mind now.
She stepped up to the bar in her fur padded feet.
The bartender there, also Catkind looked to her. "You're new around these parts, aren't you, miss ?"
She nodded. He started to pick up a glass and rub it clean with a cloth. "So what'll it be ?"
"What do you have ?" she asked.
He grumped to himself, agreeing that a total stranger wouldn't know what drinks were available.
"Well, we have milk and - "
She interrupted him, "Milk will be fine."
He went over to a large barrel and poured her a glass.
"Sugar ?" he asked. Apparently it was pretty common to put sugar in milk.
"Just a moment." she said and took a sip. Oh my god ! That was so good ! Her ears suddenly twitched excitedly.
He laughed deep in his belly putting away the sugar, "Heh, never had milk before, Molly ? Man you must live really far from here."
She corrected him, "No, it's Nikki."
He looked at her now a bit confused that she wouldn't even know the names of male and female Catkind. He didn't bother to correct her though. "Well, Nikki, that will be 2 Hales."
"Hales ?" she asked.
He looked a little upset as if she were completely broke now, "Hales. What we call the coins the hairless use. Money. I ain't running a charity here."
"Oh." She reached into her pocket and pulled out some lint, a toothpick, and a safety pin.
She sighed and handed him the safety pin pocketing the toothpick again.
"What is this ? Ow !" he said suddenly putting a paw to his mouth.
"Safety pin." she said.
"It's not very safe !" he said still sucking on where he pricked himself.
Nikki looked around for a second and saw a scrap of paper on the table.
"Here, give me it." she said.
He returned the safety pin. She took and the piece of paper and using the safety pin, pinned the paper on his shirt.
"It pins things." she explained.
He looked down now in marvel. He carefully undid it and now saw there was a sharp point to it.
"Marvelous tool !" he said with appreciation. Then looked at her for a second. "This will pay for your drink and a room for the night if you need it."
"That would be fine." she finished off the milk.
"Another ?"
She nodded.
He poured her another cup and then started to very closely examine the safety pin.
"Your design ?" he finally asked.
It wouldn't do good she thought to herself if he didn't believe she made it. "Yeah." she lied and quickly drained the metal cup again of its very good milk.
"Very nice. There would be a market for these - safety pins, if you're interested." he said. She looked to him. "Oh, your room. Yeah, here, you're in #14." and reaching under the counter handed her a key that had a leather grip to it and loosely written 14 on it.
She took the key and climbed the tavern steps to see the rooms there.

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© 2021 dw817
Added on December 28, 2021
Last Updated on December 28, 2021
Tags: davidw, Christmas Eve, Lollipop Chainsaw, Wendy's Kids Meals, too many dreams, angel lamp, Earthbound Zero, Gucci Purse, game controller for cellphone, RetroArch, Wild Arms, Final Fantasy 7, time traveler, Catkind