FB5-03 "Felicitations From Felicity"
A Chapter by dw817
Felicity nodded, pleased with herself and continued in a quieter eager voice, "YOU would do well to choose to accept whatever I decide to do with you ... 
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Secret Technology,
Unrequited Love, Absolute Vengeance
© December 2021
- Written by David
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not reprint without permission
Slice Of Life (12-11-21)
... it is so uncanny that earlier I said life goes on.No, not now. Life ended. It ended for my 12-year old niece's Mother just Friday morning 12-17-21.
I had heard of people dying more often around the winter holidays and never could quite tell why. And here it is again. Death.
So what happened ? I wish I knew ... I know Kay and me were coming home from having bought some trifles at Wal-Mart for the upcoming Christmas party this 25th, and ...
 I saw an ambulance in front of Carlos's house. Kay asked me if I wanted to be dropped off there and I said no. But I did pull out my cellphone and called to ask - what is an ambulance doing in front of your house, Carlos ?He very flatly said, "Kathy died last night."I - was not really in a position to understand what was said. She was the same age as me ! So I responded, "I - cannot deal with this at the moment. Let me get home, I'll call you there."I hung up and then felt NUMB all over and cold, as if someone had rubbed ice all over me. I had just spoken with Kathy on the phone, a mere 3-days before. She had a bad cough, she smoked, and now - she's gone ?I got back home and immediately called up Carlos again. He assured me that yes, she was dead, and the ambulance was taking her body away - and I could hear Katy in the background really crying.
And not too surprising, that was her only blood relative out of Gramma that also lived there. And Gramma was really getting senile at this point. So she was really alone.After I had talked to Carlos I called up Chris to let him know what happened. Well I TRIED to call Chris. Rick his new BF answered and tried hard to disguise his voice shouting in the phone, "What the hell do you want ?"
I was polite and quiet, "Hi Rick. There's been a death in the family. May I please speak to Chris ?"
He listened for a moment and shouted back, "Chris doesnt' FNCKING live here anymore ! Don't call again !" slamming down the receiver.
Wow. So I tried calling again and again Rick answered being very angry and livid and absolutely refusing to let me either talk to Chris or even leave a message for him.
Rick shouted on the phone and made threats - precisely the same words and what he said he would do with me - what those bullies did do back in High-School so he was absolutely determined - to get me. Hitting well below the belt with his insulting and haunting words. As he spoke I recorded his audio with my nearby recorder.
Yet seeing I couldn't get through to him despite the tragedy, I wrote Chris an Email:. . .Chris:
There has been a death in the family.
I have attempted to call and/or leave a message at the standard phone number 817-***-**** and reached Rick who was beyond rude and insisted you no longer lived there - despite him clearly hearing me say there was a death in the family.
I called back and he had nothing but hateful and vengeful words, many precisely chosen words I told you in confidence of abuse I went through. As proof I have an audio recording of his slurs as I do this sort of thing when people attack me.
My question is, if someone like this treats me so callously during this very serious time, just how good a friend could he possibly be for you - in time ?
I had long since apologized for the way I spoke earlier to him - so I'm not certain where his wrath is founded - especially in a time when we need to hold together during tragedy. Where I need to hold together.
Please call me, I will be here.. . .If you're curious the 'apology' I am stating is where I had proven Rick lying on many different occasions. I had since determined that Rick is just an outright liar and I need to stay away from him. He obviously was very angry and quite upset that I record things that were proven against him later. So I 'apologized' for that.
Chris never called me on the telephone but finally sent me an Email, said that he was helping Robert, his earlier roommate, to a new address. Prior to Rick, Robert was staying with Chris, although the relationship there was platonic ... The current relationship Chris has with Rick though is very physical.Chris promised he would see my Sunday so I agreed we could meet then.
Saturday the day after Kathy died Carlos called me in the evening. He asked if I would like to go with them, him, Katy, and Gramma, out to eat at Old South Pancake House. I said yes, I would like that. When we arrived, Libby was there.
That was Kathy's other daughter - well, she didn't spend much time with the real family. But she was obviously very upset upon hearing of her Mother's death.
We all got coffee except Katy who got a sprite. We ordered a bit of food except for Libby who said she didn't want any, and, well, I focused my conversation around Libby and her job at the bank. I tried to keep everyone's spirits up.
Well she said she didn't feel well about the time we were ready to head out. Leaving ahead of us it turned out she paid for the entire meal and two souvenir coffee mugs, one for Carlos, one for Gramma.In any case, Katy had changed her mood. There is precious little space at Carlos's house so she told me she is very happy to have her Mother's room all to herself. In the car she was showing me her Mom's cellphone and asked me how great is that now that she had a working phone ?I sighed, "Katy, your Mother's death means much more than material objects or comfortable lodging. You may not see that now, but you MUST in the time to follow."She looked at me I guess almost fearfully, like I was trying to remind her of something that was very tragic she had not yet really accepted. I decided not to press the issue. Clearly she was dealing with her Mother's death in her own way.In any case, I did reach Chris in person Sunday (12-19-21) and with insurmountable evidence as I record everything, he finally said angrily, "Fine ! Rick was just teasing you, okay !?"
But I wouldn't let this go. "Teasing !? I was mentioning a DEATH in the family and he decides to SHOUT at me angrily telling me you no longer live there !? And never to call back !? And THEN starts to threaten me with the very bad things that happened to me back at school !?"
Chris continued to defend him, saying I called the wrong number, that I was mistaken, that Rick would never do anything to harm me. But I wouldn't believe him. If you really do want someone to hate you, really hate you, prove them to be the liar they are when no other evidence is against them.
Today I checked my mail and did in fact receive a nice Christmas card entitled, "From Chris and Rick." So ... I don't know. I mean I know I'm crazy without my meds - but Rick ? He's acid. There's no other word for it.

I hope - if he's got some kind of mental problem, or whatever, it works itself out or he receives the proper medication to keep it in check.
Later that day my doctor called me and I told him what was happening, especially regarding Rick's incredible rudeness to me. The doctor said despite having been friends with Chris for decades now, Rick seeks to alienate you from him (Chris) so they can be alone together.
But I told him that's not going to happen. That I would fight to keep Chris as my good friend.The doctor told me there are no worries. With everything that happened and as despicable as he was on the phone to me, their - relationship - will fail in time. This Rick, he will do something, something unspeakable, to truly push Chris away. Just - don't get in their way when it does happen.I think all my life I have been empathic and - when I come across someone who is the polar opposite, it really does rub me the wrong way.
So - upcoming Wednesday, 12-22-25, the three of us will get together like we normally do. Carlos, Katy, and me. Probably watch a really nice rated G Disney Christmas movie or something. Have some hot cider and ice-cold eggnog and - well, deal with the day as best we can.
That's all of life for now. I know a lot has happened since our last transmission, but I think dealing with death - right now - is enough for me.
. . .
With that, let's begin ...
. . .
Suddenly a castle came into sight.
Not a tourist castle or even that nice one they had at the water park I saw years ago. A real honest-to-goodness castle ! Stone walls, moat, with pennants and flying banners.
Sir Pelinoire held up his sword aloft and yelled, "Welcome, Dev Borne ! To Castle Dalamier !"
"Dalamier ?" I repeated. Even the name sounded majestic !
He rode loud, clopping horse hooves across the wooden drawbridge and into the castle itself which was a little like a fortress. There were many doors and small standing buildings inside. For the center of the castle itself was hollow and open to the sky.
Nearly everyone had wide eyes looking at me. My bright blue shirt and white shoes. I was definitely out of place here - and they were all curious to know where I came from and why.
Suddenly Pelinoire rode hard to the left inside a stables where a stableboy immediately took to petting and grooming the horse.
"Brogin." Pelinoire said nodding to him, jumping off the saddle. Brogin nodded back. Then Pelinoire carefully helped me off myself. I lurched to the side absolutely rideweary from the short travel and felt as if I could throw up.
"Easy, Dev Borne." Pelinoire said patting my back as I lay hunched over. "Are you going to be okay ?"
I nodded. Pelinoire laughed and patted his mount. We both stepped out of the stables and already a crowd of people had gathered to look at the new person - me !
"Stay close to me and no harm will befall thee." he whispered and pulling out his sword swing it around as he spoke, "Make way ! Make way that this - visitor - may seek an audience with the King !"
Everyone stood back and cleared a path. I followed Pelinoire inside another door and he directed me to sit in this single wooden chair in a room. I did so.
I looked around to see what all I could and it was obvious people were standing on each other's shoulders to look through the tall windows if just to catch a glimpse of the stranger new to these lands - me !
I didn't have long to wait when suddenly a woman burst in wearing the classic regalia of the period. She saw me and smiled wide. Then she suddenly took my hand and said, "Daddy will see you now." and fair dragged me through another door where I was presented before the King, Queen, and court.
Already Sir Pelinoire was kneeling before him. As I stepped up I could hear the conversation.
"The stranger claims to be a time traveler from the future."
"He had this on his possession."
And Pelinoire handed the King my penny to examine.
"Marvelous, simply marvelous." The King said fingering it in his weathered grip. Then he noticed me. "Step forward, young sir. That I may better see you."
I realized then that the King must be slightly blind. He was definitely old, although the Queen sitting to his right while old did not appear quite as in bad shape as him.
It was then he noticed my glasses that had somehow gone unnoticed by Pelinoire earlier.
"What ? What are those ?" he said and spry for his age leapt up to remove them.
I panicked, "Please, those are very fragile."
"Fragile are they ? Can they help me see ?"
He turned to put them on himself but suddenly removed them, "Gad ! The sight I see is worse than ever. You may keep them - for now."
The King then stood completely trying to meet my small height - and was unable, his own back arched I thought from early osteoporosis. Then he bid me to lower myself to his level. I did so and he examined my face with his hand lens.
After a long moment, "Not one smudge. Not one nick from any blade." The King sat back down heavily in his throne. He smiled at me, "Clearly you are not from - here. Come, we are having a celebratory banquet tonight for we now celebrate two things ! Let me have some of my Mollies prepare you !"
"Molly ?"I asked.
The King suddenly looked to me with a fierce face. I didn't know what to say. Did I do something wrong ? I curtseyed.
The King's daughter laughed at how silly it was for a boy to do this. Then realizing she was royalty suddenly stopped.
Pelinoire who had been kneeling all this time suddenly stood up to clap a heavy hand on me.
He apologized, "Forgive me, milord. I'm certain Dev Borne means, 'Your majesty.' "
I nodded my head suddenly, "Yes. I'm sorry. Your majesty."
But the King had his magnifying lens now on the 2021 penny, examining every groove in it. He waved a hand at me, "Yes yes, that's fine. We - have rules here, Dev Borne. You must show proper respect to my family and me at all times. Perhaps this is something not familiar to you. I hope you agree. You're dismissed."
Pelinoire started to push on my back to urge me through another door when he was confronted by the daughter of the king leering at me savagely.
"Felicity, ma'am." he said politely to her.
She turned to look at him with an upturned nose and spoke haughtily, "I shall take and prepare the stranger, Pelinoire. Your duties lie outside the castle, do they not ?"
He looked at me almost disparagingly, like this was a really bad idea. He leaned over to whisper something in my ear but she then shouted, "Do they not !?"
He then came to attention, squeaking the metal armor. He nodded hard at her, "Yes ma'am." and then left us alone.
Felicity like before took my hand and without much consideration dragged me through one of the open doorways. It was clear she was very excited to have met me.
"Oh my god ! You are so handsome, young Dev Borne !" Without waiting for a signal she suddenly leaned over and kissed me hard on the lips. And - it wasn't entirely pleasant though I detected a trace of real cinnamon. I daresay I was cleaner than her despite her being all perfumed and powdered and everything.
She pulled back for a second to look at my face, to see if there was passion on it. And there wasn't. I was pretty sure she was disappointed by this but nonetheless she led me to another room where there was a very large metal tub.
She spoke in royal tones, "Dev Borne. You are to be bathed here before presenting yourself to my court again."
"Clothed ?" I asked her.
She looked at me with a wide smile at the evil implications running through her head but caught herself and spoke haughtily. "Dev Borne, I know not what world you come from, but you will address me as, ma'am or miss !"
"Yes - ma'am." I said dutifully.
She looked to me with a smile hearing my strangely high-pitched voice and giggling whispered under her breath, "Oh god I hope I can bed you later !"
"What !?" I said in shock. But it was heard on deaf ears for suddenly she snapped her fingers and women appearing JUST LIKE Nikki appeared ! This was impossible ! I could understand I was in the 6th century from time traveling but these cat-like people were definitely not part of history !
They were dressed in simple peasant garb and apparently were all female.
"Mollies, this is our guest for the evening. Dev Borne. You shall clean him - now."
So saying the cat-like people came up to me and started to undress me. And Felicity was more than content to watch with a big leer on her face as she sat on an upturned bucket.
Suddenly she shouted, "You're going too fast ! Don't make our guest dizzy. I mean - I want to see his - " and caught herself before she said something lewd. She continued in the same loud voice, "You know what I mean ! Slowly, now."
So the catfolk started to remove my clothes at a much slower pace. Felicity got up from her bucket to walk around me now, much as a hawk observed prey. I bit my lip in embarrassment. As each article was removed from me they were carefully examined by both catfolk and Felicity.
We were getting to removing my underwear when I squeaked in fear and bid the catfolk to stop.
Felicity enjoying the show up to now spoke angrily, "Oh what's the problem NOW ?"
"It - it's inappropriate for me to strip in front of you !" I told her, holding on tightly to my underwear. "Umm, miss."
Felicity approached me and pulled a riding crop off of a nearby shelf and approached with a fierce look on her face, "Inappropriate. Is that what you're telling me, Dev Borne !?"
* * *
"It's - just Dev. Your majesty - I mean, miss."
Felicity turned her back to me. "I'll tell you what's inappropriate, 'just Dev.' Inappropriate would be me tying your stupid head with heavy rope to the back end of a horse's arse that you might be encouraged to eat its dung the rest of your days !"
Even the catfolk looked terrified of this threat and backed away.
I was silent in her rage. She whirled around to face me shrieking, "So don't you EVER tell ME what is INAPPROPRIATE !"
She looked to see if I was going to say anything. I didn't.
She nodded, pleased with herself and continued in a quieter eager voice, "I will decide that for myself and YOU would do well to choose to accept whatever I decide to favor you with or where to put your stupid head, even if its up the cleft of my OWN arse ! Do I make myself clear, Dev !?"
She suddenly swatted me on my bottom with the crop. I cried out more in surprise then pain, it was clear she wasn't trying to hurt me.
Nonetheless I kept quiet and merely nodded to her, respectfully.
Her manner changed completely to one of sexual interest. "Good boy, you see you can do what you're told to - " she held up the whip to my eyes, "with the proper encouragement."
She looked down to my underwear, the only article of clothing I had left. Desire overcame her and she reached out to remove it - but suddenly stopped and spoke to herself, " 'Tis sweeter to let the fruit ripen before I plucketh thee from yon branch."
She stepped back and snapped her fingers again. The catfolk seeing the princess's rage was ended came up and bid me sit in the tub which was hard and cold. Then I saw them bring buckets of water in. They poured one bucket in and I shrieked very high-pitched.
Felicity was there in an instant, "You, Molly, what the hell did you do to him !?"
I stood from the tub shaking off the water, "She did nothing, Ma'am. It's just - that water it's really cold !" And I shivered.
"Cold water ?" she said. She tittered and laughed and spoke in coddling terms tilting her head playfully. "Too cold for your wee wee, boy, is that it ?"
I guess she expected me to roar angrily at being spoken to as a child but I didn't, I just nodded.
She grinned ear to ear, delighted to find someone that wouldn't fight her on everything. "You are something of a puzzle, aren't you, Dev. Fine. Mollies ! The water is too cold for Dev so you will heat it ! You will not scald him - you will give him a nice warm bath - as he commands !"
One of the Mollies, apparently the leader spoke, "Dearest madam, that is a great burden on us. We only do this once a year, in December, and only in bitter winter !"
Felicity would not hear of it, "I don't care if it's the peak of Summer, Kinta ! If our guest wants a warm bath then that is precisely what he will get ! And if he wants it on the daily that he may be cleansed before mine eyes" - she turned to look at me biting her lip in earnest - "then it will most definitely happen !"
The head Molly sighed, not really looking forward to the work, but nodded and then they all started to heat the water in fires around the tub. They brought by a bucket. One spoke. "Test this temperature, milord, to see if 'tis ready for you."
I put my finger in the bucket and it was perfect. "That's fine. Thank you."
"Thank you." she said with acid in her voice and poured the water in the tub. It took some time to heat up all the water but finally the tub was filled. Then the Mollies came and started to scrub every part of me.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Felicity having retrieved my socks she shockingly brought them close to her nose to sniff. "God that's good ..." she whispered and carefully rolled them up to carry in her dress pocket.
I had a feeling I had better NOT bed down with this sex-starved girl, princess or not, lest she split ME 'twain, in her exuberance !
I was scrubbed with a bar of soap that looked more like a gray brick with royal indentations in them and it was not entirely pleasant. Like a stronger version of "Lava soap." It definitely wasn't all that soft.
Nonetheless they got me clean washing every part of my body including under my arms, behind my ears, my feet, and all around the underwear I refused to remove.
Just then a servant came in, also catfolk, but a boy.
Felicity I saw was sitting down on her bucket again, this time both her legs were shockingly exposed from the dress as she had hiked it up and was clearly playing with herself down there watching me get bathed. She saw him and hissed at being interrupted from her private time, "God ! What now !?"
He nodded respectfully, "Milord wants to know why it is taking so long to bathe the guest. It is nearly time for the celebration."
She sighed and tapped the crop on her leg, "Tell Daddy that our guest insisted on hot water for the bath. Now shoo !"
He nodded again and left.
The bath finished. I don't think Felicity was really satisfied despite her playing with herself earlier. As the Catfolk started to wrap me up in very soft material, I think fur to dry me off, I saw Felicity suddenly flounce up, her dress fell to her toes again, and shouted.
"Back off all of you ! You are dismissed ! Go !" Then in a very sexy voice said, "I'll dry off our new guest myself."
The catfolk suddenly just let go of me and I fell out of the tub to the stone floor clumsily. I stood up to shiver. "My underwear is wet." I said, literally freezing.
She murmured to herself, "That's not all that is - " and caught herself, "I mean - well what am I supposed to do about it ?"
"Do you have something dry for me to wear ?" I asked her.
"Well of course we don't - I mean - " and she pulled back for a second. "You stand right there. don't move a muscle. I'll be right back."
She suddenly ran off leaving me standing there on the floor to shiver in the cool air. I heard a mouse squeaking in the distance and still wearing my glasses I turned to look but could not see anything except torches on the walls.
Suddenly she had returned and had a wrap in her hand. Because of the dim light I could not see clearly what it was.
"This is dry. You will wear THIS while you are in my court. And if you need another I shall provide it."
I took the article and seeing a folding wooden wall quickly got up to strip my wet underwear to the clothing she gave while behind it. It felt funny, like satin.
I stepped back out and Felicity lifted a lit lamp off the shelf so I could clearly see what it was now.
She spoke with a leer, "Dear Dev. While you entertain us in our kingdom, you are directed to wear whatever I give you. And that includes THIS !"
I looked down as she shone the lamp and saw now I was wearing panties, pink, silk, laced, and quite possibly very expensive for their time. As the material was considerably thinner than my own underwear, a distinctive bulge protruded from the front.
Still holding the lamp she came to my sides to pull on the hem slightly, wiggling the bulge. "Here, keep those snug around you."
She then came to face me and holding the lamp above her, shockingly stared down at the bulge in the panties for an uncomfortably long amount of time with her wide eyes. After a full minute a single drop of drool left her mouth to hit the stone floor.
I was terrified at what a total animal this girl was ! I started to speak when the same servant from earlier came again to appear at the entry, "Ma'am I - "
But she interrupted him, "Alright ! I understand. The celebration. Gods of thunder ! Leave my sight, urchin !"
He quickly ran away. Felicity gave one last longing look to my undies and then turned her head. "These were picked out for you on your arrival, stranger. You will wear these."
I lifted them up. While they weren't feminine they were clearly the clothes of a - court jester ?
"These ?" I said. "Surely there are different clothes."
She narrowed her emerald green eyes at me, "Oh yes, Dev. I have different clothes in mind for you. Do you think a harlot's leather skirt would better suit your white skin ? Perhaps you'd like to show off your fine lace panties to everyone in our court ? Just give the word and I will make it happen for you."
I jerked my head back in fear. "Nono ! No ! No, these will be fine, err - ma'am."
"A shame, perhaps later, in my boudoir." she said and retrieved her riding crop again giving it a satisfactory smack in her hand for emphasis.
I quickly dressed in the clothes. I looked to the hat with bells and brightly colored baubles on it. "Please," I asked her. "Can I go without the hat at least ?"
She raised her nose at me as if it was a great decision she was making. Finally she spoke, "Okay, Dev. But you owe me. You would do well to remember that this evening."
It was then we returned to the court-room, me fully dressed, dried, and ready to see just what was going to happen next.

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© 2021 dw817
Added on December 21, 2021
Last Updated on December 21, 2021
Tags: davidw, 2021 penny, death in the family, hot cider, eggnog, time traveler, eyeglasses, Felicity, bedded, catfolk, catlike, Mollies, warm bath, riding crop, sexually deprived, wee wee, sniffing socks, Lava soap, panties