FB4-86 "One Really Rickety Roller-Coaster"

FB4-86 "One Really Rickety Roller-Coaster"

A Chapter by dw817

"Look !" Lilly said. We did and sure enough it was the Carny from earlier running around and talking to the other guys. Then pointing up at the roller-coaster ! Surely he didn't know where we were !




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F U T U R E   B A R R I E R
( The 4th Novel )
Secret Technology, Unrequited Love, Absolute Vengeance

© February 2021 - Written by David Wicker
Please do not reprint without permission



* * *

This chapter is Rated: TEEN

Slice Of Life (02-09-21)

Afternoon Folksies:

* I guess the first thing I should point out are these new WORDS that appear in my text which are bold and blue. Well, these words are ones that I have added to Urban Dictionary and you can certainly go there to read their meaning.

Hmm, on a different note, I was with Carlos at Wal-Mart the other day and as he has difficulty walking, a bad knee, we were going to try to get him one of the electric carts they had there and there were 5 all lined up, 4 had paper bags over the handles and the middle one did not.

What was strange though is the ones that were "broken" were all plugged in to be charged.

There was a woman greeting people in the door. I had to ask her, "The ones with bags over them are broken and don't work, right ?"

"Yep." she nodded agreeably.

"So why are you charging them ?"

"Because they're broken !"

This reminds me of a circular argument in the classic tale of The Little Prince when the Prince is examining the planets surrounding his home, asteroid 46610 Bésixdouze, and comes across a small planet with a fellow who is drinking liquor and looks as if he has more than enough.

"What are you doing there ?" asked the Prince.

"I am drinking." replied the tippler.

"Why are you drinking ?"

"So that I may forget."

"Forget what ?"

"Forget that I am ashamed."

"Ashamed of what ?"

"Ashamed of drinking !"

So, yes, sometimes people's thinking does get into this rut of a cyclical argument.

How often does this happen in circles where someone has a problem, a question they need an answer to - and strangely no-one seems to be able to give a normal reply.

I was reading this recently, someone was complaining about a feature in Firefox not working correctly and even after bringing it up in safe mode it wouldn't work.

A reply appeared, a rather complex one that involved making direct changes to Firefox's CSS handler and after about a half a page of how to do this monster complexity ended with, "But this will not solve your problem."

So what was the point in it !?

Recently I highlighted a story I wrote which I think is important for anyone to read called, "How to fish." It is not directly speaking about catching trout or even tuna, no, it is a story in how some people can give you the completely WRONG answer to a simple question.

And online this does seem to be happening more and more often.

You can find that story HERE:


On another note, how often do we panic ?

I was with Chris over at Burger King. I am very new to this Wi-Fi being only familiar with Hi-Fi speakers, however I wanted a tool I've had since Windows 95 to run correctly on my new laptop.

Unfortunately since it had Windows 10 it requires to download online (and it can be no other way) a particular binary library to function properly. As the laptop itself has no internet plug it must done through Wi-Fi, and I told Chris I'd treat him for lunch if he can get my tool working.

Against better advice he suggested I take my laptop with us to the restaurant where they have Wi-Fi.Wi-Fi I am finding is wireless internet, almost as strange to me as a wireless mouse. My Dad many years ago gave me a good scare with that thing.

Today of course I do NOT use Wi-Fi. Everything is plugged directly in the wall and I have no wireless devices whatsoever except of course my cellphone which I don't have a choice on.

Years ago I could see people in the future putting telephone handles in their bags and purses and in any restaurant or public location you could snap the plug in any of hundreds of available outlets.

And be charged for your call on your credit card as issued by your receiver, you need only carry the receiver part of the phone.

Naturally today things are quite different with wireless and now even stranger wireless electrical charging ! But, I digress ...

Back to Burger King he managed to login to their own Wi-Fi there, downloaded the library I needed, and lo and behold my Windows 95 favorite filer program worked perfectly.

I thanked him of course and when we ordered lunch I ordered an extra burger for him to take home - which he didn't want. So we made a stop by the house to leave it off.

What I'm getting at here though is fear. That cold and slimy thing that creeps in your mind when you're certain to lose something.

Well after we did all our shopping Chris said, "Where is your laptop ?"

And I looked in the backseat of the car. It wasn't there !

Now Chris said, "I remember you putting it here !"

I asked, "Did you cover it up so someone else wouldn't see it ?"

He shrugged, "No."

I panicked, "Then someone must've jimmied the door and taken it !"

Owow was I upset ! Fortunately I had learned years ago to NEVER carry any personal information on anything I take out the door except for what is in my wallet.

But it =WAS= a loss. I had worked so hard at getting both DOS and Windows 3.1 to run effectively in there so I could have my old games and favorite tools - and now it was gone. That and the fact the cost involved in paying for the laptop itself.

Someone had looked in the window, seen it, opened up Chris's car despite it being locked, probably with one of those Slim Jim things, took only that, closed and locked the car, then left with my laptop.

I sighed. Wow. What a day. I guess - I guess I have to buy another laptop and start over ...

But then Chris asked, "Where did you put the extra burger I didn't want ?"

I remembered that, "In the fridge."

"So where did you put the laptop ?"

"I set it on the chair when we walked in."

He sat there smiling at me without saying a word. It was a full 60-seconds later before I realize I had JUST said where I had put it.

Now I know senility hits when you get older but LORDEE if it doesn't seem like it's grabbing my by both of my pelotas into the dark recesses of forgetfulness and gnawing fear of loss.

And yes as we walked in, sure enough, there was my laptop sitting nice and neat on the chair.

It's gotten to the point I worry about my cellphone and wallet that I can't have them downstairs anymore because I'm always going downstairs to make sure they are there.

So now I have a little box upstairs and I can easily turn my head to the right and see they are there. And unfortunately I find myself "losing" these two items multiple times a day so I just look at the box and see them there. But it's never enough once per day.

If you're wondering this obsessive-compulsive behavior is because half of my dreams do involve loss. Either people pushing their way in my home despite me not knowing them, borrowing stuff I have and never returning it, or just stealing my stuff outright.

And while none of this has happened in many many years, my brain still preys on thinking it CAN happen, and as such makes me extra diligent to keep track of my personal belongings.

Does this happen to you ? Or are you one of the blessed that after seeing something is safe assume it will be the rest of the day - which likely it would be.

. . .

In any case, let's get back to Dev. Right now he's aboard a roller-coaster with three girls, Tyr, his girlfriend back from 3rd grade, Lilly, her friend, and Janet, Dev's "bodyguard" issued by the mysterious Mr. White.

The Monster Mouse roller-coaster lunged forward !
And got caught by the cable beneath and clackety-clack started to climb the very high angle to start.

Janet yelled over the noise, "Do you guys still have your eyeglass clips on ?"

Lilly and Tyr nodded. "How about you, Dev ?"

No ! I didn't ! I hurriedly fumbled in my pocket and with the restraining bar still managed to get them tied to my glasses in time.

And once we reached the top we started to slowly descend making very sharp turns.

I guess it was the way the roller-coaster was designed but as soon as we would get to a turn, you could no longer see the metal strip that carried us ! It was quite terrifying and all of us shrieked when the entire cart tipped forward as if to dump us out and then make a hard jerk to the angle.

We did this a few more times and there was the payout. The big drop. Now I don't know if you've been in a roller-coaster before but when you fall on the drop you FALL !

It is not a pleasant, oh look, we're rolling down, no you fall so fast that it's as if there was nothing connected to you or the roller-coaster !

"Augh !" I shrieked in fear as the other three girls shrieked in delight.

Tyr fumbled with her hands to grab mine - which did make me feel better. I turned to her when she suddenly leaned over and smooched me hard on my lips. I could taste her cherry lipgloss suddenly.

But WOW did I feel better. I smiled and looked forward where another hook was bringing us up for another banter on the roller-coaster track.

As we were going up, Lilly pointed to the side.

"Look !" she said.

We did and sure enough it was the Carny from earlier running around and talking to the other carnies. Then pointing up at the roller-coaster !

Surely he didn't know where we were ?

"That's not going to be a problem, is it ?" I asked Janet, clearly the senior of the bunch.

She shook her head. "He tried to rip you off. If he says any differently I'll see to it he tells the truth before the day is done."

And then we were at the top again. This time it was not so pleasant a sliding down on the turns and the roller-coaster made horrible screeching sounds clearly from lack of lubricant on the tracks. Combine that was =2= sets of falling followed by rapid up and down again.

Finally returning back to the starting station.

The carny there smiled, "You kids have fun ?"

* * *

The three girls cheered enthusiastically, "YEAH !" The carny then helped me out of my seat as I was still in it.

He eyed me, "You look a little green, buddy."

I nodded. I definitely didn't want to go on that again.

Janet was immediately to my side and without permission shoved a menthol cough drop in my mouth. I nearly gagged at the sudden reaction and looked with bewilderment to her. What is she trying to do, choke me ?

She just smiled widely and we were on our way to check out the rest of the carnival.

There was quite a bit we were going to check out. They of course had more carnival rides, they had more food stalls, games, and even a gift shop.

Tyr spoke now though. "It's my turn ! Let's go in the Fun House !"

I urrped again speaking, "Tyr. Those things flip you all around. I'm not feeling too good as it is."

Janet put her hand on my back which I had to admit must've felt pretty sticky right then. "Aren't you feeling better ?"

I nodded. "Yeah, thanks for the methol - just - hand it to me next time, though, okay ?"

She grinned. We started to walk when she swatted my bottom again.

The other girls didn't see this. I whirled my head to look at her with surprise where she only grinned again.

Tyr however did grab my arm and Lilly didn't seem interested in that at the moment but of the artwork for the Fun House.

"Lookit this !" she said and we went to the side.

While I can't really say it was pornography as it wasn't outright nude photography, there were certainly some lewd pictures painted there.

One showed a very big breasted woman with her boyfriend. His tiny red-haired head was buried all the way up in her cleavage and a silly cartoon bubble beside him showed a classic red heart.

Walking around the side were other strange pictures.

One was a woman rowing a boat, nude, and the man had leaned his head back, buried once again in her huge breasts.

Another image was more comical. It showed a very thin-legged gentleman holding his hat as he was running away from what clearly was your classic cartoon ghost.

The last image showed the same big-breasted woman sitting on the face of the thin-legged man as she comfortably read a book. Once again a silly cartoon bubble with this time a musical note appearing from beneath her buttocks.

The girls were laughing out loud at the silly and ridiculous artwork. I was more concerned that in all 3-image sets the thin-legged gentleman wasn't getting enough air to breathe.

On the side finishing the art it showed a different kind of artwork. Very foreign. Very naughty.

It was a scene indeed of two children like you might see in Campbell's soup, the little girl was wearing a darling little dress, wooden shoes, and had a hold of the boy's lederhosen straps, pulling on them and was peering down inside with a look of shock on her pink dimpled face.

I sighed, "Let's hope the ride is better than the artwork."

Janet cuffed me, "Oh, Dev. Where's your sense of humor ? Those pictures were simply charming. Probably all the way from Bavaria is what it looked like."

I grumbled to myself. Another carny was at the entrance to this particular walk-in "ride." He spoke with a thick German accent, "Four kinder, eight geld."

I gave him some money and received the right amount of change. And then we walked up to one big door and stepped inside !


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© 2021 dw817

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Featured Review

Charging the broken carts, LOL! It's like the old hole in the bucket song:
That's definitely going on the list of songs to sings with my son.
Also, the peanut song. In the version I learned, the narrator dies, gets rejected from both Heaven and Hell, gets reincarnated, and finds another peanut:

My internet isn't quite plugged directly into the wall. I use a powerline adapter because my desk is in the bedroom, and we don't want to deal with a wire going through the door.

That mouse mouse is too cute!

I lose things a lot, too. We put the paperwork we got from the hospital in two or three different piles, and for a moment we thought we lost the instructions on how to pick up the birth certificate. We got it all sorted out, though.

I try to keep everything in its proper place, but Husband tends to toss stuff wherever he feels like it, so that's part of the problem.

Oh, that's a fun kiss! Great chapter overall

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Years Ago

>> Charging the broken carts, LOL! It's like the old hole in the bucket song:
https://youtu.b.. read more
Kari Rakitan

3 Years Ago

I don't think Henry is an a*****e. I think he's just dumb and can't think through how to solve the p.. read more

3 Years Ago

I'm just being silly and facetious to poor old Henry. I don't mean him no harm ...

Ye.. read more


Charging the broken carts, LOL! It's like the old hole in the bucket song:
That's definitely going on the list of songs to sings with my son.
Also, the peanut song. In the version I learned, the narrator dies, gets rejected from both Heaven and Hell, gets reincarnated, and finds another peanut:

My internet isn't quite plugged directly into the wall. I use a powerline adapter because my desk is in the bedroom, and we don't want to deal with a wire going through the door.

That mouse mouse is too cute!

I lose things a lot, too. We put the paperwork we got from the hospital in two or three different piles, and for a moment we thought we lost the instructions on how to pick up the birth certificate. We got it all sorted out, though.

I try to keep everything in its proper place, but Husband tends to toss stuff wherever he feels like it, so that's part of the problem.

Oh, that's a fun kiss! Great chapter overall

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Years Ago

>> Charging the broken carts, LOL! It's like the old hole in the bucket song:
https://youtu.b.. read more
Kari Rakitan

3 Years Ago

I don't think Henry is an a*****e. I think he's just dumb and can't think through how to solve the p.. read more

3 Years Ago

I'm just being silly and facetious to poor old Henry. I don't mean him no harm ...

Ye.. read more

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