FB3-81 "A Photo Opportunity"

FB3-81 "A Photo Opportunity"

A Chapter by dw817

Tyr grabbed my feet from her bed and turned me over in it. Then she pounced on me like a hungry lion. "Aren't you sleepy, Dev ?" she purred seductively, kneeing me suggestively between the legs.




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F U T U R E   B A R R I E R
( The 3rd Novel )
Secret Technology, Unrequited Love, Absolute Vengeance

© December 2018 Written by David Wicker
Please do not reprint without permission

 CHAPTER 81 - "A Photo Opportunity"

* * *

This chapter is Rated: TEEN

Back with Dempsey, the rain in the barn had abated and the trio started to mull things over.

What to do from here ? But their thoughts were cut short with Petrov noticed that the diamonds he was earlier carrying from Arkos were somehow now fake !

"Are you sure ?" Dempsey growled. Without waiting for an answer he queried, "How could that be ? There were real before, right ?"

Petrov spoke, "Yees, dey vere, I eem seartain boot now dey are noot ! I suspect you fdend Antoony he has somevink tue doo vit dis ! Yes ?"

Now Pritchart spoke angrily, "Are you calling my friend a thief !?"

Petrov gave him the stinkeye, "If der shoe fits - vare it !"

But Pritchart didn't defend him any further. He nodded after a moment, "This is something he would do. I didn't mention but in years past he was a professional jewel thief. He - he could've cut those fakes."

Dempsey growled, "Oh that's just great. Well he's dead meat now ! Let's get the real diamonds back so we have some money to work with and hunt down that snip of a girl, Tyr ! She's the cause of all these problems !"

Pritchart sighed. There was no honor amongst thieves. He certainly never hoped to get on the wrong side of his friend, Dempsey - more so than Antony.

Pritchart spoke carefully, "I - I think I saw an old truck as we entered this b - barn."

Dempsey mumbled, "It's probably out of gas."

Pritchart countered, "Yes, but it's not damaged like the car was from the cornfield. Let's transfer the gas from it to the to the - the truck and then we can go back and pay a visit to Antony to see - see if he did in fact take the diamonds."

Petrov now asked, "How ehr you goink to proof he doon it ?"

Pritchart put a finger on the end of his very long nose. "You just wait and see what I do. Now, how many diamonds do you have ?"

Petrov spoke without looking, "Eelefen. Boot zey ahr noot diemoons ! Zey are feek !"

Pritchart held up a hand, "No, that's fine. You had twelve then prior to giving one to Antony ?"

Petrov nodded.

Pritchart grinned widely, "Then it's very simple gentlemen. We'll go back and demand to see the one we gave him as payment. If it's fake, then maybe they were all fake all along. But if it's a REAL diamond, then yes, I'm afraid that Antony has done you the disservice of robbing you, Petrov."

Petrov growled, "Ee weel koot his heeart out and meek heem eat et !"

Pritchart's grin quickly faded. It would be alright if his friend, Antony, got in trouble for trying to steal diamonds from Petrov, maybe even roughed up a little. But now it seemed like him and Dempsey were bone determined to MURDER him outright in his own house !

* * *

The drive from my house to Tyr's was a short ride.

I leaned my head forward trying to shake the dizziness. "I don't feel well." I told Tyr's Mom, Annie.

"It's just all the excitement." Tyr offered. Annie nodded, apparently accepting that.

"Well, that's fine, Dev. Here. Now let me set up a room for you in the basement and that can be your own personal bedroom."

"He won't need that." Tyr said quickly. "No, he can stay right with me. Isn't that right, Dev ?"

She massaged the back of my head which truth to tell at the moment felt really good right then. She then pushed gently against my head causing me to inadvertently nod.

Annie was none the wiser for what was happening though. "Oh, that will be okay with you then ? Don't you want a room for yourself ? No ? Okay. Well I know you will get along together just fine."

I was still too dizzy to argue. Tyr expertly grabbed my hand with one grip and my suitcase with the other. Then started leading me to the front door making sure I didn't trip and fall.

Once Annie had opened it, Tyr bee-lined straight for her room, where I flopped down face first in her bed.

She regarded me with those perfect evil violet eyes of hers, "Soon." she said in a quiet and sinister tone.

Then there was knocking, it was Annie.

"Dev, do you need anything from me ? I'm going to a parent/teacher's conference meeting. Tyr are you ready to go ?"

She didn't open the door but spoke innocently, "No Mom. I'm going to stay here and help Dev get settled in. It's his first day here you know."

Annie smiled, "Well that's nice, dear. Aren't you being helpful ? Okay. The meeting doesn't require your presence. Will be gone for a few hours and return. Dev, honey, if you need some food, there's plenty in the refrigerator."

I didn't say anything. I was still seeing stars.

She hesitated. "Are you okay, Dev ?"

Tyr huffed angrily, "He's fine, Mom !" Then she hiccuped to hide the wickedness in her voice, "I'll - I'll take care of him."

Annie sounded a little crestfallen, "Okay, honey. You be nice now. I'll be back later. Don't open the door for anyone except me."

"Gotcha." Tyr quipped.

"Alright, bye now. Bye Dev. Hope you get to feeling better."

With that she went to her own room to change jackets, bring a folder of Tyr's notices from school from the teacher, and then was out the door.

Tyr grabbed my feet and turned me over. Then she pounced on me like a hungry lion.

"Aren't you sleepy, Dev ?" she purred seductively, kneeing me suggestively between the legs, her own school skirt rubbed hard against my bare knees as I was wearing shorts for the weekend.

I couldn't answer but yawned.

Tyr narrowed her eyes. "That's it, baby. You just relax there. Take a little nap now. You just put yourself in my hands."

Despite a pinprick of fear in the back of my head knowing how Tyr thought, I was soon asleep and snoring gently.

Tyr expertly removed my clothes all down to my undies. She sat to regard the lump up front in my underwear with hungry eyes. "We're going to have such fun, you and I, baby boy." she whispered wickedly.

Then in a wink she had removed my underwear leaving me perfectly naked. Opening my suitcase she found the diapers there. Tearing open the package she at once she realized that they were too small for me, but that didn't stop her. She made one bigger diaper out of linking two of them together with oversized safety pins that were included in the packs.

I shrugged my shoulders sleepily but didn't wake. Tyr then tore out one of the pacifiers from its blister-pack and jammed it in my mouth. At once I spat it out.

"Suck it." she said viciously, but it would not stay. Finally she stepped down to remove a shoelace from my left shoe and then fixed it around the pacifier and tied it to the back of my head, keeping it in there.

I coughed for a minute, instinctively trying to spit it out, but it wouldn't go. Finally I sucked and suckled on it, oblivious to the world.

Tyr's mouth opened in a vicious leer. "That's it, you just suck on on your sweet pacifier little baby boy, Cause I'm not done with you yet !"

She bounced out of bed, pulling free the covers, and reached for her dresser drawer where she had her cellphone and incriminating digital camera !


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