FB3-76 "Driven To Drinking"
A Chapter by dw817
The passenger side officer, not used to being put off, even by a boy in drag, spoke in an angry tone, "No, miss, I think you'd better come with us for questioning."
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( The
3rd Novel )
Secret Technology,
Unrequited Love, Absolute Vengeance
© November 2018 Written by David Wicker
Please do
not reprint without permission
"Driven To Drinking"
* * *
This chapter is Rated: TEEN
With the lights on, the two archeologists could now see around themselves clearly.
And it was obvious that Dr. Seisbee lived alone. In one corner was a carefully stacked pile of empty pizza boxes. On the other side, also neatly placed into a pyramid, were empty beer cans.
Margot laughed, "The guy sure knows how to party."
Danielle smirked, "Oh he's a real lady killer I'm sure."
Margot looked around. There was something out of place - somewhere. That painting of Einstein. She lifted it and saw a safe beneath that required digital number entry, but stranger still was what appeared to be the combination to it, taped on the backside of the painting.
She shook her head. Surely he wasn't this absent minded. Nonetheless she took the paper and started to key it in. Once Danielle saw what she was doing, she sensed danger, and reached over to stop her, but it was too late. After Margot had put in the final numbers in, a jet of invisible gas managed to spray on them both.
In seconds, they reeled their heads around dizzily finally falling over each other in an unconscious clump.
. . .
With the guidance of Hum, Central had indeed once again built a Gate to enter to the dimension where it would be possible to travel back through time to my era.
Unlike the previous Gate, this one did not use a stabilizer and instead was keyed to turn at certain intervals, pausing millionths of a second preventing anything already inside from exiting.
Murphy and his crew stood ready.
"Switch on." Hum demanded.
Murphy nodded and pointing his finger to the crew, they set the Gate in motion. Unlike previous ones, this particular Gate generator was uniquely quiet and you could barely hear a whisper of its movements.
"Next phase." Hum said.
Murphy sent forth this time 4 soldiers - to enter the Gate. While you could hear a pin drop earlier, inside the gate was all kinds of terrible howls and guttural utterances. But the soldiers were ready, back in Statix suits, and with their helmets they could turn down all the incoming volume.
Once inside the Gate powered down with no difficulty. Hum then went to stand behind Murphy as he monitored them on his console. Murphy looked over his shoulder seeing Hum and explained to Hum:
"Okay, you see, here is where they are. Here is where they need to be. It's about 30-miles, that is, if you can measure distances in there. On foot they should arrive to the Gate leading to the 20th century in a little over two hours."
Hum nodded. "This seems right. Weaponry ?"
Murphy stood up from the console to pull out one he had, "They are issued with this. It's a standard Q-beam, laser pistol. Now according to the previous team, that we lost by the way, the captain Corrigan, told us that his weapon was somehow drawn up into the sky."
"To compensate for this, we've made a slight change and fastened threads of adamantium from their pistol to their belt. So, if drawn, it would not be flung out of their grip."
Hum leaned over to look. As he did so Murphy was strongly aware now of the citrus smell Hum had, but didn't mention it.
Hum pulled his frame back, "They will run into trouble, of course. There is no denying that. Let us hope they have what they need to make it through safely."
. . .
Dempsey was the first to rise, to use the bathroom. He shook the other two to rouse him but left Antony to sleep.
"He has been paid for services." Petrov said in his thick Russian accented voice. Referring of course to the real diamond he gave him earlier.
The three started to leave, quickly ducking around the frame of their vehicle as a police car with its sirens fully on wailed up to and past the house.
"We are no longer safe here." Dempsey observed in his meaty and gravelly deep voice. Pritchart agreed. "Let us be away fr - from here."
The three piled back into the vehicle and took off at a 90 degree angle, away from the freeway and over a plot of land where crops were being grown.
* * *
Back with me I realized I would be in a lot of trouble if I told these officers I was actually a boy and not a girl. But then I wondered if I would get worse for them thinking I was a girl after all.
"Hey, cupcake. Stand up, will you ?" The officer from the passenger's side of the police car spoke.
"What's your name ?" the other officer asked.
"Dev. I mean ... Debra."
"Well, Debra, are you doing okay ? Sitting there by yourself ?"
The other officer laughed but then caught himself. "What my partner is asking is, do you need a ride somewhere ?"
I imagined these two lecherous officers not being so much intent on getting me home as in getting into my pants.
My voice cracked again, and I let it. "No, I'm fine. Thank you. I was just getting ready to make a phone call." and I stood to approach the now empty phone booth.
The passenger side officer, not used to being put off, even by a boy in drag, spoke in an angry tone, "No, miss, I think you'd better come with us for - questioning. Yeah, questioning."
Just then their radio wailed, "Car 54. Car 54. Where are you ? We have a 10-31 in progress, 3rd Bank on Westchester. There are hostages being held. Respond please."
The officer sighed, "Yeah, yeah, control, we're on our way."
With that they screeched off leaving me and the street completely empty.
This time I dashed into the phone booth and just in time as I saw the same girl from earlier try to beat me to it. Now she had to wait as I made my phone call.
I quickly dialed my parents' number at home. The girl waiting for the phone pointed to her non-existent wristwatch to show that she was in a hurry. I nodded and held up a finger that I wouldn't be too long.
There was ringing, then an answer. "Hello ?"
"Hi Mom." I started, but then didn't know how to continue.
"Dev. Dev ? Is that you ? Are you calling from school ? What's happening, honey ?"
I looked behind me. Several police vehicles and an ambulance had apparently snuck up on me as I never heard them. The team of police barreled into the club. I looked at the title which glittered majestically against the setting sun.
"Mom, I'm at Club Scintillation. Do you know where that is ?"
"Yes, honey. Your Dad goes there sometimes. What are you doing out of school ? Are you in some kind of trouble, pumpkin ?"
My voice quavered but I continued, "Well, school is out now and - well - I'll - I'll tell you when you get here." I couldn't think of anything else so I just clicked closed the telephone. I stepped out of the booth as the other girl wiggled around me to get in. I leaned up against the back of the phone booth. Sure enough she called her friend again and gave them an update on the fight at the club.
I didn't have to wait very long. I saw Mom's vehicle pull up to the club and both her and Dad got out. I approached them.
"Here I am." I said.
Dad looked me up and down. "Get yourself a real job, missy. I'm married and not interested."
"No, Dad. It's me ! Dev ! Don't you recognize me ?"
Dad looked me up and down again. This time a frightened look appeared on his face. Without a word he stepped around me to try and enter the club but there was still a fight going on and no-one was allowed in. Dad turned 180-degrees and went to the competing bar across the street, "The Flaming Fox."
"Dad !" I yelled. "Dad ! Dad ? Dad !?" He completely ignored me.
I felt cool fingers on my shoulder. It was Mom.
She sighed and spoke, "Honey, I think you need to do more than just explain why you're here. It's no wonder you frightened Harold in that getup. Now why on Earth are you dressed up as a hooker ?"
I told her the whole tale, about how Tyr got suckered in to partying with this bunch of hooligans from school. How they drugged her. How they were going to violate her, and how I said I would take her place.
My Mom now just softly smiled. "Honey, that's really chivalrous of you to take her place. But surely you didn't mean to dress up ... like this for them ?"
I nodded, "No. I didn't choose these clothes. They did. They threatened to hurt both Tyr and me if I didn't comply."
Mom gave me a hug now. "Well that's my big brave boy, I'm so proud of you."
She pulled back to regard me. "Well they certainly did do a number on you. Did you lose anything else besides your clothes and ..." She hesitated for a second to raise up my skirt to look hard there. "underwear ?"
I pulled away a little nervously, but lifted out my wallet to show her, "Ace had my wallet in his glovebox. The money I had in there has been taken though."
She took this in, "We can always get you more money. What was the name of the gang leader ? Ace was it ? Is he still here ? Where is his vehicle ?"
I pointed behind me. Now there was a barricade of policemen by the entrance. Many people were being roughly exited from the premised in handcuffs. There was loud screaming and yelling from the patrons as they were all being corralled up against a wall.
She walked over to the flip-top Hummer and asked me. "This one ?"
I nodded.
She looked around. No-one was paying any attention to the parking lot. Anyone near the club had all their attention focused on the entrance - or they were being arrested for being there.
My Mom pulled out a small knife from her purse and quick as a wink deftly punctured all 4 of Ace's oversized tires all the while watching to make sure she wasn't caught ...
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© 2019 dw817
Added on November 7, 2018
Last Updated on July 23, 2019
Tags: davidw, empty pizza boxes, stacked beer cans, knockout gas, dimensional gate, millionths of a second, Statix suits, 20th century, Q-Beam, adamantium, citrus smell, no longer safe, cupcake, take a ride, car 54, drag