FB3-47 "Tyr's Testimony"

FB3-47 "Tyr's Testimony"

A Chapter by dw817

Tyr was already upset and crying. Finally she shrieked, "Alright ! Alright ! I killed her, are you happy now !?"




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F U T U R E   B A R R I E R
( The 3rd Novel )
Secret Technology, Unrequited Love, Absolute Vengeance

© April 2018 Written by David Wicker
Please do not reprint without permission

 CHAPTER 47 - "Tyr's Testimony"

* * *

This chapter is Rated: TEEN

Welcome back !

After a bit of work in adjusting all chapters for this third book to be complete, it is now time to add a new chapter and hopefully will not need to backtrack anymore. The story is in place and only new chapters to add to the story should be appended to it.

yr was quiet for a moment. Then she spoke, "How did I escape ? Well that's a long-yarn story it is !"

Officer John nodded, "Okay, let's start at the beginning then. WHO kidnapped you ?"

Tyr could answer this easily, "Stefani. Really mean awful awful person ! Trust me when I say she's awful I tell you !"

"Why do you say she was awful ?"

Tyr related all the horrible things that Stefani did including forcing her to clean the public toilets on the floor, and she had this hair barrette that made her sleepy all the time. John busily wrote down every word she said.

Marie approached to examine Tyr's head. Sure enough on either side were small red bumps, clearly where some bit of surgery must've taken place. Taking out a small camera, she moved back Tyr's hair and photographed the strange protrusions.

She then whispered to Officer John who was nearby, "These marks are beyond what I understand, but let's see if her story matches the other girl's." he said.

John leaned forward in inquiry, "Do you know where Stefani is now ?"

At this point Tyr's eyes got wide with fright and she looked down hard at her lap.

The woman officer sighed, almost smiling to the other officer and grabbed her by her hair.

"Now look, if you have something important to tell us, let us know ! Where is Stefani ? She is wanted on multiple counts of murder and is high on the list of the most wanted criminals ! If you don't tell us, you will be aiding a known and very deadly murderer ! You don't want that, do you ?"

Tyr was already upset and crying. Finally she shrieked, "Alright ! Alright ! I killed her, are you happy now !?"

Everyone suddenly got quiet. The detectives pushed forward and all had their eyes wide open in surprise.

Officer John patted Tyr on her back to get her to calm down.

He suppressed a laugh, "That's - quite a bit to say. Are you sure of this ? Tell us, how did you kill her ?"

Tyr recounted the event back in the sewage treatment room where she called upon her ability, with Dev, to create a duplicate of Stefani by twisting time and shoving her down the center of a sewage treatment tank.

Both police grinned and even the detectives suppressed a chuckle.

"Time Travel !" one said and flung his hands up crazily. The other waved his hand for him to be quiet.

Tyr was unperturbed and faced the detective who spoke, "Yeah, I can also move things with my mind. Want to see ?"

The officer pulled his head back a little disbelieving, "You really do believe you have this ability, miss ?"

Tyr was getting angry now, "Yeah, and I can prove it. Want to see ?"

Suddenly Marie forward to John to whisper in his ear.

"It's clear the girl is suffering trauma. Something - did happen to her head. Those red bumps aren't imaginary. It also may be psychologically dangerous for her to 'prove' her special ability, especially when nothing happens. I suggest we focus on the issue at hand, where Dev and Stefani are."

"Well, wanna see what I can do ?" Tyr asked, her chest all puffed out proudly now.

"Not now. Okay, I believe you. That's fine. Settle down. Be a good girl, Tyr. Okay, so let's assume Stefani was murdered by you by - reversing time. Okay. Do you know where Dev is then ?"

"Yeah, Lilly and me summoned a demon, and she took him to hell."

"Summoned a demon ... ?" John repeated, completely not believing her.

"Yep, she was really pretty too, until she opened her mouth. Then she looked like an awful ugly-ape monster. I can show where we summoned her. Wanna see ?"

Marie tapped on John's back, a clear message like before, it might cause Tyr to go into some kind of shock when what she believes happened didn't actually.

"No, that's fine, I believe you." John said

Tyr's eyes got wide. "Gosh you sure believe anything doncha ?" she smiled toothily to him.

At which point Marie stepped forward, "We believe you, Tyr, because we ASSUME you are telling us nothing but the truth. You are telling us the truth, aren't you ?"

Tyr crossed her chest, "Every word. Hope to die. Stick a pickle in my eye !"

John rubbed the temple of his forehead for a moment wearily. Despite how made up and impossible Tyr's story sounded, it DID coincide with Lilly's in a strange sort of way. Perhaps a murder did take place ? But he doubted very seriously it would be Stefani Charteiris. She had evaded and avoided capture from the authorities for a very long time.

It seemed highly unlikely this mere snip of a girl, Tyr, could take her down single-handed in unarmed combat.

Tyr sensing the questions were done had one herself. "Did you need anything else mister officer sir ?"

* * *

John shook his head, snapped his pen to his metallic clipboard and set it in his lap.

"No. No, I think that's sufficient. Thank you, Tyr. Now we just need to talk to your parents for a bit. Why don't you go back to where Lilly is. This won't take long."

Tyr pointed at John's holster, "Can I have your gun now ?"

John jerked his head back suddenly. "Wha - what ? No ! No, you can't have my gun ! Where on earth do you ..." But he thought for a moment and inspiration hit him. "More importantly, young lady, when is the last time YOU fired a gun ?"

Marie leaned forward. Maybe Tyr shot Stefani with a handgun ? That would make more sense.

Tyr jerked her head to say no and spoke, "But I kablammied a gun one time !"

John picked back up his notepad and removed the pen from the snap to start writing again.

"Tell me." he asked. "How did you, as you say, "kablammie" a gun ?"

Tyr recalled the event, "It was one of those awful bad agents coming after me a-cause I could move things with my brain. Thy wanted me good ! And that was bad."

John nodded, "Go on."

"Well one of those smartie agents tried to shoot me with this weird needle gun. As he was a-holding it, I kablammied it !"

"Kablammied ?" John repeated.

Tyr nodded, "Yeah ! I made it explode in his hand and sent all the needles back to him. He got all dizzy or something cause he felled down then."

Marie stepped forward. "Tyr, I find this is very hard to believe. But maybe you kept a souvenir of the event or something ? Let me ask you, you don't happen to have one of those needles with you, do you ?"

Tyr's eyes got wide ! "Golly you are super smart !
Miss smartie-pants ! Did anyone ever tell you, miss ma'am, you are super smart ?"

Marie smiled tersely, "All the time, dear. Now, do you have one of those needles from these agents or don't you ?"

Tyr reached into her pocket, "Yep ! I got two. I thought they might be useful later. You can have 'em though."

She pulled out a section of tissue paper and wrapped inside were two of the needles from the gun that the agents tried to shoot at Tyr earlier.

Everyone crowded in to look. They were beautifully designed. Small glass needles, hollow, clearly with some kind of liquid in them and strange metal shapes on the top to indicate they were indeed housed in some kind of device.

Marie pressed, "So we can have these ? Thank you so much. This will definitely help with our investigation." She then whispered in John's ear, "We'll check the contents of these needles back at the lab. That will tell us quite a bit I think."

John smiled and gave Tyr a big hug, "You were very VERY helpful, young lady. Thank you !"

Tyr wiggled out of his grip and smiled shyly, "Always help your Pooper Troopers ya know ?"

"Pooper ... Trooper ... ?" Marie asked, but Tyr was already running away to the TV room where Lilly was.

Marie spoke, "The only other thing is the parents. I suggest we let them know we're done for now."

John nodded, "Agreed. Let's see now. Lilly's Mother is Coraline Venier and Tyr's is Annie Cryshta."

"Let's go meet them back in the kitchen."

They both got up with the detectives and returned back to the kitchen where both Mothers were fretting over each other's safety and their children's.

Marie held out a friendly hand, "Miss Venier, Miss Cryshta ? We have everything we need now and are leaving. Thanks for your hospitality. If we have more questions we'll call you."

They quickly shook hands and both officers and detectives left.

Back in the police car Marie was fingering the wrapped needles. "What if ?" she asked John.

John looked to her. "What if - what if what ?" he returned.

Marie was thoughtful. "What if - this girl, Tyr. What if she really COULD move things with her mind. Did some kind of kidnappers come after for that very reason. And what if the two girls did manage to summon a demon, perhaps accidentally, to drag Dev down to hell ?"

John eyed her with amusement and laughed, "You're serious ? You can't be serious ! Listen to yourself, Marie ! This isn't some crazy fantasy story you're reading here !"

But Marie was not diminished in the least. "It would certainly explain everything."

John scoffed holding up and waving a dismissive hand, "No no no. There's no way that could've happened. For one thing, why her ? Why summon a demon, or whatever it was, to begin with anyways ?"

Marie put the needles back in her pocket. "I don't know, but these needles are proof that something - something happened here. Something out of the ordinary and something definitely having to do with Tyr. Those red bumps in her head weren't caused by a playground injury. We'll send those to medical and see what they say."

John nodded, "We'll figure it ALL back at headquarters. For now I think we need to rule out Tyr having telekinetic ability. Let's keep our heads on straight. Now - if there is evidence that Tyr can really move things with her mind, well, that would change everything and we'll be back."

John started the ignition, "But I'm telling you, she has a greater chance of being hit 10 times by a lightning bolt in a single day's time rather than have telekinetic ability. Mind over matter, really ! In any case, we'll check it out as we have little else to go on."

With that and a scrabble of pebbles, the police car and detectives left Coraline's driveway.


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