Scenario 2 Respository

Scenario 2 Respository

A Story by dw817

Storage of instructions for a project I wrote 15-years ago. Just want to keep it Online for reference as I will be working on a 3rd one once I find a good programming for cellphones and tablets.


Updates for v0.093f (From David W.):

- - -

This is really bad form but I am going to put some reminder
notes in here for myself, Jan 2003 --

In the future, allow Worldbuilders to use the UP and DOWN arrow keys
on an input line to retrieve up to 8 couched entries.  For Inquiries,
make some default label names that are entered by pressing UP and DOWN
arrow keys like GOTCHA, SKIP, MORE, UH-OH, etc.  For future ScenarioX,
you would hit UP/Down arrow key on a special new up/down arrow cursor
to allow you to select your last defaults for special cases such as
multiple-line inquiries and flag-checking, etc.

If you haven't already done so, read up on ALL of the Q & A.
Many MANY of your complex questions are answered here:

I have created a special world file called ANSWERS that addresses
difficult questions by answering them in it is creating a complete
custom room detailing exactly how to do certain things, like moving
two NPCs at the same time, have a sprite enter from off-screen, etc.

I am also reading a bit of this very nicely done work by Chibiness
and seeing many changes that aren't listed.  I'll try to update
these in time.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me:

And now, back to your README.TXT.  :)

- - -

Some DOS Windows may open, when you start Scenario.
You need to hit [ALT]-F4 to close them yourself
manually after they have finished.  I am trying this to see if it is this
more compatible with those versions of Windows still having problems running

Note "," "." to go to prev/next Sprite/Critter when in map editor
"F" to fill in a region and [CR] to CONFIRM or CANCEL it.

* There are no COMMAND LINE options being looked for at this time *
* No check for moving MIDI from REALM to root at this time *
* No Red-X removal of Sprites with this release *

Note use of Alpha Objects at: 04:36/23, 00:02/60, 05:06/05.

Filebox handler rewritten, may have some display errors until polished up.

* If Scenario did not run earlier but now does PLEASE LET ME KNOW so I
can continue this version of _shell() for Scenario.

0.1 --- About this Readme
This ReadMe.txt was started by Chibiness (*****@*****.com) on March 2, 2002, in an attempt to make Scenario RPGMaker a more enjoyable experience for new users and hopeful RPG enthusiasts. It also contains clips copied from or inspired by David (*****@*****.com) Wicker's 'Quick Scenario' instructions tutorial at

0.2 --- Table of Contents

0 ----- Contents

0.1 --- About this Readme
0.2 --- Table of Contents
0.3 --- Contents of ZIP File
0.4 --- What's new in v0.093F
0.5 --- System Requirements
1 ----- Running Scenario

1.1 --- Startup
1.2 --- Main Menu
1.3 --- New World
1.4 --- Edit World
1.5 --- Play World
1.6 --- Making a Shortcut
2 ----- Playing an RPG

2.1 --- Loading a Game
2.2 --- Available In-Game Keyboard Commands
2.3 --- The Menu
2.4 --- Battles, In Scenario .093f
2.5 --- Game Over
2.6 --- Universal Game Tips
3 ----- Making an RPG

3.1 --- RPG Editor Controls
3.2a -- The Main Menu
3.2b -- The Special-Item (Sprite) Menu
3.3 --- Drawing Maps
3.4 --- Making Shops
3.5 --- Making Sprites/The Messenger Menu
3.6 --- Making Critters
3.7 --- Making Warps
3.8 --- Making Treasures
3.9 --- Making Locks
4 ----- Making an Advanced RPG

4.1 --- Messenger Controls
4.2 --- How The Sprite Messenger Works
4.3 --- Switches/Items
4.4 --- Inquiries, Labels, and Locks, Oh My!
4.5 --- The Tile-Info Window
4.6 --- Add-Ons
4.7 --- "Escaping Fights" and other neat tricks
4.8 --- Configurability (Your own Shops, Items, Player Portrait, Etc)
4.9 --- Complicated DOS Stuff...
5 ----- The Future of Scenario

5.1 --- Expected in Future Versions
5.2 --- Known Bugs
5.3 --- How you can Help
5.4 --- In Closing...

0.3 --- Contents of ZIP File
Scenario.exe - The actual RPG Maker. Run (or link to) this file.
Unzip.dll ---- The package of compressed files Scenario needs to run.
Readme.txt --- This text file.

0.4 --- What's new in v0.093F

Readme.Txt file added to releases

In the Games:
Fixed a wierd warping 'bug'.
(You might have to re-check your games and make sure they warp right)
Keep Torch Lit status after a warp.
Reset InsertPicture status with every new Sprite Message run.
Sprites that terminate to Red-X are REMOVED if there is no Merchant Tiles near them.
Player, NPC, and camera directions have been shuffled into a queue. (Check your timing!)
"F" to fill in a region with a select tile and option to UNDO

In the Editor:
[F1]-Shows/Hides the Tile Info window
[Control]+[A] -Auto-updates your Add-Ons

These are just recent additions. To see what we're working on now, check section 5.1

0.5    System Requirements
Windows 3.1, 95, 98, ME
16MB Ram
16-bit capable video card
16-bit Sound card

1.1 --- Startup
When Scenario's current version starts up, it displays a few pop-up dialogs stating that this program is Freeware, and that it is best run at 640x480 16bit color resolutions.

(If a DOS Window appears here, just close it to continue.)
If you want the windows to auto-close you will need to a adjust the PROPERTIES for them to CLOSE ON EXIT

Scenario then displays a cute blue logo screen, and checks to see if it was closed before saving changes to any RPG project.

If so, it asks if you'd like to continue editing the project, if not, to continue playing the game, if not, then to save the game, and if you don't want to save it, it asks if you'd like to abandon changes made to the game since it was last opened. It's very difficult to lose your work if you read the prompts carefully!

You are then taken to the main menu.

1.2 --- Main Menu
There are three options in the main menu. These are 'New World', 'Edit World', and 'Play World'. These are described in more detail in the sections below. Pressing [ESC] gives you the option to quit Scenario.

1.3 --- New World
To begin editing a new world, choose this option.
Note: This is NOT recommended for someone trying Scenario for the first time. Instead, Choose 'Edit world' to see how some sample WorldFiles work, and to get more, go to the download section at:

1.4 --- Edit World
This option allows you to continue editing an already made world. You will be shown the list of files currently in your 'Worlds' directory, and you can press [up] or [down] to move between them, [pageup] and [pagedown] to move faster, and [home] or [end] to jump to the first or last file, alphabetically. Any button that says [Enter] or [Return] chooses an option. To jump instantly to files of a certain letter, press that letter!

The world editor remembers the last place the cursor was, and it will open from that spot.
See section 3: "Making an RPG" for more details.

1.5 --- Play World
This option allows you to jump right into playing a game.
See section 2: "Playing an RPG" for more details.
* If this is your first time to see Scenario, go to select this and play the sample, "Suzi's Quest" from the beginning. You can always hit [TAB] most anywhere to return to the editor if you would like to -Ahem!- CHEAT or just see how certain things were made...

1.6 --- Making a Shortcut
To make a shortcut to Scenario, right-click the scenario.exe file, click 'send to' and then click 'Desktop(Create Shortcut)'.

2.1 --- Loading a Game
When you begin playing a game, it asks you if you'd like to resume from a previously saved game, if any, or to start a new game. Choose from three save spots to begin playing the game!

2.2 --- Available In-Game Keyboard Commands
See section 3.1 for Game Editor Controls.
[ESC]    - Brings up Menu
[Arrows] - Move your character around, pick from menues
[Enter]  - Talk to people, Open treasures, Accept menu options

[Number Keypad Plus] - Engages Hyper Speed

[TAB]    - Opens Game Editor

[Shift]+[Enter]-Minimize/Maximize (Also: Mouse-click on the window)
[Control]+[Z]  -Minimize Window. (Boss Key!) =)
[Control]+[Q]  -End Scenario, Auto-saving any open files.
[Alt]+[F4]     -End Scenario, Auto-saving any open files.

2.3 --- The Menu
 Displays your current Health Status

 Displays detailed information about your character

-LO  -A Low Potion, restores some health
-HI  -A High Potion, restores much health
-Mir -A Miracle Potion, revives you in battle

 Displays Names of Items currently held in your inventory

-Window Flavor -Lets you choose the appearance of window frames
-Keyboard      -Changes how fast the keyboard repeats button-presses
-Menu Music    -Lets you pick what music to hear in the Editor
-Sound FX      -Toggles Editor and In-Game sound effects
-Credits       -Displays the creators of Scenario

-Load Game -Lets you load a different Character
-Save Game -Lets you save your progress. (At Save Spots & Main Map)
-Goodbye   -Quits the game and Scenario.

 Displays your current amount of money

2.4 --- Battles, In Scenario .093f
Since most battles are generally the same, this is how they work.

If you step near a critter on any map, it, and up to two more critters within your characters line of sight, will pounce on you, engaging battle mode.

Your character appears below up to three enemy critters. A backdrop is displayed above the critters, and your health is displayed to your right. You are presented with four options.

Fight  - Allows you to attack a critter
Potion - Allows you to use potions to heal
Run    - Allows you to escape from battle
Magic  - Allows you to use Runestones to attack enemies

You will attack, and then the critters will attack, each in turn. Runestones can be used without loss of initiative (meaning you still get to attack after using them). When a critter dies, it vaporizes in a neat purple effect.

If your Hits drop below Zero, a miracle potion is used if you have one, and if not, "Oh No!", Game over.

2.5 --- Game Over
Game Over takes you back to the Load Game screen, where you can choose to load a previously saved game, or start a new one.

2.6 --- Universal Game Tips
All RPG Games will be different. Some may not have Save Spots, some may not allow you to upgrade your weapons and armor, but for the most part, the strategies are pretty much the same.

-Save your game whenever you can.
-Use potions at anytime to restore your lost health.
-Upgrade your sword to increase damage you give.
-Upgrade your armor to decrease damage you take.
-Use 'runestones' to defeat more powerful enemies easily.
-Using 'runestones' keeps enemies from attacking.
-'Miracles' restore you to full health before you die.
-'Miracles' serve the same function as 'Continues' in other RPGs.
-Find a boat to travel over water.
-Boats can dock on any land.
-Find an airship to travel freely over water or land.
-Airships cannot fly past mountains.

3.1 --- RPG Editor Controls
See section 2.2 for In-Game Controls.
...and section 4.1 for Sprite Editor Controls!
[Shift]+[Enter]-Minimize/Maximize (Also: Mouse-click on the window)
[Control]+[Z]  -Minimize Window. (Boss Key!) =)
[Control]+[Q]  -End Scenario, Auto-saving any open files.
[Alt]+[F4]     -End Scenario, Auto-saving any open files.

[TAB]    -Enters and Exits the RPG Editor.
[Enter]  -Add/Edit a special item (Sprite, Warp, Treasure, etc...)
[Arrows] -Move the current location.
[ESC]    -Opens the RPG Editor's Menu/Cancel most activities

[Space]  -Places the current tile at that location
[Shift]  -(While Moving)Paints the current tile

[Control]-(While Moving)Selects an area, [Enter] to copy to clipboard
[Insert] -Pastes the clipboard's contents
[Delete] -Removes objects and tiles at current location/selection

[Control]+[A]-Auto-update all Add-on files
[Control]+[S]-Save your Work and continue editing

[TAB]        -Choose Sprite Icons in the Messenger
[Control]+[Z]-Repeat Last Sprite Icon in the Messenger

[]] -Tab Forwards one Map
[[] -Tab Backwards one Map
[`] -Toggle Zoom Size (That's the [~] key, near the [1])
[V] -Enable Viewport
[L] -Toggle Torch-Lit Map (Try [L] and [V] both together!)
[W] -Toggle Wrap-Around Map
[Shift]+[] -Map Crosshairs! (for me to align new menus)
CTRL-D = Debug, show the 4 bytes of this map cel.

[F1]-Show/Hide the Tile Info window
[] -Rotate the Tile-Info Window's position
[Backspace] -Switch Pencils (So you can switch tiles a LOT easier!)
[P] -Pick Tile
[I] -Invert Tile
[U] -Pick tile under Cursor
[R] -Reset a tile's attributes (restock, relock, revive)
[H] -Toggle Hidden Tile
[Zero] -Clear a tile's (hidden, inverted, switch) status, reset chr number to default
*(Turns critters to slime, sprites invisible, warp to 00, treasure unknown[?], lock to switch[?])

[F] -Fill region with a new tile, option to abort
[G] -Cycle Cursor between placed sprites, warps, etc...
[, or <] -Change critter/sprite to next image, < is 1st
[. or >] -Change critter/sprite to previous image, > is last
[D] -Toggle Defeat of critter, throw switch under critter
[M] -Modify Tile(open/close doors/treasure, mute/active sprite, kill/revive critter)

[S] -Create Switch / Throw all related switches
[N] -Create New / Rename Existing Switch
[A] -Auto-Enter(Paint) Switches, [ESC] to abort

3.2a --- The Main Menu
As soon as the editor is engaged, the current world and map are shown in the upper left. Information about the current location is given in the bottom right. Pressing Escape brings you to the Menu Screen, where again (thankfully!) you find info on the World Project and the Current Map. The Menu's options are as follows:

TestPlay  -Same as pressing [TAB] (May eventually start Load-screen)

 -Location -Place players default starting location
 -Name     -Change players default name
   -New Game Stats   -Resets player to level 0
   -'God' Game Stats -Gives player 99 in abilities & much gold
   -Adjust Any       -Extreme Player Customization!!!
 -Portrait -Change players portrait
 -Sprite   -Change players Sprite (appearance)
 -Clear    -Reset all defaults

 -Author Project -Lets you define your world's name and signature
 -World Music  -Defines default music for World Map
   *Boat   -Defines sailing music
   *Airship-Defines flying music
   *Combat -Defines music played in battles
   *Defeat -Defines music played when player loses
   *Victory-Defines music played when player wins
   *Inn    -Defines music played when player sleeps

 -Transports   -Places Boat/Airship

 -Select      -Chooses map (similar to '[' and ']' but specific to name)
 -Name Map    -Names current Map
 -Map Music   -Defines default music for entering this Map
 -Wrap-Around -Same as pressing [W]
 -TorchLit    -Same as pressing [T]
 -Zoom        -Changes Zoom-size (similar to [` or ~])
 -Viewport    -Same as pressing [V] to show the viewport
 -Help Grid   -Changes helping boundaries for Maps 2-16 at smaller zooms
 -Erase       -Deletes current map with NIL or select tile

 -Select     -Same as pressing [P] to Pick a tile
 -Swap       -Same as pressing [I] to Invert a tile
 -Pick Under -Same as pressing [U] to copy from under the mouse
 -Reset      -Same as pressing [R] to reset a tile's attributes

Sprites   -Same as pressing [Enter]
 -Switch -Same as pressing [S] to make a switch
 -See    -View list of switches
 -Auto   -Same as pressing [A] to auto-paint a switch

 -Select -Same as holding down [Control]
 -Paste  -Same as pressing [Insert]
 -Erase  -Same as pressing [Delete]

-Window Flavor -Lets you choose the appearance of window frames
-Info Position - *inactive*
-Hyper         -Activates turbo speed. (Like pressing [Num+])
-Keyboard      -Changes how fast the keyboard repeats button-presses
-Menu Music    -Lets you pick what music to hear in the Editor
-Sound FX      -Toggles Editor and In-Game sound effects
-Credits       -Displays the creators of Scenario

Goodbye   -Same as 'Goodbye' option In-Game

3.2b -- The Special-Item (Sprite) Menu
Pressing Enter, or choosing 'Sprite' from the main edit menu, gives you these options...

Sprite   -Make interactive objects and animated sequences!
Critter  -Place a Critter
Warp     -Location, Direction, or Catch
Treasure -Gold, Potions, Magic, Keys, and Equipment!
Lock     -Amethyst, Ruby, *TOPAZ*, Gold, Emerald, or Sapphire

3.3 --- Drawing Maps
To start with, you have 16 different locations for a map, each of them, 63 tiles by 63 tiles in area. You can have players warp between the maps (for instance, stepping on a picture of a town and going inside that town), and a player can start on any map that you choose. Move the start location by picking up the 'player icon'. That's the little face with blond hair you should find on the map, somewhere. It should be under the cursor, but if you don't know where it is, just hit [Testplay] and walk around until you find where you are in the editor.

The first map(#1) is, by nature, wrap-around, meaning that when you explore off of one edge, you appear on the other edge, seamlessly. You don't have to build a wrap-around world on this map if you don't want to, nor do you have to use it at all.

It is important to note, when you are starting out, that after you've chosen a tile by pressing [P], that you can paint that tile anywhere you want it, by holding shift and pressing the arrow keys. This is very helpful for building great expanses of grasslands, oceans, or mountain ranges.

You can add interactivity to your maps by adding things like Shops, Sprites, Critters, Warp fields, Treasures, and Locks... These are described in detail below...

The Tile-Info windows will be described in detail with the Sprite Info Windows in Chapter Four.

3.4 --- Making Shops
To build a shop anywhere, create a sprite, and place it near a sign. The signs you can use are the INN sign (it says 'inn'...), the Weapons sign (with a sword on it), the Armor sign (with a shield on it), and the Runestone sign (the big round stone with a star on it).

If your sprite has a message attached, they will say the message before offering their products and services.

You can over-ride the sprites impulse to sell you items by placing two [terminate] icons next to eachother in the "Sprite Messenger", and you can have them repeat a message only once by placing a [lock]+ "*" command in the Messenger, after their message.

More about the Sprite Messenger will be covered in detail in Chapter 4.

3.5 --- Making Sprites/The Messenger Menu
Press [Enter], choose Sprite, then select:
 -Sprite  -Populate your village today!
 -Critter -Good for making fake NPC critters...
 -Tile    -Associate the sprite with an object/tile
 -Invis   -Put a sprite anywhere

If you chose sprite or critter, you would be prompted to choose the picture for the Sprite. You will then be asked to link a message to the sprite, but it is not necessary, and it can be added or edited later. The message is entered into the "Sprite Messenger", which will be described in detail in chapter four. This is how the messages work:

Each sprite has 99 'pages' of text, each page has 5 lines of text, and each line has 19 visible letters with a portrait, or 26 visible letters without one. You can type beyond the end of a line, but it won't show up in the message.

In order to center text on a line, press CTRL-C
Messages can be positioned in frames on the top or bottom of the screen with or without portraits, or in a pictureless frame in the middle of the screen.

Pressing the [ESC] button while typing a message brings up the 'Messenger Menu'.

Location - Where the text shows up [Top, Middle (no frame), or Bottom]
Speed    - How fast the text displays [Normal, or Slow]
Portrait - Display an Anime Portrait with the text [Player, Pick, or Remove] (Also gives the option to position mirror/left or right.)

Unlock - Lets you control how characters say their words
  -Lock All  -Keeps entire message, repeating when sprite activates
  -Unlock B4 -Sprites only repeat words on and after the current page
  -Unlock All-The Sprite never speaks again

Insert Page - Inserts a page, pushing the current page down.
              (Same as [Control]+[Insert])
Delete Page - Removes the current page of text, pushing others up.
              (Same as [Control]+[Delete])

Label   -Used for making interactive conversations
Inquiry -Used for making interactive conversations
(These two options are described in detail in Chapter 4.4)

Hardwire - *unavailable* if you are looking at a .WRP file
gives the map & coordinates of the current ".SPR" file you are working on located in REALM .

Exit - Lets you save or abort what you've typed

3.6 --- Making Critters
Choose the location, Press [Enter], and choose the type of critter.
To make a critter hidden, Pres [H] to hide the tile he's on.
You can also place switches on critters that activate when critters die, or bring dead critters back to life (or show invisible critters) when switched.

You can customize the graphics for Battles and Critters with the "Add-ons feature" described in section 4.4.

3.7 --- Making Warps
Press [Enter], choose Warp, then select:
 -Black -Place a warp using NIL tile as the picture
 -Tile  -Place a warp picking an image tile first
 -Invis -Place a warp using the default tile under the cursor
And then choose the type of Warp to use.

Warp Locations let you warp a character from one tile to anywhere else in the world, on any map.

Warp Direction Arrows invisibly fling your character in a direction, until they hit another warp tile

Warp Catchers will stop the player on a tile if they were flung across it with a warp arrow.

3.8 --- Making Treasures
Press [Enter], choose Treasure, then select:
 -Chest -Place treasure inside a box
 -Tile  -Place treasure on a normal tile
 -Invis -Place Treasure anywhere
And then choose the type of treasure to populate the treasure chest.

To make a chest contain a random amount of gold, Just place a normal treasure chest tile anywhere on the map.

3.9 --- Making Locks
Press [Enter], choose Lock, then select:
 -Door  -Make a lock using the image of a closed door
 -Tile  -Make a lock picking the image tile first
 -Invis -Make a lock using the current tile beneath the cursor
And then choose the color of key needed to pass that tile.

4.1 -- Messenger Controls
See section 2.2 for In-Game Controls.
...and section 3.1 for RPG Editor Controls!

[ESC]    - Open the Messenger Menu
[Enter]  - Move cursor/text to Next Line
[Arrows] - Move text cursor
[PgUp], [PgDn], - change pages quickly up or down
[Home], and [End]-move cursor to beginning or end of a line

[TAB]-Open Sprite Messenger Icon(Cute!) panel/picks icon
(works while any text-input field is displayed)
[Control]+[Z]-Repeat Last Sprite Icon chosen

[Shift]+[Enter]-Minimize/Maximize (Also: Mouse-click on the window)
[Control]+[Z]  -Minimize Window. (Boss Key!) =)
[Control]+[Q]  -End Scenario, Auto-saving any open files.
[Alt]+[F4]     -End Scenario, Auto-saving any open files.

[Keypad Plus] - Swap between Hyper Speed & Normal Speed in all of Scenario

[Control]+[Insert]-Insert a page
[Control]+[Delete]-Remove a page

[F1]-Show/Hide the Messenger Info window

4.2 --- The Sprite Messenger
The sprite messenger is your main way of controlling automated events in your RPG. You can control how the player moves, how other creatures move, move them on and off camera, change what the player looks like, increase or decrease player equipment, and much much more...

While you are editing tiles, hit [Enter] and choose [Sprite]. Pick any option (Invisible is the easiest, it can always be changed later), and then choose 'yes' to enter a message. You are now in the Sprite Messenger. Hopefully, you've been here before in Chapter 3.5 when you were starting to build Sprites. (You have been following along, haven't you?)

In order to make a Sprite Command, you must place a special Sprite Icon as the very first character in any line. This will signify that line as being a Sprite command and Not a line of Text, and therefore, no text typed in that line will show up as text in the message. Sacrifice a line of text, gain some much needed control!

To get at all those fancy little sprite commands, hit [TAB]. Move the cursor with the arrow keys to find out what each icon does.

It gets pretty intuitive, from here on out. To make the player step one square north, you would press [TAB], find the icon marked [Player] (It's the face with blond hair in between all the colored arrows on the right...), and hit [TAB] or [Enter] to place the icon in the editor. Do the same for the icon marked [Up] wich is the icon right above the player's icon. The command [Player][Up] will make the player step up one square.
You do not have to enter the Player or Camera icon if you wish to move both at the same time since that is the default set to begin with.

To make the camera move with the player, you would type [Player][Camera][Up]. To make them move up more, type a number after the [up] icon. The command [Player][Up][Camera][Left] causes each to go in a different direction. Press [ESC] and choose 'Exit'. Click 'Yes' to save your sprite message. Hit [Tab] to Test-Play your world, and step on the square you placed the sprite in. You should see the neat camera and player effects you've made!

To make another character move with your player, you would use the [NPC] icon (The little red-haired face above the Player Icon), to move  the character that the sprite is attached to. Don't feel limited to just one Sprite, however, as you can make someone else move by "Shadowing" them. Use the command [NPC][Shadow][Left]3[Up] (The shadow should be to the right of player, near the edge...) to choose the Character that is Left three squares and Up one from where the NPC (or the Sprite Icon) is at. If there is no NPC there, than any NPC action you do after that will affect whatever Tile is in that space. You can make tiles move just as easily as players and cameras.

You can also edit what the player is carrying. Type commands like [Gold]-100 or [HiPotion]+1 to edit these stats.

For more information on Sprites and Icons, see the website. Pictures speak a thousand words. ;)

4.3 --- Switches/Items
To connect a switch to a creature, a treasure chest, a sprite, or a tile, press the [S] key when the cursor is where you want the switch to be placed. Type in a name for the switch.

This is how switches work:
A switch is either on or off. If it is on, it will remain on throughout the entire world until it is turned off, and vice versa. Switches can be turned on or off either inside the sprite messenger (by calling their switch name after a [LitBulb], [NonLitBulb], or [Switch] command), or by vanquishing all the creatures on top of them.
Switches work throughout ALL worlds so if you have one switch on map #2 that is the same named switch as map #4, both of them will be switched.
All switches start in an OFF position when you PLAY a NEW GAME (selectable inside the Game File menu)

If a switch of the same name is given to more than one creature, all of the creatures have to be vanquished before the switch will turn on. (To resurrect a vanquished creature, press [M])

Sprites on switches will appear and disappear depending on the position of the switch. To change whether they are visible or not, Press [H]. The switch will affect them accordingly.

Another great use of switches is for 'Tile Couching'. There are two methods of applying switches to Tiles. "Hidden", and "Inverted". From what I understand, The "Inverted" method is what is meant by "Tile Couching". Basically, make a switch on a tile, Press [I], and then choose the tile you want to appear when that tile is switched. Hit [S] to switch back tot he original tile, and you have just "Swept the other tile under the couch" so to speak. The tile will act normally until it is switched, and then the other tile will appear, and act like it is supposed to.
The "Hidden Tile" method is quite the opposite. Press [H] and place an alternate tile there, the same way you did for "Tile Couching". Except this time, the normal tile acts like the tile that is beneath it, and vice versa when the switch is flipped. Hiding tiles beneath one another is a good way to walk easily on tiles that would normally be un-passable. (Build your own mountain ranges that the airship can fly over!)

Switches do not affect locks, only the tiles underneath them.
There are rare exceptions if you use the Open Door as a couched tile.  It gets trickier then this..  :)

Warps cannot be switched, named, inverted, or hidden.

4.4 --- Inquiries, Labels, and Locks, Oh My!
Now that you know how switches work, lets learn all the fancy stuff we can do with them that will make your RPG stand out from the rest!

So far, you know that sprites in your game can speak 99 pages of text. You've got to wonder to yourself: "What RPG gameplayer would sit through 99 pages of text? Even if there was animation!" Here's the secret: Let one sprite break it's 99 pages of text into many smaller sets of pages. Then program the sprite so that each set of pages is only spoken at a certain point in the game, or if the character has met a certain goal.

You do this real easy, with Labels and Inquiries. Here's an example. Say you have a potion maker, but she won't make you a potion until you find her magic jar and return it. Place her sprite near an item shop sign.

Somewhere in the world, you make a sprite that gives you a magic jar, by using the sprite command: [litbulb][player]JAR

Then you plan out how your potion seller will speak to you:

1 - Explanation Page [Display once]

2 - "Please find it!" Page
The [Lock] icon makes the explanation page display only once.
The [Terminate] icon given twice makes the sprite skip the automatic potion shop request. This is important as it gives the player motivation to go finding the magic jar, exactly what you want them to do.

3 - "You've found my jar" Page
You may want to give them [Experience]+15 or whatever seems reasonable.

4 - "Welcome to my shop" Page
Or whatever you want for a greeting. If you don't want a greeting, give them three [Terminate] commands on page three and they'll never speak again. This is the same command as [Lock] followed by an asterik, except [Terminate] ends the conversation right away.

And in order to make this fabulous program work, Place a Label on page three (by going to that page, and choosing 'label' from the Menu). Label it something like 'foundit'. Then place an Inquiry on page Two (by going to that page, and choosing 'Inquiry' from the menu).
For the inquiry, again type [litbulb][player]JAR and pressing Enter.
Remember that an inquiry is ONLY asked after this page has completed.  If you want an inquiry to occur BEFORE running a page, you need to put that inquiry before that page, quite possibly by pressing CTRL-INS to insert a page right there.
And for the line to jump to, type 'foundit' (or whatever label you chose...)

And that's how you do it!

Inquiries work like so:
First, you type a conditional line into the Inquiry box, like "[LitBulb]shovel" to check a switch, "75%" for a good chance of a positive outcome, or "Y" to ask the user "Yes or No" after a question, letting them choose where to go next in the conversation...

Special Note: When you put a sprite on a door or a Chest, and in the Sprite message you have "[Lock]*" or "[Terminate]3" the door or chest will open and stay open.

4.5 -- The Tile-Info Window
As promised in chapter 3.3, here I will describe the editor Info Windows, as they have a lot to do with Sprites and advanced RPG technique.

The Icon on the left of the Editor's main tile info window denotes whether the tile is empty, or filled by a sprite, critter, warp, treasure, or lock. The picture on the right shows the current tile, sprite, or critter.

The name on the mid-top of the info-window is the name of the critter, tile, or sprite, replaced by a star if there is no name. Beneath the name there is the 'location indicator' This tells you first, which map you are on, and then your X and Y co-ordinates. The two icons to the right of those numbers denote whether or not the map is Torch-Lit (Press [T]), and whether or not the current sprite has a message attached. The icons beneath those two denote whether the current tile is hidden (Press [H]), or Modified (Press [M]).

To the left of the Hidden and Modified icons are the tile number you're currently painting with, followed by the tile number of the space you're hovering over, and finally, the number of the tile that is 'couched' or hidden beneath the current tile.

On the final line beneath all of that, there is the name of the current switch, plus whether or not that switch is active.

In the Tile Choice selector (Press [P]), this info window changes to display the information about the Tile you're looking at.

When editing a sprite message, you get a while new Info-Window that tells you what's going on. It shows what character and sprite page you are on, the next line tells you what pages are locked (that is; which pages will show up when a sprite starts talking to you, or vice versa)... The next line tells you what speed the current message will display at. The next three lines tell you information about Labels and Inquiries, which will be described in Chapter 4.3... The final Icon tells you whether you are editing a Text Line, or a Sprite Line.

Sprite Lines will not display any text in the actual message. Text Lines will display text, and even Sprite Icons as part of that text (with the exception of icons like [Timer] and [Paws]).

4.6 --- Add-Ons
You can import many different files into scenario for an even more custom feel to your world creations. Here are the definitions:

 *Str-ret-tch! ALL imported images are now stretched or squished to fit in the area they were designed for. That means, you can take an image that is not exactly 52x56 pixels and use it for a critter. It won't look perfect or as good as it would if it were designed specifically for a 52x56 area, but it won't overlap either, and it will put it to that size no matter what size or shape it is.

I recommend you use Paintshop Pro, Adobe Photoshop, or Irfanview to shrink or expand your images so they are very clean at the 32x32, 64x128, 160x32, 48x48, and 52x56 sizes, but this is not necessary as Scenario will Stretch out any images to the desired size.

TILEnn.BMP (where nn = 0 - 69), replaces that tile image (32x32)
TILEnn.TXT (where nn = 0 - 69), replaces that tile name (single line)

SPRnn.BMP (where nn = 0 - 13), replaces the sprite image (64x128)
SPRnn.TXT (where nn = 0 - 27), replaces the sprite name (single line)
*Note that Sprite # 10 animates twice as fast (not speed) and #12 and #13 are reserved for both the Boat and Airship
*Scenario internally gives you 14 Sprites and the additional 14 are to add your own Sprites if you like

*Note: The sprite images contain all animation cels. They are two cels across and four down. The top two are the cels used in the animation for walking upwards, the next two are walking right, the next are walking downwards, and the last two are walking left.
Sprite masks are auto-generated.

CRITnn.BMP (where nn = 0 - 23), replaces the critter image (52x56)
CRITnn.TXT (where nn = 0 - 23), replaces the critter's name *ONLY*

CBBGnn.BMP (where nn = 0 - 13), replaces the combat backdrop (128x32)
* There is no renaming feature for this import

FACEnn.BMP (where nn = 0 - 23), replaces the face image (48x48)
* There is no renaming feature for this import

All together now:

 Type        Size    Filenames  Additional Ranges
 ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
 Tiles . . .  32x32  tile##.bmp tile##.txt 00-69
 Sprites . .  64x128  spr##.bmp  spr##.txt 00-13
 Critters. .  52x56  crit##.bmp crit##.txt 00-23
 Faces . . .  48x48  face##.bmp -          00-23
 CombatBG. . 160x32  cbbg##.bmp -          00-13

To import these data files and images, just move them to the Realm sub-directory! Press [Control]+[A]

--> JAN 2003 -- Press CTRL-S, this not only auto-updates your
                Add-On images but saves your map work so if lightning
                hits your house, your work has been entirely saved.

 in the editor to see your changes, and [Control]+[S] to save your work.

Remember, all imported files will make your .wrl file take up additional space! It is suggested that you keep your WRL file under 200k for easy portability to 3.5 inch floppy disks and for download over the internet.

You can also import .MID and .WAV files for use in your world. Just move them into the Realm sub-directory and reference them by name in the Sprite Messenger, with the appripriate icons: [PlayRepeatMid], [PlayRiffMid], and [PlayWAV]. When your world file is compressed, they will be included.

4.7 --- "Escaping Fights" and other neat tricks
Accidentally bite off more than you could chew? Got yourself into a fight with three scorpions and you're still only using that level zero sword? Don't think you could run without getting killed? Press [TAB]!
Or maybe it's too late, and you have JUST been killed. The words "Oh No!" flash up on the screen, and 'Game Over' appears, beginning to blur with the rest of the screen. Hit [TAB] and you are instantly transported to the spirit world of the Game Editor, where you can delete the evil critters, or summon yourself to another location, and play from there, still alive and clinging on with as many hit points as you had before the fatal blow...

The world editor is a VERY useful tool in playing RPGs.
See an island you can't get to? Why not find the boat? It'll help you get there, real quick. See an island surrounded by darkness? Find the airship by zooming out!

Is the airship too slow for you? Press [TAB] while flying in it and you will be able to zoom around SUPER-FAST in the airship. Press [TAB] again to go back to playing.

Or, just use the 'walk through walls' feature of the editor to transport yourself wherever you want to go! Pesky guards and locked doors not letting you get into the room with all the treasure chests? Hit [TAB] yet again!

Or even better, why not make your OWN rooms filled with treasure chests! You could have infinte continues, the best weapon and armor in the WHOLE game, and more gold than you can carry!

(Note: This section is intended as humour, and does not condone cheating in any way...)

--> JAN 2003 -- You are joking, right ??  :)
                Hopefully Worldbuilders will just use the [Tab] for
                rapid debugging and not as a cheating aid.

4.8 --- Configurability (Your own Shops, Items, Player Portrait, Etc)
And, of course, since you now should have the knowledge of how the Sprite Icon System works, you can now create your own versions of shops... Asking a question to a Yes/No inquiry like 'Would you like to buy my fabulous Low-Potions? Only 25 GP!' and then skipping to a Page where money is deducted and potions are added automatically. The next page may say 'Thanks! Would you like to buy another?' with the same inquiry.

Item switches in your inventory can hold crucial importance and add that 'role-playing feel' when they are required, for instance, to get people in town to open their doors to you, or finding special ingredients in order to activate shops...

Knowing that you don't have to use the default shops in order to achieve the same goal is very intriguing. Icons allow control over weapons, armor, runestones, and even health... With tile Couching, you can make save spots and shops look like anything, and with Add-ons, you can totally customize the look and feel of the game.

The author retains the right to control the operation of the Battle System. Too many things have gone awry in the past with other RPG editors and their battle systems. He's open to suggestions, tho. =)
Planned for future Scenario is to use the Critter Icon in the Sprite Messenger for custom combats and critter control.

4.9 --- Complicated DOS Stuff...
Scenario.cfg ... What does it do?
The Configuration file allows you to set a few options before you even begin to run the Scenario program. These options are as follows:

world= (The world you were most recently editing)

lastd= (were you using the editor "edit" or really playing a game "play" ? If it's blank, then you are telling Scenario you have NO WORLD open at all!)

scrnz= (Screen Zoom?)  0=No, 1=Yes

frame= (Window Flavor #) 0-15

ifpos= (Info Position) *obsolete*

music= (Turns default music on or off)[1=on, 2=off]

sndfx= (Turns default sound on or off)[1=on, 2=off]
--> JAN 2003 -- Actually, sound effects are on all the time,
                I did this for some debugging work of playing
                .WAVs in the background, it may be active later

kbspd= (Changes your typing-rate)[1=normal, 2=slow]
--> JAN 2003 -- This required a system-level change and threw
                real havoc with non Win95/98 computers.  Removed.

hyper= (?Engages Hyper Speed?) Follow the white rabbit...
--> JAN 2003 -- The Rapid (Rabid?) Rabbit is only active by default
                if you're the programmer of Scenario.  :)
                Hit the "+" on the NUMBER KEYPAD to activate it

specc= (Last Special Icon Character you were on)
editm= (The music file used in the Edit Menu)

qsync= If you are not content with the fine-tune default speed of Testplay, you can tweak this value higher for slower or lower for faster animation rate.

fsync= (If you have a VERY slow computer and Rapid Rabbit "+" on the NUM-LOCK is still not fast enough, you can change the # of graphic frames per machine-cycle.  Surely no more then 2 are needed.  But if you're running in Windows 3.1 on a 286, then you may need to change your FrameSync.)

Command Line Options! (Run from DOS in a Window. Make SURE the Start-Button is visible before typing these!)

Usage:  scenario [-p][-q][-s][-x] Worldfile[.wrl]

  worldfile.wrl -Auto-plays the specified file.

  -p      Play the world instantly, [TAB] will return to editor

  -q      'Quiet Operation'. Skips the 'resolution' warning message.

  -s      Runs Scenario without playing sound files (WAV or MIDI).

  -x      Extreme speed, Rapid Rabbit and double frame cycle

You can also edit shortcut files to include these options. Right-click the shortcut, and click 'Properties'. Where it says 'Target', you would type something like:

C:ScenarioScenario.exe -s -q joes.wrl

To have it jump right into a certain world file, without the resolution pop up, or music or audio.

--> JAN 2003 -- None of these are active.  New Window platform computers
                sadly, do not have DOS.

5.1 --- Expected in Future Versions
More cool stuff! (Like what?!)

The next Readme file may contain more details about the Sprite Messenger, as well as a new section detailing Hidden Items and Couching/Inverting Tiles... =D

-.WRP creation is now underway!
-Recording 'home' positions for the Transports, so they don't corrupt switch data.
-Weather Effects: [Rain] and [Snow]
-TorchLight will be animated, shrinking and growing circles.
-Background sound effects will no longer tie up Scenario
-use the Critter Icon in the Sprite Messenger for custom combats and critter control.
-Abandon changes while shutting down, (If you openned a world file and don't want to be asked when you start back up, to close it...)
-Multiple Choice Inquiry Answers
-A switch control panel, for easier world-building! (Choose 'switches', and 'see' to view or edit the state of switches...)
-New Music Type: [PlayRepeatMp3], still working on making it work?
 (Try to keep these add-ons under a meg if at all possible.)
-'Return to menu screen'
-And much much more!

These are just expected improvements. To see what has been added most recently, check section 0.4

5.2 --- Known Bugs
*Running Scenario from a Full-screen DOS window causes the system to hang.
*Typing way too fast may cause Scenario to hang. Close the program and re-run it to continue from where you left off.

--> JAN 2003 -- I believe this is no longer a problem.

5.3 --- How you can Help
If you have made a very nice Sample World to get others started in Scenario, please Email it to me. I'll put it on my website so others can download and learn from it.

5.4 --- In Closing...
Scenario is a big project. It was written over a period of a few years and planned for several more on ANY computer that would take it !

GFABasic has proven itself to be the giant among programming languages and succeeded where every other computer platform and programming language has failed to have the needed resources, memory, and structures to house my project. This is my 12th rewrite of Scenario, and this time, it is going to work. :)

Scenario may still have one or two bugs or inconveniences in it. I can't catch them all, and sometimes, while they may appear immediate to yourself, being almost eccentric in my programming, the simplest of errors can elude me. If you do happen to come across some, please let me know so I can correct them.

Also, I wrote scenario so everyone around the world can get a chance to enjoy and play in others' world creations. Please send me (or my host) your World files and I'll upload them to my website so others can play and enjoy them. Likewise, they will do the same so you can try out their creations as well. You are more than welcome to ask questions, and hopefully it won't just be me answering all of them, but others more adept at this kind ofprogram.

Scenario is also an open project.  This means one of the main reasons Scenario is easy to use is because of good feedback, inquiries, and suggestions, from people just like =You!=
It is updated constantly, this is my Lifetime project and I can work on it 10 out of 14 straight 8-hour days.

It is freeware. It is complete. This is a good start in the RPG world.

* Instructions written by Chibiness and compiled from my Schizo-notes.
* Edited by David W. (where I didn't know I was adding that feature??)  :)
"Feature? What Feature?" -Chibiness =)

© 2017 dw817

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Added on September 27, 2017
Last Updated on September 27, 2017
Tags: davidw, Scenario 2 RPGMaker, RPG Maker



Fort Worth, TX

