FB3-23 "Not Enough Snow To Eat"

FB3-23 "Not Enough Snow To Eat"

A Chapter by dw817

The woman seeing this laughed delightfully, like beautiful notes from a crystalline bells, and reached down on her knees to pick up the snow with one delicate hand to observe it carefully.




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F U T U R E   B A R R I E R
( The 3rd Novel )
Secret Technology, Unrequited Love, Absolute Vengeance

© July 2017 Written by David Wicker
Please do not reprint without permission

 CHAPTER 23 - "Not Enough Snow To Eat"

* * *

This chapter is Rated: TEEN

Private Jenkins brain fluttered like a trapped moth to find the answer.

And his head tremored in confusion as his eyes closed over and frosted shut.

There was a soft whispering about him now. Words perhaps ?

The sound of static, or gurgling, it was hard to tell. It was as if his ears were hearing human words for the first time. And then, "He'll be alright." It was a doctor's voice, friendly and receptive.

Then someone shone a bright light up in his eyes. And everything was upside-down. He looked down to see a strange glowing pink cord connected to his belly-button. And he felt so small and vulnerable right now. He cried.

And when he did. There was applause and laughter. It made no sense to him and then he was turned right-side up and he saw his Mother's eyes.

He cried out, "Ma ? Mama ? Mama ! I'm here, Mama !"

And - she - loved him, and that was all that mattered. Nothing else mattered.

No desires of the future. No malice, no revenge, no vengeance, no deception, no gloating, no theft, no anger, no destruction, no hatred, no greed, no jealousy, no hunger, no - nothing - nothing mattered at all now.

Nothing mattered ... except just to be with his Mother. He didn't even need to breathe right now, that was completely secondary to the tumult of feelings that were going on in his head.

The parasitic effect continued. Then Corrigan saw what made his own blood run cold. Jenkins fell to his knees sucking on his thumb as if his life depended on it, holding his other hand outstretched to the strange woman, hoping she would take it.

Within a minute, soldier Jenkins whose mind was completely gone now to infancy, had turned into a beautiful pillar of perfect white powdered snow and ice, sparkling against the soft blue light of the gate the strange willowy woman stepped forth from earlier.

A lovely wind blew from the portal and his form, the wind carried a scent of -Absence- of absolute protection, absolute comfort, almost as if the wind had blown by a kind of ethereal and edible fruit tree.

A fruit tree the likes of which mankind had never seen, nor could even define or describe. There were 3 fruits in all. 2 were clearly described in the Holy Book. One unnamed one canceled out the others in its majestic form and had never been seen nor its appearance written by mortal man.

Jenkins' heart had stopped now - his brain had stopped, too. He was focused only on his Mother's own beautiful eyes and the love that shone within them. The depth within them, like an endless waterfall of crystal memories.

The depth. epth. pth. th. h.

And despite how delicate the wind was, Jenkins' form, now just pure powdered snow, eerily collapsed under it's gentle breeze.

The woman seeing this laughed delightfully, like beautiful notes from a crystalline bell or wind chimes, and almost in a dance, reached down on her knees to pick up the snow with one delicate hand to observe it carefully.

Then in a very odd move indeed, ATE the handful of snow, almost ravenously, as if there was a fourth kind of consumer in the universe. The herbivore, the omnivore, the carnivore, and now something - else entered into Darwin's theories of evolution.

Someone or -something- who ate the souls of those who were in emotional turmoil or mental anguish. And apparently the longer the suffering, the more delicious and nourishing it was to them.

Returning to sweet modesty, she stood up and licked her hand sensually and around her lips daintily for what snow and frost she might've missed from Jenkins remains and then looked to see if anyone else dared to approach her portal for she clearly offered them the same fate. Utter and complete absolution and oblivion. A gift package wrapped in a soft red ribbon of the most delicate insanity.

Corrigan continued to watch the whole affair and had since pulled out a second gun, strangely this one was not drawn to the sky. He was pointing this weapon directly at her, his hand shaking uncontrollably, but he did not interfere.

He did not know if his weapon would work in this GATE area or what devastating effect it could have in the recesses of the GATE.
he remembered the black-hole effect from the other soldier firing on the nasty tentacled beast earlier and also - somehow - more importantly, he could NEVER fire on her as she clearly looked innocent of - everything.

He was mesmerized momentarily by her eyes which held a captivating kind of emptiness and syrupy depth to them that any human, no matter their status or strength, could drown in.

It was the only way he could explain it to himself and convince himself of his inability to be a soldier right now. She was like a beautiful angel. And no-one could fire on an angel, he told himself, almost whispering it under his breath. "No-one."

The dazzlingly pale woman saw him and waved friendly-like and then spoke in a tone that was purely childlike and full of innocence.

* * *

"K bai now." then she turned around and returned to the portal almost as if she was a little sad, not because of what she did as it was clear that she was completely oblivious to the murder or seeming cannibalism she just committed.

No, she seemed sad that there wasn't someone -else- to play with.

The fabric of her thin blue gown fluttered in the soft breeze and as she delicately stepped back through the intricate portal, and Corrigan saw that she was clearly naked and beautiful beneath that one piece of clothing.

He could also see as the soothing wind from the portal fluttered her dress, that she had no body hair whatsoever on outside of the lengthy and beautiful silver hair on her head that extended in beautifully braided tresses that hung long down her back.

Her bare buttocks clearly exposed now as the fabric slid to one side were flawless and perfect, like white and perfect marble, cold to the touch, hot in his desire to be with her.

Longing pushed hard against Corrigan as it did to all the remaining men to see something so physically arousing and ethereal at the same time. Truly an angel if ever mortal man were to view one.

He watched the mysterious frosted gate wink out of view and what little of that wonderful scent that came from there was now devoured hungrily by the feces-covered realm he was still trapped in.

With the beautiful door and mysterious woman gone now, Jenkins remaining snowy form rapidly dissolved, almost as if the delicate snow left in his place was a cancer to the disgusting green and brown dimension. That his remains of pure frozen water were clearly poisonous to it's environment.

The air hissed around it, almost as if the sulfuric vapor was acidic against it's pureness and then he was gone, fizzled in a puddle of nasty brown pudding oozing against the surface.

"Captain." one of the other soldiers spoke who stood nearby watching.

Corrigan shuddered being brought back to his senses by what he just saw, but couldn't answer the other soldier just yet as he was still trying to find his tongue to speak.

"Captain ... ?" the soldier spoke again with concern in his voice.

"Yes ..." He coughed, "Yes, Jackson, wha - what is it ?." Corrigan said turning to him tiredly. He had clearly lost another one of his own soldiers - to - what - he wasn't sure this time.

"We are near the exit now, sir." the soldier replied with a hint of relief.

Corrigan would not let this go, "Did you see ... ?" and he pointed behind him. "Did YOU SEE - " he raised his voice and peered off in the distance. Was it all an illusion ? The beautiful woman ? He so - DESIRED - after her. His brain would remember the brilliance of her beauty all the way to his deathbed.

But he couldn't continue speaking, for it was clear the other soldier saw all of it, but did the right thing, like him, not interfere, for it might've been the end to the entire mission right there - as they all ran up to cry for the beautiful frozen portal to reappear.

Was this perhaps one of the mythical sirens mentioned in ancient Greek Mythology ? Was there a connection ? Angel ? Dryad ? Fairy ? Ghost ? Sprite ? Succubus ? His left eye twitched as his brain tried to find a solution to the incredible thing he just saw.

Who knew what delicate balance kept this universe together and the GATE they were in was clearly the key if not the lock to all of it.

The young soldier spoke again, louder, "Sir. We - MUST - get out of here. We can't stay or worse might ..." and he himself couldn't continue his sentence.

Corrigan coughed again, not so much to affirm order as the captain but because the air was still nasty and he had trouble breathing, "You are right of course. Let's get out of here and finish this."

Then he turned around to look at his meter. They were nearly free of the labyrinth of filth.

He breathed a sigh of relief to finally be rid of this terrible place and then at once regretted it as his lungs burned from the nasty air around him. He coughed hoarsely and it felt like he was choking on the very slimy crap they were walking in.

As he collected himself and before they could continue, another -resident- of this hellworld approached. Seemingly a small frail girl, clearly no more than 8-years of age.

Her hair was filthy green and brown as if she washed it dutifully every day in the river of crap. Aside from this, she appeared healthy if not very small in build as if genetics decided to take several inches off of her height for her youthful age.

Instead of normal little girl's ears though, in their place were shiny balls as big around as your fist, like ball-bearings to a hellish device. It was almost as if she were an important part to the unseen machine by a demonic and twisted inventor.

She spoke and her voice was so quiet and timid the captain had to lean down to hear it, "Can't you hear the music, sir ? It's so beautiful. Beautiful."

As she smiled up at him he followed her pretty little innocent blue eyes to see criss-cross wires leading from the silver globes straight into the back of her cut open head which he noticed by looking closer slightly oozed a gray gelatinous liquid. Brain matter he had to wonder ?

Corrigan backed away from her vacant and vapid smile, chattering his own teeth in fear, "Let's get the hell out of here !"

And then the remaining team proceeded towards what their scanners marked as the exit, an oddly dark and swirling silhouette of motion and energy was ahead of them.


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