FB3-10 "Dev Escapes"

FB3-10 "Dev Escapes"

A Chapter by dw817

"Once I'm free, no tricks." I promised. And I thought to myself, but I'm not officially free until I'm OUT THE DOOR so until then, I was gonna trick and connive all I could to get out of here !




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F U T U R E   B A R R I E R
( The 3rd Novel )
Secret Technology, Unrequited Love, Absolute Vengeance

© April 2017 Written by David Wicker
Please do not reprint without permission

 CHAPTER 10 - "One Escapes"

* * *

This chapter is Rated: TEEN

Could this get any worse I thought to myself ?

Yes. Yes it could. For now Katrina wanted to see just how far she could control me. She reached out suddenly and trilled like an island songbird and reach quickly forward quickly to undo my nose-clip and remove it from over my head, wrapping it around her wrist. "You won't need this old thing anymore I'll betcha. You need to get the full effect."

I coughed and moaned sickly out my nose as suddenly the full "effect" of the toilet hit me right in the face. I raised up slightly to get away from it.

She laughed again and out of the corner of my eye I saw her lick her lips hungrily at me, "Thattaboy. Now you've got the hang of this !" and patted me nicely on my bare back, as I was still and only in my underwear, shivering again, if the truth be known.

She continued to glare and leer at me in the bowl leaning in for a closer look, apparently oblivious to the smell herself. I shrunk my head in deeper, touching my nose back in the water where she wanted it and concentrated on breathing evenly out of my mouth, frightened of seeing her penetrating stare and bizarrely intense smile out the corner of my eye.

And she wouldn't leave me ! It felt as if I was being subjected to a shrink ray, or I wished I was, if only to get away from her !

I know a full minute passed as she maintained this frightening pose, apparently utterly delighted at seeing me in this terrible predicament. I gasped uncomfortably and the side of her mouth curled up in a sneer to this action as her eyes narrowed hungrily watching my discomfort intently as if she were somehow feeding off of my misery.

Then she leaned in close and breathed deliciously warm air in my ear. The hairs on my legs bristled to attention. A moment later she whispered there, her voice full of encouragement, "Drink it."

I jerked my head away to look at her, my eyes narrowed in disgust at her suggestion. She merely greeted me with pretty sparkling eyes and a wide mouth gloating in delight. The tip of her tongue was just touching the top of her teeth in enthusiasm.

Girls are weird I thought to myself. Really weird ! I know I told myself that earlier but I believed it more than ever with what was happening now. I prayed the hours would pass quickly of this 'game' for which I knew I could never win.

. . .

Back in the underground city of Arkos, Dempsey had called Petrov who was irritated as he was experimenting with some chemicals in an experiment but finally both arrived to Stefani's door, dressed as Satellite TV repairmen.

Dempsey was the first to speak, "Nice barrette, Stefani." and smiled wide at her stretching his beard over his face in an ugly grimace.

"Shut it." she said dangerously. She was well aware that they both knew she was wearing a Limiter which was supposed to be restricted only for the most annoying and irritating children on the complex. For HER to be wearing one must've meant she did something truly awful to the company.

And while she could remember some of her meeting with Arkos, she couldn't recall all of it. Arkos was quite thorough in his "surgery" with her to remove any notion or idea of her trying to overtake the company as she did earlier. All she had now was a splitting headache from the device.

But Petrov kept quiet, knowing well enough to leave alone.

Stefani spoke again, "If there are no further stupid comments, we have our orders. Let's go !"

. . .

Returning to Buford's party, despite the continuous abuse I was being subjected to, I was formulating a plan of escape and finally decided to act on it during a lull in the use of the bathroom.

"I need to go potty." I said in a plaintive and desperate voice.

"What's that ?" Katrina asked, looking up from her magazine.

"I need to go the bathroom." I said, "I mean, I've been here for 3 hours now !"

"No," she corrected me, "It's only been 2, but that's fine." and she went over to the walkie talkie, picked it up, and spoke.

"Hey Buff, you there."

There was only soft static on the other end.

"Buff ... ?" she said a little fearfully. Still she was greeted by static. She set down the device and then pointed her finger at me, "I'll be right back, now don't you go anywhere, sweetie !"

I shrugged, like I really was going to leave ! After she left I peered my head as hard as I could to the side of the bowl to look at each of my wrists. There was ample cotton wadding around them and a massive amount of masking tape. If I scrunched up one of my wrists really hard I might be able to squeeze at least one of them free.

It was no more than a minute when I felt I was making some progress pushing my fingers together and pulling on my wrists when Katrina stormed back in and immediately ran up to me and put a sharp fingernail up against my neck, "Where is she, Dev !?"

"Who ?" I asked, totally confused, at first afraid she saw I was trying to escape but then realized she wasn't, it was something else.

She bore that sharp nail into my neck deeper and I winced in pain and dipped my head straight into the water to get away from her, "You know perfectly well who. Lilly ! She's been here, hasn't she !?"

"Kat." the walkie-talkie spoke. Katrina's eyes continued to stare at me for any sign of lying.

"Hey Kat, pick up, will ya." Buford's clear voice spoke over her walkie-talkie.

She let her vice-grip go of my neck and huffed and went over to it by the chair, picked up the device, and clicked on the transmitter, "Yeah yeah, what is it Buff ?"

His voice was relaxed, unlike hers, "She's not here, Kat. I'm outside now and it looks like a storm is coming in. Someone said they saw her leave the party."

Katrina spoke back in fear, "Do you think she's gonna call the cops ?"

* * *

Buford replied, "I don't think so. Remember, she's hyped up on Janet's 'candy.' The guest who saw her leave said she looked plenty scared and just ran away. I think she went home."

"Let's hope so," and then she looked straight at me, "for YOUR sake !"

I swallowed hard. This was going to be difficult without Lilly ! I couldn't believe she'd bail on me but she had her reasons. Maybe she would call the cops when she got home ? I could only hope.

Buford replied for me, "I don't think Dev's got anything to do with this. We gave Lilly some pretty strong stuff to quiet her down, it may have had an adverse reaction."

"Should we go after her ?" Katrina asked in a frightened tone.

Buford calmed her worries, "No no, calm down, Kat. She'll be fine. I know for a fact her home isn't far from here and I was told just now that she was given Rohypnol so she's not gonna remember any of this when she gets home. How's our other guest doing ?"

Katrina got up to walk over to me. She then caressed my head as if she cared deeply for me, which I knew she didn't, "Oh, he's doing just fine. He's being the good little trooper and he's definitely not going anywhere."

I suddenly realized she was going to look down at my wrists to see they were still in place so I hurriedly moved them back in place where they were originally.

"I still need to go the bathroom." I said, never forgetting what I earlier said.

There was a chuckling on her walkie-talkie, "You take care of our guest's - needs. I'm getting back to the party. Out."

"Jesus ! If it's not one thing it's another !" Katrina said and pocketed the walkie-talkie.

. . .

Back at Arkos Stefani, Petrov, and Dempsey were just arriving to the surface via the lift, still hidden by the debris. Stefani pushed against one steel rod sticking out of the framework a few feet from the elevator shaft, "We'll need to get this Cryzar fixed at some point."

Petrov tapped the inner cylinder to see that the laser mechanism was indeed broken and hummed speculatively. A flash of lightning crossed the sky. A storm was definitely on it's way. A large van was already prepared for them marked, "Satellite Repair." and all 3 piled into the vehicle.

Petrov as the driver, Dempsey in the back because he was such a big fellow, and Stefani in the passenger's seat.

As soon as they got in the van, the sky let loose and a torrential downpour started to flood around the timbers.

Petrov took the wheel, and peeled out as Stefani turned on the device Arkos gave her to see they weren't far from the Merriweather residence. "Step on it." she said and scratched her head where the barrette was, as it gave her some irritation.

It wasn't just the physical discomfort but the fact it marked her as a disruptive employee of Arkos since it was supposed to only be reserved for the children residents.

. . .

As for me, I was still thinking and planning. This rainstorm just might be the perfect cover for me once I escaped this madhouse !

As for the moment, Katrina had left and someone new had entered the bathroom, apparently to help me with my urge to pee. Someone I knew from school !

At first I shook my head because - well, because of what happened was so strange and bizarre I thought surely I hallucinated it.

But no. It was that same abusive girl that ran screeching out of the girl's bathroom along with her friends. The same one that nearly knocked me out by kicking out my legs from under me and then tried to suffocate me under her skirt much to the amusement of her friends.

"You !" was all I could say.

"We meet again, DEV !" she said with a wide smile on her face.

My brain was spinning fast now. "You, you're - you're Scant's little sister ?"

She nodded. "Now you're putting it together. I'm Lemonie. 'Scant,' as he likes to call himself is indeed my big brother. It was my room you were trying to break in earlier, creep." She narrowed her eyes down to me. "I had hopes to meet yas again."

I was speechless. It was clear I did not hallucinate earlier what this evil girl did to me earlier.

"Lemonie, I really need to go pee." I said in a pained voice and bent my knees forward like I could burst any second.

While I had hoped I would be cut free, instead she had brought a little Dixie cup.

"What's that for ?" I asked.

"You said yas needs to pee. Well, I'm heres to help yas." she said, and a smile drawled across her face.

"You'll need a bigger cup." I offered.

"Oh, will I ?" she asked with a smirk. Then suddenly she reached down and pushing her fingers right past the underwear touched my own member. Lights exploded in my eyes and I felt like passing out from the shame and whirl of confused feelings in my head !

She pulled back and I shook my head to clear it. "I don't know." she added thoughtfully. "Really for that tiny little pea-shooter yas packing, all yas needs is a thimble." and laughed at the cruel joke.

I didn't laugh with her. I spoke, "Look, I - I appreciate your help but I don't think - that is - I don't want. Can't I just go to the bathroom by myself ?"

She screwed her face up like she was thinking whether or not this was a trick to escape.

"I can't pee in a cup with you standing there !" I begged.

She shook her head. She was a bad person, like Scant, but she wasn't going to let me suffer this indignity now that I pleaded not to.

"I - guess not." she said carefully. "But no tricks from yas !"

"Once I'm free, no tricks." I promised. And I thought to myself, but I'm not officially free until I'm OUT THE DOOR so until then, I was gonna trick and connive all I could to get out of here !

She puzzled her lip with her finger for a bit and finally reached for the scissors in the cabinet nearby. She carefully snipped around my wrists and fortunately, the cotton did its job and didn't stick to me. I rubbed my aching wrists ruefully.

She chuckled wickedly, "Once yas dones with yore business though, =I= need to go. And you know where your head will be then ?" I shook my head I really didn't know. She leered, "Right under my bare butt, that's wheres yas belong !"

I swallowed hard in fear but nodded. She greeted me with a big smile in anticipation. Composing myself a little I spoke, "Think I can have a little privacy for myself before you ... ?"

She looked around. There really was nowhere I could go. "You got two minutes toilet boy, and then it's back in the hole you go. And after that it's MY hole yas got to clean !" she said, solemnly.

I was pretty sure that was against Katrina's rules of conduct but I didn't want to give her any indication that I was going to use this time to escape. I just nodded again. She left and closed the door.

I was alone. My ploy worked ! I really did need to go pee so I quickly did my business but didn't flush. Back to more important things, I looked to the window for a second to see there was indeed a fierce and rather strange looking rainstorm raging outside. Was it my doing, I wondered ? I thought again of that energy surge in the school gym.

I then opened the window wide and stretched the pane a little to make it look like I exited there. Then I carefully climbed into the lower part of the cabinet where there was ample room for both me and a hamper of dirty towels. I closed the door behind me and waited.

"Time's up, butthead !" I heard Lemonie say after a minute and then she opened the door to find where I was. There was a moment of silence and then I heard her little feet in her shoes clamber over to the window.

"Oh you clever little M**********R !" she spat angrily. and then ran out to get Katrina. I smiled and stayed hidden behind the towels. This was working better than I thought.

In less than a minute I heard Katrina enter the bathroom.

"What the f**k did you do, lemon-head ?" she screeched in an accusatory tone to Lemonie.

"He said he needed to pee !" she countered.

"In the cup !"

"He said he couldn't pee with me there !"

"And you believed him !?"

"Yeah, I cut him free."

"That's fine, but you don't EVER leave them alone like that, dumbass ! We worked so hard to get this just right and you totally fucked it up !" I heard Katrina's high heels walk over to the window and I could tell she was looking intently out though I couldn't see her from my position.

"There's a bush below." she said thoughtfully. "It definitely would've cushioned his fall."

I heard her voice change volume and direction, "You've done enough, shrimp ! You've ruined the All-Nighter ! I gotta find Buff and see if we can do anything about this."

"I'm sorry I'm sorry !" I heard Lemonie say. Katrina certainly was pissed at her. I smiled but kept quiet behind the towels.

I heard someone reply quietly but I couldn't make it out. Then I heard Buford speak louder, "Everyone, outside ! We gotta find Dev right now or we're in deep s**t with the police !"


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