ZSROTU 10 - "You Will Be Mist"
A Chapter by dw817
Judge Ferron the slammed the gavel down. "Zachary Smith, I sentence you to an immediate execution of non-existence. For John and his family, you are granted free passage to Earth with our apologies." 
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 LOST IN SPACE Zachary Smith - Ruler Of The Universe © March 2017 Written by David Wicker Please do not reprint without permission
This will be my new main Tuesday writing until the story is complete.
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These entries are Rated: EVERYONE   10. YOU WILL BE MIST
week as you remember John Robinson and his family were under trial for the disappearance of their emissary. It went from bad to worse when judge Ferron of the Dralastites called for Zachary Smith to take the stand and plead his case.
The reason for John's apprehension was an easy one to determine. Dr. Smith has always in some way been responsible for any wrongdoing that had ever occurred, and he suspected quite strongly such was the case in this instance.
So when Dr. Smith was called to the stand, the whole family followed, perhaps hoping they could prompt Smith to say or not to say things that would get them in further trouble.
Judge Ferron bid the others sit in a pew to watch the proceedings but not to interfere with the court. Smith took the stand.
An appointee approached the bench and, appearing human for the moment, raised his right hand and spoke. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me Zod ?"
Smith immediately picked out the strange word. "Zod ? Who is Zod ?"
The appointee sighed in a tired voice, "Say God if you think that's any better, human."
"Yes, I do. I mean to say, that is, I will certainly do my best to defend myself."
The appointee gave a sidelong look to Smith. "Good enough, I suppose."
The prosecutor approached the bench. "Can I call you Smith ?"
"That's fine." Smith purred.
"Okay, Smith. Did you see our emissary approaching your camp earlier ?"
"You got a good look at him then. What was your initial reaction ?"
"I don't understand, explain this."
"What approached us looked to be a mass of tentacles and an elephant's head. Who wouldn't be terrified of such a revolting sight ?"
The prosecutor backed up a bit to talk to the jury. Words were heard. "Why are they saying, Melkos was ugly ?"
"They're humans. They base all beauty after their own."
"So then it's possible one of them did do in Melkos, if for no other reason out of prejudicial fear."
"That seems likely." another said.
Then the prosecutor approached Smith again. He seemed confident he could trap Smith now.
"Did Melkos, the emissary - did he say anything to you ?"
At this point John Robinson spoke up from where he was. "It appeared that his translator was broken so all we got back was audio gibberish."
The judge banged the gavel down. "Out of order. John Robinson, you will refrain from interrupting during the examination of Zachary Smith."
John nodded, "Of course. Apologies, your honor."
But Smith took the lead and said, "It is just as our captain said. All we could hear was gibberish. We fought back as anyone else would."
"Fought back !?" the tribunal said. "Explain this, Smith !"
Smith's fingers immediately went to his collar and he tugged on it, clearly feeling hot and sweaty from saying the wrong thing.
But before Smith could defend himself, Don West jumped up, "Your honor, I would like you to know that none of us made any move to attack the approaching emissary."
The judge was getting ready to bang his gavel but paused.
"You are out of order," he said angrily. But then a moment later, quietly. "However, I think you may have evidence vital to this case. Proceed."
Don stood up from his seat and spoke. "None of us are killers. We defend to survive if we have to. If you were to question each one of us, even with that truth-saying machine as John told me about, you would find - we are not killers. And that none of us had anything to do with the death of your emissary."
The judge nodded. "Your words ring true, Don West. I believe you. How about you, Smith ?"
* * *
Smith panicked with all eyes on him and spoke suddenly without thinking, "It was only in self defense !" And he couldn't clap a hand to his mouth fast enough, once again saying the completely wrong thing.
His careless words brought an angry uproar from the jury and other alien onlookers.
The judge banged down his gavel. "Order. Order !" Then smiled wickedly down to Smith. "It isn't often we find someone guilty - REALLY guilty of a great many things, including murder, and is so clumsy as to not cover their actions in a court of law. I think we're done here."
Everyone stirred in their seats. Positive sounds of agreement were heard.
Judge Ferron the slammed the gavel down hard, causing it to spark. Clearly it was flint and the base steel.
"Zachary Smith." he began. "I sentence you to an immediate execution of non-existence. As for John and his family - and Don, you are all granted free passage to Earth and with our apologies ..."
Ferron stood up to address everyone. "Dismissed !"
It took a moment for Will to understand what was going on. Then suddenly, "Wait ! You're going to kill Smith ? But he's my best friend !"
Ferron was placing a mantle over his shoulder in lieu of exiting the court. "Yes, little one. If we do not punish the wicked, they will never learn."
"Enough of this !" Smith said and then fumbled with his ring.
One of the guards nearby spat, "He's got a weapon !" and reached for a laser pistol holstered by his side.
Judge Ferron hit the ground immediately in fear of Smith's "weapon," but not before Smith's request to the ring was given - and carried out.
For suddenly everything vanished and Smith and the family were plunged into a strange and pretty blue mist. That was not so surprising as it was perfectly and completely quiet.
John attacked Smith and wrestled the ring from him. "What did you do now !?" he shrieked. "Kill them all ?"
Smith held his hands up defensively. "No, no ! Nothing like that, I just said, I want us to be away from here."
"Well, where is here then ?" Don wanted to know, and his voice echoed slightly in the area.
Smith quavered, "Well, I don't - I don't know. Somewhere safe I suspect."
The mist continued to float around them. It was disorienting to say the least.
John now had a chance to look at the ring in the dim light here, "Ruler - Of - The - Universe !?"
Don shook his head angrily. "Oh you've really done it now, Smith ! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't tear you apart right here and now ?"
Smith pointed a shaky finger to Will. "The kids ! You wouldn't subject them to seeing that kind of violence, would you !?"
Don reached down and pounded the ground in frustration. Strangely it was soft and spongy so his fist bounced back.
He sat down angrily. "We need to get out of here." He looked to Smith. "Undo what you did, Smith."
Smith shook his head, "We can't go back ! Didn't you hear what they said, they're going to kill me !"
"You would rather it be now than later ?" Don growled angrily holding his hands out threateningly. It was clear he would pound Smith to a pulp, kids watching or not.
Smith lowered his head. "I see your point. Very well, Major. John, my ring if you please."
John shook his head, "Oh no. You've gotten us in enough trouble. You just tell me how to work the thing."
Smith grimaced. He had more plans than just getting out of here, MANY more plans for that amazing ring, but it was clear John was going to hold on to it for now.
"It's simple." he told John. "Hold it up, like this." he held his own hand up in the air. "And speak directly into it, what you want."
John held the ring up, "Return us all to the Jupiter 2. At once."
Nothing happened. John waited. A full minute passed in silence. Nothing.
He tried again, "Take us all to the Jupiter 2, now !"
More time passed in silence, and nothing happened. The ring didn't even flash like it normally did.
"Is it broken ?" Maurene asked, concerned.
John looked it over. It was shiny gold without so much as a single nick to its surface. "I don't think so." he said.
Judy then spoke, "If the ring doesn't work, maybe we could just walk out of here ?"
Don nodded. "That's good advice. This place - where we are, can't be all mist. There must be something else here. Some way to escape. Let's start to travel - " and he paused in thought. Finally pointing directly behind him. "This way."
Everyone stood up, dusted themselves off, and started in that direction. Everyone except for Smith who stayed where he was.
"I'll catch up presently." he told the others and waved them away with a dismissive hand.
"I'll bet you will." Don argued back, but was far enough away he didn't want to double back in a debate.
And then they were walking, and they were indeed walking a perfect straight line. Directly away from where they were. For a few minutes there was nothing. Nothing but the strange and pretty blue mist. Then they saw something ahead. They couldn't make out the form or face very well, but it was clear it had 4-arms. Two were in use and the others dangled uselessly at the waist.
This creature was crouched down to the ground, as if they were looking for something. They hastened their steps to approach ...
© 2017 dw817
Added on March 28, 2017
Last Updated on March 28, 2017
Tags: davidw, Zachary Smith, John Robinson, Penny Robinson, Will Robinson, Judy Robinson, Maurene Robinson, Don West, your honor, non-existence, self defense, really guilty, blue mist, prejudicial fear