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Dream Diary - July 28th 2015

Dream Diary - July 28th 2015

A Chapter by dw817

Mr. Cokeflats / School Arcade / I've Outgrown Them / Xanga 2nd Release / Do My Paperwork / Technical Artist / Little Mermaid Pocket Planner / Ceremony Of The Axe / Walk Your Cat / I Hate Trash Trucks



  Dream Diary   


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© July 2015 Written by David Wicker
Please do not reprint without permission

This will be my new main Tuesday writing and I will add a new listing of 10 of my
dreams every week as long as I can remember or am reminded to do so.


* * *

These entries are Rated: TEEN

Here are 10 more unusual and bizarre dreams I have recorded. And like the others - they seem to go all over the place.


[1] Dreamed I was on a school bus and I lost my backpack. At the time I had this little hand-held video game which I set on my seat for a moment.

Then I picked up someone else's backpack that was on the floor and turned it over and inside out because I believed that they had stolen some school supplies from me.

I then held up the empty pack to see if anyone claimed it as theirs. They didn't, so I took it. I went back to my seat but my game device was gone. The people in front and in back of me were laughing so I had no idea who took it.

Not really wanting to play this stupid game I spoke with the people behind me, "Did you see me set something down in the seat ?"


"Are you sure."

"No." followed by rude laughter.

I sighed. I looked to the students up front but they were replaced by this single elderly gentleman who was wearing a top hat.

Before I could speak he held out his hand wanting me to shake it. "Cokeflats is my name son. Cokeflats. Don't forget it. For it'll always be a friend for you."

Some of the other students in the seats snickered rudely at his friendly demeanor and slick talk.

"What are you doing on a school bus ?" I asked.

He didn't answer but reached forward into his case and pulled out a can of coke for me, with the exception it was completely frozen over in a glob of solid ice.

"Here you go." He said offering it to me.

"What do I do with this ?" I queried.

He just smiled and turned back around to face the front dropping whatever interest and conversation he had in me.

I was feeling a little parched so I tapped it against the glass. The ice wouldn't chip free. So then I dropped it on the floor. At once the ice cracked but not only that the thing shot off like a rocket, apparently with high carbonation.

It smashed into windows and barreled down the walkway towards the front where the driver was.

I jumped out of my seat to try and catch it when it suddenly knocked hard into the head of the driver. He slumped over the wheel and the bus lurched hard to one side finally careening on an angle and then tipping over knocking everyone out of their seat.

Then I woke up.


[2] Dreamed I was back in Middle School, felt like I was 12-years old or so and scrawny with no muscle.

But this school was different from the one I grew up from - it had rooms of entertainment you wouldn't normally find.

I entered one room and there were several videogame consoles. There was even a fellow there converting dollars to quarters to help the students.

I entered and asked him, "Why is this here ?"

He replied friendly enough, "Everyone needs a place to relax."

I puzzled my lip, "Yeah, but aren't classes running right now ?"

"They could be." he said ambiguously.

I sighed and looked around. The video games were certainly not modern. They had Space Invaders, Centipede, Asteroids, and that neat game I played years ago where you shoot down enemy planes in a rainstorm.

I was delighted to see that shooter again. I fished in my pocket and found a quarter. Dropped it in the slot and sat down in the seat. Above me a little plastic wheel spun and a bright light shone on the gray plastic screen ahead of me to show raindrops as blurry lines.

The sound of rain occurred by rubbing metal bristles over a steel cylinder. Thunder was played randomly from a deep bass speaker inside the machine.

Three bright yellow lights shone through small glass filters looking like planes and also shone on the screen. A blurry red target appeared from a colored light above my head shining through a cut piece of plastic in the shape of a cross-hair.

I played the game for a bit. It was really more presentation than an actual game as the enemy planes all moved the same way and you could hold the firing button down without overheating the gun and there was no score to it either.

It finished and powered down after a few minutes.

I got up to try another, it was a pinball but unplugged. I looked in the back and plugged it in. I heard a loud popping sound, one I was familiar with, that I had won a free game. I went to the front but instead of a ready game it was spitting out tickets for something or other.

There was a girl there, she told me stand over here and pointed with her finger, so I did.

She opened the side of the wall that was next to me and bigger kids from a different school came pouring in. I knew bullies when I saw them so I vacated the arcade immediately.

My legs felt like they were stuck in taffy. I've had this happen in dreams before. I knelt down with both my knees facing forward and pushing with my fingers from front to back started sliding on the floor.

I heard conversation behind me of the bigger kids so I started to slide faster and faster.

I whizzed past classrooms, floating a half a foot above the ground and still navigating myself with my fingers.

Then I ran into a staircase. I tried to rise up but my legs felt really heavy. The girl from the arcade ran in front of me and then turned around. She showed me her back which had a big black number seven written on it.

Then someone grabbed me from behind - and I woke up.


[3] Dreamed I was friends with this guy, I didn't know his name, who collected trading cards.

And he had all kinds, he was a very serious collector. In his house and hanging on the wall he had hundreds of cards, all sorted by type, years, rarity, and depending or not whether they were his favorites.

He had Baseball, Football, Basketball, Golf, Tennis, Soccer, Ice Hockey, Volleyball, and a whole bunch of movie trading cards from the early Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Star Trek, Star Wars, Space 1999, Lone Ranger, Creature Feature, and many others.

I was especially interested in his Silly CDs, Wacky Packages, and Garbage Pail Kids as I had collected many of those in my youth.

He then led me to a room where there were a whole bunch of old but amazing toys. Metal robots, Tomy Pocket games, metal board games, windup dolls, all kinds of neat stuff.

He had a table too that had a series of hammers on it. I asked why, he picked one up and lifting one of the neat metal robots, smashed it right on the head causing plastic bits and sharp tin to crash out of it.

"What are you doing !?" I asked angrily.

"I've outgrown these toys." he said simply. "They are not for me. What ? Did you want them ?"

In the dream I felt like I was 40-years old, and even though I might not play with them I didn't want to see them just get destroyed. Another child might really like them.

"Yes." I said, answering his question. "Yes, I do want these. I don't want you to break any more."

"Suit yourself." he said simply. Then left the room closing the door behind me.

I picked up the broken robot. For some reason I knew how to repair it. So I picked up the pieces and started to fix it. After a minute or so, it was just as good as new. I set it upright on the floor, turned it on and watched what it would do.

It had a little paper wheel in the middle of the chest that showed scenes of galaxy which scrolled across. Then it walked forward on spindly little metal legs. Then it stopped and a double set of plastic guns popped out over the paper wheel and fired lighting up with bright orange light and making a shooting sound.

Then it walked a little more and the paper wheel scrolled further.

The card collector returned. He looked down on the ground where the robot was walking. He saw I fixed the toy he broke and was mad at me.

"Get out of here !" he told me angrily.

I picked up the robot and carried it with me. As I left the room I woke up.


[4] Dreamed the website Xanga had returned. Not just a halfway attempt on Wordpress like it is today but a really good and amazing website.

They had a chat engine too where others could create rooms for their friends to enter and they could talk.

They also had the neat VideoTEL method of communication with the same amazing trading cards the system held from so many years ago.

I signed in Online, they recognized my name and password and I saw that unlike the current system which lost all my work, they had managed to keep all my pages and writing intact.

I was just getting ready to leave the office to tell Dad as I was at his house when I woke up.


[5] Dreamed that Jordan came to visit. He was still 6-years old to my 14.

Dad was there working in an office on important paperwork, I didn't know what it was. I was in the other room. There was a Christmas tree there yet in my memory it wasn't anywhere near Christmas.

Jordan was looking at the tree and I knew what he was thinking. About taking down the ornaments and breaking them on the ground.

But I was more interested in what Dad was doing at the time. I walked into Dad's room and I heard ornaments break outside. I knew he would get in trouble and it wasn't my responsibility so I ignored it.

I crept up on Dad and looked at the papers he was signing and filling out. It was certainly a lot of stuff.

He coughed and spoke to me, "Some day you'll need to do all this."

"What if I don't want to ?" I told him.

"Who will do it for you ?" he asked me.

"Maybe somebody rich." I replied.

"Why are they rich ?" he queried.

"Because they do that stuff for other people ?" I said.

He smiled and tousled me on the head, "You're always thinking, aren't you, tiger ?"

I smiled. Then it sounded like the whole tree was getting knocked over from the over room. I heard my sister yelling, "I'm gonna spank your butt, Jordan !"

Then I woke up.


Dreamed I was not from my family but a different one. We lived in England and as such had strong English accents.

My Dad was an artist. He drew technical stuff like the internal workings of a stopwatch or other machinery or electronics. He charged 10 pounds for a painting of a stopwatch where you could see all the gears and machinery in it.

He also taught classes to teach others how to draw like him for 5 pounds a week. It was for 2-hours every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

There was this one mean guy who couldn't draw very well, but he was more vocal about selling his art. He didn't like the classes Dad taught so he told him, I am going to shut you down.

my Dad replied, good luck with that.

And they argued for days about it. But it never affected my Dad's teaching classes. It did however affect this other guy, his pictures got worse and worse until he fell into ruin.

I asked Dad about it sometime later and he smiled and said, "If your plans are only on getting even, you'll never get ahead."

I nodded in agreement, then I woke up.


[7] I was in a gift store of some kind. I remember that I was going to see Rose on the weekend so I wanted to buy something nice for her.

They had a pocket planner with Ariel, the Little Mermaid on the cover. The opening clasp was a golden Flounder charm. Inside the blank pages had silver lines on them and bas-relief pictures from the movie at the top.

It was really fancy and cost $25. At the time I knew I had 10 $5's in my wallet. I picked it up to take a better look and sat in a chair nearby.

I was only looking at the planner for another minute when it felt like the chair was sinking. It was sinking into the floor !

I tried to get up but it felt like there was G-force being pushed against me in the opposite direction, which is odd since I was traveling downwards.

I looked around and it was like stars and galaxies. Really pretty. I let go of the planner and it flew out of my grip straight into the sky.

I looked up and it was like all the stars were converging into one bright point. Then I woke up.


[8] There was some type of odd parade taking place. Unlike other parades where there was loud music and laughter, this was a rather somber one.

A lone fellow in a dark hood was dragging an axe down the road. The axe was twice the size he was and made only out of wood, painted silver on the blade for appearance.

In the back of my mind, I knew this meant something. It held some type of meaning. People were standing around, watching it.

There was this tall Japanese fellow who was punching everyone in the chest if they stood too close to the event. Everyone had to maintain a certain distance from this event taking place.

I went out to look and he launched out a full attack against me.

"I'm not even close, you idiot !" I yelled at him.

He didn't reply but tried to bang me on the head with this metal pot he was carrying, like from a kitchen.

I dropped down to the ground so he flew over me. Then I back kicked him through the wall where he lay motionless.

There was polite applause and cheering from those watching; apparently no-one liked him. A woman came forward with a tray of cookies she made. I had and bit into one, it was good.

I noticed Kay and my sister were in the crowd too, watching the whole affair.

After the axe dragging there were these pretty women who were dressed only in revealing bra and panties, giggling and carrying flowered streamers for everyone to see. Their dances were exotic and enticing. The streamers wove in out from each other in a flurry of joyous motion.

I was really confused by the whole thing now. "What does it mean ?" I asked myself, not realizing I spoke out loud.

"That rage is temporary." said a man next to me near the crowd. "That we carry a grudge much as the man carrying the axe. It weighs us down, not just in our life, but in our soul."

"That for all the anger and threats we muster, they are ephemeral. Deep down inside we are a loving and caring species."

I smiled really wide at that until someone else yelled angrily, "You're full of it, man !"

Then I woke up.


[9] Dreamed that I was out and somehow walking a cat. A real cat. And the cat was walking with me much the way a dog would. I was pretty surprised at this and people watching in the street were additionally amazed.

"How do you get a cat to stroll ?" I heard someone ask me.

"I'm not sure." I replied, then smiled, "I never asked her."

They smirked and walked on. Then the cat pulled hard to one side. There were some bones near a gutter. In my mind I knew these were bones of a witch and they were to be avoided or I could get cursed by them.

One guy came and held a bone up to the light. Then he did something odd. He crumbled it in a single grip, which meant he had to be impossibly strong.

I pulled the cat away and there was a store up ahead that said, "Closing. All underwear must go."

It was a women's shop so I entered. Someone greeted me at the door and said, "It's all free. Take what you want, but no cats are allowed."

I nodded and tied the cat outside the store near a bicycle rack. Then I entered.

I wished Rose was with me as I didn't know her waist size. I was looking through the underwear when suddenly someone thrust the collection straight at me. Then I was floundering through it, like a sea of fabric, and I couldn't be free of it.

Then I could see again but it seemed like I was taller. I looked down and saw that I was standing on a pedestal, but more important than that, I had turned into a woman's mannequin and was covered only in a bra and panties.

I struggled to be free of the plastic binding but I couldn't break loose. Then I woke up.


[10] If I hadn't mentioned it earlier, I have a real phobia of trash trucks. If I'm having a nightmare, you can bet your breeches that a trash truck will be involved.

This dream was just that. I was running away from this trash truck but stopped to watch it pick up an empty car, raise it above the truck then drop it through the top.

I heard the machine crush the car and it sounded absolutely awful.. Then the vehicle was back after me.

I had learned a few tricks on my own, however. As it came towards me I ran sideways, like I do when I play basketball. I knew that the trash truck had difficulty making sharp turns so I could stay out of it's reach this way.

It tried to corral me against these concrete pillars, like we were in some kind of rain gully.

I met a woman in a wheelchair with an umbrella. She saw me and pointing at the truck spoke, "Don't you want to go with them ?"

I shook my head violently, skirting around her. "No, I don't ! They want to kill me !"

She smiled, "Don't be silly. They just work for the city and are taking out the trash."

I was about a dozen feet from her but yelled back, "And that is me !"

"If you're trash." she said cryptically.

Then I heard the machine stop. I looked back and saw the truck pick up with woman with her wheelchair and her in it. Then drop her from the top. I didn't want to see her get mashed up so I struggled hard - very hard to wake up.

I finally did, shaking in fear.

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© 2015 dw817

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Sorry I didn't read your request fast enough. I'm new here so I just found out how to view my read request :(. I'll read the rest a.s.a.p!

Your dreams are very thorough. You have an ending to most of your dreams or some sort of conclusion. I, on the other hand, never have an ending to my dreams and I usually wake up terrified and in my own sweat :).

Do you happen to know if you're a lucid dreamer? I ask this because from what I've read, your dreams always seem to have a beginning, middle, and ending (not all, but most of them). Though I don't think you intend on dreaming of these things, I'm curious to know if you create your own ending to your dreams?

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Hi Sue,

I have been told that I am a lucid dreamer, but I believe that is because I t.. read more

9 Years Ago

Ah I see. Intriguing excerpts, thanks for letting us in :)

9 Years Ago

Sure. I think everyone dreams. My G/F Rose has interesting dreams too. But she doesn't want to write.. read more


[send message][befriend] Subscribe
Sorry I didn't read your request fast enough. I'm new here so I just found out how to view my read request :(. I'll read the rest a.s.a.p!

Your dreams are very thorough. You have an ending to most of your dreams or some sort of conclusion. I, on the other hand, never have an ending to my dreams and I usually wake up terrified and in my own sweat :).

Do you happen to know if you're a lucid dreamer? I ask this because from what I've read, your dreams always seem to have a beginning, middle, and ending (not all, but most of them). Though I don't think you intend on dreaming of these things, I'm curious to know if you create your own ending to your dreams?

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Hi Sue,

I have been told that I am a lucid dreamer, but I believe that is because I t.. read more

9 Years Ago

Ah I see. Intriguing excerpts, thanks for letting us in :)

9 Years Ago

Sure. I think everyone dreams. My G/F Rose has interesting dreams too. But she doesn't want to write.. read more
Such a cool chapter :) Loved it!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Them dreams, they be creepy. :) Find the rest HERE,

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Dream Diary



Fort Worth, TX

