Dream Diary - January 14th 2015

Dream Diary - January 14th 2015

A Chapter by dw817

This Is Wisdom / Seeking A Time Traveler / Give Us The Moped / New Lego Design / Building A RPGMaker / Burning Gas / Rent-A-Youth / Real Haunted House / The Nightmare / Don't Smoke


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  Dream Diary  


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© January 2015 Written by David Wicker
Please do not reprint without permission

This will be my new main Tuesday writing and I will add a new listing of 10 of my
dreams every week as long as I can remember or am reminded to do so.


* * *

These entries are Rated: TEEN

Here are 10 more unusual and bizarre dreams I have recorded. And like the others - they seem to go all over the place.


Dreamed I was at church. People there were calling me a gupper, which I guess was a slang word for a stubborn person. They kept putting these poison pins in front of me in a tray that were each in the shape of religious symbols.

Finally I knocked the whole lot of them to the ground. One adult came by and threw candy on the floor. Getting no reaction he picked them up and put them in this plastic treasure chest.

Then these kids came rushing in and not only took the candy from the chest but the pins. A few put them on but when they did their faces turned ashen and their hair white.

"This is wisdom." the adult said to me as if it were an explanation.

I shook my head, "Then I don't want any of your wisdom, call me a gupper if you like, but I'm out of here."

And I left the church, but when I did, what warmth I had started to trickle away and the further I got from the church the colder I got until I froze solid. I woke up seeing the blankets had fallen to the floor and I was shivering.


Dreamed me and Rose were trying to find a time traveler. I sent her in this bathroom where construction was taking place. She relayed to me on a

She said, there's something here - you should look.

I asked, what ?

She didn't answer.

I went to her position and she pointed. Look they're giving out condoms here.

I shrugged, didn't schools do that years ago to try and prevent unwanted teen pregnancies ?

We couldn't find the traveler so we gave up and went to a bar. Rose got a drink. There was this nosy little kid there.

He was very rude. What are you doing here ? You shouldn't be here. You need to go home now or you'll be sorry.

I pushed him around when suddenly there was a gunshot - and I abruptly woke up.


Dreamed I was on this high powered
moped. For some reason many people were chasing me, like the whole city it seemed. They're all trying to knock me off and take the moped for themselves.

I kept driving around, swerving around others and obstacles and everything. Then the sky got dark and purple ribbons rippled in the clouds. I knew the dream was going to get bad so I tried to get out of the city.

Sure enough it got nightmarish as people turned into these grey ghoulish things with long fingers. I woke up in fright.


Dreamed that LEGOS were clear and required batteries in order to connect. They each had a small battery and were magnetic to each other instead of interlocking by the plastic connection.

One advantage was, you could press the button on one and they would all light up and shine a different set or a fixed set of colors.

I remember I was working on a house and I wanted a gray chimney. So I tapped the front of it until the colors cycled to the one I wanted. It was really neat these futuristic LEGOs, and of course they shone well in the dark.

Then I woke up.

[?] Woke up wondering what the word, "ampoule" was.


[5] Dreamed of working on S3, the predecessor of
S2. I was over at Dad's house, busy working with the tiles on it. Dad was there too, he was working on an article for the history of videogames.

I got thirsty, went into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and saw that he only had juice. I didn't want that so I poured a glass of water. The top of the water was metallic though, like a mirror. For a moment I wondered if it was
liquid mercury. Then I woke up feeling thirsty.


Dreamed I was going through a drawer, looking for a small videogame when I came across the gold award I received for singing soprano so many years ago.

I picked it up and taking a cloth started to clean it when it started to turn moldy and green in my hands.

Then Dad showed up and said, "I told you not to wash anything from the past - you'll ruin it."

Then a 'memory' popped in as happens with dreams. I knew that we had a Hispanic family living rent free in one of the other bedrooms - but it was quiet there and I didn't want to disturb them.

I looked to Dad and now he was cleaning the floor with some type of cyanide. I was going to tell him that's really poisonous and maybe he should use some liquid soap instead when - I walked by him in the kitchen and some splashed on my arm.

It started to sizzle and burn like crazy. And then I guess the gas was on the stove and I was coughing hard - I think I was going to die.

Dad was yelling at me for something when I finally pitched forward unable to breathe anymore. I woke up coughing.


Dreamed I was talking to this girl who was suicidal. I asked her if she wanted to go to a mental hospital where she would be cared for. She said yes.

So I dialed 911. As it was ringing, I told her, once you get started on Seroquel, you're going to be alright. A team from the hospital showed up and took her away.

And then for some reason I was considered a hero for doing this. I told them, I'm merely giving her the experience of what I went through. I just want to see her happy and balanced.

A day later a different crew from the hospital showed up. They said they were there for ME !

I said there must be some mistake. They said, there is no mistake, we were called by both Chris and Brett.

I started to talk to them again, to say it's a mistake when one of them reached around and injected me in the back of my arm with something.

Then everything started to slide away and I got dizzy. When I woke up, I was in a rent-a-youth auction, or some people call it a worker's auction, a benefit for some church.

And even though I knew it was just a game, a fundraiser, I was still feeling sick to my stomach. Someone there tried to bid me to get me out of the list as he knew I wasn't doing well.

I woke up still feeling very dizzy and sick to my stomach, likely from the injection.


[8] Dreamed I was in some type of mega-haunted house. But this wasn't Halloween and apparently me and a few friends of mine and 2 girls I don't know. We were actually in a ghost house.

There was this spook that was invisible that had this whispering blade. I saw the blade coming after us and I threw a book behind me.

The blade got caught in the book so I grabbed the sides of the book and pushed it down hard into the ground where the blade got stuck too.

With the blade immobilized, the spook came after us with these grisly gray hands. There was a room open to the right of us so with the ghost still behind us, we darted into it.

We looked to see the spook still running straight down the hall and it left like a mudslide behind it. Perhaps blind, the creature wailed not knowing where we went to. At that point we saw the door leading out.

I ran through it no problem but looking behind me I saw they couldn't leave the house for some reason, like there was a force-field preventing them.

There was this terrible wet splat and red sprayed over the door frame. I covered my mouth in fear and ran on. I woke up, my heart beating out of my chest.


Dreamed I was at the grocery store and it was snowing really hard. I got over to Dad's. I turned the key in the lock but somehow it was like the key for the ignition of an engine. Suddenly the door lurched forward and made the sound of a power mower. I was still hanging on to the key so I went with it before crashing into the end wall of the house.

I felt a pain near my foot too and looked and saw this big leech. I ripped it off and all these insects started coming out of my wound. I was smacking them with my hands trying to keep them away from my face.

I woke up frightened.


I was with Kay and my sister outside. We were somehow all smoking cigarettes and there was this Japanese Mafia movie on which was being shone from a projector onto a far smooth wall of the house.

I grabbed another cigarette, there was something in them that made me addicted to smoke. There was no lighter though.

I yelled, "What does it take to get a light around here !?"

Suddenly my cigarette ignited and I was smoking it again. Out of the corner of my eye I saw this terribly thin and tall man with no face. He had a cigarette lighter in his hand and it suddenly vanished. A moment later he did too.

With that I took the cigarette out of my mouth and threw it to the ground. But apparently the grass was soaked with gasoline or something because it caught fire quickly and I was soon running into the house trying to find a bucket to put the fire out with.

I woke up hearing my smoke alarm chirping. It was saying it wanted a new battery. I disconnected it for the night and gave it a new 9-volt battery in the morning.

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© 2015 dw817

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Number 9 is my favorite DW...but again, I am attracted to nightmares in a sense. I had my first ever school related nightmare just the other day. I dreamed that I woke up and all of my clocks and watches showed different times and none of them were close to each other. I panicked in the dream because I didn't know what class to go to. I don't have very many nightmares anymore (partly because I take whatever fears I have and write them down...I guess that's the medicine) but this story really freaked me out.

Anyway, great write DW! Dreams are funny things aren't they. Sometimes they are filled with shades of light while at other times they are dark and nasty. Thanks for sharing this DW! Have a good one!


Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

It's the first time I've heard of someone else having a nightmare about school. That's always happen.. read more


Number 9 is my favorite DW...but again, I am attracted to nightmares in a sense. I had my first ever school related nightmare just the other day. I dreamed that I woke up and all of my clocks and watches showed different times and none of them were close to each other. I panicked in the dream because I didn't know what class to go to. I don't have very many nightmares anymore (partly because I take whatever fears I have and write them down...I guess that's the medicine) but this story really freaked me out.

Anyway, great write DW! Dreams are funny things aren't they. Sometimes they are filled with shades of light while at other times they are dark and nasty. Thanks for sharing this DW! Have a good one!


Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

It's the first time I've heard of someone else having a nightmare about school. That's always happen.. read more

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1 Review
Added on January 14, 2015
Last Updated on January 14, 2015
Tags: don't smoke, the nightmare, real haunted house, rent-a-youth, burning gas, building a RPGMaker, new LEGO design, give us the moped, seeking a time traveler, this is wisdom, davidw

Dream Diary



Fort Worth, TX

