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Dream Diary - December 2nd 2014

Dream Diary - December 2nd 2014

A Chapter by dw817

All The Hubbub / Vengeance In A Mall / Outboard Gurney / Brain Over Brawn / Dividing Rainbows / Guinea Pigs On A Bus / The Amazing Machine / Wishing Albatrosses / Science Class / Triangular Tree


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  Dream Diary  


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© December 2014 Written by David Wicker
Please do not reprint without permission

This will be my new main Tuesday writing and I will add a new listing of 10 of my
dreams every week as long as I can remember or am reminded to do so.


* * *

These entries are Rated: TEEN

Here are 10 more unusual and bizarre dreams I have recorded. And like the others - they seem to go all over the place.


Humphrey Bogart was above us. Me and Chris were living together in an apartment downstairs. It was 3am in the morning and he was being noisy working on his routine.

We were banging on the ceiling when this mariachi band came in, complete with dancing Mexican girls, the wide Sombrero hats, the works. Several other people followed with sparklers and noisemakers determined to wake the dead.

But me and Chris - we were just trying to sleep ! It reminded me of that book Rose got for me years ago about a subway opening up in a boy's home.


I was working at this shopping mall. It was approaching Christmas. I was working on this table that had magnetic toppers. There was this bag of superglue that was super heated. It crinkled and popped, and blew apart some of my finger. There was blood everywhere.

It was a real mess. I felt okay but I knew someone had put that bag there to injure me - for what I wasn't sure. The dream wasn't clear about that. The other workers did try to find a doctor for me, however.


I was with my Mother. We were in a gurney that was powered like a car and was speeding down the freeway. I lay back in the seat, there were pillows and everything. Then an 18-wheeler came bruising by and nearly blew us off the road.

We stopped at a hospital. I asked Mom where we were going. She said the middle of the Mojave desert.
[Link] I've got friends there.

I said okay. Then she had a keyring and she gave it to someone at the hospital. Then she took off my shirt. I was asking her way but all she said was, you don't want to be wearing this shirt. Then she kicked the gurney into high gear and we headed out to the desert.


Somebody with mind powers tries to steal my Dad's '66 LeMans vehicle. I point my hand at them, tighten it up, and say, you're going to experience pain you've never felt before. Then I concentrate and he cries out in pain and backs away.

He was magnetically towing the vehicle with his hands but stopped when I confronted him. Then a policeman shows up and says that he is criminally insane and will take care of him for me. He places him in a mental ward and that is it for him.

I was still pretty mad so I said to him, I'll be waiting for you.


[5] Dreamed I was with Emma and Kay, we were watching this documentary on videogame making and I thought it was pretty cool.

After the show, my sister had some diffraction grating rainbow paper left over from making Star Trek props so I thought it would be pretty cool to divide the rest up. I was going to take the shiny silver paper and leave them with the colored ones.

The dream at that point ended promptly.


Dreamed I was going to military academy in this huge bus. The left side of the bus had bags of all the people's personal belongings. On the right side of the bus were the people who were going to the academy, including myself.

I did have two books with me to keep me company on the long journey. They fed us on the voyage too, and they brought us some eggs for breakfast.

But before I could taste them they whisked the plate out of my hand and said, the eggs were bad. I said well, you shouldn't have offered them. They countered and said, well, you shouldn't have tried to taste them.

Then they changed tactics and brought me some other food. I wasn't going to eat it but they said it's okay too. I checked with the fellow next to me and he said they are using me is a guinea pig to see if the food is bad.

At that point I refused to eat anymore and said I was full. They begrudgingly put the food away and we continued on our travels.

Suddenly I heard a woman several seats behind me yell, "No onions, no onions !"

I got mad at that point and said, "Are you testing the food on her too ?"

The fellow who took the food away from me snarled, "Mind your own business !"

At that point I got up out of my seat but then the bus turned over like it was involved in a terrible accident. I looked up and saw this huge suitcase crashing down on my head. Then I woke up.


Dreamed I could step into this machine's doorway and enter any building's door frame. I walked through it and all of a sudden I was in a church.

The church was all empty. I looked around and realized while the machine did let me enter doorways, it apparently did not let me arrive at the same time I entered, so there was a bit of time travel technology involved as well.

Then my cat ran past me. I was trying to figure out why she was in the church when an acolyte showed up, picked her up, and ran out one of the other doorways.

I gave chase but when I entered the doorway they went through I was suddenly inside someone's kitchen. She was preparing a meal but shrieked when she saw me.

And that frightened me as it showed me the machine was unstable and entering door frames with it active might return you back here, or perhaps worse, somewhere else - and from a different time !

I then left the house and took the long journey to try and find where I had the machine. I woke up before I arrived.


[8] Dreamed I was with these creatures that granted wishes. Then these albatrosses started coming down and smashed into people - I guess because they weren't getting the wishes that they wanted.

They were squawking in high pitches and it really was an unpleasant din. I was trying to calm down the birds saying please take what you want but leave us, you're making an awful racket.

The albatrosses then robbed people. Knocking them down and taking their wallets.

Then something strange happens. It apparently has to do with the wishes being made. Chunks of Earth came down to hit the ground and somehow it affected the atmosphere and oxygen was depleting around the planet.

I woke up gasping for air.


Dreamed I was in a science class. As usual my school supplies were missing and I couldn't find any paper to write on. I also couldn't find the stuff I was supposed to take home for homework.

Dad was supposed to sign it and everything - but I just couldn't find it in or around my desk. Pretty common dream where I'm at school and can't find anything to do schoolwork there.


Dreamed I was in the garage with Dad. We were trying to find my bicycle amongst the clutter. We finally found it but the air in the tires was empty. We then tried to find the device that you could plug in and add air to the tires.

Dad said it might be inside. So I went back in, passed the kitchen and was going to walk past the living room when I saw Dad had this interesting Christmas Tree there. It was made entirely of magnetic triangles all sticking to one another.

I turned and Dad was there. He looked really proud and said we were gonna have a great Christmas. I nodded and about that time I woke up.

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© 2014 dw817

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I still love the Dream Diary Series! I've been thinking about doing something similar called "Night Terrors" where I will tell all the horrible dreams a certain character has within a month. Most of it would be fiction...but I could always add a few dreams of my own in there. Just a thought I guess. Anyway, Thanks for sharing this one DW! I really enjoyed it!


Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Glad you liked it. Sure - should be just fine to start your own series. I have some real nightmares .. read more


I still love the Dream Diary Series! I've been thinking about doing something similar called "Night Terrors" where I will tell all the horrible dreams a certain character has within a month. Most of it would be fiction...but I could always add a few dreams of my own in there. Just a thought I guess. Anyway, Thanks for sharing this one DW! I really enjoyed it!


Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Glad you liked it. Sure - should be just fine to start your own series. I have some real nightmares .. read more

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1 Review
Added on December 2, 2014
Last Updated on December 2, 2014
Tags: davidw, hubbub, vengeance, Christmas mall, brain over brawn, gurney, dividing rainbows, guinea pigs, riding a bus, amazing machine, wishing albatrosses, science class, triangular tree

Dream Diary



Fort Worth, TX

