FB1-68 "The Big Chase"
A Chapter by dw817
The police car sped carefully around a corner chasing the ambulance to a strange boarded-up and derelict building that was clearly marked in blood-red letters at the entrance. 
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The 1st Novel
) Secret Technology, Unrequited Love, Absolute Vengeance
© July 2014
Written by
David Wicker Please do not reprint without
* *
This chapter
is Rated: TEEN
Seeing I was unconscious, Stefani shrugged her shoulders, handed me Teepo and covered me with the blankets. Then kissed me soundly on my lips licking her own at the sudden unexpected taste of peppermint mouthwash. She clicked off the bedroom light. I actually snored, just a little.
Then she took the other jar from the table and set it in the refrigerator. Returning to the table she picked up the spoon and licked it clean herself. “Hmm ! Delicious …” she commented appreciatively. Then washed it and the empty jar in the sink setting both of them on the counter.
Finally going to the bathroom for a bit of mouthwash herself, the nervous habit of thumbs behind to hike up her skirt again, and then out the front door to return back to work.
I continued to sleep while she was away at work.
Stefani quickened her steps to return to work when she ran into Juliana who was puffing and panting out of breath. She had apparently gone to find Stefani with some important news.
“What’s wrong ?” Stefani asked concerned.
“It’s Tyr.” she said wheezing noisily. “We have her.” and then handed her a clipboard to read which proved that fact.
Stefani, not really looking at the clipboard tilted her head thinking deeply to herself.
This is good because Arkos has been after her since that construction commode incident. They seem determined to believe she has telekinetic powers and can be drugged for Arkos use.
What a load of crap ! There’s no such thing as telekinesis !
And then Stefani thought to herself, However, this is NOT good because according to records, Tyr is his true ‘girlfriend’ and she’d probably do anything to break up Dev and me.
She shook her head and continued in her thoughts. I’m having way too much fun with Dev. And one stupid little girl like Tyr will not stand in the way of MY happiness !
For a moment Stefani imagined holding on to sweet little Tyr’s bright red hair knotted around her hand and holding her face where I was earlier.
She relished in the thought of seeing her fight like Dev did, grunting and straining, water splashing in all directions, her legs struggling to get away, the ones with the pom poms on the socks like she saw in the presentation photo, and then suddenly her legs and arms going limp, the fight all beaten out of her.
She would be sobbing and crying. And then I would force her to drink.
I think that might take some of the fight out of her, the little redheaded brat ! And she smiled wickedly to herself.
And the more she does, the more that sweet love she has for Dev will just float away, because her little brain would be softened and soaked. Talk about brainwashing a child ! and she laughed out loud.
And I would make her drink ALL of it, Stefani said cruelly to herself. And when she finally drinks down that last little bit. I’d raise her up for just a bit still holding onto the back of her head as she looked so looked to me so pitifully cold and scared.
And I would give her such a nice grin and make her think I was going to let her go. She would be confused and crying and maybe even smile at me thinking the punishment is over.
Then, Stefani, you would need to make a decision ! Does it look like Tyr would give me any more trouble after this little exercise in humiliation ?
If not and it truly looks like I had broken her morale, and she had her head lowered to me in submission, her hair dripping wet on my expensive designer shoes, then I may keep her for a few days to break her will down even more with new tasks of debasement.
And once I knew she was completely demoralized, I’d release her so Arkos could do their experiments on her and she’d be out of my hair, free to leave me to do with Dev as I wish.
* * *
BUT … if it looked like she wasn’t suitably subdued from what she did, or if she looked just the slightest bit defiant against me, I’d give her a big smile and then carefully and deliberately push her head, back in, all the way down to the bottom.
I’d hold her there, and then I’d flush, letting it refill continuing to hold her head down there at the bottom. And she’d start crying sorrowfully for what she just did, and then in terrible fear for what’s happening now !
Oh, at first she’d be okay, the new water would rise up to her. But in a short amount of time the water would cover over her head and she’d fight me a little, trying to raise up to get some air.
But I would hold her there pushed at the bottom, and it would be silent a minute except for the water trailing over the edge of the from the unbalanced mass.
Then after a minute of silence I would hear angry little air bubbles popping to the quiet surface as she sweetly drowned. And she would go straight to Heaven because that’s where all good little girls go when they die.
She should be HAPPY I’m helping her to get there instead of letting her grow up to take her chances with the Devil and go to Hell. She’ll be happy in Heaven, that’s where all good little girls belong. And then Dev will be all MINE to do with as I please !
Stefani finished her internal thoughts, Besides, I’d still give Tyr to Arkos research, but then say she drowned in a river as we tried to catch her for them.
If Stefani was going to do this terrible thing to Tyr, then she had to MOVE now and quickly, to get to her before the other agents did.
Then Stefani noticed Julie’s look of concern and puzzlement. Apparently Stefani had laughed out loud without meaning to as she was caught up in her deep and morbid thoughts. Stefani coughed to return back to seriousness.
She put a supportive hand on Juliana’s shoulder. Juliana was breathing a little slower now recovering from her run. Finally Stefani spoke nodding her head assertively and smiled, “Let’s go get her, Julie.”
With that, both her and Juliana hurried back to the elevator to return to the main office. Once Stefani had cleared the wooden entry door she barked orders to the first woman sitting adjacent to a large strange smoked grey glass desk, oddly empty of anything on it, not even a coffee cup.
“I need a Terramap of where Tyr is right now, Sonji !”
Sonji nodded, alert, and typed rapidly on the keyboard in front of her while looking to the monitor ahead for readings. The glass desk suddenly glowed to life and with a few electrical sparks like reverse lightning shooting from its smooth surface.
A moment later a holographic scene of my house appeared on it as if from a helicopter view of a dollhouse. A small figure ran out the door, it was Tyr, and you could see some police cars parked nearby. Lilly was sitting on the steps and you couldn’t really make out Choo-Choo at this small scale on her shoulder.
Stefani smiled wickedly and stepping deliberately to the glass table pointed right at Tyr, her finger interfering with the hologram effect. “There, that’s the girl we’re after !” she said remembering earlier photographs off her.
Then with a triumphant flair she tapped her bracelet for communication. “Acquisition ! Get me Dempsey and Petrov.”
Meanwhile, back at my house, the policeman were talking to both Tyr’s Mummy, Annie, and my own Mother and Father. Uncle Leroy’s vehicle was not there so he had left.
You couldn’t make out their voices and finally Lilly, still sitting on the steps spoke clearly to Tyr who was watching nearby, but getting numb and cold by the fact no-one knew where to go next to try and find Dev.
“Where do you suppose they took him ?” Lilly asked to Tyr, and it was clear to see she was as stressed as the parents from the ordeal which was now over several days in a fruitless search for me.
Tyr spoke up. “I’m not sure. But I know he’s okay.” she said with more confidence than she felt.
It was only such a short time ago she had this memory …
She remembered the scene where her, Lilly, Choo-Choo, and the presiding officer on the case were in hot pursuit of the ambulance and it’s occupants that had kidnapped me, and they were running running silently after it with no siren but speeds up to 70 MPH !
Tyr remembered seeing the ambulance, obviously not driving safely, determined to elude the police. They sped carefully around a corner to a strange boarded-up and derelict building that was clearly marked in blood-red letters at the entrance:
Arkos Institute For Gifted Children

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© 2014 dw817
Amazing write. Just about to read the next chapter.
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
Years ago, 🐱 I wrote short stories for my friends on the computer. While I dabbled mostly in scre.. read moreYears ago, 🐱 I wrote short stories for my friends on the computer. While I dabbled mostly in screenplays (one even got used in a school), the real strength lies in the ability to capture the reader.
In college I spoke with one professor and she said, it is not enough to capture the interest of the reader. You want them to be hooked and at the end of any chapter, leave enough material to pique their curiosity, but not enough to fully satisfy it.
Always leave a cliffhanger in every chapter, even to the final chapter - to show there could be a book beyond the one you wrote, to possibly answer more of their questions and curiosity not covered in the first book.
And I've taken her words to heart and try to write like this today. Glad you're enjoying the story ! I actually wouldn't mind if someone else would volunteer to do art for the chapters and passages again.
I know the original artist for the opening chapters CPT-PLAID - he is on to other things.
9 Years Ago
That's also what a few of my teachers at school have said to me too. :)
9 Years Ago
Good advice then, 🐱 ! But - it doesn't always work for some people. Chris, a good friend of mine,.. read moreGood advice then, 🐱 ! But - it doesn't always work for some people. Chris, a good friend of mine, likes what I write, but he also says it's a teen reader level. That I'll never be a true mature and professional author.
And - that's fine with me. I never claimed to be that, just one that can tell an interesting story, like must of us can I believe. :)
9 Years Ago
Hahaha so true. My English teacher thinks that my writting is pretty good and of so do my friends. S.. read moreHahaha so true. My English teacher thinks that my writting is pretty good and of so do my friends. Some of my writting like my poem Sharks is something that I'm passonate about and when poeple read they know I'm passonate about even when I tell stories some poeple like them because they like the twists that I try to pull off. Some work some don't just gotta look at my Book Hell's Gate still not finished but a lot of poeple are hooked to it but compare it to my newest short story The Siege the ending of it seems to have confused a few of my readers. :3
But we learn and grow from it and we know our weakness and work on them to make them strong. That's what we writers do.
9 Years Ago
Wow, sharks killer of the deep ? I dunno. I don't think I could ever hold too much love for them. Li.. read moreWow, sharks killer of the deep ? I dunno. I don't think I could ever hold too much love for them. Like mosquitoes, we are their food !
serves a purpose, but also sees us as their food !
As for your story, The Siege, I must admit I've never been witness to a suicide bomber - but in some ways, I understand what they are going through.
Take anyone in a great amount of pain, either physical, mental, or spiritual, and you have someone who places their morals above their own lives and quite possibly many others.
9 Years Ago
People who kill others and themselves are plain selfish. Because they want to commit suicide and pot.. read morePeople who kill others and themselves are plain selfish. Because they want to commit suicide and potentially kill other in the process are cruel, they don't even think of the damage it causes for the family how much pain they have to go through. But then again they are dead so it doesn't effect them. Argh, it makes me so angry.
9 Years Ago
Well now, don't go too deep. People who kill themselves and not others. I can fully understand that... read moreWell now, don't go too deep. People who kill themselves and not others. I can fully understand that. Having gone through it 3 times, being hospitalized, institutionalized, and finally medicated for it - yes, I can understand the suicidal mind - to the point I wanted to get myself a leucotomy (a type of lobotomy).
As for killing others - sometimes when you are a kid and bullied, you would wish death on those who tease and torment you day in and day out. I mention that decision in the 4th book of Barrier.
But killing complete strangers, no, I believe in live and let live. :)
2 Reviews
Added on July 30, 2014
Last Updated on July 30, 2014
Tags: out of breath, taste of peppermint, car chase, davidw, brainwashing, telekinesis, we have her, puzzlement, look of concern, straight to heaven, police cars, electrical sparks, barked orders, acquisition