FB1-55 "Checking Out The Room"

FB1-55 "Checking Out The Room"

A Chapter by dw817

"Yes, we have that food here, You are cleared for a full meal at this time. Unfortunately, we also have it written here that apparently you've been a naughty little boy so you're getting - babyfood ?"


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F U T U R E   B A R R I E R
( The 1st Novel )
Secret Technology, Unrequited Love, Absolute Vengeance

© June 2014 Written by David Wicker
Please do not reprint without permission



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This chapter is Rated: EVERYONE

They had a computer in here. I brought it up and WISHED I had the plugin with me. I could've escaped easily then. Unfortunately I didn't. I looked at the options.

There was a - and I could only describe it as a BRAINWASHING video on the desktop to show how "important" the work was here and why you should obey everything the staff here tell you to do.

There were also a few boring video-games and it was then I noticed some of the keys on the keyboard were removed and filled in with liquid cement, apparently to prevent smart kids like me from accessing system functions. That was going to be my next option and now I couldn't even do that.

I walked to the other side of the room where there was a makeshift kitchen. There was a little refrigerator which I opened revealing a pitcher of clear water and 3 plastic glasses. I looked in the cabinets and found them completely bare of food.

On the counter-top, there wasn't an oven, but a little hi-tech microwave, which worked, so I could make tea or soup if I had the ingredients. It was also fastened down to the counter with thick plastic bolts on the sides of it.

I left the computer and went to the living room where Dempsey and Pritchart left me. There was a TV there. On it were three channels clearly marked. One had a blue stripe, the other pink, and the last grey.

The blue stripe played action-adventure cartoons which looked pretty interesting interjected by advertisements from the organization, once again brainwashing ads, showing how important it is to follow the directions of the staff in Arkos.

The pink was for girls obviously with Polly Rocket cartoons on and decidedly female brainwashing advertisements showing how you could win a cuddly Polly Rocket doll by filling out an important questionnaire from the Arkos staff.

The grey was boring as all get out and featured long videos about the company itself, and why it's so important to support Arkos in their search for children with supernatural powers. The unseen Arkos truly being insane in his pitch.

I watched the grey channel for a bit trying to learn a bit about the company, but very little was said except that they were the GOVERNMENT, always obey the LAW, and do everything asked of you while in the FACILITY.

I looked to the left of me, near the door, and there was a little intercom. I was pretty hungry and they might deliver dinner if I asked. So, getting up, I clicked it on and a nice woman's voice spoke. "How can I help you ?"

My tummy rumbled in anticipation of what I spoke next. "Cheeseburger, fries, milkshake, if you have it, vanilla, please."

* * *

I heard some clicking on a keyboard on the other side of the intercom. "This is Dev, right ?" she asked pleasantly. There was a pause.

"Yes, we have that food here, 24-hour access. You are cleared for a full meal at this time. Unfortunately, we also have it written here that apparently you've been a naughty little boy so you're getting -" and she paused to read the screen puzzled, "babyfood ?"

Then I heard heavy footsteps from the intercom as someone, a different quieter voice spoke that was off the microphone she was using. "Babyfood ? How old is he, anyways ?" it asked.

Before I could answer them, the intercom clicked off. A half a second later I heard another click, not from the speaker but inside the wall. Curious, I tried to click back on the intercom but there was an overriding switch that kept it off now. Apparently I was a bad boy after all and all lost my intercom privileges additionally.

Wow, all that from laughing at my counselor just because I thought she was being silly with me and was so incredibly cute. I had better be more serious in the future unless I developed a taste for babyfood which seemed UNLIKELY.

A little clock above the TV read a few minutes to midnight. I looked out the transparent door and saw the lights from the other domiciles were already out there. There weren't any other sounds. I looked out my door. I hated the fact it was transparent.

There were no hooks or anything to hang on it either to give me privacy. So keeping my eyes on the hallway for traffic, I stripped out of the Arkos pajamas, which like a hospital gown, didn't cover my butt. Naked, I watched through the door. All was quiet.

Finally, satisfied everyone had gone to sleep, I took my eyes away from the door and looked further in the black bag they tossed in with me to see if they included anything besides Teepo to cuddle at night. No, Just Tyr's silly cartoon socks, several of her panties, and clothes. One of her Polly Rocket coloring books.

I had to make a decision. I knew someone would be in to check on me and my question was, did I want to be naked or wearing - something. I sighed.

Grimacing and still watching the door, I stepped into a pair of Tyr's panties noticing how smooth and comfortable they were. They were bright pink with a picture of Polly-Rocket on them holding up her Love Rocket weapon which she used against her assailants. I screwed my face up in a frown. At least my butt was covered now.

There was a skirt and blouse in there too. That's okay, I'm sure it fit too, but I wanted some different clothes.

But now wait just a minuette ! What if I tried to make it look like I had escaped and I was someone else by wearing Tyr's clothes ? I went to the mirror and held the skirtup against me. If ONLY I had a little wig !

Without that, I still looked like Dev, wearing only uncharacteristic clothing. Returning to the bedroom I tossed the skirt back in the black bag.

Then I looked at the bed I was going to rest in tonight, which had all kinds of interesting straps attached to the side of it and decided it would be doubtful they'd use those on me, certainly for my first night of sleep.

It also had soft squeezable edges all the way around it so there was no way you could accidentally bang your head against anything. There was a metal pole on the far side facing the wall but no way to get hurt by it at all due to its angle in the bed.

I reached over to the side of the bed and tugged it too, trying to yank it a little bit away from the wall, but the bed didn't budge. I was probably too tired from my ordeal to have any strength so I'd try again tomorrow, after breakfast.

I was ready for bed and looked around briefly. This place was really secure. Amongst other items I checked for breakable things.

Nothing was made of glass anywhere, everything was bolted down. You couldn't use anything as a weapon, even the cabinet doors, refrigerator door, and microwave door, had some kind of hydraulic mechanism in them so you couldn't swing or close them rapidly enough to hurt someone or even yourself accidentally.

If I really went crazy and was going to hurt someone, there was no way to do in this room, none at all. It was geared for maximum security and maximum safety. The epitome padded cell for youngsters.


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© 2014 dw817

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1 Review
Added on June 18, 2014
Last Updated on June 18, 2014
Tags: davidw, restricted computer, brainwashing, liquid cement, hi-tech microwave, make some soup, action-adventure cartoons, Polly Rocket

Future Barrier - The 1st Novel



Fort Worth, TX

