The Concession Stand - November 12th 2013

The Concession Stand - November 12th 2013

A Chapter by dw817

Death Rattle, Crystal Ice, Family Guy, Partial Terms Of Endearment, The Librarian, Curse Of the Judas Chalice, Eraserhead, Miracle Mile, 12 Monkeys, Outerworld, Street Fight, Kramer Vs. Kramer, Devil


  The Concession Stand 


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© October 2013 Written by David Wicker
Please do not reprint without permission

This will be one of my new Tuesday writings and I will add a listing
of 10 reviews each time I post an added chapter to this book.

These videos will be rated from 1-5 stars additionally.



These reviews are Rated: EVERYONE

Action, Thriller, Crime, Drug Usage


[1] I noticed other people who were reviewing this video thought it was a terrible film. A shame. The acting, as listed, for the first 10-minutes of it's showing is atrocious. No doubt about it.

The story however, camerawork, props, background and incidental music, are nicely done however. The way they act is REALLY human. You can learn a lot about the wrong kind of people to associate with by watching this film, and of course, see who your true and very close and fast friends are.

As it is not rated, I would rate it PG-13 for violence and drug usage.

And it's the sort of story we always like to see, the bad boys getting theirs and the good guys winning in the end. We love it. We wanna see it, and this one delivers it, and at a low budget but well done anyways. An even 3-stars.

Comedy, Adult Situations, Series, Animation


[2] Odd that this single Family Guy episode believes it merits its own DVD. One might think they are milking the system. One might be right in that assumption.

I'd say this goes about average as far as the Family Guy episodes are concerned. Not quite as Forbidden subject matter as it seems to promise. If you've seen Family Guy episodes before, dont really expect anything especially different.

It is DEFINITELY not worthy of an entire DVD all to itself since the entire runtime is only 23-minutes and visually it shows nothing more serious than the other episodes have.

If you are not familiar with the Family Guy animated series, as they are listed NOT RATED I would suggest you rate it PG-13 yourself, not for children, teens okay.

One star for animation. One for dysfunctional family drama. And one more for amusing and familiar humor. You would do better with the Family Guy series DVD as you get 8-episodes per DISC instead of just one here.

Action, Adventure, Fantasy


[3] Need to set the record straight on this one. It has a feel that is not epic like other movies, it seems to play out like a soap opera you see on television.

The special effects are great and all but perhaps it is the camera work or the background music, there is something in there - it just didn't feel like an adventure film but a high-ticket soap episode.

it is not rated, I would rate it PG myself.

There are even pauses where the screen goes black and then back to the same image as if there were commercials intervening between scenes. Fun to watch for the first time, no re-watch value.

I'm not putting the Librarian on my shelf.

B&W, Trippy, Horror, Cult


[4] Simply must comment. Perhaps this film is not so much artistic as it is AUTISTIC.

It focuses on the very still point, and that point within that point that is stiller still. It does this with a series of droning audio sounds and the depravity of rational thought and constant suspicion of other unseen people and beings.

If you're claustrophobic, suspicious of others controlling your thoughts or the fear of others coercing you into doing things that are harmful for yourself then this film may really weird you out and get to you.

It is not so much gross as it is a GROWTH - of mold and mildew over centuries of time in this bizarrely and harshly dystopian world it is set in.

It is a really nasty little film and the baby his girlfriend gives birth to is completely a nightmarish abomination. The original rating of UNRATED to me is inacceptable. I am giving this film a a personal and very hard rated R for violence, especially near the end of the film which surpasses any horror film I've ever seen to date.

And its sheer depth of void and desolation. Definitely not for kids, some adults may find this film too disturbing for them as well. There is only one good point out of this film and that was made from a pencil sharpener (also seen in this film).

Oh yes, the movie is almost entirely B&W except for some bizarre and dark dream sequences. Five stars for its video depth and minus one for its (no pun intended) LACK OF POINT to the whole blooming affair.

End Of The World, Disaster, Thriller


[5] Left me numb with shock. Quite possibly one of the best if not THE best films I've seen about Armageddon, complete with people getting trampled, driven over, shot at, and the screams of predator, prey, and the panicked; the ultimate endgame.

Definitely not for kids by any means, abnormally realistic and gripping you on the edge of your seat covers kind of scenes and emotions.

Re-watch value only if you want to put your system through that kind of shock more than once. The question is, did misinterpreting the signs actually create the event (by panicking others) and thereby the enemy launching their weapons since for no reason at all we launch ours in defense to a phantom assumption ?

That is the neatest thing about this story. Do we not create our own enemies from our own paranoia ?

Rating it with 5 radioactive burning stars all the way for excellence in all areas.

Sci-Fi, Thriller, Whodunit, Deep-Thinker

(1995) 12 MONKEYS (R)

[6] This is a curious science fictional film, though it is a little skimpy on the special effects.

Basically you're there, and then not there for time travel, eh - they coulda used something else I suppose. Even Terminator, the first movie did a better job at this.

The plot concept, send back a hardened criminal 30 years ago to determine the cause of the Earth's demise and and retrieve evidence of a worldwide epidemic that all but wipes out the entire race of mankind.

The problem, after arriving, he is considered insane and stuffed into a mental ward where he meets Brad Pitt who plays a believable schizophrenic and is busy busy busy in the brain, and must somehow escape to continue his mission.

There is belief of a group called 12 Monkeys involved in the genocide. But from what I finally gleaned of the story, apparently the 'disaster' is caused by time travel itself - a reciprocal loop of destruction, and you'll have to watch the film VERY closely to see the mechanics of this for yourself.

Sci-Fi, Action, Fantasy


[7] Despite the entourage of negative reviews for this film, I am going to turn the tables on this. I thought this movie was AWESOME. It definitely had better effects than early Doctor Who, Blakes 7, Buck Rogers, Battlestar Galactica, and Star TREK TOS combined !

So the actors aren't 100% convincing, hey its probably their first picture. What DOES count is the amount of time, effort, and detail that went into making this great a movie back in 1987 - that is phenomenal indeed.

If you compare this with effects of 2009, naturally this isn't going to be as good as the technology didn't exist then. However, for the time period it was made, I'm ranking it 4 stars all the way for above-board production, rendition, and action.

And it has definite re-watch value, that very rare attribute that few film releases, even the more recent ones have today.

Documentary, Politics, Brutality


[8] Exceptionally well documented.

The political machine can be a very scary thing indeed. The bitter, slandered, and scandal battle between two mayoral candidates, Booker and Sharpe.

Sharpe employs methods with complete police control, accusations, and bald faced lies against the incorruptible and scrupulously honest Booker.

Every single iota of anything wrong Sharpe throws in his face. Businesses are shut down by Sharpe's police force and deemed illegal for anyone who support Booker. Merchandise is stolen and smashed. The battle is indeed carried out in the streets.

You will seldom see such long-staying corruption and guerrilla tactics outside fiction. Must see for anyone even remotely curious about the political machine governing electors for mayor; it's not about the votes, it's about state-wide control - of the people - and in any way they can.

Drama, Courtroom, Custody Battle


[9] Very good and serious film concerning the custody for a little 7-year old boy between Mr. and Mrs. Kramer played by Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep.

In the courtroom the lawyers pull no punches. The slight quipped conversations between each of them and their friends and peers are all used as consequential evidence in this gripping drama.

You have never seen a divorce until you have seen a full-blown child custody battle in the courtroom made in its wake. An eye-opener for anyone ever considering a divorce with children.

Horror, Whodunit, Satan

(2010) DEVIL (R)

[10] I saw this film last week (Nov 9th 2013) so you're gonna get a fresh review of it, only listed in Writer's Cafe.

The premise is an interesting one. A handful of select people are trapped between floors on an elevator in a high-rise building. Each person has broken the law or committed some atrocity in their own way, and has kept it secretly from others. Their own cross to bear.

ONE of the persons on the elevator, however, is none other than Old Scratch, eager to take the souls of them all for their hidden iniquities.

As a modern film it definitely delivers. Great camerawork, setting, background music, angles, and scary scenes. While special effects are minimal this is more than made up for the fact of the message that each passenger has going through their heads, "Who can I trust ?"

With the same kind of fear and apprehension as the prisoners in the movie CUBE, each person must confront their own inner demons. And when barbed accusations start to fly, that is when - if you'll pardon the language - all hell breaks loose.

An interesting perspective into the human psyche and the deep dark secrets we each hold within ourselves. Are we a better person to ask for forgiveness ? Or is it better to forgive ourselves ?

Next Tuesday I will do 10-more dreams and alternative between this subject (my movie reviews) and that.

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Anyhow, Devil caught my eye. My parents would probably whack me on the side of my head for even daring to touch a movie with the name "Devil" {Sometimes religious parents can get that really annoying OHNOPEDEVILSYOUWILLDIEPUTTHAT2HITDOWNRIGHTNAO}. Might as well sneak it into a friend's house and plunk down and watch that.

I have a few movies to suggest for reviews, if you don't exactly mind. Even if you don't wanna review them, that's fine too; just a coupla suggestions. I got away with most of these, with the horror and gore, but they were ones that could be viewed as controversial/or outstanding/or downright horrible.

Ender's Game (Oh, I've got a lot to say about this.) "Silent Hill: Revelation" (Many people didn't like it, but there's a fairly good reason why, and there's a reason why it was actually a well made movie.) "Sinister" (First horror aspect that made me not want to sleep on the floor during a sleepover). "Despicable Me 2" and "Pacific Rim."

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Gosh, I'm glad you like it. :) Devil is good but has no re-watch value, which is a shame as it build.. read more


Anyhow, Devil caught my eye. My parents would probably whack me on the side of my head for even daring to touch a movie with the name "Devil" {Sometimes religious parents can get that really annoying OHNOPEDEVILSYOUWILLDIEPUTTHAT2HITDOWNRIGHTNAO}. Might as well sneak it into a friend's house and plunk down and watch that.

I have a few movies to suggest for reviews, if you don't exactly mind. Even if you don't wanna review them, that's fine too; just a coupla suggestions. I got away with most of these, with the horror and gore, but they were ones that could be viewed as controversial/or outstanding/or downright horrible.

Ender's Game (Oh, I've got a lot to say about this.) "Silent Hill: Revelation" (Many people didn't like it, but there's a fairly good reason why, and there's a reason why it was actually a well made movie.) "Sinister" (First horror aspect that made me not want to sleep on the floor during a sleepover). "Despicable Me 2" and "Pacific Rim."

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Gosh, I'm glad you like it. :) Devil is good but has no re-watch value, which is a shame as it build.. read more

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