I tilted my head quizzically, somewhat mesmerized by the incredible unearthly glow the cube generated from the plugin gave. “Clearly a forbidden and incredible find.” I added a moment later.
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FUTURE BARRIER started out to be a silly work I
thought I
would write in
a month or so
but it has
into what is
now years of
writing and
already spans
3 full novels,
or a little
over 2100 full
pages of
I attribute this in part by reading other
novels from
brave writers
who share not
only their
skills but
wove in their
recounts and
ideas from
their own
So just like them you will see me including
and writing
down real-life
events from my
past as and
the vivid
bizarre dreams
I have had and
continue to
have, directly
into this
fantasy story.
Mostly, however, my writing will detail the
I had with
Tyr, my rather
precocious and
while we
classes back
in Elementary
and Middle
And some of this writing may reflect the many
and brushes
with the same
and opposite
sexes I had
growing up -
still leaving
me utterly
confused and
about both to
this day.
How do I feel today ? I am not really sure who
I am or where
I belong in
the world.
Where do I
belong ? I've
asked myself
that question
more years
than I can
Oddy enough I've had many MANY people tell me
where I do in
fact belong -
and not all of
them were just
teasing me but telling me.
But I do want to point out the main focus of
this writing
is on the
aspect of it,
and what
happens when a
young boy
finds a way to
solve his
problems which
I never did
growing up.
Yet - he does solve them, utterly and
with absolute
power from a
curiously sent
to him all the
way from one
million years
of his own
future to his
current time
Perhaps we have all wished for this ... ? A
way out of our
and to be free
from of our
problems ?
There are many influences in this story. I
would like to
thank my Mom
and Dad for
raising me as
well as they
could. My
sister for
putting up
with me cause
I could be a
real pip at
times, and the
true and few
friends I have
made in life
throughout the
One such strong influence comes from the
author Max
Rabinowitz and
the journal he
wrote about
his time in
the funny
He showed me it was possible to write about
oneself even
if you are a
little crazy
in the head,
and at a
personal and
intimate level
too without
being afraid
of the
And this instills that much more courage and
acceptance of
me as a person
with unique
and feelings.
Rose, my long-time girlfriend also wanted to
be in this
story too so
she is listed
as Lilly
attending the
same school we
are, and she
truly is a bit
of a twist to
the story.
I modeled her after a girl I met when Dad left
me and my
sister at the
I was 7-years
old at the
time, obsessed
by colored
I only met her once but she made a lasting if
not painful
impression on
me that showed
me there was
more to life
than just
colored pegs.
In any case, a full character synapse is
located at the
end of this
book detailing
all the people
in it, but you
should save
reading that
until only
after you have
read to that
point, cause
it might spoil
the story if
you don't.
There will also be original chapter
done for
Barrier by a
artist a few
years back.
While he did
several for
the first few opening
chapters, he
didn't cover
all of them I
distracted by
So at this time I am looking for someone who
is an artist
and would be
interested in
for any part
of these
chapters. I will certainly give you full credit and link to your site wherever it may be.
The style of artwork I would especially like would be 'minimalistic' with very little effort on the part of the artist and done in a style similar to courtroom drawings like THIS.
Well, with that I present to you, "Future
Barrier," told
ultimately in
4 novels. Once
I finish up
the 3rd book, I
will start on
the 4th and
conclude this
crazy silly
romance story.
Written to where I can refer to all of them,
but never have
to relive
these strange
and often
memories and
visions again
- unless I so
choose to ...
LOST FRIENDS Looking for the Character Synopsis ? That can be found HERE
* *
This chapter
is Rated: EVERYONE
“Tried it
again, Dev.”
as she was
bent over,
intently at
the floor.
had already
earlier dimmed
the lights and
pressed the
ENTER key on
the keyboard.
The same thing
There was a
low hum, and a
glowing rainbow
cube flickered
and appeared
out of nowhere
on the surface
of my wooden
bedroom floor,
only slightly
in it’s
"OK," Tyr asked, satisfied now that this wasn't some kind of silly magic trick I was playing on her. "Now what makes it done that huh is what's I wants to knowed ?"
My girlfriend, Tyr and me had a long history since nursery school. We had both been working on this experiment for several days now.
We both attended Waialaia (4 A's and 2 I's) High School in the quiet little city of Wanabee (2 A's, 2 E's, and 1 N only).
We weren't very fond of outdoor activities, both seldom left the house, and were more content to discover the mysteries of the universe.
And we were incessantly picked on at school on for a reason, neither of us was very muscular or tall nor looked like we could defend ourselves very well. Bait for bullies.
I was 16 at a scrawny 102 pounds at 5 feet height which I tried to compensate for with my intelligence in computers.
And Tyr wasn't much better, also 16, 110 in weight and a little under 5 feet. She was also a little retarded in her speech and thinking, often acting half her age, and only rarely her true age. I didn't know if it was an ego defense mechanism or something else.
While she went to the same school I did and attended some of the same classes, she also took those for 'special learning.'
When I asked her about it one time she said that's where all the 'smartie' students go. I didn't want to argue with her on this as I knew she could get very emotional about the smallest things and often let her anger get the better of her, usually at my expense.
Not much happened outside that in Wanabee, but with this device, this was all about to change ...
I got up from my computer and went over to the blue square and tapped it with my foot and found it didn't budge, but felt slippery as if it were wet with oil. Then I got down on the floor and tried to push it. It felt cold to the touch, like wet glass, but it still didn't move.
"Well ?" she asked after a moment.
I was still messing with the cube and looked at my finger to indeed see if it were moist, but it wasn't. There was no odor from the cube either. I thought certainly there would be an electric smell at least, but not even that.
So it was the EFFECT of it feeling wet somehow even though it wasn't.
Nodding solemnly, I went into one of my dresser drawers and took out a hammer and with no objection from Tyr, I smacked it soundly on the top.
Not only did it not break there was no sound, not even of concussion against a solid object. Even more puzzling.
"Whoo ! Dood it again." Tyr was impressed now, especially by the fact not even a hammer could budge it.
I nodded and this time I leaned back really far and smacked it. There was a sound this time, but it was of the cheap hammer's wooden handle breaking slightly in my grip.
There was no other sound. My wrist felt like it hit solid granite a mile thick and was painful and numb, too.
"Augh !" I dropped the hammer which thumped noisily on the wooden floor. I had my room upstairs so I feared my Mother would come up here to keep it down, but she didn't, apparently in the living room watching some nameless TV show from Cable.
I addressed Tyr standing back up, "Remember what Darvin found earlier before he vanished ? He wanted to show you that there was some kind of envelope encompassing - the air around us it seems ?"
I paused for a second before continuing and rubbed my nose as if that helped me think better, "Well, not just air, but all around. He couldn't test to see if it was true with the universe, but his experiments pointed that it did affect outside Earth; outer space."
I looked back down at the immovable cube which seemed to shimmer slightly. I blinked my eyes and attributed it to tiredness.
I then pointed to the opened envelope sitting on my bed where we removed the device from earlier. "He sent you a private package you remember, through certified mail. He definitely wanted to keep it a secret."
I then pointed to the strange thing plugged into the USB slot he sent which had a blue LED glowing in the darkness. There was a smaller yellow LED as well but it was not lit.
Facing Tyr again I continued, "I'm not sure what he found, but the letter was clear. There is some purple tangible substance he found by cracking this layer, this protective sheathe with the old laser equipment his Father brought home and he mentioned using, what was it ?"
* * *
"Right !" I said, answering myself. "Beryllium ! He used Beryllium to do it and somehow he found infinite combustion in the exposure."
"Clearly a forbidden and incredible find." I added.
I bent to look over some papers, my own personal notes on what we had found out so far about the plugin.
I shrugged, "We don't know if the aliens or gods did this to protect Earth from something, but we do know there is some layer protecting us and possibly other planets; what it's protecting us from, I don't know. We're skimming the edge of it and, as it would turn out."
"It's infinite, it does not diminish one pixel and is the very perpetual energy that mankind his been seeking all these centuries."
I took both my hands and raised them to show an imaginary ball to Tyr, then collapsed my hands upon it to demonstrate, "How he made this stuff is beyond me. Maybe he was a space alien himself ?" I laughed.
Tyr was silent listening so I continued, "Well right now we are using one of his programs called 'extenson' to generate matter, in a crystalline form to speak with his plugin.”
“Since the energy is infinitely powerful; infinitely stronger than Fullerines which as you know is metal made from pure carbon, it is impermeable."
"I doubt a nuclear bomb could so much as disrupt a single atom of it."
I then sat back in my chair where I could observe the glow from the plugin closer, "It's also supposed to have an infinite amount of file storage and operates infinitely fast on any computer to both retrieve and store data."
I fingered the plugin for a bit marveling that even it's outer casing didn't seem to be anything man-made.
I stood to face Tyr now. She had a thin innocent face making her look even younger than her actual age. She also had beautiful long fiery red hair and squarish coke-bottle glasses which really made her violet eyes shine beautifully.
And she seldom blinked so she wouldn't miss seeing something.
I always believed that made the difference between someone intelligent and someone not paying attention to the ever-changing world around them. You blink your eyes less in the world and you learn that much more about it.
While she wasn't quite the brainiac I was at investigating everything, she did make it her business to learn about things she knew she could directly benefit from, or take advantage of.
in a curious note, strange things also happened when we were together. She seemed to spend waking hours trying to find ways to embarrass or humiliate me, mostly in private.
Though if she was really mad at me for something would carry it on in public making a terrible scene out of it until I cried and then she would crow in victory. She could be a total pip like this at times.
Oftentimes I had no idea what I was doing wrong to her to behave like this which made her even angrier so in a way I would win at these little mind games of hers.
Or so I believed.
At times though she was so intelligent I often believed that she was twice my age. At yet at other times, like a spoiled rotten 5-year old girl who desperately needed a spanking.
It was hard to figure her out at times because mostly she was obnoxious to the point of criminal intent, that being the key description I gave her.
But curiously this was one of the endearing traits I loved about her, or at least I told myself that, and perhaps I felt that she was in her right to do so ?
She once told me that we complete each other, and with her maturity for some things and my maturity in others we almost made a single normal person. I laughed at that. We couldn't ask for a more perfect relationship ?
I smiled at her as she continued to listen and I related more, "The real application is perpetual energy. No more electric bills. We can run music, computers, TVs day and night !"
I was getting excited and waving my hands. Tyr smiled seeing I was getting a little out of control now.
But then I thought seriously for a minute, "Tyr, we can't let anyone know about this. The oil cartel market alone would kill us let alone out of spite to prevent this science from becoming mainstream.
“Imagine entire electric companies if they got their hands on this, or worse yet, the military. It would be the end of all life as we know it."
She finally nodded her head in agreement and yawned. Then she spoke in a cheery and endearing if not sleepy voice, "Let's get some sleep, Dev, it's too much thinky all brained-up in one night 'kay ?"
Telling me this she bid me goodnight and headed out my bedroom door. I paused for a moment listening. I heard the front open and close and it was quiet again. I knew she had left to go on her way home and I needed to get to bed myself. Crime was very low in the neighborhood where I lived and I knew she'd be safe.
I nodded sleepily, then removing the plugin, I placed it behind the secret brick I kept my other treasures in. I returned the brick back in place, turned off the computer, and crashed until morning ...
I'll be honest, I can completely agree with Tyr at the end of this chapter. There's a heck of a lot to try and take in here, and a lot of it I think might go over some people's heads. Berylium as an example, I haven't got the foggiest idea what it is other than being some kind of periodic-table-element.
I think with regards to Tyr though, I might be a little out of place to say this but saying she could be 'retarded' seems a little insensitive. Something like 'a little simple' might describe her better, so as to not be in any way offending anybody. But then, that might just be me.
I kept seeing your read requests for this and I just thought," what the blazes is it?" so, being intrigued by my newfound love of anime, I figured I would check this out. It might take me a while to get through though cuz I've to deal with studies and other reads. Pretty good man, and I look forward to seeing the rest of this. :)
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
Tyr has broken learning, a bit like me but not too many people know where my earlier handicaps came .. read moreTyr has broken learning, a bit like me but not too many people know where my earlier handicaps came from. :) Hers is pronunciation of words. Her own Mother taught her how to speak in her early years and because she has problems - Tyr does now too.
I chose Beryllium because my Dad did early experiments with it at General Dynamics (now called Lockheed). He came to me one time, all smiles, and asked me what would happen if a concentrated laser beam bounced off a disc of beryllium that was spinning at 100 revolutions per second ?
I said, I don't know. He said, it's not what you're thinking and left it at that, as his work at the time was classified. Since then I have always thought beryllium was used for top secret experiments regarding matter and lasers.
Glad you're seeing the story as Anime ! That is precisely the impact I tried to show.
I'll be honest, I can completely agree with Tyr at the end of this chapter. There's a heck of a lot to try and take in here, and a lot of it I think might go over some people's heads. Berylium as an example, I haven't got the foggiest idea what it is other than being some kind of periodic-table-element.
I think with regards to Tyr though, I might be a little out of place to say this but saying she could be 'retarded' seems a little insensitive. Something like 'a little simple' might describe her better, so as to not be in any way offending anybody. But then, that might just be me.
I kept seeing your read requests for this and I just thought," what the blazes is it?" so, being intrigued by my newfound love of anime, I figured I would check this out. It might take me a while to get through though cuz I've to deal with studies and other reads. Pretty good man, and I look forward to seeing the rest of this. :)
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
Tyr has broken learning, a bit like me but not too many people know where my earlier handicaps came .. read moreTyr has broken learning, a bit like me but not too many people know where my earlier handicaps came from. :) Hers is pronunciation of words. Her own Mother taught her how to speak in her early years and because she has problems - Tyr does now too.
I chose Beryllium because my Dad did early experiments with it at General Dynamics (now called Lockheed). He came to me one time, all smiles, and asked me what would happen if a concentrated laser beam bounced off a disc of beryllium that was spinning at 100 revolutions per second ?
I said, I don't know. He said, it's not what you're thinking and left it at that, as his work at the time was classified. Since then I have always thought beryllium was used for top secret experiments regarding matter and lasers.
Glad you're seeing the story as Anime ! That is precisely the impact I tried to show.
I remember you sending me read requests for one of the latest chapters and the book title caught me pretty quickly. I didn't want to dive right into the latest update, so I was like "Well, why not start from the beginning?" I read through this first chapter and I'm completely hooked. The aspect of the story so far is nothing ordinary and is unique enough to grasp readers such as I to want to know what /really/ happens. If you want nit picky details [Which I most time include in case writers want to know the negatives] is just to read over the piece again and fix a few grammatical errors such as "its" and "it's." To my preference, maybe it is just your writing style, but maybe lengthen the paragraphs a bit more in detail (?) I mean, it is just my opinion and obviously up to you since it /is/ your writing style. With that being said, I will keep reading this all out. [It might take me awhile with all highschool homework. Freshman honorclassesarereallytedious]
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
The first chapter is the hardest to read I think. I have to explain a universe fairly quickly and to.. read moreThe first chapter is the hardest to read I think. I have to explain a universe fairly quickly and to show Dev's obsession with end-results in high-resulting science and the cosmos. Tyr just wants to have a good time basically. }:>
As for it's and its. Hooph. Not too surprising I make errors in this myself. Sometimes I speak from what I'm hearing in my head and not even considering the spelling of it. :)
well... I started from this first chapter to understand the whole sory. it is a complex, airy-fairy, dodgy, science-fiction story, which both the characters, and your style of writing becoming it. I wondered the scene by myself and easily could grasp what was going on. as in some parts, I got baffled, and confused since it was hard to recognize the speaker, was it Tyr or him, I could not tell, so I prefer you taking a look back at the paragraphs to kinda fix them.
one more thing, if you accept, I bet it is hard to let your character speak to himself for that long, it may make you forget about the plot. what I mean is that you tresspassed the balance between story and plot. it was much of story with few action(plot) stages which made it go slowly from a part to another.
I will for sure keep reading and giving my opinions on the other chapters, as I liked the story and it really worth reading. by the way, I gave my opinion because I cared about the piece and wanted it to be more apt. thanks
Thanks for your encouragement. As for the convolution and confusion, this does not surprise me. Ther.. read moreThanks for your encouragement. As for the convolution and confusion, this does not surprise me. There are two things I don't do well. One of which is I use too many commas "," in my stories. The other is to try and describe a universe in a single chapter.
As for the mode of speech, since Dev is based very much upon me, on that - no, I definitely can and have talked to myself in length for a long time, especially on something technically based. And yes, I'm bipolar schizophrenic. :)
However, if you have some suggestions on how to improve this chapter I am certainly willing to listen as I can always learn from others.
11 Years Ago
not any more suggestions because to be honest I found it very tauchy that obliged me to keep reading.. read morenot any more suggestions because to be honest I found it very tauchy that obliged me to keep reading to know what may happen next. and because you very much like science fiction I can imagine how you are and how you look through dev, really I do, and since I liked Dev which may be your alter ego. all in all best luck I will go to the next chapter and review it.
11 Years Ago
I can't find the definition for tauchy, Hindi ? Perhaps I could cut down on the history lesson for t.. read moreI can't find the definition for tauchy, Hindi ? Perhaps I could cut down on the history lesson for this chapter. I will give it definite consideration. :7
hmm thanks for read req.
i liked the story, you have that much knowledge or searched or its watching movies :P on aliens.....
i will continue reading.
best wishes
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
I try to write my stories like you are watching a movie or video. Some books do very well with inner.. read moreI try to write my stories like you are watching a movie or video. Some books do very well with inner thoughts and complexity. I try to avoid that if I can. There is a narrator in my story, but I always try to give him a quiet voice and he only appears when absolutely necessary.
11 Years Ago
hmm i liked the way you write :)
11 Years Ago
Thanks ! I'll be posting a puzzle here pretty soon. Hope to see you there !
Some of the best challenges in this world are not just for your brawn but your brain. I was watching.. read moreSome of the best challenges in this world are not just for your brawn but your brain. I was watching some silly game shows with Rose this past weekend.
There was an instance where two contestants, clearly Americans and English speaking did not know what the word DECADE meant. I was astounded that sort of thing could even happen.
I am always learning new words every day. Me and Rose watch a movie or something, I like to have subtitles and when a word appears I don't recognize, I pause the video and Google the definition of it so I can commit it to memory.
Prritiy, our brain is for nothing else to learn and to teach. Often in that order. Work with our hands is good, but imagine our universe without,
[1] The Inclined Plane
[2] The Screw
[3] The Wedge
[4] The Lever
[5] The Pulley
[6] The Wheel And Axle
These 6 intelligent inventions changed the entire course of history and simplified work and production for everyone. The brain working with the brawn.
I think its really good but I also think it could use a bit more detail. above that its amazing
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
I'll be happy to accommodate ! What details would you like to know ?
11 Years Ago
I don't know its up to you I think you could describe a little more on where are and what is happeni.. read moreI don't know its up to you I think you could describe a little more on where are and what is happening
11 Years Ago
Hmm ... Well, I have a very comprehensive character synopsis for both Dev & Tyr. The other people th.. read moreHmm ... Well, I have a very comprehensive character synopsis for both Dev & Tyr. The other people they meet in the story are covered as well. That's about 50 pages though. I was hoping to save that for the end of the story.
Are you curious more about the background of Dev and Tyr, where they live, or the plugin device ?
11 Years Ago
yah I am curious about the background and the rest. I think that's would be good just a little bit m.. read moreyah I am curious about the background and the rest. I think that's would be good just a little bit more detail around the important areas.
Hmm, well, I'm not sure how to add to the story. This first chapter has been rewritten several times.. read moreHmm, well, I'm not sure how to add to the story. This first chapter has been rewritten several times. More of this initial chapter is revealed in later chapters as recollected memories.
Suffice it to say they have an extraordinary piece of technology that can, for lack of a better phrase, "grant all their wishes."
Now, while this might be the case, there are implications and impulses to consider. Tyr, for instance is very impulsive and essentially wants what she wants when she wants it. And if someone stands in her way, heaven help them !
Dev is rather the opposite. He is a mediator, a boy who tries to think things out logically and rationally. But because he has spent so much time on computers and learning science and math, he knows very little about the world and of girls.
The mix is an unusual one. Tyr takes advantage of Dev's naivety of the world including his sense of ego and identity. Dev sometimes teases Tyr with her lack of knowledge in the scientific area, or when she mispronounces her sentences.
Tyr is more interested in reaping the rewards from something rather than understanding it.
Dev is more interested in learning how something works and cares little for it's benefit to him.
Lilly is not yet in the picture.
That should be enough to get you going. Anything else should be explained in the chapters to follow. I can't explain everything all in this one entry both here and written above. The story is massive, already filling 3 full books and I'm working on a 4th.
Have patience. If you have questions in the chapters to follow though, feel free. This is just the opening.
11 Years Ago
wow that's a lot of writing. Well as long as people love it and you love it then that is all that re.. read morewow that's a lot of writing. Well as long as people love it and you love it then that is all that really matters. I think it's amazing and hope to read more soon. when I get the time. I'm working on chapter two at the moment part of it is a continuation of the first
I am putting this in my library and will read it when I can devote the proper amount of time to it.
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Well certainly, Annie. Thank you. As it is I will try to write up a new chapter in here each day (ex.. read moreWell certainly, Annie. Thank you. As it is I will try to write up a new chapter in here each day (except tomorrow). I'm taking Sunday off to visit my good friend, Chris. I will return, however, Monday and post a new Wit & Wisdom and Barrier chapter anew.
A good portion of me growing up is written in here too. It's difficult for me to tell a good story unless I can actually pluck and pull things from my own life so - know Barrier and know me. :)
I thoroughly recommend the novel, and anticipate reading beyond where I left it last time. It's a very well written story.
And it's a new thing for me to see the artwork by CPT-Plaid. It really is very good.
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
M - my ! Thank you Jed !! Goodness, well, I'm working on the next chapter. I actually have them all .. read moreM - my ! Thank you Jed !! Goodness, well, I'm working on the next chapter. I actually have them all saved now ready for publishing to Amazon Books, but since they'll appear here instead of there, I need to make a few touch-ups.
And yes, the next chapter will have included artwork from CPT-Plaid as well. Have to retrieve it first as what I was gonna publish in original Barrier only had my own artwork in it. (I just did the cover). I'll - PR you it.