TDM 05 "The Dream Machine"
A Chapter by dw817
The voice spoke again and was very patronizing, "Jerry is precisely where he needs to be, and he's behaving and being a nice boy, which is more than I can say for you. No, you are the direct problem." 
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The Lost Saucer
Can't Get Off This Crazy Ride !
September 2013 Written by David Wicker
Please do not reprint without
* * *
chapter is Rated: EVERYONE
was now trying a slice of pizza, really in truth quite making a pig
out of himself now and a bit slopped down the sides of the table, but
apparently no-one was going to notice or complain.
returned promptly from the weird flashing light room, apparently over
his headaches and saw Jerry and smiled, "And how are you liking
your food, young man ?"
"Ifsh derishus !" Jerry
said his mouth completely full of pizza.
"How nice."
Jasper replied in a curiously negative tone, but then saw Alice
sitting in a corner and approached her.
"Is there a
problem here ?" he inquired politely.
"This is a
prison." Alice said, and perhaps a little too loudly.
looked at her having swallowed his bite, "Huh ? You crazy girl,
this ain't no prison. This here is Heaven for sure !"
finished off his slice of pizza he was going for the ice-cream
Jasper looked at her and tilted his head at an odd angle
to address her quietly with a stern tone, "Interesting. You seem
to be more aware of what is happening here than your little brother
She shook her head, "He's not my brother, he's -
well I babysit him."
Jasper looked ahead and said in a
serious tone as if confused, "Baby." then a moment later,
"Sit." Finally, "Babysit." He looked to her, "You
sit on him ? Does he ever complain or tell you it is uncomfortable
Jerry laughed, "She better not sit on me ! Naaw
man, it means, well, she keeps me out of trouble - I guess."
raised up and approached the boy then with an oily and sincere smile
changed his demeanor to one of beatification, "But let me assure
you, you are in no trouble. No trouble at all ! Why you're quite
WELCOME here, Jerry !"
Alice groaned but Jasper ignored
her and watched carefully to see Jerry yawn.
Jerry covered up
his mouth and looked a little confused himself, "Man, I'm tired,
bushed. You don't mind if I lie down somewheres, do you old Jazz
Jasper's entire demeanor changed from one of servitude
to a most peculiar one, what was it perhaps, anticipation
"Absolutely !" he said emphatically. "A
comfortable room has already been prepared for you." and as he
spoke a side panel opened up and a pretty soft blue and violet light
shone from the adjacent room.
"Alice, you coming ?"
Jerry asked her still seeing her sitting on the floor.
I think I'll stay here." she said glumly, and kicked out one of
her feet from under her looking at the sumptuous dining table. She
was a little hungry, but she also knew the food was drugged and
that's why Jerry was sleepy and groggy now. It was all too easy ! She
hit the crystalline floor with the flat of her hand and wished for
the umpteenth time that Fi and Fum where there to rescue them.
Jerry stepped into the room to marvel at the pretty lights, Jasper
did a 180 and approached Alice and leaning down to her level spoke in
an intimidating voice, "Tell me, Alice. Is this what a
babysitter would do ? Stay behind ?"
Alice scowled at
Jasper who only smiled broadly at her and extended a hand to help her
She knocked away his inviting grip but did struggle to her
feet, "Oh, alright ! But I'm watching you, Jasper ! And Fi and
Fum are on their way to save us ! You know that, don't you ? And oh
you and - WHOEVER - are so going to get it when they arrive here
Jasper looked up at the ceiling for a moment and
nodded thoughtfully, "Yes, we did monitor some intra-space
interference earlier. But there is nothing to be worried about. We
have set up perimeter defenses around the complex. Let me assure you,
we won't - " and he turned to look directly down at her with an
amazingly intense smile, "that is - YOU won't be
Alice went into a panic and ran forward to
Jerry, "Jerry ! C'mon ! We gotta get outta here right now.
They're gonna do something bad to us ! Fi and Fum ! They're going to
rescue us, they've got to ! I just know they're gonna be here soon
But Jerry was staggering and felt like thick and rich
warm and sweet tapioca was filling his brain and said sleepily to
her, "Yeah we can be rescued all we want, but later, man, I'm
tired right now."
Alice persisted and jerked him around
to face her, but he shrugged from her grip, the thought of a
comfortable place to sleep overwhelming any other senses and walked
ahead of her where he couldn't see her.
Alice fell to her
knees in desperation, "Don't you see ! They drugged the food !
That's why you - " but she didn't get very far because Jasper
suddenly came up behind her and shone a strange rectangular acrylic
piece up against the back of her neck and she suddenly slumped over
on the floor, headfirst, silent.
He looked at her with a more
than disturbing smile on his face holding up the strange alien
contraption which was just a rectangular prism that reflected
prettily in the blue and violet light.
Quick as a wink he
dragged her out of sight still leaving her face down to stare
lifelessly at the floor and returned to Jerry who was now holding the
sides of the wall to steady himself from the dizzying effects of the
dreamer's drug.
* *
Jerry spoke but his
voice was a blur, "Huh ? Where - where's Alice ?"
examining the rest of the floor." Jasper said being completely
trueful with him, "How are you feeling, Jerry ?"
looked up and the camera closes on his eyes and you can see little
rainbow swirls glowing from them. "I'm feeling - groovy."
he said in an odd and dizzy voice.
Jasper smiled and took his
arm around to help him, "Indeed. Yes - well, here is your room.
Won't you make yourself comfortable ?"
Jerry looked and
the room was rather odd in truth. Blue and violet crystals and lights
shone above him twinkling in a slow and pretty hypnotic display and a
large futuristic and comfortable looking chair was positioned in the
center of the room facing a large blank screen in front of him.
thought there would be a bed, Jazz ?" Jerry slurred staggering
to approach the chair to support himself.
Jasper patted him
kindly on his back, "I think you'll find this is a most
comfortable chair." and without even asking him if he wanted to
try it, Jasper roughly assisted Jerry into it and hooks in leg
"Huh ? What are these for ?" Jerry asked
fighting to maintain awareness but now it felt like cool clear water
was rolling over his body and he just wanted to - swim - in
"To make sure you don't fall out. We would hate
for you to get hurt." Jasper assured him.
Jerry was now
becoming oblivious to everything around him and started to reach in
front of him. The camera shows Jerry's view as he imagines he is
seeing pretty colored flashes and sparks before his eyes. Jasper goes
over to a computer console and entered in some values to it.
this is really comfortable." Jerry said, his voice a bare
whisper now and finally his eyes closed and his head slumped forward,
exhausted from fighting the drug. A soft alarm flashed on Jasper's
console so went over to Jerry and raised his head back up again and
connected plastic braces around his cheekbones to hold him in place
with his head up. Then he takes his wrists and straps him down in the
Further he took a futuristic and beautiful crystalline
laser visor and connected it to Jerry's temple and ears. The large
display screen in front of him crackled with static and a white
circle with rainbow tendrils stream out of it like an ethereal amoeba
of consciousness.
Strange ghostly music floated down from the
ceiling and the camera concentrates on Jerry, how he is moving around
in the chair a bit uncomfortably, and then starts to slow, slow, and
his breathing becomes regular and slow. The music adds some
crystalline chimes to it, really lovely, and is obviously meant to be
The camera stays on Jerry who breathes slower,
slower, finally he moans pleasantly and is now quite clearly and
deeply asleep. Then the scene changes and the display screen swirls
with colors and light and finally shows Jerry outside having a picnic
with his Mother and Alice was talking to her, but the scene is too
bright and is very blurry.
Jasper went back over to the
console and hit some more controls and the picture grew darker, then
lighter, then sharper, and finally more colorful. He fine-tuned the
adjustments until the picture was as good as it could be, which in
truth was quite sharp, like you could step through the scene and join
The music enters a catchy riff and the floor around
Jerry's chair starts to ripple like ocean waves. Jerry sighs with
pleasure that is extended from an additional sound-box from a moment
in time to several seconds and is haunting, to say the least.
Jasper leaves the controls to go back to Jerry and places a thick
blanket over his torso. Then he goes over to a cabinet in the corner
and pulls out a vicious looking syringe. He attaches a needle to it
and reaches for a clear bottle that has a pretty luminous blue fluid
in it. He sucks that in through the needle and approached
Then he injected it directly into Jerry's neck.
Creepily Jerry's lovely brown mahogany skin tint on his face was
replaced by a completely neutral gray tone as a sinister theme sounds
over the crystalline music showing the severity of the action.
that the music resumes it's lively hypnotic gait, introducing a
pretty pan flute and Jasper pulled out a piece of yellow tinted
acrylic rectangle from his pocket and placed it directly against
Jerry's forehead. A soft beep sounded and a display appeared on the
flat end of the device. "Life expectancy, 786 years." it
Jasper smiles, "My, well, aren't you are the nice
young boy after all, plenty of dreams in that adolescent head of
yours. How wonderful !" Jasper commented to himself. "We'll
fetch a fine price for you indeed."
Jasper looked up
momentarily to the large screen to see the scene had changed and
Jerry was now outside with a girl about his own age and they were
flying a kite. A quiet voice could be heard over the enchanting music
of her cheering him on and suddenly she reached over to unexpectedly
give him a passionate hug as the kite soared higher in the air. Jerry
smiled slightly enjoying the dream, his face still looking
frightfully gray.
Meanwhile, back with Alice, she suddenly
jerked her head up and saw she had been moved into a dark storage
room really no bigger than her that had 6-sides to it but extended up
past her sight. She coughed and stood up, wiping her mouth from it
being on the floor and felt around trying to find a seam in this new
prison she was in.
But it didn't look like there was any way
out ! "Help !" she suddenly yelled and pounded on the wall
in front of her, "Help ! Let me out of here !" she said in
a more desperate voice. She coughed again and for a moment she
worried that she might run out of air.
* *
Back in space, Fi
and Fum were indeed no longer magnetized and were working over their
consoles back in the Lost Saucer.
"I don't get it !"
Fum said. "This old forcey-field thingie shore wasn't here when
we left earlier !"
"I know !" Fi agreed with
anger, "This is Earth, we got that far, but it's 20,000 years in
the future ! And they obviously don't want us going back ! But we've
got to find a way of rescuing those two ! Heaven knows what they're
doing to them !"
"Maybe we could time travel before
they got there ?" Fum offered in a random inspiration.
looked up for a moment as if baffled that Fum could say something so
intelligent in any part of his design.
Then she smiles wide,
"Wow ! Say, that's not such a bad idea ! Okay, let's do it !
Right, we'll need to lay out the calculations for it and then we
won't even have to back down there to get them because they'll
already be back up here with us !"
"If you say so."
Fum replied sounding confused again as if what he said earlier didn't
even make sense to him now.
Fi ignored his befuddlement, "Okay
Fum, Cross vectors Gamma 16 point 3 with Delta 14 point 9 !"
chief." Fum said and did as he was instructed.
Back with
Alice a panel on the side of the wall suddenly opened up revealing
bright light and a stern voice spoke authoratively, "You need to
be quiet in there and go to sleep now."
Alice was frantic
to see someone responded to her plea, "Please, you've got to let
me out ! There's been some - a terrible mistake, I need to find
Jerry. Have you seen him ? He's about this tall and -"
the voice interrupted her. "I might have seen him." it
answered cryptically.
Alice wasn't going to back down now,
"Well, he's a friend of mine, and he's lost and I need to find
him so you need to let me out of here now, okay ?"
voice spoke again and was very patronizing as a doctor might speak
with his mental patient who was delusional, "Jerry is precisely
where he needs to be, and he's behaving and being a nice boy, which
is more than I can say for you. No, you are the direct problem right
now. You threaten to upset our operations here. Just what kind of
girl are you anyways ?"
Alice ignored the question, "What
kind of - operation - are you doing here then ?"
of course." the voice answered with an imperious sniff. "They
are the only wealth left on this planet. Since the great Magellatic
war of the 160th century, mankind was stripped of their dreams. Those
survivors went mad you understand - with no dreams to lead or guide
them into the next day."
"There is great power in
dreams." the voice added in an almost sepulchral reverence. He
paused for effect.
Then the voice continued to relate the
history of the planet, "Without dreams, Mankind lost purpose in
life, for it was dreams that drove them to accomplish great things,
to invent new devices, to think up new ways of handling problems.
Without dreams we all but a race died out from - for lack of a better
word - EMPTINESS."
"But then one of our
world-renowned scientists came up with a way to help us.
Unfortunately it required a total restructure of the body's make-up
and the human brain at that point became expendable and
He added, "Today you could be punished
for free thinking against the government and have your brain replaced
with a lesser model, like our citizen, Jasper you met
Alice reeled at the concept, trading brains !
Maybe they wanted to take her brain out and trade it for another !
Now she knew she had to get out of here !
"What do you
want with us ?" she asked in a scared voice determined to get to
the heart of this madness.
Suddenly the panel opened up
noisily all the way and a face appeared, bearded and with a sinister
smile, "Your dreams of course, girl ! Nothing more !"
?" Alice tried to interject, glad to finally see her
interrogator, "But why can't you just - "
She was
interrupted by his voice which took on a condescending tone, "What
? Did you ACTUALLY think we had any concern at all for you snot-nosed
brainless ran-away-from-home whining little brats such as yourselves
He scoffed, "Why, we'd sooner deal with your kind
by shooting you down the nearest refuse cylinder with the rest of the
filth from this planet than have your cancerous ways injected into
our perfectly perfect society, girl !"
Alice had never
been talked down to so cruelly in her entire life and her mouth
opened in shock. She began to cry, slumping against the far side of
the wall. "Why can't you just let us go ... ?" she wailed
sounding more like a little girl now than she was before.
face suddenly jerked close, rather frightening really, and stared
intently at her with a terrifying leer and shook his head in mock
apology, "I'm sorry midear, but if you believe that is ever
going to happen then you are without a doubt - dreaming !" and
the voice laughed maniacally as Alice slumped against the floor
sobbing in misery.
The camera closes up on the doctor's
terrible face as he glares down at her motionless form, a few
dramatic riffs play. Alice puts one arm over her head to hide her
from the terrible eyes and the screen goes black for a moment before
white text appears in the center of the display that reads, "To
be continued."

© 2013 dw817
i LIKED IT! i don't know why bbut its the ones that I think I will not enjoy that I tend to enjoy the most!
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
This one had pieces from a nightmare I labeled, "Into The Pit Of Darkness." I work elements from it .. read moreThis one had pieces from a nightmare I labeled, "Into The Pit Of Darkness." I work elements from it into my Barrier novel. But the concept of being trapped in a 6-sided room was in there.
Glad you like it. If you're into the scary stuff, starting October I'll post my most terrible nightmares each week in lieu of Halloween called, "Campfire Tales ..."
11 Years Ago
Oh, BTW, did the font I selected for this chapter above appear for you, Shyann ?
11 Years Ago
no it did not appear
11 Years Ago
Yes, you reminded me. I need to get that special font removed. It's funny how it works. It always ap.. read moreYes, you reminded me. I need to get that special font removed. It's funny how it works. It always appears for the person who posts it (as the font is obviously installed on your computer). However, it may or may NOT appear for other users and the Internet browser they are using. Apparently it has something to do with whether or not the font is installed on their computer additionally.
Using custom fonts on the Internet is shaky at best. If it doesn't appear, it reverts to a default font which may or may not appear correctly. I'll go to change this chapter and the following to use the standard defaults.
1 Review
Added on September 16, 2013
Last Updated on September 19, 2013
Tags: davidw, time travel, slice of pizza, making a pig out of yourself, this is heaven, ice cream, babysitter, comfortable room, sleepy and groggy, condescending tone, staring at the floor, leg straps, wrist straps