These entries are Rated: TEEN
Here are 10 more unusual and bizarre dreams I have recorded. And like the others - they seem to go all over the place.

01. Dreamed
I built this box device, that would tell people what was going to
happen in the future. But it only showed half of it. So I modified it so
it would show full. It attracted this woman who called herself, "The
Centipede Lady" She was like an old woman and she said I had great
knowledge but I didn't know how to use it properly.
She started out saying, "Do you know the Bible ?" I said no. And she scoffed and said, "And yet men pretend to understand it."
then got angry and said I was tapping the secrets that were beyond my
control. She then said I needed to treat her as my own Mother. Then she
dragged me into a cave where all these horrible centipedes were. She
knew I was afraid and she said, "Run run if you don't want them to get
you !"
I jumped up on this table in there and there were thousands of
centipedes beneath. It was very scary. I woke up I was so frightened.
Definitely nightmares. Some kind of caterpillars in the bathroom. And
they were growing bigger by the minute. I took a hairbrush and smacked
them over and over again with the bristly part, hoping to skewer and
kill them. Nothing happened. They still kept crawling and getting
I grabbed one and tried to squeeze and kill them and this white fluff
came off. What was left was this wiry outline mesh of the caterpillar or
worm. With sharp edges and claws and was still alive. In the middle was
a pulsing red heart, apparently keeping all the wires going.
It was gruesome, much worse than the caterpillars. I woke up in fright.

Dreamed I was on a big trip going somewhere, waited till last minute. I
guess a long trip like 8-hours or something. And I started filling up a
little carpet bag with DVDs from some store. All kinds of movies and
stuff. Mostly Disney movies. Black Beauty, the classics.
guess I was 17-years old. There were 2-kids there. Age 11-12 I'd say.
And they were poking around and looking for something called the
Everything Toy. And I had no idea what this was. I knew at some level I
was running out of time and I had to get my belongings together for this
upcoming trip.
told myself don't wait until the last minute to get something done. I
knew with all these movies I would need a portable DVD player, but I
couldn't find one in this store at all. So I got cross and asked myself
why I was even packing DVDs without a player. I woke up laughing in
frustration, dream ended.

04. Incredible
dream my Dad was working on me, like I was a puppet. He was looking at
me and saying, I know you're still connected, and he went to the back of
my head and pulled out a plug, like you have for a vacuum cleaner. But -
I was awake, and I was alive. More so than even reality when I was
awake. It was an odd feeling, this super-living feeling.
was amazing. Dottie was there too. Then the dream changed and there was
14 people counting myself, all trying to take a shower, but there was
only one big public shower. I suddenly realized that it was not just
guys but girls and I - smiled - and woke up ending the dream.

05. A strange
dream. I was part of a special mouse's council, I was one of the main
elders. And I was helping some kind of contract about a cat who was
harassing us. So I made some rules that would cover 5-6 days for the
term, but the words I used for the ruling didn't make sense to me.
wanted to make sure there were no more cats. There was this building
that was full of cats. So I went to close the door so they couldn't get
out. When I did it started raining.
there was a loud meow down the alley. I went to investigate and there
was a little baby kitten and approaching it was a toy train, bright and
colorful. Apparently it scared the kitten. I said it's okay and the
kitten followed me.
got back to the council and there were these children, apparently the
size we were, of mice. One of them had this glove that fit on the hand,
but it was like a scorpion you put around your hand. It had pretty laser
lights on it. And they were waving to the left and right like they
didn't have control over it.
was scared someone was going to get hurt by it. Like their hands were
possessed. And me and the kitten were both scared. Then there was a new
memory. Some kind of engineer. And he was making a train. One that
traveled in the opposite direction, and somehow that would be more
I remember going to the tracks to wait for it, and it never showed, and then I woke up.

06. Dreamed
about a mystical place called, "Flower Valley" where I fell off of the
top of a table and slid underneath. And there were old electronics
there. Abandoned, forgotten, relics of our past. And there was food. And
I was supposed to feed the people there.
were kids all running around and I looked around and saw I was a girl,
not a boy. I don't have too many dreams like that. And everyone was
looking for me. I knew in my head I was exactly a mile and a half away.
And there was some reason for that but I can't remember what. A very run
down area.

07. I
was in Ridgmar mall walking around and people were dressed strangely.
And one asked me if I was real. I didn't know how to respond. One
believed in Teddy Bears, and they were all dressed up with Teddy Bear
shirts, pants, keychains, hat, etc. Another was all sexy with kissy
marks and lips, another it was like their theme was robots.
was some kind of carnival in the mall where I guess you got to dress up
as what you really liked. It was like their belief, their religion.
What they lived for. I looked down at myself and I was wearing the
plainest clothes imaginable. Gray shirt. Gray shorts, gray hat. It's no
wonder I was asked if I was real since I held no denomination in the

08. Dreamed
I was working in a flower shop. And my job was on the line cause I
didn't know Japanese. Finally I told myself that I need not applied for
this job but that I did need to learn Japanese as it seemed all the
citizens in my dream were Japanese and for some strange reason I didn't
know it.

09. Dreamed
I was at a party. There was a fog mister and there were dots on the
ceiling like stars. And a party was taking place. And for some strange
reason I needed to take a shower while the party played on. So I went to
the bedroom and I noticed everything was moved out of it. It was
exceptionally clean, like ready for another tenant or family member.
very empty. I saw some oriental people in the background watching me
look at the empty room so I asked them, did you do this ? Then a new
memory hit me. This is my room ! One oriental man started running at me
top speed and jumped through the skyline above me. Very agile. I woke up
and found myself staring at the ceiling for him to come back down.
felt myself drifting asleep again and dreamed of strange glasses that
you could adjust yourself for any vision. You rotated the lenses and
told yourself, better, worse, better worse.
10. Dreamed
about climbing stairs. Going up them, constantly. Eating lunch on the
stairs, reading, everything is high up in the air for some reason.