Gumball is a cartoon series where animation, paper-cutouts, claymation, hand puppets, videogame sprites, and even everyday fruit from the supermarket all live together in a little town called Elmore.
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As you know, or should, I've been watching this neat new Cartoon Network series called, "The Amazing World Of Gumball."
In it you can find Richard, a large pink rabbit - and not very bright, the Father of the family.
Nicole, an overprotective and stern blue cat - the Mother, who works for the Rainbow Factory.
Gumball himself, the son, a cat - who is always full of crazy ideas and getting into trouble.
Darwin, Gumball's pet fish - who sprouted legs and is now considered a member of the family.
And lastly, Anais, the daughter - a little pink rabbit who proves to be the smartest of them all.
They live in a crazy world where paper-cutouts, claymation, hand
puppets, videogame sprites, and even everyday fruit from the supermarket
are their acquaintances and neighbors. To find out more you can read
about them in Wikipedia HERE.
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