End Days - Ch # 03 "Tapestry Unwoven"

End Days - Ch # 03 "Tapestry Unwoven"

A Chapter by dw817

  End Days - Ch # 03  


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© July 2013 Written by David Wicker
Please do not reprint without permission


But it was not really Heaven, but a POCKET of Heaven. And there was music and singing that I heard (and I'll detail that later).

Inside the sphere both me and my mysterious friend are are floating before what appears to be a large stained-glass window, and it is clearly brighter than the sun, brighter than anything I had ever seen, and yet in this brightness I can make out facets in it, like diamonds miles deep.

And there is a "crystal-calling" deep within me, which I have not felt for more than 2 decades.  While my mysterious friends stays where she is, shrouded in the violet fog, I reach out to the stained-glass window, eager to touch it, and a small piece of it, a crystal, yields itself to my touch, and appears in my hand.  It was flat and long like a tall dodecahedron.

Finally the other unknown person, seeing it appears relatively safe, steps forth herself, still shrouded in the fog to hide her identity, and pulls out a piece as well to examine, returning back to where she stood originally to look at it.

I look to my own piece and see that it is beautiful beyond all measure. It as if my eyes have been sleeping since I was born and now they are awoken to see new colors that I had never seen before. And like anything new, it hurt. The colors were so unique and so incredible that it hurt my eyesight to look at them. Clearly beyond infrared and ultraviolet and beyond.

Then the crystal changes shape, to one of an acrylic receiver like from a phone. I laugh and oddly I feel it vibrating and can hear a soft ringing. God is calling me, or something is. Clearly. I pick up the receiver and speak quietly in it, "Hello ?"

There is a voice on the other line, but instead of it being tinny like on a speaker it is deafening and booming and doesn't even come from my receiver, "I am worth nothing and everything, little one, if that is of use to you."

Clearly the Being read my innermost thoughts and realized, if at even a small level, I was wondering how much the crystal I had in my hand was worth.

I set down the receiver back in my hand and it changes shape to that of an empty bowl. I hoped it wasn't a symbolic meaning of my spiritual growth, an absolute absence. But I answered the Being nonetheless.

"Well, ahhm, I wasn't thinking of selling you, you know, not really."

The being laughed but did not reply so I continued, "No, just this." and I turned the bowl over to see the same complex color latticework, lovelier than the brightest Mother-Of-Pearl and more detailed than the veins of a leaf.

"It is beautiful." I finally say breathlessly. "This - you have given me, is lovelier than anything I have ever seen."

There was a slight rumble of the sphere before the being spoke again, "Then you may keep it, little one.  Only never never trade or sell it. Show it to others if you like that I may see their Faith in me through the eyes of the - " and the being paused for a moment before finally saying, "crystal."

Clearly what I had was not crystal then but - something else, and likely something more valuable than the likes of which Mankind had never seen in his existence.

I nodded and the voice continued, "I have called you here."

I listened but the voice didn't add anything further. I was beginning to ask a question when the sphere boomed loudly this time and I knelt down on the group to put the bowl between my knees as I covered my ears.

Then the being spoke in a serious and commanding tone, "It is time." And as the being finished His sentence, there was a crack of thunder above me, as if it were possible for a storm to brew and collect inside the sphere. While it was beautiful for me, a portal opened up in the Sphere and I could see the Earth.

How - beautiful it appeared from space. I remembered the lyrics to the song, 'God is watching us, from a distance.' Perhaps there was something to learn from these words now ? Was it possible that God, by watching us at a distance, only saw this lovely shining marble in our galaxy.

He knew mankind was on it, likely perpetrating every crime and then some. But He told Himself, it is okay. They are fine. But - I am not going to look. I don't want to shatter the illusion. I want to believe mankind is as beautiful as I made him so many years and years ago.

Then suddenly the energy crackled above me again and hurled out of the sphere to lash out like a tight-fitting vice across the entire Earth and dissipated rapidly, although a slight tinged blue glow continued to appear, as if the Earth were in a vice now and awaiting judgement before it was squeezed like a grapefruit.

I swallowed in fear and the being spoke again, quieter, "It is time - to start over - this tapestry is complete. While there are a great many things I do like about it and you little ones, there are far more too many other things I =DON'T= like about it."

I kept silent and it was like an ancient glowing scroll appeared before me and my guest. "There were only two things I asked of you, and you could not follow either of them."

Then spidery writing appeared in the scroll, as if it was being burned by the power of the sun itself. Two lines of text appeared as the being remained silent in their writing.

1. You did not listen to my ancestors.

2. Their commandments were not followed.

Being explained, "While I do love you all my children, I am - disappointed. As a Father may be disappointed about His own children who did not listen or obey. And I have long been absent from you. Mankind is long overdue for DISCIPLINE !"

Suddenly the 'vice' around Earth tightened and while I couldn't see it, I could sense it, several millions of people screaming out for mercy from the unknown energy band around the planet.

I had to say something ! "Well, God, I - "

But He interrupted me, "You may call me that if you wish."

I paused in my thoughts, "You mean, you're not God ?"

"Proceed !" the being spoke angrily, clearly losing patience with me.

"Well, ahhm, God, does this mean we are all doomed to everlasting damnation then ? There's nothing we can do about it ?"

Then the being chuckled slightly and I smiled, glad that we weren't toast just yet.

"Nothing so serious as that, little one. While there is most definitely a hell, even with the heavy load of sins you believe to carry yourself, it does not justify all that you see foreboding before you."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Being continued, "No ! Hell is reserved for those truly unpitying people, those murderers who feel no shame or remorse and will murder again. For those manipulating others humans' emotions year after year with subtle tortures to drive them - as you call it - crazy. That is evil. That is real evil in your world. It has it's place. And it's place is not mine ! NOT in my Kingdom !"

I nodded for the being to continue.

Then He sounded happier, "No ! in fact, I am very proud of you, little one." and the crystal bowl that was upended in my hand suddenly bounced out of my open palm and soared quickly over to my 'friend' as if to survey her. When I looked down at my palm again, I saw the bowl was still there as if it had never left. For a moment I wondered just WHO He was proud of. Me or my mysterious friend.

"How so ?" I politely inquired to see if I could get the answer to this.

Being then thundered His voice, "Unlike others that sin and feel no shame or remorse, you DO sin, and ask forgiveness, and acknowledge TO YOURSELF that you are human, and will undoubtedly sin again and will UNDOUBTEDLY ask forgiveness again."

My bowl suddenly turned back over on it's own, still showing it was empty as He continued, "You have come to terms with your frail mortality, little one; your very marked and limited humanity. And you didn't feel the need to receive my blessing of eternal life because of the self-persecution you constantly and consistently place upon yourself."

Then his voice echoed as if it were an 11th Commandment added to the known 10:

It is those who do not ask for me are those who will receive my Blessing. And those who DO ask for me to help them in their hour of need will receive my SILENCE and NOTHING !

I tilted my head at a quizzical angle, not really understanding the logic of this.

He lowered his voice and continued, "It is this humble act that places you very much in the palm of my hand."

I look around and suddenly realize that I am no longer standing on the surface of the Sphere
but someone's very LARGE palm of a hand, not black, not white, clear, like crystal. Curiosity overcoming my fear, I bend down and touch the palm, realizing it is flesh like mine, but I smell something like wonderful Sandalwood besides.

I felt comfortable He was talking about me now. The being continued, "Further, unlike others that have either accepted or denied their Faith completely, you are one that has questions, questions outside what any amongst you can answer."

And then I hear Him rumble with laughter, "And I do so like a good challenge."

So as I'm listening, for just a moment, I'm not afraid. I wonder - just wonder if God, He, this being, is naught but Man but in a different light, a different spectrum, as if we sometime in our own future might make a lesser man in our own image ? That hurt my head to think about it.

But I had a more important question right now, "What of the Earth, God ? The tapestry, you said it is done ? Can it not continue ? Perhaps mankind can change ? We could - "

But the being interrupts me and his tone of friendliness quickly changes to one of condemnation "No ! It cannot continue. The tapestry is DONE !" The 'sky' above me crackles with thunder and a beautiful rain falls. And the rain is healing. As if water in the world I was clearly had to be the most pure substance in all the universe.

Just then the empty bowl I had been holding all this time had something appear in it. At first it appears to be a small pebble. Truly inferior to all the glory around me. But then it shines with an inner light. And grows slightly. Little rivulets of blue and green encircle it in lovely detail. In a short amount of time I realize that I am witnessing the birth of the Earth !

It passes so rapidly. Peering down I look and see tiny movement. Clearly the dinosaurs roaming the Earth but also strange creatures that mankind has never cataloged before. Then smaller dots. I look harder, which shouldn't be possible considering the Earth was only the size of my hand but I see monkeys and other small animals filling the Earth.

And then there is a massive meteorite, like a hologram, which smashes into the Earth, but this is not the Ice Age, something ... else. All the animals change. The strange creatures start to take familiar shape. It is as if the meteorite is a catalyst of radioactivity, of CHANGE. I - don't know who sent it or why but I feel in my bones that it was not an accident.

And then the monkeys change too. And become ... man. And then mankind has his petty squabbled. Clearly at first it is the cavemen who believe the lightning in the sky is a sign from the spirits, and others believe that it is a naturally occurring science. And WAR breaks out.

Terrible - bloody - war. Of all kinds. War over beliefs, war over territory, war over property, war over the most insignificant of things it made me wonder if all the great generals in the world were not so much infantry and infantile. I laughed at the notion, but from what I saw, I fully believed it, especially right now.

And then it was as if the bowl cracked around me, and I cried ! I cried for the bowl, I realized now the bowl was not so much a piece of God as it was a piece of me. The deep within me, that cried when others were hurt, cried when others were abused. I cried more for the hurt of others than the hurt I received and ignored and that was the deepest sorrow of all.

I saw terrible terrible things then. All of life's atrocities, all throughout time.

Someone being force fed in pieces into a wood chipper. Someone getting run over by a car and the driver backs up again to make sure to finish the job. Someone being mashed up in a trash compactor.

A young underage girl being bloodily killed and raped, in that order.

I wasn't the only one suffering from watching this. Being's hand around me, the sky, all the beautiful colors, began to fade. Darkness started to swallow everything up and I felt the darkness touch me, and BITE me, as if my soul was a savory thing for it to devour and consume and digest and later expel out of it's rectum into the void.

I bit my lip so hard it bled and I cried out, "Please don't leave me !"

But my plea was not answered and the atrocities of mankind swirled out of the bowl, to hit me, in my heart, in my head. I heard the whirr-chk-chk-chk all over again. The mathematical perfection of evil, the calculation of absolute emptiness, and the screams of the damned.

The bowl was glowing red-hot in my hands now but I continued to look into it and fear and lamented what I saw.

Suicide ! Someone was committing suicide by letting a train run them over. Someone committing suicide by jumping from a tall building. Then someone was selling bloody human body parts in a remote city, far from where I lived. A woman with jet black hair and defiance met the guillotine. Someone was paralyzed in war from their wounds, yet continuing to live, and were buried alive.

A malformed baby was being born from a drug-addicted mother.

I couldn't take any more of this ! I shrieked out loud, "No more, please !"

And ... it only stopped, when I wept into the bowl. The bowl collected my tears. It was if a forest fire totally out of control had large water drops from the sky fall, to cool, to quell, to calm, the fury of what we call the darkest of mankind. But the bowl is not fully healed.

The cracks remain, the scorch marks remain, and even though I have cried enough to fill several tablespoons, the bowl DOES NOT HEAL.

But fortunately, the light around me returns. And I shiver, it was as if I was so cold, as if I were already dead myself without the healing light. And I felt an odd strength within me. As if for a moment I shunned all of mankind. For the first time I felt judgmental ! Me ! Of all things. I wanted to punish mankind for all his crimes against each other. Peace-loving that I was.

For a moment I realized something. Being, God, whatever it was whom I was talking to right now. =DID= have absolute compassion, did have absolute love, but it could be tested. And what better way to stretch it than with the contemptuous acts of mankind.

And in that thought, that truly showed me just how corrupt mankind was that I, as much as I kept my head buried in the sand, =I= wanted to do something about it.

I cried more and the bowl dissolves around me, like spun sugar, it's course run true.

I see the familiar hand beneath me, holding me, supporting me. Apparently having never left, if only the being blew out a soft candle so the shadows could frighten me. Like a small boy just out of his diapers. The darkness frightened me. And my Father was showing me the darkness at the most loving and gentle level imaginable. I felt so very and terribly vulnerable at the clear kindness he shown me.

The wisdom. The way the world really was. And I most definitely was NOT ready for it. I cried. I wanted to stay in the playpen that this being made for me. I wanted to stay forever and NEVER learn any more about man and his atrocities. I wanted - forever - to be innocent.

And I believe that was the lesson I was to learn.

Seeing I had His audience again I spoke wiping the tears from my eyes, "I'm sorry, it's just, I can't, watch, these. They are SO wrong."

The being spoke and if I could sense a smile in His voice, it was now, "You know, I feel the same way, little one."

"WHAT ?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing ! God ? All-powerful God was frightened of man ? That - made no sense at all ! I mean, if He was all-powerful and all-knowing ... but then for a moment I realized, maybe that is =OUR= interpretation of the truth and not the truth itself.

Being continued seeing I was eager to learn the answer to this paradox, "Understand, little one. Sometimes I am not there in these situations as well. If there is GREAT evil, then I may not WANT to be there. They bother me, and my light may not shine for these events. It is regrettable, but I am only - "

And then it is as if there is a 2nd voice, not the being's. And for a moment I see MILLIONS of God or Gods. As if my tiny human brain could not comprehend what it saw. And =ONE= of them approached the one speaking to me and whispered in His ear. Clearly to NOT say something. And because of this, the being did NOT complete His sentence. Leaving me to wonder what the conclusion to the sentence would be.

"Forgive me." He said. "You - are not ready for this yet."

Finally the being spoke again, "Little one, please understand, I DO care and DO love you all, but
I too am enriched with human emotion. Something you children may not have ever considered. I too, feel love, hate, sorrow, repulsion, anger, and curiosity."

As He spoke the bowl re-appeared in my hand. And I realized now if I didn't realize it before, the bowl was a mirror, a way of seeing myself for somehow I was linked and am linked to all the people in the world and am also linked to every living thing, including the being, including the being that spoke to Him, and including all those other beings I did not understand.

And the bowl was only empty because my eyes could not see that it was in fact, filled. But I was blind to this.

And then the being spoke in a more serious voice, "Watch, little one. The loom of your world has long since grown ancient with dust and decay. Watch - as the tapestry is unwoven .... !"


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© 2013 dw817

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Featured Review

i am awestruck, many questions raised their head while i read this as it does often, i thought i might answers but then this was your dream not sermon :)

you have written it wonderfully and i was thinking wow you have written the conversation too :)

i liked this dream too much :) you must have felt the pain yet blessed on being a part of this

best wishes.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

(reading more)
And - to be fair this story is not a friendly nor funny one. It's rated TEEN an.. read more

11 Years Ago

did anyone say its funny? it never seemed to me.

11 Years Ago

Nope, not this one. I'll save the mirth for Barrier and other silly writings of mine. :7


i am awestruck, many questions raised their head while i read this as it does often, i thought i might answers but then this was your dream not sermon :)

you have written it wonderfully and i was thinking wow you have written the conversation too :)

i liked this dream too much :) you must have felt the pain yet blessed on being a part of this

best wishes.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

(reading more)
And - to be fair this story is not a friendly nor funny one. It's rated TEEN an.. read more

11 Years Ago

did anyone say its funny? it never seemed to me.

11 Years Ago

Nope, not this one. I'll save the mirth for Barrier and other silly writings of mine. :7
"Speechless". Iam sorry I can't say much to appreciate you and your idiosyncrasy and your finesse but still I just want to say that this is just stunnigly awesome and thought provoking and impeccable. I didn't even wink until I finished the whole chapter. It is really…so strong in its theme and in its words which are making it a masterpiece altogether. I love how you describe things in such a perfect and and such a sublime style that they appear to be so vivid. Now I think I wasn't actually reading but was watching it through your words.

You are are really an awesome writer and really inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The dark story

11 Years Ago

It is true that we can describe things impeccably if wecan actually perceive them. I am never goos a.. read more
The dark story

11 Years Ago

*good* sorry about that

11 Years Ago

I refer to a thesaurus, especially when I am rewording chapters for my books. I do this all the time.. read more
Hi dw817. This was an...well, an interesting work of fiction. I appreciated the moral issues that you wished to address in your theme...it was well thought out and you seemed to have a vested interest in the point that you wished to get across.

That being said, however, I found that, while reading your piece, I felt myself getting lost at times, in addition to which, I found my attention wandering. However, I think the reason for this was because in many parts of your story, you were trying to tell the reader what was going on rather than showing the reader. It is all very well and good to have a higher being explain the situation as it stands, but it sounded very much like a lecture and, as I am sure you know, people only seem to attend lectures if they have to. Perhaps you should try involving your character in the moral issues presented above rather than having it explained to him (and to the reader).

Furthermore, you lost me a bit with the jump in the main character's surroundings. I was taken a back when all of a sudden he was on the palm of God's hand. It was too massive of a jump to be credible, but perhaps I am in a minority in that respect. Also, I found myself thinking, if he is on God's outstretched palm, why doesn't he just look up and see what God's face looks like. I would think that that would be the first thing that any normal person would do.

Overall, however, I appreciated the time you invested in trying to get your message across but I would strongly suggest that you aim to "show" the reader that which you want them to grasp rather than just telling them.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Oh, and it's not done yet, there are still 2-more chapters. :)
Ashleigh Nicole Evans

11 Years Ago

Okay, let me be the first to admit that I overlooked your comments about this being a dream prior to.. read more

11 Years Ago

It's just a dream. I'm posting another one here in a minute I had from last night called, "Fairy Lip.. read more
I enjoyed your style in this, you describe what is going on with just enough to set what you want set in our heads. Great job!

Posted 11 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Umm ... ??? That's just what Mark said.

11 Years Ago

well i agreed thats all
Amazing write! I can't wait for the next chapter

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Hi Wolflover. Well let's see now - I see Rose this Saturday. There are 5-total chapters to this stor.. read more
I'm tired right now. I got about half way through and am getting drowsy. I don't often read stories anymore. Attention span has shrunk :(

I enjoy your straight forward style though, you describe what is going on with just enough adornment to set what you want set in our heads.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Well thanks for getting as far as you did. *Grin* I don't do quite as much poetry. Most of the poetr.. read more

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6 Reviews
Added on July 9, 2013
Last Updated on July 11, 2013
Tags: davidw, Antarctica, bible, angels, devil, end days, prophetic, who is god, philosophy, theology, end of days, end of the world, end of times, prophecy, vivid dreams, restless dreams, apocrypha, armageddon



Fort Worth, TX

